169 -
My assumption has always been that she and Dark watcher are pure baseline unified Incarnate Origin, just like Statesman and Recluse. Just slow-path.
Paragon Points in as of today! Huzzah!
No sign yet of my October reward token, however. Signed up Dec 02, 2007, no billing/playtime gaps. Billing date has slid to the 8th of the month over time. now the 12th. Just curious. (Well, I plan to get Reveal as my first tier seven eward to battle the Fog of War bug, so a bit more than just "curious")
I'm in favor of this, but from the other end. None of the gameplay concepts introduced during the level 15 to 15 arc (no, there isn't enough activity there to level your character once, barring assistance) involve activities for lv 15 or higher characters. Everything there should have been wrapped up and taught by level 10, when Montague is calling you over to the university. Thus, slifing everything DOWN in level a full category would be in everyone's best interests.
Of course, we'd need a little productive content for the 15-20 range at the same time, just like our red-side competition enjoys. (Hey, the Marshal Brass arcs offer both Entrusted With The Secret AND potentially Man/Woman In Black, both important for character development) -
My favorite spot for Fake Nems, blueside, is the Shadow Shard. Firebase Zulu zone, Point Sierra's island. There are usually 3-4 spawns of nemesis there at a time, with up to TWO fakes per group. Just run in circles and harvest.
And now to sum up my opinion on these garish floating coins, DeviantArt presents us with this:
(OK, a little overstated, but you get the idea...) -
Quote:Besides, the bulk of the corpses in Galaxy City don't come from demolished skyscrapers, that come from the sewers, admittedly, pre-monogrammed with a big "V" on the shoulder.Admittedly, with how many meteors hit buildings with people likely inside, it's surprising they don't have more dead bodies to work with.
My personal response to the original poster, however, is that at least a few devs have better taste than whoever was art lead on the Galaxy City tutorial. -
What we need here is a compromise solution. Add a single contact blue-side with a starting availability at 40th. Say a ranking Wyvern officer, perhaps the guy Manticore put in charge of day to day operations while he's off mentoring newbies like the Shining Stars, hitting on his wife, or getting his **** stomped in the LRSF. Have his offer a 3-5 mission arc, of similar difficulty to the current patron power unlock arcs, where your character goes into the rogue isles to swipe a series of important props from the various factions. Red coral, a case of non-biometricly encoded Arachnos maces, some ancient Mu artifact, and/or a dark spiritual ritual totem, all culminating with your daring escape back to Paragon and a climatic battle with Arbiter Unger.
Thus the patron pools are still something to work for on both sides of the line, but don't require the heroes to go through the whole "fall and redemption" process that their villainous counterparts are exempt from. -
Admittedly, Poison is still pretty underpowered, even after the devs tweaked it several times. But that is a thread for another day.
Quote:I don't have a build, per se, that is set up to exemp down to 20, but I never respec my build at 50 so that it ONLY works at higher levels. In other words, my builds are just as playable exempted down to 20 as they were WHEN I was 20. (Moreso, given the Super Sidekicking rules give me my powers to 25)Hi joe, my mains all have a sub 20 level build. I like to exemp.
Now you've meet someone, me.
Besides, it isn't as if here is that much to do at 50, even with iTrials. The whole point of the game is the journey from 1st to 50th, after all. -
Quote:Ambushes for a Master Mind on mission two are weird. Both I and another long-time player have run it with MMs (he on blue-side, I on red), and wherever the ambushes are spawning, they appear to pile up a couple iterations, and then catch up to you. I got the message, nothing happened, and proceeded to the intersection where the first glowie is. my thugs and I dealt with the guys there, and then NINE PPD came onto the scene at once. (And here I had been hoping Psylenz had forgotten his difficulty settings!) By the time I got back from the hospital, the timer had run out, and I got to see all the PPD teleport out.Ambushes come too frequently, the glowies should instant activate rather than delay every time a guard hits.
Timer too short to escape properly from the first mission without going in aware.
Hate the fact that the enter game button has to be pressed every mission load screen. It's a picture. Just let me into the mission map.
