PVP Recipies and IO costs
They are supposed to be rare, more rare than purples. Not everyone is supposed to have them. I have noticed I havent been getting any lately too but thats the way its supposed to be.
Threads like this are started every weak and constant whining about PvP IOs won't get us anywhere.
I hear you. I havent had a single drop since i15. I got 2 before that. I just went 0 to 300+ rep and not a drop yet. I know they are rare, but when you are in zone and a few others get one or 2 and you have been on every night for a month and dont get one it makes you more frustrated.
As for buying IO's, I dont farm, my VG/SG doesnt farm, and is really hard to earn enough money for one really rare IO much less a set. I dont flip the market either so I know there are way I can earn money, I just rather spend my time playing the game and pvp at night when my friends log off.
I think the most money one of my toons has is about 250mil and that was because of a few purple drops I didnt need. 250 still wont buy me much. You greedy jerks! :P
Don't blame the sellers for the prices. Blame the buyers and blame the people who set the drop rates.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
They are supposed to be rare, more rare than purples. |
Either way I wouldn't hold my breath for a fix. PvP is the last thing on the devs "to do" list. They would rather invest time in RWZ dummies then work on PvP.
Heca Bonuses
-4% recovery
-2.52% resistence (Fire,Cold)
-15% acc
-10% rech
-5% res to toxic
Glad strike
-2.5% recovery
-2.25% max end
-13.6 hp
-5% status resistence
-2.5% damage buff
-3.13% defense (S/L) 1.56% defense (Melee)
-1.89 resistence (S/L)
-10% chance for 1000% repel resist
-7% acc
-7.5% rech
I want the second one. That's why it's more rare.
@Sentry4 @Sentry 4
PvP Redux is discontinued, for obvious reasons. Thanks to everyone who helped and joined.
I guess you totally skipped the "IMO" part of the post. That or you dont know what IMO means. Either way, how does "I want them more" make them more rare then purples? For one, half of the crap listed for gladiator is useless for most of the toons I roll. Second, cut half of those bonuses (most of the good ones) off for the PvE only crowd that buys these. Yeah they are PvP IO's, but the fact that they exemp down like purple makes them desirable to the PvE players as well. And the fact that they even have PvE bonuses shows that the devs had them in mind when they made them. I bet more PvEers have PvP IO's slotted then PvPers.
So again, what makes these more "rare" then purps? Just because you want them more? I want purps more, so going by your logic purps should be more rare the PvP recipes correct?
They're rarer than purples because the only way they drop is off PvP kills. Since such a small portion of the population actually PvPs, that means there's significantly less supply even reaching the market (assuming people sell them instead of saving them to slot). I'm guessing there are PvE'ers who want these sets as well but can't be arsed to actually get into a zone and try to PvP, so essentially you're looking at demand that's probably a bit lower than for purples, but supply that's astronomically lower.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
hehe, back when they came out i actually said in arena chat: buy them now. like, right now, use all your money and buy them now.
i followed my own advice.
get wrek world.
I farmed them like crazy and sold them for ridiculously high prices. Then they nerfed arena farms and the prices got even more ridiculously high. Pretty sure I sold the +res and +def uniques at 500 or 600 mil each when I got them as drops (I think I got 1 each). Here's the kicker - the week before I15 went live, we were doing 8v8 kickballs on test with the Renegades and I got a Panacea proc on my Therm. Double whammy because not only can I not copy that toon to test a billion times, but I can't sell it for crap on the market there either.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
I guess you totally skipped the "IMO" part of the post. That or you dont know what IMO means. Either way, how does "I want them more" make them more rare then purples? For one, half of the crap listed for gladiator is useless for most of the toons I roll. Second, cut half of those bonuses (most of the good ones) off for the PvE only crowd that buys these. Yeah they are PvP IO's, but the fact that they exemp down like purple makes them desirable to the PvE players as well. And the fact that they even have PvE bonuses shows that the devs had them in mind when they made them. I bet more PvEers have PvP IO's slotted then PvPers.
So again, what makes these more "rare" then purps? Just because you want them more? I want purps more, so going by your logic purps should be more rare the PvP recipes correct? |
You said purples are "in your opinion" (i know what it means) are better. As a side not if i don't understand something i will usually ask.
The post i put was a little basic, i really didn't think it needed an explaniation.
The 2nd should be more rare because the 2nd is better then the 1st, it's kinda simple.
I agree, some seem completly useless, like the S/L defense on something that doesn't have defense. But once those add up, it makes a huge difference. Also because of DR you don't want to focus on one thing, slot 3-4 of these and you got good stats all around. It's like not bothering getting over 50% recharge because of DR (in the case you have hasten), you instead focus on something else.
It's not really opinion, or atleast not just ones opinion. PvPers would rather choose PvP IOs then purples in most cases. It doesn't matter which side is wrong about them being better or not, but the majority want them instead and therefore the price is put up.
Yes, i know of plenty of PvEr's that bought PvP IOs, mostly the +def and the panacea proc, those are very helpful in both pvp and pve.
This next point is probably the most important and would explain a lot.
Purples have been out for a long time, a lot of people have them. And once their main has them, they don't need to buy them, and if they get one they just sell it. PvP IOs are new, and not many people have them, and everyone basically wants them. They are more rare because they are in higher demand. More people need them. Even if you argue that purples are better, you can only have 1 set, and once you get that set your done. With PvP sets you can slot them multiple times, which incrases the demand even more.
The rarity of the pancea proc doesn't make much sense to me though. Among the "rare" pvp IOs, they made this one even more "rare" then that. It's like finding a miracle +recovery while doing a mission. Now, if it's super powerful, it unbalances the game, because only the super lucky ones have it. On the other hand if it isn't super powerful, then getting it isn't a big idea because it won't make you way better. The only way i see to solve this is make the proc either less rare or less poweful.
@Sentry4 @Sentry 4
PvP Redux is discontinued, for obvious reasons. Thanks to everyone who helped and joined.
Please give me your thoughts regarding this idea.
The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.
The rarity of the pancea proc doesn't make much sense to me though. Among the "rare" pvp IOs, they made this one even more "rare" then that. It's like finding a miracle +recovery while doing a mission. Now, if it's super powerful, it unbalances the game, because only the super lucky ones have it. On the other hand if it isn't super powerful, then getting it isn't a big idea because it won't make you way better. The only way i see to solve this is make the proc either less rare or less poweful.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
I don't understand how these recipes are rare. Everytime there is a death in RV, there is a following broadcast about how the winner got some kind of PVP IO...
I am PL in RL.
Freedom- Magnet Man, Hott Sauce, Stand-Up Comic
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
Tonight was my first night ever pvping and I got one. I think I only had 13 or so kills.
Guys, I PVP quite a bit now and the PVP recipies are NOT dropping in the PVP zones. Most of what I need/want is not even for sale now. I can't even purchase a full set of Glad Strike.
Not to mention this, because of the lack of drops, some PVP ios are selling for 2000m which is ridiculous. Like the +3% def Glad Armor and a couple others.
Does anyone know where to get pvp drops, earn PVP recipies, or anything? Or maybe the devs just need to give us the drops more frequently?
@Ricky Rage
Freedom Server