Plant Armor!
Hmm really like this idea. Seems real thought out and well planned. Now all we'd need is Plant Melee.
plant armor and plant melee.....swamp thing here i come.
Yes please. This would be very nice, I love it.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
Yeah, forgot to post that about the T9 I would intend for it to look like a giant swamp Beast, much like Granite Armor, you know just covered in grass
The only thing I see that will probably need tweaking is Nature's Bounty. The Confuse mag protection seems WAY too high. The defense and resistance numbers look okay.
Change the confuse protection to mag 10 and it would look better. Confuses are VERY rare in the game, and mag 30 would just be overkill. Nothing has more than 2 confuse powers which total mag 6. That would give you 5x the needed protection. Unless you're fighting 4 or more foes with confuse powers you will never be affected by it. Fighting a Mind Control/Mental Manipulation enemy in AE is about the only place where mag 10 protection MIGHT fail you.
I question the prevalence of Toxic resist here. It is by far the rarest damage type in the game, but nothing else has significant resistance to it, so I don't see any problem with adding something that does. Just questioning, not saying it's a bad idea.
Other than the confuse protection overkill it looks good.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
Thank you for your constructive feedback! I can agree Mag 30 does seem overkill, but i was trying to keep it in line with Minerals from the Stone Armor set. However since I made this power Auto it probably should be lowered to Mag 10 as you suggested.
Edit: Spell Check plze!
I think i like this. the number of fire protection powers seems high, but this seems well thought out, and the powers interesting secondary uses (improving the human psyche) fit right in with the existing powers in the game.
I question the prevalence of Toxic resist here. It is by far the rarest damage type in the game, but nothing else has significant resistance to it, so I don't see any problem with adding something that does. Just questioning, not saying it's a bad idea.
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It wasn't my original intent to give it better toxic resistance than anything else, but since I made it weak to fire I figured I should give it some sort of strength and suddenly Toxic stood out to me. Mainly because it was so obvious, but also because it would make it like no other set. Although Toxic is very rare it is nice to have it when those few occasions occur kinda like the 50% resistance to psychic in Dark Armor.
Just some thoughts here...
i don't think it makes much sense for the set to have any res/def to fire/cold damage...if anything, it should give you weaknesses there in return for higher resistances elsewhere and maybe more regeneration or recovery.
alright, so here are my thoughts:
Plant Armor ==> Plant Growth
Thick Foliage
+30 res(s/l/t) ==> +30 res(s/l/t), -5 res(f) (unenhanceable)
Vine Armor ==> Old Growth
+10 res(s/l/t), +2 mag disorient ==> +7.5 res(s/l/e/n/t), +15% MaxHP (half enhanceable)
Aloe Vera ==> Regrowth
self heal, +MaxHP, +15 res(f) ==> self heal, +30% regeneration, +20% recovery
(make it faster recharge, lower heal, and long lasting buffs rather than being another copy of every other heal)
Insect Swarm
(remove -regeneration, more damage would do the same thing and you don't have to worry about regen debuff resistance)
The Mighty Oak ==> Solid Trunk
+30 res(c), +15 res(f), +10 mag mez ==> +10 mag mez, +10 def(s/l/e/n), -5 res(f/c) (unenhanceable)
+30 res(e/n), +10 res(t), +100% regeneration ==> +100% regeneration, +15% recovery, +15% recharge, +res slow, -5 res(c) (unenhanceable)
(end cost would be negligible)
Nature's Bounty ==> Kinesis
+perception, +30 mag confuse, +15 res(p), +10 def(p) ==> +perception, +10 mag confuse, +25 def(p)
Noxious Gas ==> Odd Spores
confuse, fear, -stealth ==> -stealth, confuse, disorient
Nature's Ward
+10 mag mez, +45 res(s/l/c), +15 res(f), +10 res(e/n), +20 def(s/l/c/e/n), +15 def(f), -dam, -speed, -recharge
==> +10 mag mez, +50 res(s/l/e/n/t/p), +25 def(s/l/e/n/p), +125% regeneration, -10 res(f/c), -10 def(f/c) (both unenhanceable)
(in addition to the others stated, it also cannot be used with Photosynthesis)
<wow, i spent far too much time on that...hope it was worth it>
Just some thoughts here...
i don't think it makes much sense for the set to have any res/def to fire/cold damage...if anything, it should give you weaknesses there in return for higher resistances elsewhere and maybe more regeneration or recovery.
