FF/Dark Duo
A friend and I were thinking of trying this combo out to play as a duo. What do you guys think?
The combo of defense plus -To Hit of the Dark Blast seem to work well together and should make our enemies shoot like Stormtroopers. We were thinking of taking Presence Pool, but I've never had any experience with it. I'm thinking double stacking Invoke Panic would work well. Also it fits character concept. Any thoughts? |
It would be overkill. Force Field more or less works best as a lone buffer. A pair of Traps would have similar look overall. Paired Cold or Empathy--especially stuff like Empathy/Ice--are known to push the limits of game breaking, would have similar defense if you built for it, and would be a lot more flexible. I believe the aforementioned Empathy/Ice duo can nuke for Blaster level damage without crashing, and get +100% Recharge from each other to make the power come back quickly. So.. yeah.
Like Tex said, one FF/Dark would be enough to floor the enemies chance to hit you. Maybe try something like a pair of Cold defenders? Double Arctic Fog, double Maneuvers and shields/+HP power (forget what it's called) for the both of you. You can both easily cap your defense to everything. After that you can have double sleet. You can both still use Dark Blast, still be defense capped to everything, but you'll bring a lot more useful tools to the table than plain old FFs would. Although the Empathy route Tex mentions would be pretty awesome.
My wife and I duo'd a FF/Dark and a Sonic/Dark for awhile until we got bored of it. We were always gasping for endurance because Vigilance did virtually nothing for us.
Nothing could kill us, but we couldn't kill anything either because defender damage is so low and the DPE stinks. It took a long time to try to do anything and it sucked big time because those power sets are huge end hogs.
All we had to do to make it fun and fast was pick up a PUG blaster. That kind of defeated the purpose of being a duo though.
-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson
A friend and I were thinking of trying this combo out to play as a duo. What do you guys think?
The combo of defense plus -To Hit of the Dark Blast seem to work well together and should make our enemies shoot like Stormtroopers. We were thinking of taking Presence Pool, but I've never had any experience with it. I'm thinking double stacking Invoke Panic would work well. Also it fits character concept. Any thoughts? |
I'd recommend something like Cold, Traps, or Thermal over FF, and if you're going to duo you may as well do something more damage-dealing, like a Corruptor. A pair of Traps or Cold/Thermal Corrs or MMs would do very well. Or at least FF MMs. Simply put, the level of mitigation Defenders offer is not necessary for a duo. And their low damage would only slow you down.
EDIT: Pain Domination would be good too.
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.
I would love to try Tex's idea sometime. That sounds awesome. Or maybe even 2 MMs with /pain?
I've reccamended it several times on the forums and I'll say it again. Emp/sonic/dark is the best duo I have ever played, and I can't think of one that would do better. They would also be able to get the capped defense you want, although it would be a little later than ff/ would cap, but you won't have craptastic damage like 2 ff/darks.
A friend and I were thinking of trying this combo out to play as a duo. What do you guys think?
The combo of defense plus -To Hit of the Dark Blast seem to work well together and should make our enemies shoot like Stormtroopers.
We were thinking of taking Presence Pool, but I've never had any experience with it. I'm thinking double stacking Invoke Panic would work well. Also it fits character concept.
Any thoughts?