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My immediate response was "Now they've done it, Mera's entered the Avatar State!"
Yes, I would be willing to wait. The four choices match so few of my characters' Special Effects that they make no bloody sense whatsoever. For example, my brute incarnate is a tiny Magic Origin Hammer-wielding girl with pixie wings. Ignore the backstory (which amounts to she ran away form the stock Croatoan spirit world and enjoys kicking ****), what of her basic construction or origin says "My expression of Vast Cosmic Power involves calling in a lame robot or cop from a cheesy goatee infested paralel dimension"?
Curvaceous: Victory
Jade Serpent: Justice
Burning Rubber*: Protector
*- Internet cookies to those who remember where that came from in gaming history. -
My current low-level Defender is Cold Domination/Energy Blast. At lvl 22, Oort Queen (Comet powews) has started coming into her own. Infrigidate and Snowstorm nailed Snaptooth to the ground, and every time he twitched towards our little cluster of squishies (Blaster, Corruptor, me), I'd put him on his ****. I'm also happy to say I did well in the hordes of ambushers phases, shoving the more annoying Redcaps off our delicate hides. (I will be happier when I get Sleet and Power Push and can stop depending so much on the Nemesis Staff...)
My mid-game goals involve Maneuvers, and adding another 5% to my team's global Defence, and largely ignoring Nova (Nukes don't excite me). Where I'm not certain about this toon's development is late-game. Does anyone have suggestions for Ancillaries/epics that might mesh well? Yeah, I could make the lvl 41 trip to grandville for Scorpion Shield, but nothing else in Mace Mastery seems appropriate. -
My crab "Rainbow Mantis" is *technically* a mutant. A really low end mutant:
"Origin?" asked the bored Arachnos recruiter. "Mutation!" I replied perkily. I was gonna hit the big time as a Rogue Isles metahuman, and get out of the cesspit that was Upper Mercy.
"Mutation?" He looked up at my lithe, teenage body standing before his desk. "You look normal to me. What do you do?" "I have the perceptions and metabolisim of a preying mantis, with enhanced reflexes."
"You see good, don't get fat, and dodge? How about chitonous armor? Claws? Jump real good?" I had to shake my head "no" to each question, my heart sinking.
The recruiter shut down the computer, and handed me a clipboard. "Look kid, if you test well on precognometrics, you might make it into the Fortunatas, but as far as I can tell, your best bet off this rock is as a Wolf Spider."
So here I am, a recruit, who did test well... for cybercogniton. I might make it as a Crab one day, but mark my words: I will make it as a Destined One, or sink this stupid island into the sea. -
I just swept up and down the east shoreline of Imperial City my last go at the badge. There's about a half-dozen spawns that swap between "Four seers accosting a citizen" and "Lone Seer- PPD mastermind".
Quote:What? Bad camera work, unlikable characters, decrepit ship trying to get to Earth, and train-wreck writing about a story lacking any semblance of the concept of "hope"?SGU is people wanting to make SG like BSG when it's nothing like BSG v.v
Sounds EXACTLY like the most recent version of Battlestar Galactica. -
Two thoughts:
1) As Aett_Thorn suggests, more end reduction in your attacks. two ???/End Reduction enhancements will take you to 50% reduction at lvl 50, and do other nigty things, depending on what the other parts were.
2) My personal shield Tanker has had all her defence togggles frankenslotted sincelvl 25. Grab four Defence/End Reduction enhancements, Gift of the Ancients and Red Fortune as high level as you can afford, and two of the ones that cap out at 30th. I fond this quite helpful -
I am guessing that the developers did not intend the Badges the OP is focused on to be the actual reward for participating in a story arc: the Badges are just shiny gold star stickers to make you feel good. Most of them don't actually do anything more than provide yet another alternate title for the character.
The *actual* reward is what drops when you call the contact the final time: sizable XP and Inf rewards, potential recipie and/or enhancement drop, and Reward Merits. Yes, *I* know you outleveled Marshal Brass or Jim Tremblor months ago, but that just means you can blow through their last couple missions in five minutes if you ignore everythign that isn't objective related.
Personally, I've always found the extra ancient contacts in my list to be a nuisance when I'm looking to call someone more recent. Inspires me to clear them out, or at least see if they have someone new for me to talk to in their stead. -
My main Dom isn't 50 yet (hailing from Praetoria), but as an Elec/Elec (expect mind EPP), I'm looking at Muculature Core. He has no end issues in his low 20s, Domination is up more than half the time as is, and I'm spamming Electric Fences just to keep my foes where I can suck the end out of them. (ooh...Partial Radial Revam looks shiny when we get accesss!)
