Silver Gale

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Animorph View Post
    I just recently learned about how on Champions Online there wont be a name limit, per say. You'll have your "global name" that's unique and then any name for your character you can pick. So there could be 500 Captain X's and 12 Animorphs, ect, ect.
    On one hand they allow more than one character per name... on the other, I tried to make a character called "Silver Fox" in the Beta and nope, "Fox" is banned.

    I think a few CoH forumites found that handles they've had for years in this game are banned over in CO, as well. I don't know if "Animorph" would be allowed - it's used in a fairly famous YA book series, isn't it? - but I don't have a CO account and can't be bothered to check.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
    Hey, just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get me!
    Assuming everyone's out to get you is not paranoia, just common sense. Paranoia is when you think they're all organized.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Venture View Post
    And since Venture is the one who signed an agreement with every existing arc creator allowing them use of the Architect as long as they make an arc that fits his standards, it's entirely his call what the framework is and how much deviation from it is acceptable.

    Everyone has standards. Mine are just better than yours.
    And both our standards are of equal relevance to prospective MA authors: none whatsoever. The only relevant rules are the ones imposed by Paragon Studios and their GM team, who are the people actually running the game.

    Here, let me explain using bullet points:

    Things you're not allowed to put in your Mission Architect arcs
    • Farms
    • Copyright infrigment
    • Malicious code that breaks the arc server

    Things that are perfectly okay to put in MA arcs
    • Bad spelling
    • Mary Sues
    • Nonsensical plots
    • Sweeping assumptions about the player character
    • Specifically, treating the player character as a moron unable to spot the most obvious trap
    • Spreading one clue across multiple fields to get around the character limit
    • Breaking unspoken expectations the players have about plots
    • Other kinds of playing with the format or conventions

    Sure, some of the things on the second list may annoy other players, and if an author cares about making a good impression and getting favorable ratings, they can try to avoid those things. But that alone does not make them "outside the provided framework".

    You can complain about the arcs not living up to your personal standards (I'll leave aside the question of how one person's standards can be "better" than another's), but if you want any authority over what belongs in player-created missions, *you're* the one who's going to have to design and produce their own game.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Venture View Post
    Someone working in MA is not an "independent artist", they are working within a provided framework. If they want to be independent they can design their own game.
    And since Venture is the one who signed an agreement with every existing arc creator allowing them use of the Architect as long as they make an arc that fits his standards, it's entirely his call what the framework is and how much deviation from it is acceptable.

    Oh, wait.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neg_rogue View Post
    Wow, so because me and Slash don't make up the majority that makes us "irrelevant" and "wrong"? We aren't allowed to not like MA lest we be viewed as "lesser players" is that what you're saying?
    No. What he's saying is that just because some players use the MA for farms does not make it "not content". Similarly, just because you personally don't like/use the MA doesn't make it "not content". Therefore, your assertion that "the last few issues had barely any content" is wrong.

    As an example: I don't enjoy PvP, I stay out of PvP zones, I don't go to the Arena, but if there was a Issue that was mostly PvP focused and added dozens of new maps and some new PvP modes, I wouldn't say "this issue has no content". I would say "There is not much in this issue for me", and "maybe next Issue will have something that interests me".
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neg_rogue View Post
    My point that you decided to completely ignore, Nethergoat, was that if I go to Atlas Park right now the vast majority of all of the people crammed in the zone looking for MA teams are not looking for the thought provoking story missions. They're looking for farms. Farms are the majority of the reason why so many people flock to the AE, not the story, and you're kidding yourself if you even so much as think otherwise.
    So if before the MA, the vast majority of people looking for teams in Peregrine Island (the level 50 zone) were looking for farms, that means even before the MA CoH had very little level 50 content that wasn't farms?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
    Most of those zones are ones that have already been mentioned as ways to do the exploration thing dead wrong. Boomtown is basically the same handful of ruined building models copied over and over, while DA is just Generic City Zone #34858 with fog on top of it. Neither of them have any really unique features in them to stumble across. It's like 'exploring' a grocery store. Lots of junk, sure, but none of it's new or interesting and you're not exactly going to find much of a payoff compared to somebody who just gets in, takes care of what they need, and gets out.
    The Abandoned Sewer Network is little more than a really big generic sewer mission, but it still inspired the OP.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
    These snippets that don't tell us anything new aren't really helping much on the publicity front. And if this game needs one thing, its more exposure. It's terribly under advertised.
    "More exposure" is not "giving more info about upcoming features to people who are already fans". It's "putting the same basic info in various places where people who aren't following the game closely are more likely to stumble on it".
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Vulgarian_EU View Post
    One thing's troubling me about the last mission of the TF. Do we actually get to know the reason why all the captured AVs are so keen to attack us, instead of ganging up with the heroes against their captor?
    In short: because they know the heroes will kick their ***** anyway.

