Silver Gale

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  1. Silver Gale

    So rude!

    He is a level 1 character asking a complete stranger how often they'll play a level 1 character. What else could this possibly be about?
  2. Silver Gale

    So rude!

    *Creating name-holder for my I21 Time Manipulator, gotta grab those names early.*

    *Load costume from file, get name, zone into Atlas!*

    Tell [a level 1 Warshade]: you gonna be playing that character alot?
    Me [Tell]: This is a placeholder for a character I'll make next Issue. I am not level pacting with you.
    Tell [a level 1 Warshade]: so rudeeeeee
    Tell [a level 1 Warshade]: lmao

    I didn't realise it was rude to refuse to level pact with random strangers! Sorry, level 1 Warshade!
  3. Silver Gale

    Newb wish list

    Originally Posted by medic57 View Post
    Thank you for all the feedback.

    Pets. I need to clarify. I know how to "see" my pets. I also know I can target a pet to see their health. I heal in this order...tanks, players then pets.
    Here's something to keep in mind when you're coming from other games: healing in CoH is just one aspect of support, and it's not the most important one. In a lot of MMOs, buffs and debuffs are secondary. In CoH, they're *very* good, to the point of somewhat broken game design.

    A Team of all buff/debuff characters is ridiculously easy to play, because of how the buffs stack. +DEF on the team and -ToHit on the enemies make them hit a lot less often, down to a minimum of 1 in 20 attacks. +Res on the team and -Damage on eneies make whatever hits do come through be negligible. (In CoH, health regen is not floored when entering combat!) -DEF on enemies and +ToHit on the team makes hitting trivial. -Res on enemies and +Damage on the team makes even a support character hit like a ton of bricks.

    I don't know what archetype and powersets you're playing, but if you have heals, then you almost certainly also have some other tools. Check out your power listing, and drop by your Archetype forums and ask how to make the best use of them!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Recon-022 View Post
    Seeing as how I just started playing the game (got a full subscription last night), I was curious about what the veterans thought about being able to buy Power Sets when the Market comes online.

    Based on my experience playing other MMO's, it would seem to me that being able to buy powers or abilities instead of earning them is kind of a game breaker.

    But, due to my lack of experience in this game, am I just jumping to conclusions?
    There's a difference between powers and powersets. A powerset is picked at character creation from the ones that are available to you, and it defines what powers you earn as you level up.

    Powersets were always player unlocked, whether by buying a game package (CoH came with hero powersets, CoV with villain powersets, GR with four new ones for various hero and villain archetypes) or by ingame actions (getting to level 50 or 20 to unlock Epic Archetypes and their powersets).

    So, no, selling powerset unlocks is not really a new thing, and as long as the new powersets are balanced against the existing ones, it's not really comparable to buying powers.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Maybe they just wanted to show how vile Villains are? Evil is never cool or fun.
    If people are naturally good and don't want to be villains, why is it necessary for the writing to drive home the point how bad villains are and how you should never, ever enjoy pretending to be one? Can't you just have writing where the villains scheme, backstab and *win*, and then trust that players will feel bad after playing it?
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Taiyanna View Post
    And the current usage of beg the question is of the logical fallacy one. Using it in place of 'raises the question' will confuse a fair number of people.
    No it won't, because the logical fallacy is referred to as "circular logic". "Begging" means "asking very insistently" and "question" is an interrogative statement made to obtain information. "That makes me really want to ask for a clarification" is a perfectly natural and obvious thing to get out of "that begs the question".
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Spatch View Post
    No no no. This is an incorrect use of the phrase 'beg the question.'

    Sorry to be pedantic, but this error in use has become so ubiquitous in the popular vernacular, it bears correction.

    You should say, "raises the question."

    To beg the question is to commit a specific fallacy in logic. It is more commonly known as the circular argument, when a premise presupposes the very conclusion it ostensibly leads to.
    And the original meaning of "decimate" was "to kill exactly one-tenth of", not "to kill most of". If you try to use the first meaning now you'll only confuse people.

