Why did they scrap swimming underwater?




I'm pretty sure I saw it in the issue 12 trailer. I've always wanted to know

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You still can - in an underground pool in one of the repeatable Cimerora missions, and...somewhere else...I forget where...anyone?

Just for fun, tho - not as part of a mish or task.

You just need water deep enough to go under - in the Cim mission there's actually a bridge you can swim under (the base is underwater).



Originally Posted by Shuriken_BladeX View Post
I'm pretty sure I saw it in the issue 12 trailer. I've always wanted to know
Why did you assume they're working on it? I mean, if that's where you saw it, go lookin. Because there's never been a listing of it as a feature.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
Why did you assume they're working on it? I mean, if that's where you saw it, go lookin. Because there's never been a listing of it as a feature.
I just assumed. When I first saw that trailer I have never touched the forums or even looked on the site. I was just wondering.

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Originally Posted by RobertoLyon View Post
You still can - in an underground pool in one of the repeatable Cimerora missions, and...somewhere else...I forget where...anyone?

Just for fun, tho - not as part of a mish or task.

You just need water deep enough to go under - in the Cim mission there's actually a bridge you can swim under (the base is underwater).
Technically it's still not real swimming.. You still fall to the bottom floor and just use the swim animation while you are there... meaning you can't float on the top of the water there without flying anyway.

And yes, there is a small pool in Grandville as well.



It would be cool if we could get a Zone where we can Swim under water.

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Gah, last thing CoX needs is a lagmuria zone



I'm guessing because while making a "zone where everything is blue and fuzzy and everyone has permament Hover" is easy, making an actual *underwater* zone that is fun to play in for every character is harder.

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Originally Posted by GreenFIame View Post
It would be cool if we could get a Zone where we can Swim under water.
Well, this past October BAB posted:
Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
I'm going to kill everyone's pony and say that as long as I am on this project, it will never happen. They will have to replace me with a gibbering idiot to get the okay to move forward with animation and VFX needed to support 'underwater' zones.

And then it will take years and ultimately look stupid.

P.S. Aquaman is lame!
And about a week later:
Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
Actually, I said it would take the gibbering idiot they replace me with years to do and ultimately look stupid...because gibbering idiots aren't known for the quality of their work as much as their ability to gibber.

Whether or not we ever do an underwater zone or underwater gameplay is not my call to make...I'm simply stating the fact that it's very low on my list of things that I would want to see us do for this game and would be pretty forthright about expressing my opinion as such.

The dig at Aquaman was a joke and sincerely apologize to him and his lovely family; Aquawoman, Aqualad, and the rest of the Aquaclan...you are all special in your own unique and clammy ways.
So no current plans for an underwater zone. Probably. If BAB starts gibbering all bets are off.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



I'd like to see the tech used once in a while, though. Be neat that maybe it was the only way to get from one part of a mish to another or something like that.

Dec out.



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Well, this past October BAB posted:
And about a week later:

So no current plans for an underwater zone. Probably. If BAB starts gibbering all bets are off.
And here's a screenie of Babs post for those that might not believe the quote.



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
I'd like to see the tech used once in a while, though. Be neat that maybe it was the only way to get from one part of a mish to another or something like that.
It's not really 'tech', though. It's just making the distance between the water surface that the floor more than 3 feet.




You can 'swim' underwater in the 'Gather Information' mission, with Lady Jane, in Montague's first arc.

Have fun!