Silver Gale

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  1. Sounds like a false positive - the program thinks "oh, this thing can connect to the Internet and download files, IT MUST BE SOME NEW VIRUS". See if you can find a "ignore" or "add to exceptions" option.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
    Theres nothing on Earth that would make me wanna play through Sharkhead, Nerva, St. Martial, or Grandville ever again. Same for Heroes, Not much in the world would make me wanna hit Indy Port, Bricks, Talos, Striga, DA, or even PI... but I dunno, I dont get bored with behemoths in PI -much-.

    I havent even log on to play this game for more than 6 hours for the entire last year just about.
    You know, it's not actually physically *possible* for Devs to produce new zones faster than you can get bored of them.
  3. Quote:
    We did also get a bit of a hint as to how the system would work, as Melissa explained that the Incarnate system would “reward you for stuff you’d be doing at endgame anyway.”
    Interesting, and promising.
  4. Also, if you're going to play together at all times, it's a good idea to form a Level Pact.
  5. It seems once again, extremely important information concerning what the Paragon Studios devteam is up to has been posted on Twitter, and nowhere else.

    This is a slap to the face to all the loyal fans who *deserve* to have this sort of infomation posted on the forums, or even better, sent to their CoH ingame mail.
  6. For my main, I'm still hesitating because on one hand, there are badges redside, and on the other hand, there's supposed to be rewards for people who never side-switch. Depending on what the reward is and how it works, I'll either go Vigilante briefly to pick up bagdes and then go back to full Hero, or just make my secondary badge collector (who is slated to go Vigilante either way) into my primary.

    My Robots/Poison MM is definitely making the transition fully to Hero. Aside from that, I have characters that will stay mostly where they are, or move towards grey to visit the other side and faciliate setting up RP scenes (and some might want to take the "opportunities to subvert the other side"). I can't really say exactly who will wind up where until I see the actual mechanics.
  7. I'm guessing because while making a "zone where everything is blue and fuzzy and everyone has permament Hover" is easy, making an actual *underwater* zone that is fun to play in for every character is harder.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sigium View Post
    If it's only available at level 50, what different does it make what you call them? You can call them Praetorian Advancement Stages for all I care, but if it's making you stronger- more capable of dealing and avoiding damage, better Def/Res, then it is an additional level.
    Um, purple IOs are only available at level 50 and make you stronger than other level 50s, does that mean purple IOs are a level cap increase?

    I don't care how much more powerful the Incarnate system makes one character compared to other level 50s, as long as the "level" field still says "50", it's not a level increase.
  9. If you want info on badges specifically, try the Badges page on ParagonWiki and Badge-Hunter.
  10. I17 is still in Closed Beta, so anyone who knows about the badges is not allowed to talk about them. As soon as it goes Open Beta and the NDA is lifted, there will probably be full lists posted of the new badges on this forum and badge-hunter.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    But don't forget that these 10 levels are the start of the Incarnate system - as more levels are added, there's going to come a point when Incarnate players are either going to stop using the system because it's giving such tiny, pointless boosts, or they're going to become too powerful for the current highest difficulty setting.
    Well, there's a certain class of player who will never stop chasing Icarnate levels, no matter how tiny the actual gameplay bonus is.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sigium View Post
    I love how people so previously adamant about raising the level cap are now clamoring that this is some sort of divine work.

    You can call this whatever you'd like, but it is raising the level cap.
    And it has the exact same problems as raising the level cap: HOs will go red and become useless, all the existing level 50 content will have to either be rebalanced for level 60s or it will "gray out" and level 60s will have no more incentive to run it, it will create a situation where only the latest 10 levels have any content added to them and anything before them is just a long stretch of time-wasting until you get to the "real game"...

    ...oh wait, no it doesn't. Could this mean... people who were against a level cap raise were actually worried about those problems surfacing, and not just opposing bigger numbers next to character names on general principle? No, impossible. That would mean that instead of being giant hypocrites and Dev fanbois, they are actually just cautiously optimistic about a system that *appears* so far to avoid most of the possible pitfalls.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I think that is extremely unlinkely - something this big has to be open to everyone - putting out a boxed expansion based on the concept of switching sides, and then following it up with an Issue containing an endgame system that only players who didn't switch sides can access would just be plain crazy.
    It's almost as stupid as putting out a system that encourages people to switch alts frequently to get the most bonuses out of it, and at the same time implementing a new reward system that encourages running as much content as possible on one character to get the most out of it.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by InfamousBrad View Post
    I don't mind this system, I'll probably participate in it, and in particular the idea of it being tied into new zone events really catches my eye. On the other hand? I really hate the name. In all of the lore to date, it's impossible for anyone of any other origin to become an Incarnate. Incarnates are incarnate at their origin, that is to say, they got their powers directly from the Well of the Furies.

    Or I'm open to other suggestions. But seriously, "Incarnates?" Does not work for me at all.
    They set the groundwork for this with the "all Origins are interconnected" stuff in the Origin of Power arc.

    Honestly I don't see the big deal. Statesman and Recluse are not such memorable characters that making their "gimmick" available to everyone risks losing anything important. And I'm kind of used to ignoring large chunks of fluff text ever since the whole AE thing.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StormSurvivor View Post
    If everyone's an incarnate, then just how powerful are Statesman and Recluse anymore?
    Currently they are both slightly weaker than a team of 8 "regular" supers. And we've all been using samples of their blood and Well of the Furies water to make our vaguely-defined "enhancements" for a while now. That ship has sailed already.
  16. Silver Gale

    Kinetic Melee!