I have no issues with the timer on mission one's finale, now that I know where the exit is. I was unaware that beating up stuff would add to the timer, however. As an invisible, super-leaping, thugs/devices MM, I just went over or around everyone.
Definite agreement on getting rid of the stupid button on the loading screen. Thanks to my ISP, load times are variable enough that I do not need any artificial delays in entering the mission. And, while it is nice that we are referencing Manticore and Sister Psyche's relationship, as the second oldest member of the Phalanx, S.P. really should be showing a bit more professionalism and determination here. (But is still leaps and bounds better than her depiction in the tutorial loading screen!) -
Which brings up the question, why do I NOW have to click "Yes" to get it to do this now. Seriously, if the game is patching, that is my cue to go get a sandwich, and hopefully come back to a login screen.
Ok, tried on redside and blueside. Still can't find the official exit to the first map.
I'm glad he still has the old look. The art team is going to need references when they get around to fixing this fashion disaster.
OK, just my $0.02:
Everything in Praetoria happens by Cole's will. Everything.
THIS Duray sent the Devouring Earth to Primal Earth because he was programmed to do so whe he was instantiated. Just like the next pair are being programmed to save Primal Erth, in Cole's name. Cole kept the IDF troops around to witness his "outrage" so that when the story of what occurred reaches Primal Earth through the various Longbow / Vanguard / Arachnos / Ouroboros / Resistance / Girl Scout spies he has so carefully nurtured in his own organization, his image as the ravening dimension conquering pawn of the Well will be softened.
And if his pet Hamidon gains in power from infesting Primal Earth? Well, how many Pokemon trainers are upset that their prize monster evolves into a more powerful form?
What? You actually fell for the carefully orchestrated romp through the Underground, and believed the artfully planted misinformation fed to that DeVore woman? For shame.
(Only slightly tongue in cheek, folks. Until we put Cole down like the bad mirrorverse clone he should have been, and move on to a worthwhile comic book menace, I will continue to use everything I learned from 1984, Paradise Lost, Animal Farm, and the Paranoia role playing game to interpet this story-line.) -
Probably Riddler. He has expressed frustration and worry about the casual homicidal tendencies of his "peers", is smart, has cool toys, and generally just steals "stuff". Plus Quiz and Query are usually kept around to *look* cute, not to stroke his ego on a personal basis. (We're all here to stroke Riddler's ego on a staff basis, that's why we all act dumb when he asks us the lame riddles)
To be honest, I am incapable of NOT coming up with a full concept. I have been a pen-and-paper Game Master more or less continuously for the last 25 years, mostly Hero System and GURPS, a RPG gamer and sci-fi/fantasy fan for a good eight years before that, and into comic books and superheroes all the way back as my memory goes. (Solid evidence I wasa Six Million Dollar man fan at the age of three).
Concept usually comes first. With luck it is a story/background concept, like Pastafarian Oracle, making the world a better place in the name of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (Plant/Rad controller on Triumph). Often enough it's a powers concept (Friend says Kinetics sounds vampiric. Ok, cool, Grace Ephemeral is a Kinetics/Dark/Psi Defender vampire), or even an AT I havent tried (Hunter Hibana was recruited into the Arachnos military after Captain Mako decided her little East Ward youth gang was "cute".)
After that, coming up with a 1024 character background is easy. That's just enough to give me a feel for the character, without locking myself down from character development later as the whim strikes me (Or the character version living in my head goes "HEY! I wouldn't do THAT!"). 1024 is an ugly wall to hit when the mood to tell a short story n my Bio strikes me, mind you.
Then lastly comes the name. Do I want "Flare", "Reformed", "Vampyritouthus" (ok, I got that one- no one wants to be a scary spiky cuttlefish), or Storm Hawk? Of course i'd like a short iconic name, but the game has been running for over seven years, I can be realistic. So I go with names that will look decent in a newspaper headline: my homage light-based super is "Fraulein Flare", my Crab Soldier is "Rainbow Mantis", and my experimental Dark/Fire/No-Fitness-pool (pre I-19) scrapper is Burning Rubber.