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I think you make a good point but i think it goes a little overboard with the recov and regen. Plus even sets like Dark Armor, Firey Aura, and Energy Aura still get resitance/def to there weakness. Dark Armor, unslotted, with all shields has 40% to Dark 30% to everything else and 20% to Energy. Fire and Energy are the same way they generally have half the def/resistance of there strong suit, but with what you had you would actually have negative numbers for resistance to c/f. I could be wrong but i think that would make you a little gimp against an all fire mob or AV. I could defniately get on board with the negative numbers for fire, but cold would make it a little to weak. Plust Cold doesnt actually kill plants they just go to sleep and wake up in the spring
Noxious Gas ==> Odd Spores
confuse, fear, -stealth ==> -stealth, confuse, disorient
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Actually thats what I originally had it as but I figured the mobs couldn't attack each other if they were stunned, but it would be good either way I belive.
Thanks again for the feedback
Interesting set, definitely. It'd probably prove poplar ... er, popular at low levels thanks to all the vahz.
Hmmm... Plant Melee...
Tier 1: Oaken Might: Single Targte Moderate Smashing damage, increased damage versus objects
Tier 2 Nettle Strike: Moderate Damage attack with minor Toxic DoT from poison-ivy wrapped limbs
Tier 3: Rooted Grasp: Single target High Damage + Immobilize
Tier 4: Taunt
Tier 5: Sweeping Branches: Cone Moderate Smashing/Lethal with Knockdown and minor toxic DoT
Tier 6: Build Up
Tier 7: Hurl Limb: Single Target High Lethal Damage attack
Tier 8: Crashing Fall: Single Target Extreme Damage minor Toxic DoT
Tier 9: Roots: Wide PBAoE (10-12 feet?) High Damage + Immob.
I'd play it >.>
*edit* I was asleep, okay!? It was late at night for me 'cause I've been getting up at 5 and 6am CST to make phone calls and meetings. Lay off! =-3
Tier 7: Hurl Limb: Single Target High Lethal Damage attack
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We can finally give those Tuatha a taste of their own medicine!
Edit: Also, you might want to edit the AoE size on your suggested tier 9. 110 feet is a little excessive, dontcha think?
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
rename the 2nd power "Thick Bush"
I like this idea.
Sig of Black Mercenary
What else do you want?
Tier 7: Hurl Limb: Single Target High Lethal Damage attack
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I lol'ed, that would be awsome to rip off your own arm and grow it back!
I like the idea about insect swarm. For Plant Melee, an AoE power called Thistles would be pretty cool. Sort of like like Icicles, but enemies are only hurt when they hit you. I guess that wouldn't really help to taunt mobs that aren't hitting you, but there aren't any AoEs like that in CoH. It'd be a mean mix to have both Insect Swarm and Thistles. I think Rachel put the melee powers the best though. Perhaps sweeping branches can have a chance of imm?
I think that the armor definitely should have a supreme regeneration over other tankers or equivalent to WP. Thats how I've always perceived plant powers.
Always like to see more powers - and this in a great concept to boot.
"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi
I actually put those powers together with the idea of a tanker being extra-tanky. They don't mitigate incoming damage at all, but they can keep enemies that are outside of your aggro locked down or, in the event of your sudden and untimely demise being imminent you could pop the tier 9 to root your enemies and give your team a chance to get away or regroup before you're back in the fight.
Yeah I suppose that's why I suggested the extra AoE and how it only damages as people attack you. I felt it'd be good to sort of make it a mixed tanker between stone, ice and willpower, but not as good as what those individual sets do best. Making it another extra-tanky choice would be kick [censored] too though.
You have a good point i will try to make a new version with more regen. Maybe Tankers can have Regen/ after all!
