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I want a build that can utilize tons of damage (as well as some other useful) procs in both their primary and secondary. So I need a primary that can be uber PROCted and a secondary which can make use of procs (with powers that recharge fast to get the number of chances up).
Through a little mids research I came up with a rad/cold corruptor. Is that as good as it gets? -
This thread made me play my Invul again. It is a cheap way to soft cap and basically makes a Invul tank or Brute a premiere farming toon. Its like Granite without the slow or -damage/recharge.
http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=126983 -
I need to respec my Sonic/Pain dom so I can buff in Freedom Kickball events, since I have never played a true team buffer I have some questions...
I assume both sooth and share pain should be required. Is it helpful/needed to put range in each of these heals (I imagine playing 8v8 it would be helpful on big maps). If so how many range slots.
With the changes to mez is enforced moral needed?
I plan on taking stealth+stealth IO to be at cap. I also want to take mako for hiber because the build Im working on can not fit all 3 powers to get phase. However grant invisi or invisi would give me another place for some KB protection since blessings are expensive yo. I can fit phase if I drop enforced moral and screech.
My build is not set in stone so if the player base can guide me in a better direction I would appreciate it.
Thanks in advance. -
The days of brutes being a little dangerous went with the ET nerf. Taunt can still be disruptive...
Awesome time last night in the Kickball. I will start playing support (I have 50 sonic/pain dom and 50 ill/kin already on freedom although Im going to need some help with the builds)
Thanks for letting me run my scrappy last night. -
Does benumb still decrease knockback resist or did that change with the powerboost "fix"?
This is my favorite PvP toon (and PvE).
It will never survive like a regen but thats why you take phase...also stealth and invisi let you drop in knockback IOs.
My build is getting up there in price and has no purps or PvP ios.
I went with Pyre mastery because of the synergy with FE. However that does make me miss high defense toons and leaves me without a perception toggle.
Heat Exhaust and minus endurance guts you but you can say that about half the builds in the game (and if you go power you can get Conserve Power and physical perfection)
Fire/Fire does great in zone and arena, sometimes I feel like a blaster with healing flames. -
I like the idea of moar regen with a plant set, specifically because i tried to weed my yard only to have the vines regenerate in 2 weeks...
I love my fire/fire/pyre scrap. Sure he dies a lot and sometimes can't hit the broad side of a barn, but when it works I feel like a blaster with healing flames!
Personally, I think */fire needs the conceal pool for kb ios and phase. -
I played arena last night and must say that in 8v8 the phasers seemed better off than my hiber. Also the best dom was scorpion.
In 1v1 against a therm hiber worked well for me. -
Quote:Sell is the thermOut of curiousty what server do you pvp on and when and where. I know I have pvped with you way back in the day back on Justice and I have pved with a few times on Freedom. I don't really recall seeing you around anywhere recently. If you aren't pvping on freedom, imo, you really aren't getting a feel for where pvp is at atm. It amazes how well my crappy builds can still pvp on Justice while on freedom unless I have at least put some effort into it I can really feel it lag behind. Especially if anyone with any amount of skill is around.
Get tl;dred bishes.
I PvP on Magnet Man (Grav/elec dom), Stand-up Comic (sonic/pain corrupt), and Hott Sauce (fire/fire scrap) on freedom. -
Quote:I played a ice/energy in the swiss tourney that used the ray to great effect. I'm not sure if we know the same dom's however I played a good fire/fire that made the change from scorp to hiber. Also the girl who everyone says is horrible, that I have seen beat a very active elec/therm did so because of hiber. Mr. Mentality had hiber and in my opinion he was one of the best.Let me take a shot at this as well.
Not true at all. Two of the better doms in game still use scorpion. And a few others who only play spordically at best do as well. I would call all those players elite.
Quote:Handy power to have yes. Most powerful power in the game is a huge leap though. Stuff that I would rank far ahead of hibernate include placate proc, confuse having its own supression timer, ranged damage from melee toons, the continued busted nature of fear after all this time. There are more those are just ones I can think of right away. While I know it can be frustrating not getting a kill you think you earned, someone had to pick a specfic pool, sacrfice power choices and not be brain dead enough to turn the power on then be able to escape after standing still for 30ish seconds in front of someone. If you put someone in hiber and can not figure out how to kill them before no phase wears off you not only don't deserve the kill, you probably were not going to get it anyway.
Quote:sure how foten you read/post around these parts but he does kinda nerf herd. I do respect everyone's right to have an opinion to offer up suggestions. But honestly I stand by my terp's seem to have a fite klubbers mentality. He wants to balance more on the 1 v 1 scenario which imo is the reason we have this trash pvp we have atm. He has also made asinine comments about how the stalker at ruins the game and should be comepletely revisted to ever get to any point of balance in pvp. He can claim he didn't say it that way or didn't say it at all, but I will always stand by my memory when it comes to such things.
