Lockdown: Mag2 Hold Proc




I just rolled a 5 random rares V-merit and I got the Lockdown Mag2 hold proc...what Dom power it is good in?

I'm guessing an AoE hold for more hits but how will this power work in VG? Since it is a pseudo pet will it check at each tick?

Is there a better Dom AoE hold to slot this PRoc?




If you don't have a controller to shift it onto, sell it.The hold proc is definitely small potatoes. In any constant power, it will have a chance to proc every 10 seconds, so really it's best used in Choking Cloud. Otherwise, it's not really of much use, since in most cases, the extra magnitude won't make the target any more held. Like as not, the proc won't occur on a boss, and everyone else is held with the base hold value.



Originally Posted by Organicide View Post
I really like having it in Choking CLoud, Volcanic Gasses and Poison Trap.
/this x100



Chocking Cloud will see it once every 10 seconds make a check.

Volcanic Gasses works slightly differently, it summons a pet, which summons pets which cast powers. Each time one of these summoned sub-pets casts a power it can go off. Yummi yummi holdy holdy... best place for it imo.

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
[*]Watching out for the Spinning Disco Portal of D00M!*



Originally Posted by Magentrix View Post
If you don't have a controller to shift it onto, sell it.The hold proc is definitely small potatoes. In any constant power, it will have a chance to proc every 10 seconds, so really it's best used in Choking Cloud. Otherwise, it's not really of much use, since in most cases, the extra magnitude won't make the target any more held. Like as not, the proc won't occur on a boss, and everyone else is held with the base hold value.
Not sure what you mean by the proc not occurring on a boss. I have it on my Earth Controller and when it procs on my single target hold it allows me to hold a boss in one shot without overpower.

I see it being less useful for Doms because of Domination though.



I use Lockdown in Gravity Distortion Field and it works quite well. It's not up all the time, but it does work well enough for me.



Originally Posted by DontMove View Post
Not sure what you mean by the proc not occurring on a boss. I have it on my Earth Controller and when it procs on my single target hold it allows me to hold a boss in one shot without overpower.
This. I have a defender with two single target holds and a blaster with one single target hold. Use this proc in all of them. Very nice to occasionally one shot hold a boss. Yeah it is 8 seconds but that just happens to be my hold power recharge time so zap second hold and they are now perma locked down



On an Earth Domi I'd stick it into the AOE Hold. On other Domis I wouldn't bother because almost invariably when I'm triggering the AOE hold I've got Domination mode up as well.

The Single target hold isn't a bad place for it, since it's your bread and butter move. But if you're perma-dom don't bother.

My Fort and my Plant/Emp controller both have it in their single target holds for that reason.



I am going to throw it into VG on the test server. I plan to slot this into VG as soon as I get a 5-set of the purple hold IO. I threw 5 Basalisks into the set and it reduced the duration of my hold and it's recharge so adding an 8 seccond 20% Chance to hold proc isn't really in my best interest now...I'll wait for a set of Unbreakable Constraint.

The other thing I might do is reslot my tier 1 blast for recharge and add a Devastation:Chance to Hold Proc since I have about 6 of them.




Maybe I'm misinformed about how it interacts with VG/PGT, but in most powers with a duration, it should proc once per 10 seconds.

Not sure what you mean by the proc not occurring on a boss
My point is that in a mixed pack of bosses/lts/minions, the odds of the proc happening on the boss aren't that swell (you know, about 1 in 6.7 per boss affected by VG), and for the minions/lts, it doesn't matter at all. You can't count on it working, so your move is going to be queueing a single target hold to mag 6 the boss, before you find out whether or not your hold proc worked or not. The number of situations where the extra mag 2 actually matters is really corner case. Yes, it will proc a lot of mag 5 holds on Lieutenants and Minions. Who cares?

For choking cloud, you've got a 50% chance of applying a mag2 hold (enough to hold a minion), and an 80% chance of applying a mag 1 hold (enough to do nothing by itself). So in that case, having a 15% chance to apply a mag 2 hold really gets you something. The odds of at least one of your two holds from CC affecting a mob are about 90%, and the extra mag 2 hold is much more likely to really mean something, as opposed to just meaningless bonus magnitude.



Originally Posted by Magentrix View Post
Maybe I'm misinformed about how it interacts with VG/PGT, but in most powers with a duration, it should proc once per 10 seconds.
the confusion comes in because volcanic gasses summons pseudo pets. Just like a click power with a really really fast recharge, they can trigger the proc more than 1/10 seconds even though the caster will fire volcanic gas and think it is a long duration power. Behind the scenes the pseudo pets are using click powers that trigger it way more often.

