Promoting City of Heroes in Brazil




Dear Heroes,Villains,Heroines,Praetorians,Meta-Humans...

I have a Dream.And this dream came true today.

Today happened the first Official Meet&Greet Event for City of Heroes/Villains players in Brazil. I might say I'm really proud with the result,as unhappy as the situation might seem.
First of all,we had almost no subscribers.Besides me(the host),we had only three people who subscribed to the event. But this is not as bad as it seems,and,I might quote one of the participants, "the best thing is that we actually know we are real".Real is also the dream that someday we'll have a really Super Official Meet&Greet,that someday COH will be seen and respected as the great game it is,and we,as the great players of it.As I said,I am not giving up.I want to try to organize another event. I believe I've learned enough to advertise,organize and prepare something better next year.We had a few problems: It rained,so some people who wanted to come and pay on the entrance couldn't,and the photographer missed the event for the same reason;as I've explained,there was some hostility against the event because of the Level Up Games-NC SOFT situation,what reduced the number of subscribers.Again,I've tried to contact LVL Up games so they'd help us to advertise the event in a better way,and we had no answer.Also,I've had no answer from the other media I've tried to contact,but I believe the date(near to Christmas and New Year's Eve)might have contributed to the lack of interest on the event.

But now to the good points:

The whole event was funded the research group City of Knowledge,at the University of São Paulo( USP),who's greatest project is related to the development of cultural digital currencies,and,participant of the 2010 edition of the Games for Change Festival in New York City. We acquired a room for almost 20 people,with full wireless access,a few spare computers,beverages,and,with enough time,we'd even be able to acquire a projector to plan a presentation or something(Maybe a future Idea?).We had 2 Laptops and we've stayed 30 minutes trying to leave Praetoria from Imperial City (trough that suspicious-looking street at the end of the map)with no success. We also discussed about the MMO Market,and how COX seems to still go untouchable by the other Super-Hero MMOs.We held our own Costume Contests,and we've spent most of the time talking about how we started on COX ,but,surprisingly, we wanted to know who were the Players,not the characters,that we were meetings.The room,filled with books racks coming from every side possible, gave the event the feeling of an academic gathering.

Therefore,I believe the event was not a failure.We faced the unfriendly winds of distaste from our own community, the retail store responsible to supply us,and we got to the treasure Island. And what we found there was the map to a even bigger treasure!That treasure was the hope to keep pushing this idea that someday we'll be able to play COX in a stable environment.

I believe that today,we were truly, Heroes.

Pedro Felipe A.Schwartz



PS: Sry for typoing the Title =(

Check out all of Noble Savage's Art threads! All things art, Super Boosters, 'Lost' Costume Pieces, Buildings, Animations, and NPC Costume Piece Conversion



Eh, at least you have enough Brazilian players to fill a library. I'm probably the very only person in Venezuela to play this game :_(



Originally Posted by Silverado View Post
Eh, at least you have enough Brazilian players to fill a library. I'm probably the very only person in Venezuela to play this game :_(
If it is any consolation, I am stuck in New Jersey.

@Quantum Evil Rad/Rad Corruptor

Making the world safe for maleficent particles since 2004.



gib monie or i repot yu



This thread certainly took a turn for the surreal.

Statesmonkey Sez: Lighten up! It's a game, for Lincoln's sake!
Also: Six years of casual play begins to look an awful lot like one year of hardcore play.



Originally Posted by hemmingway3 View Post
gib monie or i repot yu


@Quantum Evil Rad/Rad Corruptor

Making the world safe for maleficent particles since 2004.



Originally Posted by Silverado View Post
Eh, at least you have enough Brazilian players to fill a library. I'm probably the very only person in Venezuela to play this game :_(
Curious, what brought you to buy City of Heroes? Did you find it in a store, or online?

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



My cousin was at the meeting, and he told me all about it when he talked last night. I was supposed to join too, but my BF had another plan and literally kidnapped me...

Anyway, the CoX players on Brazil were left to fend for thenselves because of a relapse retailler that controls the game selling. I know a lot of gamers that stopped playing because they cant buy their things thanks to Level Up games and the restrictive IP regional block on NCStore.

I came to City because I always liked the genre, and always wished for some different kind of MMORPG. I was one day browsing a online store, on the game area, and suddenly something shinned. And I decided for it.

Called my cousin (the same one that were on the meeting) and told him: "I want that. Get me that, and we are even" (no, I wont tell why he had to do what I said). He got the game, and configured the account for me (ah, the joys of having someone that does everything you ask!). He also got an account for him, and another for one of our friends. Some times I make my cousin run some errands on game for me (too many Respecs to do those days).

I play much more than he does. My account was never inactive (he periodically activates and deactivates his). I have CoX installed on my monster PC and on my little laptop, so even when I am far from home I can at least log on sometimes just to chat on the global channels (and spread some chaos).