Quote:a sarcastic line on the end does one of two things, it either makes you look like a troll or clueless. Seeing I know you aren't clueless I will just leave it be.
Quote:hope sentry4 rolls in here and mutlipost replies to you, thats even better than double spacing. -
Quote:Not to speak for him but I was trying to give you all insight into a possible reason Terp may really hate hiber.I feel like ripping posts apart cuz I can't play CoX
Well, umm, who care's?
Quote:, hibernate is garbage, only two good reasons to take it really 1. Being the ability to restore HP without incurring heal decay 2. Fact that its the only "Escape" power a toon can get, and it really isn't all that great for escape, and still be able to get perception.
Quote:Its also the only power that, for the most part, is a death sentence in zones, and in arena 1v1s, the other guy uses [Rest] and it all happens again. Do I see much OP-ness here? Not really.
Reseting the situation where PvPer 1 made PvPer 2 Hibernate repeats itself as soon as Hibernate drops, Thus, this time they don't have hibernate.
Quote:Puff Pass. Yes there is a knack for knowing when to Hiber, but thats the same skill that is used when "Knowing when to phase" aswell.
Quote:for duels decided by who hibered better?
I have yet to see them.
Quote:never really meant to rag on him, I'm just a lil annoyed at the fact that people are tryin to "nerf" hiber when stalkers are doing more ranged damage then some of the blaster primaries.
Quote:And I now think its time for you to not talk anymore. At least terps was thought-out and honest.
Terp is my friend and I don't think his statements warrant the backlash he was given. All of us can be outspoken about things we care about and the forums (in my opinion) is a venue to share that voice. -
Once upon a time there was a tanker that thought he was the greatest because of hibernate. He would challenge good melle's to duels then hibernate half the match and talk shite. This is when the term hibernoob came into existence. Terp may have coined the term.
Hoarfrost is good but hibernate makes the Cold Mastery pool the shiznite for blasters.
All elite doms take mako (although I have seen some bubs lately)
It is possibly the single most powerful power in the game. Which in my opinion is why they gave it to so many archtypes.
Hibernate is a reset button that is up often.
I will say that I have seen many duels that were decided by who used hiber better, so I guess there is some skill in knowing the right time to hiber.
I'm not really sure why everyone is ragging on terp when he is just giving his opinion. He is not a nerf herder.
I think they should take fireball out of the pyre mastery and replace it with Heat Exhaust.
Please double space your response. -
I don't understand how these recipes are rare. Everytime there is a death in RV, there is a following broadcast about how the winner got some kind of PVP IO...
One positive I see for power customization in PvP is the ability to "mark" targets that are caged. (ie different color dimension shift, blackhole, and the sonic/FF cage bubble.) May allow your team to not waste attacks and move quickly to other targets.
I put rectified recticle in Build-up hoping that I could get some +perception because i am losing Foccused Accuracy (due to Pyre epic) and all my pools are used up (concealment, SJ,SS, fitness).
I tested it in RV and it seemed to make no difference in my perception after I popped Buildup.
I can't find +perception in Mids to see if it is working.
Does anyone have any information on this?
I want the pyre epic for my fire/fire/pyre scrap but no +perception is a fatal flaw. -
Go EM and great choice on the TV!
Samsung=/EM of Televisions! -
My fire/fire/fire goes sspeed/conceal/sj/fitness. I think fire for scraps is squishy so you need phase for zones/toggle debuffs, also plan on taking 4 of the epic powers- immob/melt armor/blast/hold. I think you will miss acrobatics if you don't go with the sj pool. I went +damage, +hp, +acc, +recharge in that order.
For myself I love the pyre epic for concept and the dot criticals that char is doing.
Many people still feel weapon or power are still the better PvP epics.
Heat exhaust makes me cry. -
A huge bonus to fire armor scrapers will be the pyre mastery epic in the next issue.
Quote:Sounds like you fought Snax while he throws his black marshmellows of death.the best pvp defender i ever fought was a Dark/Rad.... i know right?
To be fair he is a pretty good player so not everyone will be as L33T on darkblast, although he is also sporting a good DB/Storm corrupt.
Overall darkblast/rad has always been very underrated (as is darkblast in general).
The biggest question is do you take torrent. -
I think ill/cold sounds really sexy. You can sleet and then drop the PA on punks+the placate proc+sup invisibility+a million pet has to be a tough cookie to crack.
As far as your gravity questions, my untested belief is singularity overall hurts the effectiveness of your knockup because it spams powers with -kb/ku.