1800 -
Quote:It's gonna take you forever and some more time to actually hurt anything.A friend and I were thinking of trying this combo out to play as a duo. What do you guys think?
The combo of defense plus -To Hit of the Dark Blast seem to work well together and should make our enemies shoot like Stormtroopers.
We were thinking of taking Presence Pool, but I've never had any experience with it. I'm thinking double stacking Invoke Panic would work well. Also it fits character concept.
Any thoughts? -
Quote:Except for the fact that you won't be hitting stuff that's a couple steps away from you.Claws/fire, for brutes anyways, is a highly underrated AE combo.
Claws has -way- better AE than it does single target damage: spin is it's second highest damage attack right behind eviscerate (which happens to be a cone attack). At 70% fury spin hits for over 300 and it up every 6 or so seconds on a decently IOed build. Burn will deliver @ 240 upfront damage and another 50 or so in additional ticks at the same fury level. And blazing aura has a 13.5 second mag 4 taunt attached to it... so the mobs just pile up on you and happily melt away to nothingness as you slice and dice.
What's even nicer is when you hit fiery embrace and all 3 of those AEs get an additional 50% fire damage boost. Spin hitting for 450+, burn doing over 500 and blazing aura delivering 22 DPS is quite a site. And with decent recharge you can get 3 good spin/burn cycles in FE's 20 second window.
It's quite the AE machine. -
DP is most useful when used as a -dam debuffer.
Go either Def or Corr and pair it with something that can stack -res, -dam or both (Rad, Sonic, Traps and yes, even TA) -
Trick Arrow is natural, and it's also a controller set
Plant Control is very natural, too. -
Quote:Not to mention the main advantage Rad has over Cold: less interruptions in the attack chain.Cold has benumb, sleet, heat loss to debuff AV/GMs. Arctic fog to provide some defense. Rest is useless against them one on one for the most part. Benumb can miss, heat loss can miss.
Rad has LR, EV, and RI. 2 can't miss, and LR is easier to perma than benumb for 2 reasons; AM and better up/down time ratio. Rad has AM to buff self, and a built in heal for when needed.
If heat loss is needed for endurance, one miss will most likely kill you, a missed LR won't. A missed benumb will let that damage debuff go off, EV won't. AM makes recharge bonuses less needed, and endurance problems less noticeable and will always affect you. Cold has to reapply benumb, heat loss, and sleet. Rad only has LR and AM, and AM is on a longer wait time to recast, so isn't as bad. Rad is just more reliable and takes less time away from dishing out your max DPS. -
Dual Pistols is a mediocre set, but only when compared to other powersets.
You can make a Pistolero who can hold his own just fine against critters, but it's always gonna pale in comparison to say, an archer. -
Quote:That's... not entirely true.Also worth noting: All the characters that can solo GMs make mincemeat of AVs, they tend to kill them MUCH faster than melee characters that can do the same. Again, it's the presence of -regen they have access to, while a melee AT is forced to do it by pure DPS.
There are several AVs out there who are significantly harder to kill than GMs, since GMs are just sacks of hitpoints and regen that spam AoE attacks. AVs on the other hand get assorted abilities such as godmodes, self heals, insane resistances, or all of the above.
A few examples:
Ms Liberty: Dull Pain, Unstoppable
Statesman: Dull Pain, Unstoppable, Hammer of Justice
Silver Mantis: Dull Pain, Unstoppable, Build Up
Baphomet: Healing Flames, high fire resistance
Siege: Energize, high resistance to every damage type
Positron: Lingering Radiation, Enervating Field, Overload (+def godmode), nasty defense debuffs in all of his attacks.
...just to name a few.
It's also worth noting that these AVs won't use those abilities just once per fight, they will spam their godmodes/self heals until you take them down -
Quote:And at higher level the bosses that spam Elude: Longbow Wardens and Paragon Protectors. And there are also several AVs such as Captain Mako, Mynx, Positron, Citadel, etc (just to name a few) who also have defensive godmodes.*grumbles* Hate CoT ghosts/Spectral Daemon Lords, Tsoo Sorcerers, and storm shamans SOOOOOO much.
And let's not forget Cimerorans and their Phalanx Fighting -
Quote:They are two different types of beasts, Kinetics is a good offensive (buff) set, but provides little in the way of survivability compared to EmpathyI can't agree with that. While it is a good buff set, I think it lacks in the ability to provide its full spread to a whole team. I'd take kinetics over it simply because you can keep a whole team speed boosted and at the damage cap quite easily.
On a small team, though, empathy is pretty hard to beat. -
Empathy is hands down the best buff set.
It's a shame so many people see/play them as pure healers -
The original point was "Namely, the abilities to make your cleavage larger then your head. Real girls, in real life, don't have breasts that big" which seebs shot down spectacularly with his comic book analogy, that you seem to be missing.
They're not bugs, they're correct info. They just point to a different stat than the one you expect.
Summoning a Rain of Fire upon your enemies has a 2.0x acc modifier, but the rain itself has a base 1.0x acc modifier like most attacks. I believe other people have the Team Teleport example covered. -
Quote:This game isn't based on real life, it's based on comic book super heroes/heroines, and those do indeed have huge h( . Y . )tersNamely, the abilities to make your cleavage larger then your head. Real girls, in real life, don't have breasts that big.
Quote:And yet another thing: The shoulder items are tiny compared to males. What if I want a heavily armored girl, with huge, thick armor and a normal, unarmored head?
Apology accepted, but let this be the last time young lady! -
I use them all the time and specifically keep the appropiate salvage pieces on my salvage racks (knockback protection and recovery are very useful for lowbies, and the recharge buff is useful for toons of every level)
Quote:He knew the mechanics behind it, where to grab it, where to exert the right amount of force, he probably knew the manufacturer and year the weapon was issued, to know that it was flimsy enough to bend it.You sure? He bent the barrel of a shotgun with one hand...
Though the guy holding it was able to keep it still, so maybe it was just a really flimsy gun. -
MA/SR/Wpn Scrapper with Stealth and a full arsenal of temp powers and inspirations (to represent how crazy prepared Batman always is) as well as researching the entire content of Paragonwiki, Strategy Guides, Game Mechanics, City of Data and every other reference you can think of (an important aspect of how resourceful Batman is, knowledge being his most dangerous weapon in combat)
I don't see any "abundance" of softcapped builds ingame, if anything they're very rare.
There's a lot of talk about it on the forums, but remember that forumgoers represent a very small percentage of the players across the 10 servers -
Eh, at least you have enough Brazilian players to fill a library. I'm probably the very only person in Venezuela to play this game :_(