Cold/Energy Development




My current low-level Defender is Cold Domination/Energy Blast. At lvl 22, Oort Queen (Comet powews) has started coming into her own. Infrigidate and Snowstorm nailed Snaptooth to the ground, and every time he twitched towards our little cluster of squishies (Blaster, Corruptor, me), I'd put him on his ****. I'm also happy to say I did well in the hordes of ambushers phases, shoving the more annoying Redcaps off our delicate hides. (I will be happier when I get Sleet and Power Push and can stop depending so much on the Nemesis Staff...)

My mid-game goals involve Maneuvers, and adding another 5% to my team's global Defence, and largely ignoring Nova (Nukes don't excite me). Where I'm not certain about this toon's development is late-game. Does anyone have suggestions for Ancillaries/epics that might mesh well? Yeah, I could make the lvl 41 trip to grandville for Scorpion Shield, but nothing else in Mace Mastery seems appropriate.