PvP Brute




what is a good power set for a pvp brute these days ? a really fast killer .



Invul first followed by fire. Take ss as your primary. Get webnades, taunt and phase. Go forth and create hate.

Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.



also, no brutes kill fast.



invlun? I have seen wp do really well - pretty much at hp cap with the + hp sets good res and -to hit.



Originally Posted by B_Witched View Post
invlun? I have seen wp do really well - pretty much at hp cap with the + hp sets good res and -to hit.
WP is bad, like real bad. Like I laugh at them.



Originally Posted by B_Witched View Post
invlun? I have seen wp do really well - pretty much at hp cap with the + hp sets good res and -to hit.

you play a psi blaster.
wps and invulns are basically the only thing that can stand against a psi/em and have decent survivability.

otherwise, i've wrecked wp's with little effort on my every one of my toons that doesnt rely on psi dmg.



People who hang out in Sirens Call on Freedom tend to think that WP is good because there is one there that likes to fiteklub and is hard to beat.

So I guess if your goal is to only fiteclub in Sirens go ahead and waste billions of inf to make WP good. Youll get wrecked any where else against anybody that isn't a retarded monkey pounding the keyboard, but whatever.



Originally Posted by B_Witched View Post
invlun? I have seen wp do really well - pretty much at hp cap with the + hp sets good res and -to hit.
No, no, and no. I had a SS/WP once for RV. It was basically a project for curiousity. I had 2800 Total HP with all 3 accolades (Brute level 50 base hp is 1499) So that's ALOT of HP bonuses. It was probably the highest total HP a Willpower Brute has ever had in RV. I was a huge bag of HP, and thats about it. Besides lolfiteklub, he wasn't really viable in open zone PvP.

So, I dont know where that comment about "pretty much at hp cap with the + hp sets" came from but it certainly can NOT come even close to the 3212 HP cap without external buffs.

It has been already said, but to the OP: Go with SS/Inv or SS/Fire, and be sure to take Phase from concealment unless you want to be kited to death without having an escape option.

Best pools would be Fitness, Speed, Fighting, and Concealment.



lol im not tryint to fightclub or arena . i was just wondering if a brute could be a threat in RV like the old days still an if so i wanna make that build .



If by threat you mean team up with others and trow web+taunt at targets while they kill them, then yes. If you mean run around like defense sets in I13, soloing an entire zone, then no. You'll be owned by any coordinated team in seconds if you try to roll solo. Unless you do what the best of us do. Phase and run away.



Originally Posted by Supermax View Post
If by threat you mean team up with others and trow web+taunt at targets while they kill them, then yes. If you mean run around like defense sets in I13, soloing an entire zone, then no. You'll be owned by any coordinated team in seconds if you try to roll solo. Unless you do what the best of us do. Phase and run away.
sigh ( i miss the old days ) do you think a brute will ever be good in pvp ever again ? or are they doomed to forever be "the Scrappers retard cousin " " hey im a brute ill call you names an dstract you while my freinds kill you lol " oh well thanks for the help guys i wont waste my time grooming a pvp brute .



"Again?" I don't think Brutes ever were really good in PvP other than tauntbots...

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



yup, even pre-i13, you brought a brute to a match in the ladder and it was just gonna get ignored.

unless his name was gus, then you were gonna have a therm webbed and taunted for the whole match.



Remember that bug that allowed you to max fury in one attack? That was probably the only time that a brute actually surpassed the usefulness of a tank or scrapper. Since fury is essentially impossible to build in zone pvp, brute's end up being lower base damage than a tank with less survivability.



I never understood why he insisted on taunting a therm. The therm was not attacking things and this was before the -range buff. Webnading them was great, but he was always wasting that taunt...

Originally Posted by black_barrier View Post
yup, even pre-i13, you brought a brute to a match in the ladder and it was just gonna get ignored.

unless his name was gus, then you were gonna have a therm webbed and taunted for the whole match.



Originally Posted by Warhamster View Post
I never understood why he insisted on taunting a therm. The therm was not attacking things and this was before the -range buff. Webnading them was great, but he was always wasting that taunt...
i disagree.

that taunt kept the therm from healing on spikes while also letting it get used to being grounded so that the therm wouldn't run around in spirals after being called for a spike and webbed...
with the sonic also in the lineup, the whole idea was to take out support and let the core spikers do the work (remember back then UJL had issues with having overly defensive players)... worked well when it did. the issue really was that most teams were not too good at tabbing through 2 sets of mastermind pets, so bringing that brute meant we lost a mastermind which generally provided better disruption (ie you on psn or bee's TA).

this was also prior to arbegla joining the team on his beast trapper, me switching to fort/storm, syph taking over sonic duties, and nicor replacing rokur on therm (sidenote: i believe that was our best lineup), so we ran disruption a bit differently than towards the end.



Originally Posted by Warhamster View Post
Remember that bug that allowed you to max fury in one attack? That was probably the only time that a brute actually surpassed the usefulness of a tank or scrapper. Since fury is essentially impossible to build in zone pvp, brute's end up being lower base damage than a tank with less survivability.
fury is also trash with DR on damage.

go run a match with DR off and look at how damage climbs on a lolmelee duel. [i rolled my fire/sr in i13 just to wreck ice/ss tankers].



I have a ss/invul on guardian with fitness speed fighting and aid self. My only attacks are punch flurry and KoB




And i miss pvping in SC along time ago with mt ss/fire brute but now i use it to farm




The days of brutes being a little dangerous went with the ET nerf. Taunt can still be disruptive...

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