    Language is determined by usage, not by some arbitrary Platonic ideal of correctness.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Djeannie View Post
    Except, to pick a nit, this isn't true. I bought incarnate access with GR as you MUST own GR to access incarnate content (powers/trials). If I go premium (which I won't be), I lose access to incarnate content that I paid to access.
    If you stopped paying your sub before Freedom you'd lose access to Incarnates too, along with everything else you paid to access with GR.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Montaugh View Post
    Another aspect of frustrating is when something is designed so that your powers just don't work at all. The BAF escape phase for control and slow effects. Resistance to effects is one thing, flat out immunity is another entirely. During that phase my Grav/Kin/Primal is basically reduced to a Crushing Field, SB, Siggy, and my incarnate pets. Its not challenging as all the mobs are doing is running, Its not difficult as no one dies during that phase. But it is the absolutely most frustrating encounter in the game that I have experienced so far. That absolute helplessness verses the LTs knowing that there is nothing I can do to stop or to personally kill them before they escape, that the entire purpose for your character to exist is meaningless.
    You don't need to stop them all *personally* - that's why there's 18-24 people there. Just before that phase I usually mention in League chat (whether I'm leading or not) "If you're a mez/slow/AoE specialist, focus on the minions, if you're a ST damage/debuffer, pick out the Lts".

    Characters combining their strengths to accomplish something none of them could do on their own is one of my favourite things when it happens, in this game.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Charming_Rogue_EU View Post
    But thanks to the GM, "naming no names as I don't want him to get into trouble, you know who are" for his help with the stuck spawn of Sky Raiders in the respect trial yesterday on Union. He left quickly without the opportunity of me to say thank you.

    So this is a big thank you from me, you really rock.
    Check your e-mail connected to your NCSoft account - you're going to get a followup "how did the GM do?" letter. Give the GM their due praise in a response.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    Wow, I don't think I've seen an entitlement issue this bad for... well... a while at least.

    Are you seriously going to argue that The developers have to give the long-time subscribers a gameplay option that the developers do not want to give any players because the developers say it goes completely contrary to the design of their game?
    I'm not sure how any of that follows from what I said. Particularly the "have to give them" part.

    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    I'm saying that we aren't entitled to make demands about what the devs choose to give us as a show of appreciation. When people start acting childish and petty about the gifts they receive it's far more likely that the gifts will stop coming. We are very lucky that our devs are so generous.
    When did I make demands? All I'm saying is, if the Devs are thinking about possible additions to the store or to Paragon Rewards, I would just like to note my interest in giving some of the newer powersets to characters who were made before those powersets were available.

    I am aware of the technical difficulties involved. I don't expect it to happen next month. Or ever, really. But I'd still *like* for it to happen.

    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    On the general subject of powerset respecs, Positron's statement is far more damning than I think some people really fully appreciate. "I see no point to it" is not a weak statement. For something of that magnitude to happen, there must be lots of good reasons for doing it, and no good reasons not to. I'm pretty sure Positron is aware of all of the arguments for doing it that are kicked around the forums. Knowing all of that, saying there's no point to it is saying every single one of those reasons given for wanting it have no positive value. That's far worse than Positron saying "I think its highly unlikely" or even "it would be game-breaking." He's saying none of the reasons given for doing it generate a positive result in his opinion. That's a "No" with a capital N, and a caveat that anyone who wants to argue in favor of it should come up with something original, because all the previous arguments are failures before they leave the gate.
    They had a similar "we looked into the crystal ball and didn't like what we saw" reaction to merging the markets. They had a similar "we'd rather not" reaction to "can you make Epic badges not completely ridiculous".

