Would use the word "would" in RP ...




... except that nobody seems to be able to use it correctly. This is something that I've noticed popping up in the RP community as a whole, both in World of Warcraft and now here. Someone who is RPing will use the word "would" in a way that makes absolutely no friggin' sense. For example:

Captain Extraneous Character would settle his ruggedly handsome frame into the seat with a satisfied yet grim look on his handsomely rugged features. "I believe I have taken care of the problem which Arachnos poses to us ... for now."

Whenever someone writes something like this, I have to restrain the snarky side of me from chipping in with something along the lines of "but he actually doesn't, because ... what?"

The word "would," when properly used, indicates either a habitual action:

"On Tuesdays, his uncle would take him to get ice cream at the store on the corner."

or something that might happen if a particular condition was met which either isn't or is uncertain:

"He would have taken his nephew to get ice cream that Tuesday, if it wasn't raining."
"He would take his nephew to get ice cream on Tuesdays when it wasn't too hot out."

or to put it another way:

"I would be able to tolerate the way some people choose to RP if they had a proper understanding of how grammar works, but they don't, so I am driven to the edges of frothing insanity on a regular basis."

Anyway, I'm posting this to ask: where is this coming from?! What maniac started this trend?



Never seen anyone do that.



I actually have seen this. I take it as... they're trying to leave an opening there so that you can interrupt them. They're not necessarily expecting your "but he doesn't, because...", but they are leaving the statement open-ended so that you can throw your because in there. Provided you're not just being snarky about it and actually ARE trying to interact.

{edit}To answer that second question, the maniac that started the trend was probably someone who does textfighting.



Would that I was familiar with such a use of this word.


Originally Posted by Lord of Aardvarks View Post
The word "would," when properly used, indicates either a habitual action:

"On Tuesdays, his uncle would take him to get ice cream at the store on the corner."

or something that might happen if a particular condition was met which either isn't or is uncertain:

"He would have taken his nephew to get ice cream that Tuesday, if it wasn't raining."
"He would take his nephew to get ice cream on Tuesdays when it wasn't too hot out."
Which of those two meanings does this sentence use? "I would like a peanut butter banana bacon sandwich." Words mean lots of things. I've never seen anyone use "would" in the way you describe but then again who knows what painful misuse of language goes on in RPing.

It can also mean "wish" or "want." This use is mostly deprecated.



Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
Would that I was familiar with such a use of this word.


Which of those two meanings does this sentence use? "I would like a peanut butter banana bacon sandwich." Words mean lots of things. I've never seen anyone use "would" in the way you describe but then again who knows what painful misuse of language goes on in RPing.

It can also mean "wish" or "want." This use is mostly deprecated.

Barring obscure Q.I. quotes, the problem with using it as 'wish' or 'want' is that it isn't the word 'would' indicating that in your example. The word 'like' is actually the culprit here. You could just as easily say "I would not like a peanut butter monstrosity," and suddenly you're only wishing that the person who cooked up such a thing doesn't try to force feed you.

Edit: In regards to 'Would that I..' etc, I wonder if this is purely a dialect taking influence on the word. I've never actually heard -anyone- but Steven Fry use 'would' in this manner (and he certainly makes anything endearing), but now I'm curious as to its origins!

I am a huge word nerd, but seeing someone use 'would' like that probably wouldn't much bother me. I can certainly understand RP pet peeves, though, and while everyone is welcome to have them, you often end up coming around to that $15 A Month rule (which I don't think I have to explain).

A while ago I knew a roleplayer who used the word 'loft' with a frequency that suggested addiction. But they never used it in a manner I would have expected (i.e.: "I live in a loft above the bakery." or "He held the basketball aloft, tormenting his stunted brother."). They regularly emoted:

/e lofts one eyebrow

.. which tended to make me imagine one fancy eyebrow flying off into space.



Originally Posted by Jessimae View Post
/e lofts one eyebrow

.. which tended to make me imagine one fancy eyebrow flying off into space.
I would like to commission you to draw that....

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



I'm a pirate! I've got a wouldn't leg!

But yeah...I've never seen that misuse of 'would'.

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is 15 hours ahead of
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which is 5 hours behind
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Is it safe to file this one under "stuff no one cares about"?

Screw safety. I'm doin' it anyway.

"People who take offense to IC actions OOCly need to learn to differentiate between the two... Or change their damn meds."



Originally Posted by Gold_Aproch View Post
I actually have seen this. I take it as... they're trying to leave an opening there so that you can interrupt them.
That and 'would' makes people sound more intelligent. I'm sure there's a line somewhere that divides the people who understand the use of would and those who just use the word
and attempt to mimic people who understand its use.



Originally Posted by Lord of Aardvarks View Post
... except that nobody seems to be able to use it correctly. This is something that I've noticed popping up in the RP community as a whole, both in World of Warcraft and now here. Someone who is RPing will use the word "would" in a way that makes absolutely no friggin' sense. For example:

Captain Extraneous Character would settle his ruggedly handsome frame into the seat with a satisfied yet grim look on his handsomely rugged features. "I believe I have taken care of the problem which Arachnos poses to us ... for now."