    In long, here's the new dialogue of the four AVs.

    [NPC] Reichsman: Already no one can stand before me. I bring you here to demonstrate my power and to let you know that I am now the one in charge.
    [NPC] Reichsman: So I tell you this: I am supreme. Acknowledge that and you will continue to enjoy your freedom. Dispute that, and you will be crushed, like I am crushing the pitiful resistance in this Boomtown.
    [NPC] Countess Crey: I was lured here thinking you had a business proposition for me, Reichsman. I'm not interested in any merger with your cause, especially with you in the top slot. You're wasting your time!.
    [NPC] Vanessa Devore: You amuse me, Reichsman. You in charge of everything? Ha.
    [NPC] Nemesis: I need not fear you, Reichsman. You bluster and threaten, but in the end you cannot harm me. My plans remain unparalleled.
    [NPC] Gyrfalcon: Why would you think the Malta Group would throw its resources in with your bunch of fascists, Herr Reichsman? It is a good thing I'm restrained by this bubble, or I'd show you exactly what we do with your type.
    [NPC] Reichsman: Once again, you heroes seek to thwart me. And once again, I shall send you running back to your mothers like little children scared of the dark!

    [NPC] Reichsman: I cannot fail! You will not stop me! Nemesis, to me!
    [NPC] Nemesis: Fool! Do you think I am truly the real version? Nevertheless, I shall indulge your request, simply to show you that even with MY help your plan will not succeed!

    [NPC] Reichsman: What have you done to me? Countess, you will assist me with these heroes! It is your only option if you wish to remain free.
    [NPC] Countess Crey: Ugh, I knew coming here was a bad idea. I'm done with you Reichsman, but I'm not about to let this bad press get out!

    [NPC] Reichsman: Your talents can aid my cause, Vanessa Devore!
    [NPC] Vanessa Devore: *Your* cause? Hah! Don't make me laugh darling, I work for *myself*. But I'm not just about to pass up this chance to add some more souls to my collection!

    [NPC] Reichsman: Gyrfalcon, come aid me!
    [NPC] Gyrfalcon: Hero intervention! You can't control your own base. I'll do what I have to to save my own skin, but don't come near me after this, Reichsman.
  10. Silver Gale

    Single alt lover

    I believe the official term for "having only one character" is "mainomania".
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    But, on a certain level, I do want to see travel as the actual OBJECTIVE of a taste sometimes. After all, as long as you're moving through a map and killing stuff, you may as well do so with the objective of getting somewhere.
    But if you're told to "get from point A to point E through points B, C and D", it's not exploration, it's just a guided tour. Exploration can only happen when it's something you decide to do for yourself, for no reason other than the fun of it.
  12. We have plenty of exploration, it's that all of it is entirely optional, as it damn well should be. Next time you feel like doing this, try exploring the northern end of the Rikti War Zone, dodging the pylon fire and fighting swarms of level 54 Rikti, and you'll be able to really appreciate the damage the giant mothership did when it crashed.

    Or visit the three little islands north of Talos Island. Not just to get to your mission door and back out, but look around a bit. Admire the rock formations, see if you can find a nice place for a quiet beach picnic, rescue some citizens from Circle of Thorns (and watch them walk right back into the "DANGER DO NOT ENTER" doors...).

    There's a fire hydrant in Brickstown which is in the middle of the street (actually floating *above* the street, at around sidewalk-height). See if you can find it! Hint: start on the side furthest from the zone entrance.

    And, of course, if you have at least one badge-collecting character, you're going to end up visiting various interesting corners to find Exploration badges and History plaques.
  13. I got a beta key. I tried to make use of the "absolute freedom to roll any kind of character you like" to roll a support character, with ranged attacks and buffs. I found myself dying more and more until about level 13 when I was stuck in the Canadian zone, completely unable to solo any of my own missions. Nobody else seemed to want to team.

    Seems that the first thing they did on patch day was to buff the enemies, because the game had been deemed "too easy".

