Shadow Wail

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  1. Go on the test server while you have a chance and make a grav/everything. They get autoleveled to 50 right away.
  2. Does Fallout work with Self Destruct?
  3. I had a Dark/Dark but right now I am using Sonic/Dark.

    I went with the Sonic/Dark/Psychic for the extra hold and the Mass Hypnosis since it isnt aggro and doesn't break my hidden status. At the end of Mass hypnosis I drop the fear while I stun them, tar patch them and lay other goodies. I usually hold my boss with Fearsome Glare and Dominate and keep them in one place. Mass Hypnosis also uses a cheap purple set.

    The only hiccup is that I have been told that Tar Patch can be solo-stacked?
  4. Dont like the all!
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
    I just wonder when we'll be getting new enemy and friendly NPC groups that use the various packs; Martial Arts, Magic, Steampunk, and etc. The character assets have already been made, so that much easier to introduce them into the City of!
    I second this. Can we just get new Enemy Factions?
  6. I'll try again outside on a BAF. I manage to QS an entire walkway since I can have 4-5 QSs at a time.

    Nothing really devastating but more of a curiosity

  7. No, I know that multiple applications are possible. I was on a BAF the other night and I had my Recharge buffed to %200 and I noticed that I couldnt apply a second tar patch.

    I tried this several times and two different /Dark Corrs couldn't apply a second tarpatch.

    Yes I know tht you can perma QS with 2 Rech IOs but I havent been able to drop two tarpatches regardless of my Rech
  8. I have a Sonic/Dark/Psionic Mastry that I love!

    I used to slot Fearsome Stare for fear until I switched and slotted for the -Tohit.
    This combo offers:

    --2 ST holds
    --1 fear
    --1 stun,
    --1 sleep,
    --1 aoe stun,
    --1 toggle -Tohit
    --1 heal that has a -Tohit
    --1 intangibility power(If you want)
    --1 pet that heals, holds, debuffs and Immobs

    From the primary you get stacking -Res that can also stack with the -Res from Tar Patch. I am sure I am missing more but right now I am at work and will edit this post.

    I would go with Sonic/Dark/Psi
  9. I feel like IF it is possible to do this, you would need to do some serious tricks. The only real way I see it as a viable option would be to wormhole the mobs into a team while another team handles the Crates/Containers.

    What I do use for my Lambda runs is a Mind/Psi that sleeps the surrounding mobs. On my Earth/Ice I throw QS+EQ+VG+Stags and that gives me enough time to solo the Crate/Container and run away while throwing a QS+EQ to slow them down.
  10. When are we getting new Dominator powers? I have the new powerset itch and its getting antsy!
  11. I am trying to work around the Gravity Control suckage by combining it with Fire Assault.
  12. Shadow Wail


    Does gravity control/fire assault sound like a good match? In term of damage type...smashing/fire is pretty common

    I'm not sure if the amount of control is high enough for a Dom but maybe someone has a better experience with this than ne.
  13. Does this badge come with an extra perk aside from exclusivity? I don't want to bust my hump for a badge unless it gives me an awesome artifact...think of something for stopping Tyrant in the BIGGEST invasion ever...aside from the Rikti War
  14. Wait...So I can only get this unnamed badge on May 27th on the freedom server or that I can only get this badge on May 27th if I participated in at least ONE of the server events?

    "Monday, May 16th, 2011

    Time: 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Pacific Time (6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Central Time)
    Server: Champion"

    Great, I am not available...why must these events be held during school/work and not on the one whole allied strike?

    I don't have a level 50 anywhere else and I doubt people will want a level 1-10 in their league for this...FML
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Novella View Post

    I know where it should, but I chose to post it here because this is where I wanted it. Just like Illusion Control I am looking at this as a Controller only set because personally I don't care for Dominators.

    Funny, I dont care for Controllers!

    In short, I don't like your set, seems really overpowered for a Controller Set and the devs probably have something that is way better than this.

    Thanks though
  16. How come QS gets to have multiple applications while Tar Patch gets one application at a time?

    On a BAF my Earth/ice/Ice Dom is laying down reallly large patches while my Sonic/Dark lays just one?!
  17. what if you cant afford purples?
  18. When someone gets multiple rares and very rares... Is that random?
  19. Ok... so it turns out that I have 2 more Lockdown Procs...can I slot three of these Procs into Volcanic Gasses?

    On a side note, my random roll drop rates are so screwed up! I get three Lockdown Procs and then 4 regular rares that don't sell for anything.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Auroxis View Post
    What if a bunch of TP Foe users queued it on a target out of range, and someone used Team TP to get them all in range at the same time?
    I like this idea... only thing is that we would need to also coordinate where the target TPs to...I mean it would suck if you ripped statesman apart 100 ways but that would also be an awesome sight....
  21. I am going to throw it into VG on the test server. I plan to slot this into VG as soon as I get a 5-set of the purple hold IO. I threw 5 Basalisks into the set and it reduced the duration of my hold and it's recharge so adding an 8 seccond 20% Chance to hold proc isn't really in my best interest now...I'll wait for a set of Unbreakable Constraint.

    The other thing I might do is reslot my tier 1 blast for recharge and add a Devastation:Chance to Hold Proc since I have about 6 of them.
  22. I just rolled a 5 random rares V-merit and I got the Lockdown Mag2 hold proc...what Dom power it is good in?

    I'm guessing an AoE hold for more hits but how will this power work in VG? Since it is a pseudo pet will it check at each tick?

    Is there a better Dom AoE hold to slot this PRoc?
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Klaw_ View Post
    When it hits. You can't slot it so it becomes easily resisted in later levels.
    Of course you can't slot it and it ignores YOUR buffs and enhancements...but from my experience it does not ignore an enemy debuff (-Def, -Res). With my Earth/Ice or Sonic/Dark it has never really missed and the damage is fair, I'll look at it at when I get home tonight
  24. I use it with dark melee for something I call "1,000 Fists of Darkness"

    I also use it with my Sonic/Dark Corr. Some of my Doms use it to 50, it's decent damage and it's negative energy damage with a small -tohit debuff that stacks with Earth Control. I just wonder if Power Boost works with SoM.

    It does have a long animation so use it with holds.
  25. Oh, after the game divides the total damage by 2 ( smashing/neg energy) the targets resistance to smashing and neg are applied.