how is gravity control?




Well just like the title states how is gravity control in the new trials?

Time Flawed-Grav/Eng-50
Malicious Despot-Crab Spider-50



Why would it be any different than in any other TF? Your toolset doesn't really profoundly change just because you're level shifted and fighting level 54s.



Umm well it does indeed change things because Singy on the BAF is awesome! He can single handedly hold off all the minions trying to escape. Otherwise it is still is still a meh set at best

No relation to Arachnos!

Part Pack: Now the majority of players know how we, PvPers, have felt for years now. Don't want to be so "civil" now that you have been completly ignored, do you?






I think it's a better set for Controllers than Dominators. It's a control set with increased damage, and Doms have an entire secondary dedicated to damage.

Make a Grav/FF or a Grav/Storm, though. You might like it.

Too many alts to list.



lol dont make a grav/FF, because once you see how poor gravs damage is and how your secondary has no debuffs to help correct it you'll be sitting there like this " :-| "



Gravity really only has one drawback, IMO: Bad radius of effect on Wormhole.



Originally Posted by Magentrix View Post
Gravity really only has one drawback, IMO: Bad radius of effect on Wormhole.

I like grav - several doms and controllers with it (including a 50 grav/kin,) but it does have a few other drawbacks. Biggest issue tends to be the animation time, especially with Wormhole and Propel.

Still, having seen some gravs in the trials, I can't see them as being bad there. Singy definitely helps.



Originally Posted by Magentrix View Post
Gravity really only has one drawback, IMO: Bad radius of effect on Wormhole.
I consider having to wait 26 levels before getting your primary control power a considerable Drawback.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Gravity Control is a late bloomer for sure, but once you got the key powers from then on, its great. I have no complaints with my Grav/Energy dom, she kicks butt.



I like gravity too but you must create a dominator if you do. You'll need assault powers too. I have a controller and dominator with Gravity. The controller takes forever to level because she's a Thermal Rad/Gravity but my Grav/Electric Assault is my killer and her networth is highest of all of my characters on NA and EU at 2Billion.

It took me several tweaks to get my Dominator right. I had to read, respec several times to get the maximum assault melee, range and holds to get purples. I'm pleased with her because she is build on experience from the game and detailed research on the wiki. In her current design, she can string combinations for 4-5 minutes continuously without running out of endurance so she can deal good damage. I do carry extra blues for the heavies so I don't miss out on the loot!



My Grav/Kin Controller is probably my favorite character to play on a team. If I'd started him just three days earlier (May 31st instead of June 2nd) in 2005, he'd probably be my primary character now. ... But alas, he doesn't have the Celebrant badge, so I'm stuck badging with a Scrapper instead.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Really, I think Gravity gets a bad rap, at least as far as Dominators are concerned. Does it have a lot of skippable powers? Yes, definitely. But the single target hold is as good as any controller's, the -fly and slows on almost everything are very handy, the lack of knockback protection on the immobilizes makes teaming with Earth/Ice controllers lots of fun, and the Singularity is the best pet in the game, bar none. And while I do wish Wormhole affected a larger area, it's still AWESOME. It fires around corners and lets you position mobs according to your will. With Energy as my secondary it stacks mags to let you stun bosses long before permadom.

It's not the mammoth of control that Earth is, nor the damage powerhouse that fire is, but rather a finesse control set that rewards making good choices about your power use and slotting.



Let me ask you all this, if you had to pair something other than thorns with gravity what would you pair with it on a dom and what would you pair with it as a controller?

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
Let me ask you all this, if you had to pair something other than thorns with gravity what would you pair with it on a dom and what would you pair with it as a controller?
On a controller I would go with rad or storm. Rad lets you combine radiation infection with crushing field for ghetto control and storm lets you do the same with freezing rain, since CF doesn't prevent knockdown. Both secondaries will carry you until you can get to wormhole and singularity. After that storm adds a ton of extra damage in lightning storm/tornado and rad is just a great secondary overall.

On a dominator I would go with energy or earth assault. Both of those will give you KD/KB in your attacks to combine with lift for extra soft control and good single target damage until you get to wormhole. Energy will be better if you want to stay at range, earth for a melee focus.

In both cases the goal is to fill in for the lack of hard control in the primary at early levels, either with debuffs or extra soft control.

Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13



Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
Let me ask you all this, if you had to pair something other than thorns with gravity what would you pair with it on a dom and what would you pair with it as a controller?
On a Controller Grav/Trick Arrow is an interesting combo. Wormholing things into Oil Slicks and then keeping them there never gets old. You can stay at range too which is always nice. You're not going to be a tier 1 world beating character with the combo but it's an interesting tactical one which gets better and better as you go (the first 20 levels or so are meh, then you start getting decent powers with every pick)

On a Domi I wouldn't, honestly, but if I had to choose I'd probably pick Elec Assault. Not even too sure why, it would just interest me. NRG would be my other choice.



Gravity control for the current incarnate trials in my opinion isn't all that great. But that extends to all control sets as well as they have been neutered during the trials.

Controlling during the BAF minion outbreak just comes down to spamming crushing field over and over again while siggy repels some enemies back unless it decides to charge them as it sometimes does. Other then that you are helpless to stop the lts and need higher damaging characters to deal with them (at least as a troller)

For the LT's and such.. all your other controls will not work. You can't even wormhole the LTs to relocate them and I've not tried phasing them but that is definately something you don't want to do on the Baf, even if it does work.

For the other trial.. again its meh. During the item gathering stage the last thing you want to do is draw attention to yourself while rushing to the various grenades and acids. And everything else is dying so fast that you don't even need to bother with aoe control powers.

During the boss fights I don't think I've ever seen any of the av's held at all.. ever. That could just be graphical issues on my part though as with all the visuals its hard to pick up some of the more subtle effects like gravity.

I like gravity control, I've been a fan of gravity control since I started playing in beta, but late game at the moment there is no real reason to play a controller or dominator at all. I'm just hoping that the later incarnate powers and trials makes them really fun to play again.