I have 2 serious tanks. My Electric/Fire is a pure resistance build, and would LOVE Cardiac Radial to FINALLY hard-cap smashing/lethal, but hasn't had a sinlge end issue since taking Power Sink. (45% recovered per melee oppenent every 31 seconds will do that). The alternative would be Spiritual Radial: Damage leaks through and More Healing Good, and cranking the recharge on Energize is Bonus.
My Shield/Mace tank is absolutely Spiritual/Radial. Shield is weak on recovering HP, and I'd never turn down a speed boost on Mace. -
Well, speaking as someone whose Thugs/Traps MM just hit 50, I'd advise Scorpion for your PPP. He gives Smashing/Lethal DEFENCE, not Resistance, which adds on top of your happy little Force Field Generator. With that, Combat Jumping, and not especially slotting for Set IOs, I hit ~38% Defence. My Shield Tank in her 30s would kill for that. And as the "Soft Cap Your Invulnerability Tank's Defence" guide points out, nearly all damage has a S/L component.
As for Sparky the Suicidal Pyromaniac ... Medecine only helps about 1/4 of the time. His favorite hobby is to charge up to melee range and spray Fire breath into the Freedom Phalanx/Vindicators pre-play huddle, and wonder why the Bruiser isn't there to tank for him. (Medecine is invaluble however when one of your Enforcers accidently tries to solo the AV while everyone else is killing THE GUY YOU TOLD THEM TO) -
Lacking any sign of in-game references to the situation, I figured the "for fun" dorum would be a good place to ask this.
What in blazes happened to Primal and Praetorian Earth's moon? One, it appears roughly three times larger than our earth's moon, (putting it some 70,000 miles out, if my math is right) but that can be attributed to dramatic license. The art team didn't go nearly as overboard there as leaked screen shots from DCUO demonstrate. Gotham's moon is clearly in geosynchronous orbit.
My real question relates to the thing's orbit. It rises in the extreme south-southeast and sets in the far north-northwest. Polar orbit at best, and probably a retrograde orbit with a steep angle. I know, this is a comic book universe, so things don't have to make sense, but obvious bits like this usually have some in-continuity explanation?
Given that this is a phenomenon in both universes, one might suggest that it pre-dates the blatant historical break point: Marcus Cole finding the Well of Furies. Before that, things are relatively quiet on the paranormal level. Just the Circle of Thorns waking up and acting out low-impact Call of Cthulu plotlines.
The previous cataclysmic events date all the way back to the Oranbegan wars, and the death of all the pre-ancient gods. i wonder if we need to borrow the box of Tielekku's remains from the Midnighter's Club and ask HER who broke our orbital mechanics?
Or did the Dev team just set things up this way to guarantee the maximum unlikelihood of a solar eclipse? -
Interesting question:
Seschat (Storm/Mind): Psychic Wail, Electric Fence (from APP), and...no clue. Leadership I guess. Will have to cannibalize an attack power for some slots, even if I only 2 slot health/Stamina.
Grace Ephemeral (Kin/Dark): Doesn't have Fitness.
Stormhawk Whitemage (Emp/Rad): Doesn't have fitness, only 35, has never really hirt for it.
Boom Boom Bianca (Traps/D.Pistols): Only 20. Bullet Rain (Maybe, Caltrops & radial KB bad), Suppression Fire, Combat Jumping (I have martial Arts Booster)
I need more Defenders. -
Ok, Tanks, how will I change thee...
Elec/Fire: Hasten, Superspeed, Fire Sword. Health & Stamina only get a second slot (so I can slot up hasten), and all those slots I dropped on Boxing (build was so tight I actually used it as an attack) go to Fire Sword.
Shield/Mace: Aid Other, Aid Self, Jawbreaker.
Fire/Dual Blades: (Only in 20s as is) Taunt Aura, more Slashy-slashy. -
Quote:Yin's was the only convenience store in Overbrook back in the day, before the Quake, when it had a fairly heavy density of superbases. Of course he sells weird weapons (We're fighting Nemesis this afternoon, I'll take two 500 pound bombs and a rapier), and clothes (Yin! I have a date with Lois Watson, and the Redcaps ate my civilian clothing stash! What do you have in a 20" inseam?)/cracktheory The Clockwork King is Penny's real father. Both are powerful psychics, the CK is obsessed with protecting her, refers to her as his Clockwork 'PRINCESS', not 'Queen', we don't really know what CK looked like before his accident, and Mr. Yin strikes me as a suspicious fellow. (Seriously, why does an Asian grocery store need to sell clothing and all those weapons?)
Alternate escape from being wedged under the Pillar: sit down, then try to move while seated.
I've also had less severe incidences of the situation, both in the Midnighter's Club, and on Ouroboros, when exiting the initial mission arc missions. In those cases, I poppd out after a few moments of maneuvering. My assumption is that the cave in Cimeroa has multiple layers to the floor, giving us someplace "legitimate" to stand lower than the official floor level.