    I wrote off Champions as "not for me".
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LadyGrimrose View Post
    Really? Is there a required formula to this one, like there is Statesman?
    The only "required formula" for Statesman is "eight people who know how to play well". Master Saturday regularly sees all sorts of teams achieve Master of STF, and many more teams come close (ie. finishing the TF, but with a few deaths).
  15. Early-game:
    Early-early-game: 1-5
    Mid-early-game: 5-14
    Late-early-game: 14-20

    Early-mid-game: 20-22
    Mid-mid-game: 22-30
    Late-mid-game: 30-35

    Early-late-game: 35-39
    Mid-late-game: 39-45
    Late-late-game: 45-50
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
    Go take a look, guys. The official list is up on the Test boards.
    I think I love Synapse in a totally platonic brotherly way.
  17. Due to a complicated set of circumstances, a Japanese anime/toymaking company wound up with the rights to the Silver Gale name and image, resulting in "Magical Snow Princess Silver Gale" (Mayukihime SHIRUBAA GEIRU).

    The show is a pretty standard shoujo story (about the daughter of the Winter Queen who comes to Earth to "melt the ice that forms in people's hearts" in order to rescue her true love from being eternally frozen in ice), but the character interactions have a tendency to mirror Silver Gale's real-life relationships with her close friends.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Thank you for quoting me and then completely misrepresenting me as a bigot. It is appreciated.
    Yeah, sorry about that. Although the "I can't see the point so it has to be pointless" subtext is depressingly common, you of all people probably *do* mean "please help me understand this" when you ask that question.
  19. I have no particular attachment to that underscore, and in fact I'm glad to see it gone.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Here's what I keep asking people high and low: what is the POINT of these "social network" stuff?
    I never go to bars. I don't enjoy meeting random people in bars. None of my friends enjoy meeting in bars and most of them don't live in the same country anyway. There is no reason I would ever want to go to a bar.

    I am not *perplexed* by the existence of bars. I do not ask people "yes, but what is the POINT of bars?", with the implication that if they can't present a good answer, then there is no point and bars should not exist. If someone tells me "I meet my friends at the bar", I do not insist that I meet my friends in a CoH global channel, and therefore one of us is Doing It Wrong (and it definitely is not me).

    I do not argue that since I am an intelligent person, and I don't enjoy bars, then no intelligent person can possibly enjoy bars, and anyone who goes to bars is thus in some way limited compared to myself. I do not see the existence of bars as some symptom of the decline and upcoming ruin of society.

    I just don't go to bars.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Toony View Post
    All I've heard is "new zones (plural, no specifics, for all I know it could be 2), side switching, two powersets". Everything else I hear has been speculation or stuff said at comic con that they'd "like to put in in the future."
    Quote from Positron in Boomtown interview:

    Boomtown: Looking forward the first paid expansion has been announced – Going Rogue. Please explain to our readers what the new expansion will bring.

    Matt Miller: I can’t release much information yet. Hopefully the name alone, Going Rogue, provides a good foreshadowing to what the game will encompass. But among other things there will be new zones, the ability to switch a hero to a villain and vice versa, and difficult tasks for level 50 characters to do that make them more powerful.
    That's not speculation or stuff they'd like to do, that's something Marketing let him say will specifically be in the expansion.
  22. I really, really don't get the Twitter hate. Okay, so there's a lot of people twittering about inane everyday things. So what?

    It's like someone saying "the World Wide Web is lame because it's full of websites that are nothing but pictures of cats on headache-inducing animated backgrounds". Yes, there are sites like that, but that doesn't automatically disqualify everything else that's out there.

    And I don't get the hate for Devs who post things on Twitter. "They shouldn't post things that I want to read on Twitter, because I don't follow Twitter, and I don't follow it because it doesn't have anything I want to read".

    I follow a few of my friends, because they are my friends and they live in different countries and I can't just phone them up or drop by to check on them, and I follow a few CoH devs because they usually have some interesting news or at least funny stories. There is no inane chatter in my Twitter feed, it's all stuff that's relevant to me.
  23. This was way, way back, when I created my first character, ran through the tutorial (carefully reading everything), and found myself at level 2 in Atlas Park. I followed the markers to my first contact, "Azuria", who told me to defeat 5 Hellions in Atlas Park.

    I wasn't sure what a Hellion was, but I assumed from the name it must be some sort of small demon or imp. I ran all around the area looking for them (a few times making sure I was still within eye-sight of the big white building, because the last thing I wanted to do was to get lost), but all I saw were some gang members trying to steal purses. I was really tired at this time, having spent most of the day installing the game and creating my first hero, so I just logged out.

    I posted on my LJ about my experiences, and some of my friends who'd played the game set me straight.