Saturday Cartoons on ParagonTV




Today, on Paragon Channel 4:

8:00 AM.
Join a hyperactive Fire Imp as he rescues baby animals and teaches Spanish on Go, En Fuego, Go!
(Some recipes at the end of the show for fricassee of Baby Eagle and Roast Jaguar La'Orange might not be suitable for your location, depending on federal/local statues concerning endangered wildlife).

8:30 AM
Visit the undersea world of Coralax Reef and watch a happy-go-lucky Sea Urchin (and his starfish friend) balance a fast food job, jelly-fishing and ASSASSIN STRIKE!! on StalkerBob Sneakypants !






Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
Today, on Paragon Channel 4:

8:00 AM.
Join a hyperactive Fire Imp as he rescues baby animals and teaches Spanish on Go, En Fuego, Go!
(Some recipes at the end of the show for fricassee of Baby Eagle and Roast Jaguar La'Orange might not be suitable for your location, depending on federal/local statues concerning endangered wildlife).

8:30 AM
Visit the undersea world of Coralax Reef and watch a happy-go-lucky Sea Urchin (and his starfish friend) balance a fast food job, jelly-fishing and ASSASSIN STRIKE!! on StalkerBob Sneakypants !

This is a REALLY good point...would the kids simply watch the NEWS for entertainment? Would people have sponsored TV shows? Like, I know Xanatos is/was an Ad magnet at one point, would he be on like Wheaties or something? Would Sports stars mean nothing anymore? There are some really good questions brought on by this...

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Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
This is a REALLY good point...would the kids simply watch the NEWS for entertainment? Would people have sponsored TV shows? Like, I know Xanatos is/was an Ad magnet at one point, would he be on like Wheaties or something? Would Sports stars mean nothing anymore? There are some really good questions brought on by this...
I think that some metahumans would become celebrities in their own right. Some may have TV shows about them or starring them... in fact, I have one hero who retired and became a cosmetics model for a cosmetics line aimed at the metahuman community.

There would still be sports around, but you would probably see ads with a combination of metas and non-meta celebrities, like the "Got Milk?" ads for example.

Hope this helps, or raise more questions... I can never tell

Ashes to ashes,

The Cape Radio

"It's good to have friends. Wish I did." - Troy Hickman



Originally Posted by Pheonyx View Post
I think that some metahumans would become celebrities in their own right. Some may have TV shows about them or starring them... in fact, I have one hero who retired and became a cosmetics model for a cosmetics line aimed at the metahuman community.

There would still be sports around, but you would probably see ads with a combination of metas and non-meta celebrities, like the "Got Milk?" ads for example.

Hope this helps, or raise more questions... I can never tell

Ashes to ashes,
So, you're making a profit though, as a hero...on your image and exploits.

Wonder what villains would do...Oh yeah...Sovereign Fist porn would be EPIC. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *runs*

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I flash back to Captain Amazing from Mystery Men, with his super jumpsuit adorned with sponsor patches like a race car driver...

Or we could just ask Ascendant about his marketing deals.

SG Mate: Cien, what the hell is this Rookery thing?
RadDidIt: (interjecting) Dude. It's the Rookery.
SG Mate: Yeah, but what IS it?
RadDidIt: Silliness Incarnate.



The villains would own the companies the heroes are shilling for.



Originally Posted by Clobbertime View Post
The villains would own the companies the heroes are shilling for.

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Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
This is a REALLY good point...would the kids simply watch the NEWS for entertainment? Would people have sponsored TV shows? Like, I know Xanatos is/was an Ad magnet at one point, would he be on like Wheaties or something? Would Sports stars mean nothing anymore? There are some really good questions brought on by this...
I play a "super" model, who works modelling fashions for Icon. I've always figured that super heroes probably did replace sports stars in nearly all respects (with the added bonus that the work a super hero does is, generally, actually praiseworthy.)



Ain't nuthin' more humiliatin' 'n rescuin' some lady from some baddie an' then hearin' her talkin' ta her friends about how she got rescued by th' "Pizzabot"...



Originally Posted by Eikochan View Post
I play a "super" model, who works modelling fashions for Icon. I've always figured that super heroes probably did replace sports stars in nearly all respects (with the added bonus that the work a super hero does is, generally, actually praiseworthy.)
Eh, I treat them as just another avenue of celebrity...and even then, some more than others. The Red Sox, Canadiens, Giants and Springboks aren't going anywhere just because some folks wear tights and capes and fight evil.

My main's pretty much a small-time internet celeb, along the lines of the AVGN or the like, just a conspriacy theorist instead of being frothing angry about video games, jsut without anyone knowing his real identity.

Another is well, a B-movie star, but his meta-hood isn't well known (He's essentially a demigod, but knows msot folks would think he's even more egotistical if he said as much...anywhere but the D).

A good source for the 'metas as celebrities' schtick is the old White Wolf game Aberrant, where many metas DO leverage their powers for fame and hell, most don't wear costumes.

The Cape Radio - You're not super until you put on The Cape!



Originally Posted by Ascendant View Post
Also, while it's not a cartoon, and it doesn't air on Saturdays, I have it on good authority that the teens of Paragon City watch this.
Does this follow Smallville?



Originally Posted by Ascendant View Post
Also, while it's not a cartoon, and it doesn't air on Saturdays, I have it on good authority that the teens of Paragon City watch this.
*falls out of her chair laughing* Love it.

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Due to a complicated set of circumstances, a Japanese anime/toymaking company wound up with the rights to the Silver Gale name and image, resulting in "Magical Snow Princess Silver Gale" (Mayukihime SHIRUBAA GEIRU).

The show is a pretty standard shoujo story (about the daughter of the Winter Queen who comes to Earth to "melt the ice that forms in people's hearts" in order to rescue her true love from being eternally frozen in ice), but the character interactions have a tendency to mirror Silver Gale's real-life relationships with her close friends.

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