Edit: Ok here is my new iteration of Plant Armor
Thick Foliage: Thick Foliage grows from your body lessening the physical blows from foes and granting you some toxic resistance. Affinity with the plants growing from your body allows you to tap into their process of photosynthesis giving you a boosting your regeneration rate. Cannot be used at the same time as Nature’s Ward. (Toggle: Res 25% Smash, Lethal, Toxic +25% regen(unenhanceable) +100% regen(fully enhanceable) ) Can be taken at lvl: 1
Vine Armor: Your skin becomes as thick and tough as vines. This power grants you permanent resistance to smashing, lethal, and toxic damage while also granting a small amount of stun protection and raising your Max HP. (Auto: 10% S/L/T Mag. 2 Stun Protection, +10% Max HP) Can be taken at lvl: 1
Resilience of the Mesquite: You are as crafty and adaptable as the invasive Mesquite tree. They cut you down but you grow back and even stronger than before.(Click: Self Heal, 5% Res Fire, Cold, Smash, lethal, Energy, Negative, and 10% Res to Toxic for 30 seconds. +15% regeneration) Can be taken at lvl: 2 –I’m thinking a 1.5 maybe 2 minute recharge on this.
Insect Swarm: You release a pheromone that attracts insects of all kinds to gather around you and attack any threat in melee range. (Toggle: PBAoE Damage Aura, -slow to enemy) Can be taken at lvl: 6
The Mighty Oak: You become as strong as an Oak Tree granting you resistance to Knockback, Sleep, Hold, Disorient, and Endurance Drain effects. Oak trees are very strong and adapting giving you good resistance to Cold and small resistance to Fire. Cannot be used at the same time as Nature’s Ward. (Toggle: Protection to KB and Mez, 30% Res Cold, 10% Res Fire) Can be taken at lvl: 8
Photosynthesis: Your affinity to plants allows you to reproduce the process of photosynthesis in side your own body, and draw on the powers of the sun granting you some Energy, Negative Energy, and Toxic Resistance and increasing your Hit Point Regeneration. Cannot be used at the same time as Nature’s Ward. (Toggle: 30% Res Energy, Negative Energy 10% Res Toxic +75% Regeneration) Can be taken at lvl: 12
Nature’s Bounty: You produce psychoactive chemicals in your body that enhance the human psyche. This grants you permanent Defense and Resistance to Psionic attacks. While also granting some protection to confuse effects and improving your perception. (Auto: 10% Def + 15% Res Psionics, Mag 10 Confuse protection, +60% perception) Can be taken at lvl: 18
Noxious Gas: Your knowledge of plants allows you to produce a toxic pheromone that act as a psychoactive drug and can reduce brain activity among your enemies. Any enemy who comes to close to you will have a small chance of being terrorized and/or confused. They will also be less capable of hiding when they come near you. (Toggle PBAoE: Foe -3500.00% Stealth Radius, 40% chance for Mag 2 Fear 15% chance for Mag 2 Confuse) Can be taken at lvl: 26
Nature’s Ward: When you activate this power you are transformed into an unyielding bulk of plant life. The sheer volume of growth over your body makes you almost completely invincible and resistant to most effects while increasing your regeneration rate. Cannot be active at the same time as Fly, Super Speed, Super Jump, Thick Foliage, The Mighty Oak, or Photosynthesis. (Toggle: Protection to KB and Mez effects(Same protection from Mighty Oak), 20% Defense to Smashing, Lethal, Cold, Energy, Negative. 10% Defense to Fire. 45% Resistance to Smashing, Lethal, Cold, Energy and Negative Energy. 5% resistance to fire. 50% resistance to Toxic. +185% Regeneration(unenhanceable) Can be taken at lvl: 32
I would love the idea of a tank kinda like the scrapper regen just with more resistance. These are the changes I have made as you can see, comments/feedback/criticisms welcome!
updated the posts to make them fit the format of the new forums
I never liked the fact that anyone suggesting new sets, in this situation armor sets, that it'd effectively be just a complete copy of existing sets but with varied animations. What can this set do that no other armor set can do? Think outside the box people!
I think Shield defense is cool because it does stuff that other sets don't have, even if it's only 1 thing. You can have your melee guys huddle up with you and everyone there will get a buff (something not in other armor sets). It also has a powerful teleport attack too.
So what does this armor set do that can't be done with color customization, costumes and auras?

Looks like a good idea to me. Only problem I can see is some of the numbers might be a little high - with having the good resists, high regen and the self heal you'll run into the same issues as willpower had when it was in beta, where its numbers were a little higher than they are now and thus willpower tanks were completely invincible to anything short of several AVs at once. But yeah, that's what beta is for, to rebalance things like that.
