PvP Scrapper Experts Needed!




Howdy PvPers. I need some opinions from PvP experts out there. As a casual pvper, I am thinking of rolling a BS scrapper purely for dueling.

I am not sure about what secondary to go with though. I know regen is great for one on one melee dueling. However, I'd like to have some survivability when fighting squishies. What are your opinions on going WP and using SoW or going Invul and using Unstoppable?

I see that SoW cannot be recharge enhanced according to the description. Does anyone know the recharge time on this? Is this also true of Unstoppable now? I didn't see that same disclaimer under Unstoppable anywhere.

Any input would be great. Thanks!!!



I my best is for you is BS/Regen is more Unstoppable Scrapper, just need to build it good to make it a Unstoppable Build.

Nacht Nova Thunder = Level 50 (Liberty) Dark Blaster/Storm Summoning - Defender
Nova Ninja = Level 50 (Liberty) spines/ Regeneration - Scrapper
CanadianMan = Level 50 (Liberty) Super Strength/Invulnerability - Tanker
LibertyBoy = Level 35 (Liberty) Stone Armor
/Fiery Melee - Tanker



go regen.



Originally Posted by Void View Post
go regen.
Regen isn't the only option, thankfully. It's pretty frikin good though.

WP with aid self is mean, esp if you spend some time with +hp and +eng defense.
But skip RttC.

SR can be nice with a heal too, though not so good as before.

FA is decent also, since that heal is up so damn often. Only need a few powers to make it work too, so you can go nuts with pools.



Fire and regen are awesome, regen more survivability with all its "oh crap" powers... fire with a fast recharging heal and more damage with essentially another build up.



Go Regen, Get Phase shift. You'll always have a few Oh S*** powers around somewhere.



Regin can't be bet. Really. Go regen. You can't die if you play it competently.



Not to offend non regen players, but there's really only one good scrapper secondary and that is regen. Thanks devs for pvp variety.

Dark Bard, Zoobait, Debacle
Por vezes d� vontade...
speak american godamnit



A huge bonus to fire armor scrapers will be the pyre mastery epic in the next issue.

I am PL in RL.

Freedom- Magnet Man, Hott Sauce, Stand-Up Comic



Originally Posted by Necromatic View Post
Not to offend non regen players, but there's really only one good scrapper secondary and that is regen. Thanks devs for pvp variety.
Have u seen the kind of damage a /fire scrapper can roll out? >_<



Originally Posted by Feugan View Post
Have u seen the kind of damage a /fire scrapper can roll out? >_<
It's pretty unimpressive, with the way damage buffs supress.



Originally Posted by Silit View Post
It's pretty unimpressive, with the way damage buffs supress.
who says im talking about burst damage, especially on a fire/fire u have 30seconds of dmg bonus with bu and FE... compared to a regens damage I stick by my statement



Originally Posted by Feugan View Post
who says im talking about burst damage, especially on a fire/fire u have 30seconds of dmg bonus with bu and FE... compared to a regens damage I stick by my statement
Average zone skirmish time is 8-10s at the most. Unless you fiteklub, but the police will come and take you away for that.

Dark Bard, Zoobait, Debacle
Por vezes d� vontade...
speak american godamnit



no the fc police will come on here and give a fake report on it. They don't actually have any power.

@Sentry4 @Sentry 4

PvP Redux is discontinued, for obvious reasons. Thanks to everyone who helped and joined.



Originally Posted by Necromatic View Post
Average zone skirmish time is 8-10s at the most. Unless you fiteklub, but the police will come and take you away for that.
I was actually thinking arena... but theres an average zone skirmish time? >_<... on our server it's pvp until your dead, or everyone else is... usually takes a bit longer than 10 seconds



Originally Posted by Feugan View Post
I was actually thinking arena... but theres an average zone skirmish time? >_<... on our server it's pvp until your dead, or everyone else is... usually takes a bit longer than 10 seconds
Well, I should say teamed zone. A stalker is not going to stick around that long. He will be easy prey for the blasters. A corr might be OK if they can kite a bit. But, since your teamed, and the teams usually calls opponents, they are either gonna be dead in a few, phase or HB. For a stalker, they probably will either turn and run, phase or HB.

Dark Bard, Zoobait, Debacle
Por vezes d� vontade...
speak american godamnit



Originally Posted by Feugan View Post
who says im talking about burst damage, especially on a fire/fire u have 30seconds of dmg bonus with bu and FE... compared to a regens damage I stick by my statement
Calm down, broski. I don't think I ever mentioned burst damage. Either way, the burst damage certainly would be higher, as would overall damage - just not much higher. Certainly not high enough to make up for the extra survivability you'd gain by going /regen. The /regen scrapper will be able to maintain offensive pressure for longer periods of time then would a /fire scrapper. On top of that, the OP is interested in making a Broadsword scrapper. The best pairing with /fire would be Fire Melee, because FE increases fire damage more than other damage types.