    In before "GR will be nothing but Aang clones".
  17. Move all the parts where you learn background information into a series of storyarcs like the RWZ. Trim down the TFs into 5-6 mission ones with new maps and Puzzle Bosses (ala 5th column TF/SF). Give villains their own parts of the Shard and reuse the mechanic of buff our side/debuff the other side missions from PvP zones (without actually making the zones PvP).

    I guarantee that whatever new zone will have to be axed to give the Shard dev time cannot possibly be more awesome than a revamped Shard.
  18. Several of the Veteran rewards give a free respec to all your characters, current and future.
  19. Along with binding Enter to a "please wait, typing" afk bubble, why not bind ; (the semicolon key) to a "please wait, typing an emote" one?

    /bind enter "afk About to say something$$startchat"
    /bind ; "afk About to do something$$beginchat ;"
  20. WoW is an aberration. In other words, it's not that CoH and other MMOs are particularly "unsuccessful", it's that WoW is a massive runaway success that exceeds all expectations for a game of the genre.

    Some factors:

    * It's made by Blizzard, who are one of the few development studios with an actual fanbase who will at least try every game they make.

    * Blizzard's development strategy is "take games that are popular, extract the most important elements, build a game around that". They don't invent, they refine and polish. In a market where "innovation" is hyped and sought after, this may sound like an insult, but it really isn't - Blizzard have an uncanny ability to zero in on what really makes a game *click*.

    * Massive, massive budget. This has two effects: one, the developers can work on the game with the confidence that they can hold off releasing it until it's *really good*. They'll never be stuck having to release an unfinished game to try to at least break even. Two, advertising. WoW is the only MMO which has had TV spots. No other MMO can *afford* them.

    * Snowball effect. If you're not a MMO gamer yet and all your friends are playing WoW, the first MMO you will try will be WoW. Eventually it's the game people are playing because everyone else is playing it.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gold_Aproch View Post
    I actually have seen this. I take it as... they're trying to leave an opening there so that you can interrupt them. They're not necessarily expecting your "but he doesn't, because...", but they are leaving the statement open-ended so that you can throw your because in there. Provided you're not just being snarky about it and actually ARE trying to interact.
    Okay, so explain to me the person I saw in the D having a spat with another. The second character hits the first with a chain, and the first one emotes "He would recoil from the pain in his arm", and a moment later "grabs other character by the arms and holds her up in the air".
  22. The shackles they wear seem distinctly tech-like.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by War_Monk View Post
    While it's true that sets like Dark Miasma, Force Field, Cold Domination, Sonic Resonance, and Traps can shine on their own. For sustained conflicts sets like Sonic, Force Field, and Cold Domination all end up needing green numbers at some point.
    Even in a "sustained conflict", one layer of bubbles is a massive help and two layers pretty much remove the need for a dedicated healer. Any gaps can be filled in with green insps and Aid Other, both of which can be used by any character.

    The one thing mobs love to do in this game is massive spike damage. No matter how much skill I bring to a fight: My Trick Arrow Defender is not going to win a battle of attrition on a 8 man pick-up-group (being the only support class) the same way my Pain Domination Mastermind can . Especially if it's something like an Archvillan/Hero fight.
    Yes, in an 8-man team where the only support is a TA/, survival depends on killing the enemies faster than they can kill you - meaning the rest of the team has to pull their weight. (Presumably if there are 7 other people on the team and you are the only support, that means the others are damage-heavy classes.) But if you think your biggest contribution against an AV as a MM is your heals, then you need more experience.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by War_Monk View Post
    If people leave in the middle of a mission due to real life emergencies, or “rage quit” because they died, and that player is a lynchpin class (such as healer or a tank) it can leave your team in a bind.

    While some will say: You don’t need a Tank/Brute! or You don’t need a Healer! After leading many Pick-Up-Groups I’ve come to only one conclusion: Yes you do, unless a large majority of your team is experienced.
    And how do you think experienced players *get* to be experienced? By playing in teams that don't have one character capable of drawing and holding all the aggro, or without a constant reassuring blanket of green numbers.

    Your suggestions are good, but I would be wary of anything that encourages Holy Trinity team builds and prevents players from experiencing the power of buffs and debuffs in this game.
  25. Silver Gale

    Redside Heroics

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    It's about the purely meta-game aspect of going against the grain and playing a hero in a game where virtually EVERYTHING is written with a villain in mind. Even the simplest of Paper missions try to paint characters as sociopathic jerks, and most contacts do a lot worse.
    Well, if you go by the letter of the writing, you can only really play one kind of villain: a thug for hire who is only interested in carnage and money in that order. That's incredibly limiting, especially compared to how many different heroic concepts you can play blueside.

    I really don't see how one can *not* disregard at least *some* of the writing redside. A common bit of flavour text is "You slick back your hair and crack your knuckles. Time to be the bad guy." Does this mean that playing any villain without hair is "going against the grain" and you would never imagine doing it?

    Redside players are used to ignoring bits of text that don't apply to them all the time. Playing a heroic character is really just another aspect of it.