1774 -
Quote:Personally, I disagree with slotting RttC for taunt; it improves a character's "hands off" threat generation, but it doesn't raise the threat generation ceiling. Having (and using) Taunt will completely swamp/override taunt enhancement in RttC.RttC is the one aggro aura I would actually say it IS worth it to slot for Taunt. RttC has an astonishingly low Taunt magnitude and duration. Slotting for Taunt is a good idea in general, not just if you want to be the main Tank sometimes.
The threat formula uses the longest taunt remaining, so a 40-80s Taunt will always win over a 1.25-2.4s RttC. If a player is serious about tanking/threat, then they'll be using Taunt. -
Quote:Yes, the damage debuff will stack from multiple sources. Keep in mind that the higher tier powers tend to have longer durations than the lower tier ones. I think Quick Strike's lasts 4s and Concentrated Strike is 8s.Interesting, I did not know that. Will the damage penalty stack from multiple sources? If so, I am strongly considering replacing Concentrated Strike for Quick Strike, although it would be a significant loss of threat. Do you have any thoughts? The flavor text of Power Siphon led me to believe otherwise.
[edit: I haven't done any math, on this, but I don't think QS would help your survivability noticeably over the killing/stunning power of CS. With enough recharge you'll keep the debuff up anyways.]
Quote:I see and hear your concerns about defensive tanks, Sarrate; after experiencing a few Houdini deaths, I altered my build accordingly. I'm now packing 31% S/L Resist, a meager 4.1% F/C, 26.7% Energy Resist, 14.8% Negative Energy Resist, 17.9% Toxic Resist, and 25.9% Psionic Resist. During Overload, I can basically consider all of these numbers higher by 44%. Will that be sufficient?
Sorry, I can't be more helpful - my characters tend to either have more layered mitigation (Invuln, WP) or resistance heavy (Elec, Fire). -
How it used to work:
Redraw: 1s
Animation: 3s
Weapon Out: Animate power (3s) then sit in the idle position (1s)
Weapon Sheathed: Animate redraw (1s) then animate power (3s)
Result: Power always takes 4s to animate. The redraw penalty is baked into every attack, but there is no cost to redraw when playing.
How it works now:
Redraw: 1s
Animation: 3s
Weapon Out: Animate power (3s)
Weapon Sheathed: Animate redraw (1s) then animate power (3s)
Result: Power is much stronger because it doesn't have a built in delay. There is now a cost to redrawing your weapons when playing. -
Quote:By the way, if it helps, my quest for threat knowledge started in the I6/I7 days where I was constantly ripping aggro from Tankers (who didn't liberally use Taunt) with my DM/Invuln Scrapper (who didn't have Confront). If Scrappers can cause threat issues, then Brutes are worse... and they get Taunt instead of Confront.Sarrate, a friend of mine in-game who is generally very knowledgeable had it out with me saying that I'm barking down the wrong tree because he insists my threat will always be worse than a tanker's - and I know we discussed otherwise on that, but he's also claiming that EA's going to make a terrible tank for durability.
My counterpoint was that for EA's flaws, I've seen /fiery tank, and even the amazing offense in burn isn't enough in incarnate trials to quickly down things. You're depending on your HP, your self-heal, and what IO defenses and resistances you managed. We went back and forth for a while - I sincerely think that when you include Power Siphon, I'm going to have more than suitable survivability, but I wouldn't mind some reassurance.
I haven't played EA on a Brute, my experience comes from playing it as a Stalker before the buffs. Having said that, I'm personally not a fan of predominately defense based sets for tanking. The reason is twofold:
1) Defense is cheap and much easier to acquire (inspirations, IOs, buffs, etc). So having a lot of it lets you hit the soft cap faster, but after that you're a bit stuck.
2) It's susceptible to burst damage. I really dislike not being able to judge if I'm in trouble or not. I could be at 60% hp and get hit by a couple hard hits at once and fold.
I don't want to be a downer or to push you away from a character you enjoy, but I also can't bring myself to be dishonest with my concerns. (I have an Ice Tanker and this is what got me to stop playing her many Issues ago.)
On a different note, I've seen you mention Power Siphon as a defensive tool many times now; it's actually a purely offensive one. Kinetic Melee attacks debuff damage all the time, not just when PS is active. All PS allows is for them to generate stacking +dmg buffs on you. -
Quote:The same logic can be attributed to a lot (most?) ATs. Scrappers deal more damage, so they should generate more threat. Come to think of it, Blasters deal more damage, too; clearly their threat generation should be even higher. Defenders/Controllers/Corruptors all have potent buffs/debuffs, it would be prudent to eliminate them first. Etc. The tanking role in MMOs is usually very artificial - it makes no logical sense for the AI to go after the toughest player character.I see no reason why they can't out threat Tankers.