And thats where the little ideas come from. -
A handful of characters use them for alternate playstyles. My Widow, my Bane/Wolf spider, my Tri-form Peacebringer, my Ice/Ice blaster (blastroller/blapper). Anyone else, it was for someone I deceided needed a respec before level 25, where there weren't any IOs I seriously wanted back.
Quote:Well, to be honest, the "content" is Praetorian related, and I am seriously fed up with Goatee-land's shades of charcoal storyline. There's an enormous volume of Primal Earth storyline than needs advancement, fleshing out, or completion that the Dev team's creative output could be focused on.Makes sense to me if someone is interested in character progression but not trial content.
So yes, I'm more focused on progression in the iTrials than the content. -
Stalkers. I prefer my melee types to be able to help the team beyond killing things one at a time, so Tanks, Brutes, and Scrappers are my choice here.
Warshades. I can either enjoy the game, playing with AND socializing with my coalition mates, OR I can master the insane combination of clicks, swaps, and leveraging that is required to make them Supremely Awesome. I'll take enjoyment. (I can play a pretty good Peacebringer, in contrast)
Stone Armor. Bleah. Got one brute as far as the Mez protection, got fed up with the insufficient mobility to keep my team alive, and rerolled.
Invulnerability, Super Strength, and Regen. Not sure, these just are never that much fun for me. -
Agreed. -3 KB protection is enough to deal with most problems you'll encounter. Sure, there will be days when three shotguns hit you at once, and you flop on your backside, or you tick off a half dozen Earth Thorn Casters, and discover the frustration of stacked Earthquake patches, but that's not going to be the majority of your game play.
Now if you're's serious about KB immunity, you'll want -12, because Tornado is Mag 11 or so, right out of the box, and any NPC mob that actually has it (Thankfully not that many, really. The Sea Witch mission in Sharkhead comes to mind.) loves to spam it. -
Four Incarnates in my stable:
Pastafarian Oracle keeps the Seers, hands down. Thematic.
Seschat, as an avatar of the goddess of libraries, is keeping her Vicky. (Embracing the information age and all that, plus likes someone stabby watching her back). She's a Storm/Mind defender (pre-dates Electrical Control), but the thought of pets with Hurricane scares me.
Emeraldine Bakafairy and Tempestuous Blue both have strong magical AND RWZ backstory elements. Vanguard mages for the win! -
Quote:As a former player of a non-Blizzard fantasy MMO, I can live with this, as long as the challenge and the reward make sense to be linked to one another. In that game, there were a number of pieces of gear that were highly challenging to collect, that were rewards for lore specific reasons. Sneak through the Temple of the ultra scary tadpole people, beat up their High Shaman, get his nifty gloves of Summing Great Spirits.Are you all aware that one of the Trial reward ideas the devs are kicking around is to tie special new costume parts to completing certain Trials, or certain parts of a Trial?
In City of Heroes, we have similar rewards. The Atlas Medallion, for example: learn the history of Atlas, visit significant locations from his career, defeat his signature enemies, receive some fraction of his power in the form of a 5% Endurance boost. Someone in the early dev team was clearly a Marvel Family fan, but the connection between challenge and reward is clearly there.
So if say, in the Keyes trial, the league all gets the Anti-Matter helmet costume piece for achieving the Doesn't matter badge, perfect. I will likely never get it (as I think that badge is insane), but I cannot argue that there is no logical connection between the two.
However, what we've gotten here isn't that connected. I have travelled to faraway dimensions, battled godlike foes, held madmen in check and wrecked their war apparatus, and now I get... fairy glitter? A sword chest emblem? The ability to lay on the floor? These have no connection to the challenge, and should be reconsidered. -
Quote:Praetorian Calvin Scott has always been a pawn of Tyrant, keeping those Enriche-resistant malcontents and misfits distracted with his so called "Resistance Movement", leaving Cole free to concentrate on more important tasks, such as the conquest and subjugation of adjacent dimensions.So in which universe is Calvin Scott evil, and in which universe are the Clockwork King and Tub Ci legit heroes?
In fact, Scott is a MORE useful servant than his nitwit Praetors, giving Loyalist factions something to unite against, rather than collapse into a useless tangle of Arachnos-style scheming and internal feuding.