This is another family for me. And I thank you all for it. Kudos for the Devs, Kudos for the wonderful community.

** Guardian�s Crazy Catgirl **
************* 22 XxX 10 *************

Yes. I can get lost on a straight-line map.



This reminds me of a time that Belle ran across a new player in Atlas Park from Brazil. He was asking some question in Portuguese in the broadcast channel, and no one was answering. I fired up Google Translate to find out what he was asking and how to give him a reasonable response. They teamed up and between the three of us, we were able to get him trained up on the game's basics. She even directed him to some Brazilian supergroup's web site so that he could find some friends he could converse with in his native tongue if he wanted. I still wonder whatever happened to him, if he's still out there somewhere still playing.

At any rate, it was a pretty cool and different experience for both of us.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



I just love how MMOs can bring people from all different nationalities together! ('Tis the budding anthropologist in me ) Once again, congratz Pedro!



I'm glad that even though the very business seems to be against you in that country, you stuck with it and had fun anyway! Some day hopefully things will smooth between NC and Level Up, or perhaps, level up will just GO AWAY. It seems to be the source of too many problems for South American players.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
Curious, what brought you to buy City of Heroes? Did you find it in a store, or online?
It was recomended to me by an online friend... that I met playing Anarchy Online



Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
Curious, what brought you to buy City of Heroes? Did you find it in a store, or online?
I remember hearing about COH years ago,but,as always,Level Up Games gave no advertising about it,so I thought I had to pay 60 bucks a month,so I gave up and went to Ragnarok Online Private Servers,followed by WoW private servers,and a few weeks on MxO.
Then,I remembered that COH existed,and where to buy the COV box.Bought it,and loved it.12 months later,I decided to organize the event!

Check out all of Noble Savage's Art threads! All things art, Super Boosters, 'Lost' Costume Pieces, Buildings, Animations, and NPC Costume Piece Conversion



I've been playing for almost 4 years, and I bought the game (from LevelUp, despite all the bad marketing) knowing that I wouldn't play with Brazilians. That wasn't a problem for me. Even so, I tried to promote the game among my close friends to no success. I guess the theme didn't cater to them or something.

The idea of a Brazilian M&G was, for *me*, not interesting, because, like I said, I don't play with Brazilians. Sure, I have played with them a few times, but it doesn't compare with how much I play with English-speaking people. Also the frustration of not getting my Brazilian friends to play led me to think the game wouldn't be big here. LevelUp as a retailer only makes things worse.

Still, I hope for more M&Gs in Brazil and that they are successful.



Originally Posted by Keen Stronghold View Post
I've been playing for almost 4 years, and I bought the game (from LevelUp, despite all the bad marketing) knowing that I wouldn't play with Brazilians. That wasn't a problem for me. Even so, I tried to promote the game among my close friends to no success. I guess the theme didn't cater to them or something.

The idea of a Brazilian M&G was, for *me*, not interesting, because, like I said, I don't play with Brazilians. Sure, I have played with them a few times, but it doesn't compare with how much I play with English-speaking people. Also the frustration of not getting my Brazilian friends to play led me to think the game wouldn't be big here. LevelUp as a retailer only makes things worse.

Still, I hope for more M&Gs in Brazil and that they are successful.
He's right.One of the worst things is that mostly 99% of the brazilian players are labeled as "noobs" or "Plers" or anything that annoys the serious MMO players.So,most brazilians who are interested in a serious game,avoid other brazilians. Who haven't seen someone say "PL or I report u" on a main village/city/whatever?

I am aware that most of the BR( brazilians) on COX are different,and this makes our number even thinner.

Check out all of Noble Savage's Art threads! All things art, Super Boosters, 'Lost' Costume Pieces, Buildings, Animations, and NPC Costume Piece Conversion



I tried to read the OP, but the lack of spaces after punctuation really started to piss me off.



Originally Posted by The_Thorny_Devil View Post
I tired to read the OP, but the lack of spaces after punctuation really started to piss me off.
Good grief. You're one thorny person, aren't you?

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



A Meet and Greet event in Brazil.
Well then, I couldn't go to M&G, I was packing my clothes and other stuff to go back to my parents house. I'm so frustated.

Congratulations Pedro.

Also, remember: Rio de Janeiro > São Paulo (just kidding!!)

@TF Panzer



I can't believe I missed this (didn't hear about it until now). I live 10 minutes from there and was at City of Knowledge just last month talking to Gilson. Gah.

By the way, are you related?

Playing CoH with Gestures



Originally Posted by DrGamma View Post
I can't believe I missed this (didn't hear about it until now). I live 10 minutes from there and was at City of Knowledge just last month talking to Gilson. Gah.

By the way, are you related?
You are f*** kidding me right?

I am professor Gilson's SON!!!!!!



Email me:

Check out all of Noble Savage's Art threads! All things art, Super Boosters, 'Lost' Costume Pieces, Buildings, Animations, and NPC Costume Piece Conversion