As for the bosses thing. I feel the fact that you fire off the second hold before you know if the proc worked is irrelevant. The proc triggers and stops the boss from moving or attacking. that is what counts. then the second hold lands and adds duration, even if magnitude is no longer needed, you often need a bit more time to kill a boss before an initial AoE hold wears off. Those ST holds are where that duration comes from. Therefore I slot the proc very commonly.

I also like the gravitational anchor chance to hold in my AoE immobilize, and I have at least 1 attack power with the devastation chance to hold.

This is probably because I slot neither for permadom (I think the highest recharge I have on any of my doms is 80% including 70% from haste), nor for defense (the highest defense I have on any dom is 22% s/l). All of my survivability comes from holds and kills, and I can say the proc works just fine =)

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
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Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Ok... so it turns out that I have 2 more Lockdown Procs...can I slot three of these Procs into Volcanic Gasses?

On a side note, my random roll drop rates are so screwed up! I get three Lockdown Procs and then 4 regular rares that don't sell for anything.




Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post
Ok... so it turns out that I have 2 more Lockdown Procs...can I slot three of these Procs into Volcanic Gasses?
you cant slot more than 1 of the same IO per power

you can put it in multiple powers though



I've got it in my fire/rad controller's choking cloud and honestly don't think it makes any difference because everything's dead too quickly.

Unless you're a weak scrapper with RttC, you're not going to have that many guys around you for that long. Sure, it'll proc every 10 seconds...on one of the guys around you, not necessarily a boss.

For AV hunting, sure.

I say sell. Better to throw even a common Acc or End IO in there, or use the slot somewhere else.

(Anyone got math to (dis)prove this feeling of mine?)



Originally Posted by Postagulous View Post
I've got it in my fire/rad controller's choking cloud and honestly don't think it makes any difference because everything's dead too quickly.

Unless you're a weak scrapper with RttC, you're not going to have that many guys around you for that long. Sure, it'll proc every 10 seconds...on one of the guys around you, not necessarily a boss.

For AV hunting, sure.

I say sell. Better to throw even a common Acc or End IO in there, or use the slot somewhere else.

(Anyone got math to (dis)prove this feeling of mine?)
On a well built fire/rad controller I think you're probably right. Dead too fast to get more than 2 checks would be my guess.

On a poorly built one (or one played poorly, such as my fire/kin) that might be different. Basically, if a spawn lasts 30 seconds or more, the chance to hold is functional. If the spawn lasts 50 seconds or more (common for my fire/kin) it is not only functional it is highly useful. If the spawn lasts less than 20 seconds it is significantly less useful than a damage proc.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post
I just rolled a 5 random rares V-merit and I got the Lockdown Mag2 hold proc...what Dom power it is good in?

I'm guessing an AoE hold for more hits but how will this power work in VG? Since it is a pseudo pet will it check at each tick?

Is there a better Dom AoE hold to slot this PRoc?

It can single-hold bosses that way. Domination doesn't affect VG, but this does. You'd be mad not to slot it there.

Please buff Ice Control.



I think it is a garbage enhancement. I 5 slotted Volcanic Gasses with Unbreakable Constraint, including the bonus smashing damage proc. My sixth slot is Ghost Widow's chance for psionic damage. I find this to be an extremely powerful setup, and I can't imagine swapping anything out for a possible +magnitude hold when Earth has so many other cc options. Go for additional damage and be done with it.



I actually find the proc more useful than I first imagined it would be.

My original intention was to get ranged defense out of it with the 6 slot bonus, and I consider the proc a bonus when it does go off. Yes, you cannot count on it happening when you specifically want it to, however, it does proc often enough that I am very satisfied with it.

Again though when I do slot it, it's usually with the goal of achieving the Ranged Defense bonus at 6 slots.

Death can be Beautiful. A Night Widow Guide on a budget



Originally Posted by Mega_Jamie View Post
Volcanic Gasses works slightly differently, it summons a pet, which summons pets which cast powers. Each time one of these summoned sub-pets casts a power it can go off. Yummi yummi holdy holdy... best place for it imo.
Oh, Ghu, yes; watching Volcanic Gases with the proc in it is utterly giggleworthy. Watching six mobs locked down with it, four with the electric ball around them indicating the proc hit them... Joining a Rikti Mothership raid with my Earth/Fire Dom, toe-bombing Volcanic Gases, and watching it lock down mobs left and right, including hitting the proc to let me get a Rikti Magus held and keep him there while my pet and the other participants wasted him. Best single investment of reward merits I've ever made.

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