Simple, but effective RP aid

Bright Shadow



Along with binding Enter to a "please wait, typing" afk bubble, why not bind ; (the semicolon key) to a "please wait, typing an emote" one?

/bind enter "afk About to say something$$startchat"
/bind ; "afk About to do something$$beginchat ;"

Character index



I personally used a similar trick at some point for tells. Basically to let people know if I'm talking to someone in private.

Few days later I realized it wasn't a good idea and defeats the purpose of a "private conversation". So I ditched it. xD



Originally Posted by bright shadow View Post
i personally used a similar trick at some point for tells. Basically to let people know if i'm talking to someone in private.

Few days later i realized it wasn't a good idea and defeats the purpose of a "private conversation". So i ditched it. Xd
hold on guyz, ima typin somethin private



Newb question alert!!

Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
/bind enter "afk About to say something$$startchat"
/bind ; "afk About to do something$$beginchat ;"
Startchat vs Beginchat, what's the difference?



Thanks! I always forget how to do this.

"Cupcake cupcake cupcake; Cupcake. Merry_Mint is the best." - Abraham Lincoln



Originally Posted by Gold_Aproch View Post
Newb question alert!!

Startchat vs Beginchat, what's the difference?
I am curious too



beginchat takes an argument. For instance,

/beginchat "Hello There!"

would take focus to chat input box, put in "Hello There!" and then place your cursor at the end of that message, in case you wish to add something. This comes handy for binds like

/bind key "beginchat /send GlobalChannel " <--- Note the space before the last quote. Or,

/bind key "say (OOC): "

startchat simply doesn't take an argument. It just sets your focus to chat input. I believe the default bind for enter key is,

/bind enter startchat



This came up in google when I searched for it, so thanks Silver Gale :-)



So if you can have aids for RP, can you RP having AIDS?

/e Gibbs slaps himself for rebranding that old Bill Clinton joke.

"You must never imagine, that just because something is funny, it is not also dangerous." - Neil Gaiman

"You know what I love? People who respond with aggression and belligerence thinking it replaces logic." - Blue Mourning