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  1. It's CoH Pokemon as said before. I've never done it myself...I've always wanted to.
  2. I'm really proud of everyone here for not flooding the thread with "SO STRONG!" comments.\

    Originally Posted by Vauluur View Post
    There's a youtube video floating around of an absolutely insane Bane. Of course that one's an incarnate so I'm not sure how it played pre-50. I don't really think Banes need a buff so much as Crab Spiders will just always be easier to build well because of their available powers. Kind of like how a Peacebringer won't ever be a Warshade, even though Peacebringers don't really need a buff anymore.
    The devs at least pay attention to HEATs .
  3. I really live under a rock. Didn't even know they had a movie. I never watch TV though >_>;.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by eth_Nargy View Post
    Yeah, mace on scrappers is pretty retarded. Crowd Control alone is bat**** insane. Goodness me I just wonder what would happen if they gave it to stalkers now that stalkers are good!

    Don't say "dur bane spider". It's not even close.
    I wish Banes would get buffed.
  5. I myself just bought access to capes and auras globally across all of my characters. It's VERY worth it.
  6. Didn't know "Z" put your character out of fighting stance and/or sheathed your weapon if you have one until recently.
  7. Roleplayers and Roleplayers LFT will be good for you too. Also VirtueLFG is a good secondary for Virtue TFs.
  8. Energy melee, Mercs, Dual Pistols, Poison, Assault Rifle, Devices, Energy Assault.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    Don't be ridiculous.

    I'm allergic to cats.
    But not catgirls?
  10. Street Justice/Ice is apparently amazing.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    No, I would compare Tankers as they are currently as being training wheels for Brutes.

    Training wheels give a child something they lack (balance) at the cost of agility and maneuvering the bicycle. When the child learns how to balance on their own, the training wheels come off and the child gains much more agility and freedom to turn.

    Tankers give new players survivability at the cost of damage. When they learn how to build well and get the survivability on their own, they can graduate to a Brute and gain much more damage.

    Exactly this.

    Originally Posted by LSK View Post
    Why do you even bother posting on the tank forum when all you do is complain about the Tank, and then you say you do not like to play brutes and yet you all ways compare the two. Stop trying to scare new players away from tanks just because you do not like how much damage they do.
    If anything he just reccomended tankers to new players. I never saw him say tanks are bad. He just said they do more damage but require more planning and are tougher to play.
  12. I never said anything is wrong with the powersets themselves. They're all fantastic. On brutes, scrappers, and stalkers. There's plenty of sets that are brilliant on tankers. They may not be my archetype of choice (I prefer brutes since they're like tankers without training wheels) but they aren't bad.

    That being said, Tankers DO need improvement. It's hard to add much to them, though. Remember how they were in the first issues?
  13. Play it in a team with a melee toon. The melee toon distracts the enemies while you power up your beams and such. Worked pretty great even in First Ward for me.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by WiFi View Post
    I don't have songs for specific missions, but I do put together playlists for my characters that I play frequently. I select songs that put me in the right frame of mind for that character. Even if I'm not actively roleplaying, it's still fun.
    It sounds like such! : D I sometimes do the same if I'm just casually missioning or run out of ideas.

    Originally Posted by stevie_james View Post
    I play with the sound on! ...shocking, I know.

    You certainly have an interesting selection for those moments, though!
    I do too sometimes if I want the full effect of the game sounds + custom music.

    And thanks! : D
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RevolverMike View Post
    If COH2 gets made and we cannot transfer over our current characters and their builds/IO's. Having to start from nothing for an updated game engine and graphics would seriously annoy me enough to just not play anymore.
    This is why CoH2 doesnt appeal to me.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Does not compute
    What about there being no forums?
  17. I wonder how many people would rage quit over removing DFB.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by forbin_project View Post
    no most people complain that the worst part about respecs is having to recreate an entire build from scratch when they only want to tweak or change a single power. Compared to that the tray thing s just an annoyance which is made simpler with /cleartray.
  19. ShadowMoka


    Beam rifle's been fun with time so far.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
    Working great with SR for me.
    SR's a lot like WP in the sense it's got a ton of passive powers. Both are fantastic. Though I only like SR on a scrapper. I tried it on a brute and bleh.
  21. TW and Staff are not god tier, but are nowhere near bottom. Both seem to really only click with certain secondaries. TW with Elec or Energy, Staff with Dark or Invuln.

    Everything goes with willpower so I won't bring it up.
  22. These forums will fight for gender discrimination in everything. Are we going to fight over gender equality over no female human IDF members?