Thank you, Horatio! *Khan TF Spoilers*




I finally had time to run the Dr. Kahn Task Force again (on live, I haven't seen it in I16), for the first time in maybe a month. Many of my criticisms regarding the story and canon issues have been fixed, and I think Horatio deserves a public thank you for delivering on his promise to fix up the canon errors. (Just FYI, Horatio, I don't know if you remember me, but I spoke with you very briefly at Comic Con about concerns with the storyline on the first or second day.)

I specifically noticed the following:

  • The Reichsman is now specifically referred to as the 5th Column's new leader. No longer is it assumed that he's always led it.
  • Axis America is called Axis America again!
  • Tina Macintyre gives a much more detailed explanation of what is going on.
  • Axis Americans are back in Axis America, and the dialogue for the boss ambush is great, referring to the Axis winning WWII in that dimension (I don't know if the dialogue is new, as previously people have always killed him before I even had a chance to see him)
  • The final encounter with the Reichsman has greatly improved dialogue. It fits him, and now all the dialogue (both before and after their release) by the NPCs with him also fits their individual personalities.

There's really only one thing left that needs to be changed, and that's that the Axis America Oberst needs a new hat-- it still has a Council logo on it from the Council Empire models:

Edit: Oops, I also forgot to point out that the mission clues still say we witnessed a fight between the Reichsman and the Statesman, but we don't ever actually witness this event. It is also specifically mentioned by Tina Macintrye that he has captured the Statesman already to drain his power, and that's one reason why he is so powerful. While I'd prefer to see a cut scene fight between them, it might make the most sense to just remove the mention of their fight from the clues.

I also hope there will be some future story development dealing with how Requiem takes being abandoned for a new leader, especially after the revelation in the Imperious TF, but that's not a change, I just wanted to mention him again and make sure he's on your mind for future 5th storylines.

I do have one other request: I really would like to see Schadenfreude be the Axis America version of Nosferatu. Otherwise it's kind of weird to have someone that looks exactly like Nosferatu, and supposedly has always been in the 5th, but has never been heard of before. Obviously, you can't just stick it in his bio in the TF, since he shows up so early and that would ruin the surprise, but you could describe him as a mysterious Vampyr that looks just like Nosferatu, and have him refer to the 5th as allies in his dialogue, leaving it implied (for now).

But really, that is minor compared to the rest of the changes that were made. Thank you again so much for fixing these issues, I really appreciate the effort to make it fit in with the established lore for us picky long-time players.

Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)



Originally Posted by Liquid View Post
There's really only one thing left that needs to be changed, and that's that the Axis America Oberst needs a new hat-- it still has a Council logo on it from the Council Empire models:

Actually, if Paragon Wiki is correct, all the Axis America enemies are using the wrong models. The enemy pictured is a boss, but their picture in Paragon Wiki for the Axis America bosses is this...

The grey color (Along with the warping pants) is probably a problem with the screenshot that was taken but I think you get the idea.

Anyway, I also definitely appreciate the changes that were done to the TF to make it fit in canonically (And the changes to the SF to make the players look better as well). The AVs that help out Reichsman have much better dialogue and reasons for being there. Nemmy's is particularly great because it's implied that he's there simply to make fun of Reichsman and his plan. Now that is something Nemesis would do, as shown in the Viridian arc.

My arcs:

Title: Blitzkrieg
Arc ID: 3416

Title: Soldiers of Fortune
Arc ID: 4431

Title: The Rikti Accession
Arc ID: 278757



Did it clear up some confusion on how Reichman came out of stasis at full strength? Also, did the suggestion of "defeated allies lying around" in the Boomtown invasion get added?

Just trying to bring up some things mentioned in beta. I don't have any characters able to run either version.



Originally Posted by Mekkanos View Post
Nemmy's is particularly great because it's implied that he's there simply to make fun of Reichsman and his plan. Now that is something Nemesis would do, as shown in the Viridian arc.
Plus - and this might come as a major shock - it seems that he's a fake Nemesis too

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



One thing's troubling me about the last mission of the TF. Do we actually get to know the reason why all the captured AVs are so keen to attack us, instead of ganging up with the heroes against their captor?

Nemesis I can understand, since it's a fake and just there to toy with the Reichsman, but the others are more difficult. They did get captured once, so what makes them think that they can first beat 8 heroes and right after that, take on Reichsman himself?

-Countess Crey runs an empire of evil and yet somehow makes it all look like legitimate business to outsiders. You'd think she'd be more pragmatic.

-I'm not sure about the Malta guy. Somehow I had an impression of the Malta Group as having been sort of "ultra-nationalists" who want to continue the Cold War. Wouldn't allying with a super-nazi be sort of antithetical to their beliefs. Or maybe not, since they're all "the ends justify the means" kind of guys.

-With Vanessa DeVore on the other hand, you just never know. She's kind of loopy, after all.

Would've been refreshing if 1-2 of the AVs would turn out to be temporary allies. That'd make more sense with their usual motivations anyway, IMHO.



Originally Posted by The_Vulgarian_EU View Post
One thing's troubling me about the last mission of the TF. Do we actually get to know the reason why all the captured AVs are so keen to attack us, instead of ganging up with the heroes against their captor?
They're just doing it for the merits.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Originally Posted by The_Vulgarian_EU View Post
One thing's troubling me about the last mission of the TF. Do we actually get to know the reason why all the captured AVs are so keen to attack us, instead of ganging up with the heroes against their captor?
I'm pretty sure something in there suggests that it's a 'I'm making you an offer you can't refuse' deal, or perhaps more appropriately, 'Join me or die.'