    Granted, powerset respecs are more game-impacting then Epic badge requirements, and it's unlikely that there ever comes up a situation where making powerset respecs possible becomes much less time and effort consuming than trying not to allow them. Still, it shows that circumstances can change, and when they do, it helps that there is a history of players wishing for a certain thing.
  12. When I'm stuck, I like to look at the names of Single Origin enhancements and see which one best completes the sentence "X can increase my character's powers".
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    And they already made long time subscribers feel appreciated by giving us a brand new server, the ability to pick the vet rewards we want instead of waiting years for them, between 400-550 free Paragon Points each month, 1 free server transfer each month when Freedom goes live.
    Yes, and...? Sorry, are you saying that is a sufficient amount of appreciation forever and now they don't have to listen to anything long-time subscribers ask for, ever again? If not, then what exactly is the point there?

    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    It's also HIGHLY exploitable and destroys the balance between various powersets of a given AT.

    Every AT has powersets like this that are powerful in the late game in exchange for being relatively weak in the early game. If you could respec between powersets at will you'd completely destroy that balance point, and probably get a LOT of those late game powerhouses nerfed into the dirt because there would no longer be any drawbacks to balance their late game power.
    What if they only allow a single powerset respec per character, and only *to* sets that wasn't available for the AT at the time the character was made?
  14. Silver Gale

    CoH Noob...

    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    Fortunately, all the servers have people on them and none of them are ghost towns.

    One thing to realize, as well, is this - while other MMOs have a lot going on outside (basically a lot of hunts, kill 30 bats to get 5 bat nose hairs for one person, etc etc) a fair bit of what goes on in COH are instanced missions. Appropriately, much of what happens happens *inside* buildings and warehouses (and caves.) (That, and we have a LOT of zones to spread people out.) This is part of why going with global channels is so handy.
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    None of the servers are especially empty and you can team even off peak hours if you know where to look.
    In short, if you can't find people to team with, it's not because they aren't there, but because the basic teaming tools in the game are kind of bad.
  15. I propose a new regular feature: Mothly Producer's Letter Writer's Letter, where the Producer writing the new Producer's Letter can let us know how it's doing and what will be in it.
  16. COSTUME SLOTS!!!! I am so excited I could punch through the ceiling right now!

    Account-wide isn't really that useful to me, but whatever. Five more costume slots! Yes please!
  17. Challenging is anything that makes me keep track of several different variables, and punishes me for losing track of any of them.

    Rounding up a group of mobs with Hurricane into a nice little clump is challenging, because I have to keep close track of where all the mobs are and which direction the Hurricane is pushing them. I have to stay alert and adjust my position all the time.

    Challenging becomes frustrating when I am given more variables than I can keep track of, which is a number that changes depending on my mood and mental energy reserves. In Keyes Island on a good day, keeping tack of where my team is, where Anti-Matter is, where we have to be next, do I have any temp powers to use, how long until the next pulse and do I have to heal anyone before it hits so they don't die is challenging. When I'm tired, I inevitably forget about the temp powers, the pulse, or Anti-Matter, leading to repeated failures and frustration.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Redbone View Post
    Yep. It was a big fear of a not inconsiderable segment of the playerbase when ads were announced. The idea of "Coke Inspirations," "Walmart End Redux IOs" and "MacBook Emotes" (all examples used by players at the time) were roundly bagged on to the point of reducing the whole idea to absurd levels and the consequences of having a persistant "Ad Item" when the promotional period ended (or worse, the client-game relationship went south) was brought up as well.
    As I recall, there were fears that the revenue from the ads would be so great that the advertisers would start dictating ingame content. "Guns are too violent, remove all the guns or we pull our ads" and next thing you know several powersets are gone.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    Implementing Power set respecs, even as a Purchase option, would immediately, and irrevocably, remove one of the MAJOR INCENTIVES of a subscribers account over a F2P account.
    But they also want to make long-time subscribers feel appreciated, and one of those ways is to solve the dilemma of "the new/proliferated set would fit this old character so much better, but if I reroll I'll lose all those anniversary badges".

