Verify after EVERY patch?
To make sure that the patch didn't break any of your files.
The old patcher did the same thing, btw.
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
It also deletes the downloaded patch file (.ncpatch) upon completion.
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Did the old one really? I don't remember having to go through three loading bars.
The old patcher verified files immediately after downloading and applying them, before getting to the cityofheroes.exe blue loading bar.
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Which brings up the question, why do I NOW have to click "Yes" to get it to do this now. Seriously, if the game is patching, that is my cue to go get a sandwich, and hopefully come back to a login screen.
Which brings up the question, why do I NOW have to click "Yes" to get it to do this now. Seriously, if the game is patching, that is my cue to go get a sandwich, and hopefully come back to a login screen.
This I agree with. At least stick a "Don't ask me this again" tickbox on the stupid thing.
There's a simple way around it.
In the launcher, right-click on COH.
Then under extra parameters type
That'll skip the verification every time.
With the NCSoft launcher, I now have to verify after every patch. It doesn't take too long, so it's not so bad, but it is pretty annoying to go through a download, then whatever the next step is, click "Play," and then be stuck with a third loading bar. Is there some reason for this?