61866 - A Series of Unfortunate Kidnappings - More than a coincidence?
2260 - The Burning of Hearts - A green-eyed monster holds the match.
379248 - The Spider Without Fangs - NEW - Some lessons learned (more or less.)



Originally Posted by The_Vulgarian_EU View Post
One thing's troubling me about the last mission of the TF. Do we actually get to know the reason why all the captured AVs are so keen to attack us, instead of ganging up with the heroes against their captor?
In short: because they know the heroes will kick their ***** anyway.

In long, here's the new dialogue of the four AVs.

[NPC] Reichsman: Already no one can stand before me. I bring you here to demonstrate my power and to let you know that I am now the one in charge.
[NPC] Reichsman: So I tell you this: I am supreme. Acknowledge that and you will continue to enjoy your freedom. Dispute that, and you will be crushed, like I am crushing the pitiful resistance in this Boomtown.
[NPC] Countess Crey: I was lured here thinking you had a business proposition for me, Reichsman. I'm not interested in any merger with your cause, especially with you in the top slot. You're wasting your time!.
[NPC] Vanessa Devore: You amuse me, Reichsman. You in charge of everything? Ha.
[NPC] Nemesis: I need not fear you, Reichsman. You bluster and threaten, but in the end you cannot harm me. My plans remain unparalleled.
[NPC] Gyrfalcon: Why would you think the Malta Group would throw its resources in with your bunch of fascists, Herr Reichsman? It is a good thing I'm restrained by this bubble, or I'd show you exactly what we do with your type.
[NPC] Reichsman: Once again, you heroes seek to thwart me. And once again, I shall send you running back to your mothers like little children scared of the dark!

[NPC] Reichsman: I cannot fail! You will not stop me! Nemesis, to me!
[NPC] Nemesis: Fool! Do you think I am truly the real version? Nevertheless, I shall indulge your request, simply to show you that even with MY help your plan will not succeed!

[NPC] Reichsman: What have you done to me? Countess, you will assist me with these heroes! It is your only option if you wish to remain free.
[NPC] Countess Crey: Ugh, I knew coming here was a bad idea. I'm done with you Reichsman, but I'm not about to let this bad press get out!

[NPC] Reichsman: Your talents can aid my cause, Vanessa Devore!
[NPC] Vanessa Devore: *Your* cause? Hah! Don't make me laugh darling, I work for *myself*. But I'm not just about to pass up this chance to add some more souls to my collection!

[NPC] Reichsman: Gyrfalcon, come aid me!
[NPC] Gyrfalcon: Hero intervention! You can't control your own base. I'll do what I have to to save my own skin, but don't come near me after this, Reichsman.

Character index



Eh, it kind of screams "rewrite," and is very expositiony, but it is an improvement.

It might work if he didn't say "support my cause" to people who obviously are not loyal to him. He could call to their desire to fight a mutual enemy instead.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



For comparison, here's the launch-day dialogue:

[NPC] Reichsman: Already no one can stand before me. I bring you here to demonstrate my power and to let you know that I am now the one in charge.
[NPC] Reichsman: So I tell you this: Join me or perish.
[NPC] Nemesis: I need not fear you, Reichsman. Your plan seems flawed, while my planning remains unparalleled.
[NPC] Vanessa Devore: You amuse me, Reichsman. You in charge of everything? Ha.
[NPC] Reichsman: Once again, you heroes seek to thwart me. And once again, I shall send you running back to your mothers like little children scared of the dark!
[NPC] Countess Crey: You are mistaken if you think we have common cause, Reichsman. You are wasting your time!.
[NPC] Gyrfalcon: Why would you think the Malta Group would throw its resources in with your bunch of fascists, Herr Reichsman? It is a good thing I'm restrained by this bubble, or I'd show you exactly what we do with your type.

[NPC] Reichsman: What have you done to me? Countess, assist me with these heroes!
[NPC] Countess Crey: Heroes here? Stop them!

[NPC] Reichsman: I cannot fail! You will not stop me! Nemesis, to me!
[NPC] Nemesis: I was prepared for this!

[NPC] Reichsman: Your talents can aid my cause, Vanessa Devore
[NPC] Vanessa Devore: Even here, these heroes interfere. They shall learn the folly of their actions.
[NPC] Reichsman: To me!

[NPC] Reichsman: Vas? What is happening? How did you get so powerful?
[NPC] Gyrfalcon: Hero intervention! You can't control your own base. I'll do what I have to to save my own skin, but don't come near me after this, Reichsman.
[NPC] Reichsman: Gyrfalcon, come aid me!

So, Gyrfalcon's dialogue was fairly untouched (which is good, because his was already written quite well), and the others were updated. I definitely think the new dialogue is better.

Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.



Originally Posted by Liquid View Post
I do have one other request: I really would like to see Schadenfreude be the Axis America version of Nosferatu.
Sorry for the Thread Necro, but I wanted to tell everyone that on the qualifying test for the Trivia contest at HeroCon there was this question:

Who is the Axis America version of Nosferatu?

a) Mueller
b) Schadenfreude
c) Some Name I Didn't Recognize and Don't Remember
So, unless C was actually the answer (does anyone else remember what C was?) then Schadenfreude is the Axis America version of Nosferatu! Hurrah! Thank you again, Horatio (or Hero 1, or whoever it was that made this decision)!

Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)



Awesome. More awesome, in my opinion, that they didn't just come out and tell people in his bio or something lame. They let us come to that discovery largely on our own. Nice!

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.