Brute's Fury proc
It will check for each target but once it fires off it wont fire off again from that use.
So if its in foot stomp and it activated off the very first enemy it checked than it wont check for the rest.
Also, putting these in fast powers is the last thing you want to do. The chance to fire drops depending on recharge. I'm not entirely familiar with the formula or exactly how they work but apparently a single target power with a recharge of 8 or more seconds will make it guaranteed to go off.
I have no idea how this would work in a damage aura. the targeting would be the same but im not sure how the chance to fire is affected.
I believe that it was figured out that a power with a 12 second recharge before any recharge reduction is applied would work best.
Footstomp isn't bad if you're regularly fighting large numbers of mobs. But in that scenario your probably want Armageddon-5 and the FF proc. You'll have better results in KO or Haymaker (assuming you use haymaker, that is.)
In a Damage Aura, your proc chance is the same as a power with a 10 second cycle time. For the regular proc, that's 66% chance every 10 seconds. For the Superior its ~83% proc every 10 seconds. Overall, it's a weak place to put the proc, better off in a slow ST attack.
You can never get more than one proc per "activation", regardless of the number of targets hit.
How about Burn? How does it work in that? Is that a good idea ?
My fury bar is always maxed out and when it drops, it shoots back up very quickly.
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And I also have my fury of the glad proc in Blazing Aura... hmm should I move that too?
And I also have my fury of the glad proc in Blazing Aura... hmm should I move that too?
As far as the Fury proc, it was my understanding that it worked best in a quick recharging power. I spam Burn like crazy so I figured it was my best bet.
For what it's worth, I love my build and this is (at the moment) my most fun toon to play.
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Or maybe I should do KO blow since that is available at 8? Hmm, I didn't realize this proc scales with recharge.
So a 25 second recharge proc like KO blow = guaranteed to go off ?
Or maybe I should do KO blow since that is available at 8? Hmm, I didn't realize this proc scales with recharge.
So a 25 second recharge proc like KO blow = guaranteed to go off ? |

Hopefully someone else can chime in on that regard.
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Some changes coming for ATO procs so that they'll use the actual recharge time to calculate it's proc % instead of base recharge.
Devs are raising PPM nos. to compensate but it still means current thinking can't be relied on past Issue 24.
Hopefully this change will arrive with a free respec.
This might be a stupid question, but I tend to be a stupid individual, so here we go:
Does the Brute's Fury proc per cast, or per target. I.E., would it be smarter to have it on a fast power like Jab or a AoE power like Foot Stomp. Is it possible to slot on a damage aura, and what would the result be?
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