av/gm killer advice




im thinking of making a sonic/cold for av/gm killing. I have an illusion/cold controller and its very capable of killing gm's. my only concern is having a gm/av focusing its attention solely on my character. I know i will need capped defense.. probably ranged.. and im pretty sure i will need medicine... any other advice you think i will need?



300+ DPS (i think that shouldnt be a problem with all that resdebuffs but should be mentioned)
you should take hover as well for being out of melee all the time

Helge corr lvl 50 rad/cold
Helge2 corr lvl 50 ice/rad
Techbothelge MM lvl 50 robo/dark
Helge Mauz def lvl 50 emp/ele
illuhelge troller lvl 50 illu/rad
Wiederbelebter helge nk lvl 50 bs/reg
Maennerschreack nightwidow lvl 44
Quantenjaeger ws lvl 3



Originally Posted by Scin_Device View Post
im thinking of making a sonic/cold for av/gm killing. I have an illusion/cold controller and its very capable of killing gm's. my only concern is having a gm/av focusing its attention solely on my character. I know i will need capped defense.. probably ranged.. and im pretty sure i will need medicine... any other advice you think i will need?
1. Grind to get all the Accolades. The extra +HP, +END and Tier 9 powers are a godsend against AVs.

2. Get the Envenomed Dagger temp power. Great damage, good -Regen.

3. Get as much range defense as possible, some sort of fly (hover, jetpack, whatever). Don't be limited to 2 dimensions when you need range.

4. Pack as much +Damage as you can.

5. Inspirations -- Reds, Purples, Breakfrees.

6. Knockback protection IO.



ok, thanks! this is my first corruptor... trying to make it a good one



Originally Posted by vernichterhelge View Post
300+ DPS (i think that shouldnt be a problem with all that resdebuffs but should be mentioned)
you should take hover as well for being out of melee all the time
Oh, and cold has -regen so I'm not as worried with the dps.



The scrapper forum formula for killing AVs without using any temp powers or inspirations:

1) Softcapped defenses

2) A heal of some form to make up for the times when softcapped defenses fail.

3) Enough endurance modification to fight non-stop.

4) A good attack chain.

Since you have -regen you're already well on your way.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
The scrapper forum formula for killing AVs without using any temp powers or inspirations:

1) Softcapped defenses

2) A heal of some form to make up for the times when softcapped defenses fail.

3) Enough endurance modification to fight non-stop.

4) A good attack chain.

Since you have -regen you're already well on your way.
Unlimited endurance from heat loss too.



Yeah, I reeeeaaaally doubt a Cold Corruptor is going to be soloing GMs. AVs maybe, but not the tougher ones.



Yeah, I have a Sonic/Cold that can solo some AV's, but have never tried a GM with it. I doubt it can take them down. My Fire/Rad fits the role of AV/GM soloing much better.




What is it about rad's that makes them superior to colds vs GMs?



Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
What is it about rad's that makes them superior to colds vs GMs?
Cold has benumb, sleet, heat loss to debuff AV/GMs. Arctic fog to provide some defense. Rest is useless against them one on one for the most part. Benumb can miss, heat loss can miss.

Rad has LR, EV, and RI. 2 can't miss, and LR is easier to perma than benumb for 2 reasons; AM and better up/down time ratio. Rad has AM to buff self, and a built in heal for when needed.

If heat loss is needed for endurance, one miss will most likely kill you, a missed LR won't. A missed benumb will let that damage debuff go off, EV won't. AM makes recharge bonuses less needed, and endurance problems less noticeable and will always affect you. Cold has to reapply benumb, heat loss, and sleet. Rad only has LR and AM, and AM is on a longer wait time to recast, so isn't as bad. Rad is just more reliable and takes less time away from dishing out your max DPS.



Originally Posted by Pyro_Master_NA View Post
Cold has benumb, sleet, heat loss to debuff AV/GMs. Arctic fog to provide some defense. Rest is useless against them one on one for the most part. Benumb can miss, heat loss can miss.

Rad has LR, EV, and RI. 2 can't miss, and LR is easier to perma than benumb for 2 reasons; AM and better up/down time ratio. Rad has AM to buff self, and a built in heal for when needed.

If heat loss is needed for endurance, one miss will most likely kill you, a missed LR won't. A missed benumb will let that damage debuff go off, EV won't. AM makes recharge bonuses less needed, and endurance problems less noticeable and will always affect you. Cold has to reapply benumb, heat loss, and sleet. Rad only has LR and AM, and AM is on a longer wait time to recast, so isn't as bad. Rad is just more reliable and takes less time away from dishing out your max DPS.
Not to mention the main advantage Rad has over Cold: less interruptions in the attack chain.



Also, Radiant Aura is nice to have when you actually take some damage.