Whenever someone writes something like this, I have to restrain the snarky side of me from chipping in with something along the lines of "but he actually doesn't, because ... what?"

The word "would," when properly used, indicates either a habitual action:

"On Tuesdays, his uncle would take him to get ice cream at the store on the corner."

or something that might happen if a particular condition was met which either isn't or is uncertain:

"He would have taken his nephew to get ice cream that Tuesday, if it wasn't raining."
"He would take his nephew to get ice cream on Tuesdays when it wasn't too hot out."

or to put it another way:

"I would be able to tolerate the way some people choose to RP if they had a proper understanding of how grammar works, but they don't, so I am driven to the edges of frothing insanity on a regular basis."

Anyway, I'm posting this to ask: where is this coming from?! What maniac started this trend?
Those of us who would have any respect for the English vernacular; tend to avoid RP. :P



Would you kindly pick up that shortwave radio?



Kill, would you kindly?



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
Kill, would you kindly?
I would you. would you me?



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
I would you. would you me?
Would you kindly play some Bioshock?



Originally Posted by Gold_Aproch View Post
I actually have seen this. I take it as... they're trying to leave an opening there so that you can interrupt them. They're not necessarily expecting your "but he doesn't, because...", but they are leaving the statement open-ended so that you can throw your because in there. Provided you're not just being snarky about it and actually ARE trying to interact.

{edit}To answer that second question, the maniac that started the trend was probably someone who does textfighting.
Yup. I think this is as close of an explanation as you could get. I've seen this happen sometimes, and I have to say it makes the sentences really awkward to read for me.

Personally, I think leaving EVERY action open to interruption is a bit of an over-kill. If, on rare occasions and in text-fighting, I wanted to leave a statement open, then I'd just use "tries to" instead of "would". I think it sounds less awkward.

But it's not a biggie, really.



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
Never seen anyone do that.
Nor I, but I've only been back for a very short time to this game, and I've noticed that City of Heroes - or at least Virtue Server - has a number of peculiarities, so I certainly don't doubt you. I agree - it seems vaguely rediculous.

When I read the line I had assumed it was some new trend for people to use when doing things that they're afraid may not succeed by reason of the opposition of others, but the conflict is too minor to be taken to actual PvP - EG "Valentyna would smack Captain Excelsior upside the head" with the implication that I will succeed IF they allow it. That would make sense to me.

In something like your example above, though, it just simply doesn't make sense. Not to me anyway, and I don't think grammatically either.

Lady Valentyna Penderghast, Archmage
"Love her not, lovely though she be/
Watch warily: there lies/
A glint of ghoulish ancestry/
Deep in her green bright eyes..."



I've encountered so many RPers who butcher the language so badly they must have been touched in a bad place by their English teachers. These days, I'm thrilled just to see something vaguely resembling standard spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. Getting people to pay attention to -grammar- too?! Gah, don't get your hopes up.

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.




How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?



Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam possit materiari?

Where do we go from here?



Originally Posted by Agonus View Post
I've encountered so many RPers who butcher the language so badly they must have been touched in a bad place by their English teachers. These days, I'm thrilled just to see something vaguely resembling standard spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. Getting people to pay attention to -grammar- too?! Gah, don't get your hopes up.
Sometimes this is not because of utter ignorance or incompetence.

As someone who speaks English as second language, I can understand when players make honest spelling/grammar mistakes because they're not fully fluent in English. I mean, one of the primary reasons I started RPing was because I thought it'd be a fun way to improve my writing skills, and when I started, I used to make many stupid mistakes!

That being said, there are also people who simply refuse to TRY to type clearly, spell properly, use punctuation, or correct grammar. Those people I just avoid, and they're pretty easy to tell apart from the above group.



*refrains... yet it is so hard...*

I would draw you several nice trees, followed by some interesting diagrams, and topped by nice semantics... but by that point you would all fall asleep.

/exit linguist

Cynics of the world, unite!

Taking Care of the Multiverse



Originally Posted by Philly_Guy View Post

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
A: A woodchuck would only chuck as much wood as Chuck Norris would allow it to, because the woodchuck shares Chuck's name. Therefore, Chuck must punish it and make it chuck as much wood as Chuck can. So, a woodchuck would chuck as much wood as Chuck could.

Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
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YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
A: A woodchuck would only chuck as much wood as Chuck Norris would allow it to, because the woodchuck shares Chuck's name. Therefore, Chuck must punish it and make it chuck as much wood as Chuck can. So, a woodchuck would chuck as much wood as Chuck could.
I thought Chuck Norris got lost in the Barrens.

If a woodchuck could chuck wood it would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

I like answering that question in front of little kids. It gives me a brief rush of power that fades as soon as I return to online gaming.