    If it were a VIP Tier 9 reward, it would be an extra incentive to stay subscribed (and an extra thank-you to old-time subscribers) instead of a way for Premium players to avoid buying new slots.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    This is why.

    Some things once seen cannot be unseen.
    Yep, only attractive women should dress in a revealing way, to better help men fantasize about them.

    It's the same principle by which rich people should wear expensive suits so that the homeless know who they should ask for money. If you're wearing an expensive suit, you lose the right to complain about beggars - after all, you're dressing to say "I have so much money I can spend a bunch of it on this suit", clearly you want people to ask you for your money.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Hey Cap Please don't confuse the message with the messenger here. I've only repeated what the devs themselves have told us, and confirmed what others have said the devs told us.

    If you reread my posts I openly admitted that I have at least one character that I would use a powerset/AT respec on, and the only thing I wouldn't use it for would be to respec into one of the powerset/AT's that I'm unfamiliar with.

    Oh and this issue isn't the first time the devs have told us they aren't going to do something because they don't want us to do it. They make those unilateral decisions all the time.

    And Inherent Fitness was not one of those issues. What was actually said by Castle was if he could he'd prefer to remove Stamina entirely from the game rather than give us Inherent Fitness. That doesn't even come close to meaning the same thing as "Because I don't want you to!"
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    As I already explained to Captain Photon, I don't care. However the devs do and every single time this gets brought up, which is every couple of months they tell us the same thing.


    So we simply have to deal with the fact that this is their game and their rules. They want the game to evolve into a certain direction and total respecs isn't in that direction.
    I still think it's worth it to keep bringing it up, because circumstances change. With Freedom, anything that players are likely to pay for is probably getting re-considered.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Honestly, if the development team can introduce a whole store full of stuff and NOT put in a bunch of things that let those who buy them outclass those who don't BY FAR, I will be incredibly impressed and file to have my fanboy club membership card reissued.

    And, yes, I do mean that.
    Hm... how do you define "outclass"? I mean, in some cases it's pretty obvious. Generic IOs outclass SOs at levels 35 and higher. A character slotted with generic IOs will always have bigger bonuses at 35+. Likewise, purples outclass normal IOs (though whether the improvement is worth it for the cost is a different matter).

    But beyond that it gets very murky. What is a nice bonus to some people could be a necessary crutch to others. Imagine if the Shivians and Nukes, instead of being attempts to bribe people into PvP, were sold in the store. Would that be "letting people FAR outclass those who don't shop"?
  23. If they're store-only, it makes sense to make them fairly average rather than really good - to avoid the "some of the best items in the game are only available in the ingame store" effect.

    I'd say they're aiming for those players who really can't be bothered putting together an IO build but don't want to be underperforming. Once the player is sure they want to keep a character they can drop a bunch of Paragon Points on a set of IOs, and then never have to worry about slotting again while being sure their character is reasonably efficient. They've skipped some boring fiddle work, Paragon gets more money, everybody's happy.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chainsaw_Chicken View Post
    I hate getting harassed in game, and so I wish they would create a female only server. They have female only gyms for a reason. An online video game is not a dating site.

    If we can have VIP servers please make one female only.

    As noted - an online game is not like RL. It would be far too difficult to enforce and not very effective in preventing harassment. Please do check out the guide to protecting yourself against cyberstalking if you haven't already.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    If Freedom launched in June, you would have the 72 month Vet reward. That would get you 30 Reward Tokens at that point. If Freedom launches before your next Veteran Reward, you need 3 tokens to fill up Tier 8. If it launches in September (after your next vet reward) to November, you would have 31 Reward Tokens (2 tokens to fill up tier 8).

    After Issue 21 launch, you will earn 1 token a month (if you subscribe), 1 token next June (if you continue to subscribe until then), and 1 token for every 1,200 Paragon Point you buy (not the stipend).
    So two or three batches of 1200 PPs. Well, there'll probably be costume slots and things that I'll want to buy in the store.