Also, it has no powers I'd really want to skip Would be a really tight build if you paired it with a secondary where you need everything. Dual Blades with its combos perhaps.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?
While I was playing the game today I had this great idea for a Plant Armor set. So I did a search and found 2 sets, with several iterations, in Lady-Jade's Power Suggestion thread(Good Thread BTW). None of them however had a toggle T9 kinda like Stone Armor which is what I was aiming for.

Anyways here it is any criticisms/positive remarks/suggestions are welcome.
Plant Armor: Through your affinity and control of plants you can use them to protect yourself in battle. You gain great resistance to toxic but are quite weak to fire based attacks! (Note: The levels are taken from the Tanker Primary this set could also be used for Brute and Scrapper Secondaries.)
Thick Foliage: Thick Foliage grows from your body lessening the physical blows from foes and granting you some toxic resistance. Cannot be used at the same time as Nature's Ward (Toggle: Res 30% Smash, Lethal, Toxic) Can be taken at lvl: 1
Vine Armor: Your skin becomes as thick and tough as vines. This power grants you permanent resistance to smashing, lethal, and toxic damage while also granting a small amount of stun protection. (Auto: 10% S/L/T Mag. 2 Stun Protection) Can be taken at lvl: 1
Aloe Vera: You are so connected with Mother Nature that you draw upon her power to increase your own health with the use of the Aloe Vera Plant. Activating this power increases your Maximum Hit Points and grants some Fire resistance. (Click: Self Heal, +Max HP, 15% Res Fire) Can be taken at lvl: 2
Insect Swarm: You release a pheromone that attracts insects of all kinds to gather around you and attack any threat in melee range. (Toggle: PBAoE Damage Aura, -slow, -regen to enemy) Can be taken at lvl: 6
The Mighty Oak: You become as strong as an Oak Tree granting you resistance to Knockback, Sleep, Hold, Disorient, and Endurance Drain effects. Oak trees are very strong and adapting giving you good resistance to Cold and small resistance to Fire. Cannot be used at the same time as Nature's Ward (Toggle: Protection to KB and Mez, 30% Res Cold, 10% Res Fire) Can be taken at lvl: 8
Photosynthesis: Your affinity to plants allows you to draw on the powers of the sun granting you some Energy, Negative Energy, and Toxic Resistance and increasing your Hit Point Regeneration. (Toggle: 30% Res Energy, Negative Energy 10% Res Toxic +100% Regeneration) Can be taken at lvl: 12
Nature’s Bounty: You produce psychoactive chemicals in your body that enhance the human psyche. This grants you permanent Defense and Resistance to Psionic attacks. While also granting some protection to confuse effects and improving your perception. (Auto: 10% Def + 15% Res Psionics, Mag 10 Confuse protection, +60% perception) Can be taken at lvl: 18
Noxious Gas: Your knowledge of plants allows you to produce a toxic pheromone that act as a psychoactive drug and can reduce brain activity among your enemies. Any enemy who comes to close to you will have a small chance of being terrorized and/or confused. They will also be less capable of hiding when they come near you. (Toggle PBAoE: Foe -3500.00% Stealth Radius, 40% chance for Mag 2 Fear 15% chance for Mag 2 Confuse) Can be taken at lvl: 26
Nature’s Ward: When you activate this power you are transformed into an unyielding bulk of plant life. The sheer volume of growth over your body makes you almost completely invincible and resistant to most effects. Cannot be active at the same time as Fly, Super Speed, Super Jump, Thick Foliage, or The Mighty Oak. (Toggle: Protection to KB and Mez effects(Same protection from Mighty Oak), 20% Defense to Smashing, Lethal, Cold, Energy, Negative. 15% Defense to Fire. 45% Resistance to Smashing, Lethal, Cold, and Toxic. 15% to Fire. 10% to Energy and Negative Energy.)Can be taken at lvl: 32
Wasn’t sure if Nature’s Ward should receive the negative effects of –dam, –speed, and –recharge like Granite Armor.
Again any suggestions welcome
Edit: Changed the Magnitude of Confuse protection from Nature's Bounty
Edit 2: Changed format for the new forums