Dealing more damage then a Tanker, they actually are a greater threat to mobs.
Another reason would be that this presents issues for Brutes who are not built to survive that aggro - I know here on the forums everyone is IOd to the nines and is buffed so hard they shine from space, but this is not the case all of the time in game. So this threat generation presents a threat to the Brute themself, this is good. The Tanker equivalent will almost always handle that incoming damage better.
Imagine that you're the Tanker and you see the Brute taking too much damage and being at risk of dying. With equal builds (ie: no Taunt vs no Taunt, Taunt vs Taunt) a Tanker cannot match the Brutes theat generation. So, their original role - to keep other players safe - becomes impossible. Okay, I conceede that a Tanker with Taunt can out threat a Brute without Taunt (which would likely be the case for a 'dps Brute'), but it takes a considerable amount of time to catch up to their threat lead, which may be too late.
That's only part of it. I'm also looking further ahead. Before GR/IOs/etc, it didn't seem like much of an issue to me. Tankers never had to compete for the same role with them, and buffs/debuffs were less prolific, so it was harder for Brutes to realize their potential. Now, however, it's much easier for Brutes to impede on the Tankers' role. The amount of +def/+res available from IOs, Incarnate abilities (Cardiac Alpha for more +res, Destiny), the increase of team sizes, single target buffs being made AoEs, etc. I can only see this problem getting worse as time goes on, not better. Tankers are already getting super saturated with mitigation, where Brutes can keep growing until the difference becomes a wash. At that point, the only thing Tankers will offer over Brutes is Bruising (which doesn't even stack).
I'm not trying to be dramatic here, that is honestly where I see current trends leading.
Quote:I cannot for the life of me understand WHY the Dev's have saddled themselves with this issue. It has got to make designing top-end challenges annoying as all get-out.
The downside to this is, the Dev's would then have to go back and re-tune SO much stuff, to pull out the ridiculous defenses they've had to install to combat their own self-inflicted wound.
I think it's pretty easy to see how it happened. They didn't design a balanced game because they didn't understand what players would do with their system. They didn't expect players to slot multiple SOs of the same type into a single power, let alone stacking buffs/debuffs. The more time went on, the more players got used to how things worked and the more work would be required to rebalance the game. I don't remember if you were around for GDN/ED, but they would be nothing compared to a change to stacking buffs/debuffs.
Also: hindsight is always 20/20.
Quote:It's simple: Make it such that the first -resist/-def/-recharge/-etc effect applied to a target is 100 percent. The second is 80, the third is 40, the fourth and all others 5 percent. Apply the same scaling on +buffs, from ALL sources.
Two buff/debuffs, I doubt you'd see a difference. Three, is still well worth having. The inf farm teams, with 8 controllers botted up? Suddenly not workin' so well.
Most human players would never even notice.
Having said that, I think you're wrong. Let me give you a very simple example.
4 lucks (now) = 45% defense
4 lucks (dr) = 30% defense (12.5 + 12.5*0.8 + 12.5*0.4 + 12.5*0.2)
That's a damage intake increase of 4x. I suspect a squishy using inspirations to fight a tough EB would notice that. -
A few thoughts at no one in particular:
*) Another area Brutes trump Scrappers is threat generation. They trump Tankers, too, for that matter, much to my frustration.
*) For Stalkers, I keep toying with the idea of designing them more around their controlled crits than a raw damage boost. For example, crits out of "Pure Hide" deal 3x damage, "Placate Hide" crits deal 2.5x damage, AoEs always crit, and Assassin's Strike instantly recharges Placate.
The Pure Hide crits are rare (openers only) and would help in environments where setting up AS may not be practical. Placate Hide crits are to emphasize Stalkers' controlled damage (and make up for the time spent animating Placate). The AoE buff is there because the lack of AoE is (imo) a serious design flaw. (Yes, I understand sets like EM are still hosed.) The Assassin's Strike -> Placate recharge is to reward Stalkers who do use AS.
These ideas are interesting to me on a conceptual level, but I fully admit they could break solo play for Stalkers. I'm thinking more of the average player leveling up, mind you. They could do evil things like AoE -> placate -> AS -> attack.
*) Stacking buffs/debuffs is a double edged sword. On one hand, it causes buffer overrun teams to spank normal content like nobody's business. It also makes it extremely difficult (impossible?) to balance content that is meant to be challenging (Incarnate Trials). On the other, it allows people to compensate for builds that aren't deemed "optimal." Besides, it's been a corner stone to the game since release. Changing that now would be similar to Star Wars Galaxy's "New Game Experience." -
Quote:Ahah, I was thinking of higher end gameplay. There is another wrinkle with taunt effects - their durations scale up as you level. To make things more complicated, there are two different tables for how they scale.The lowbie one.
Tanker was Stone/Stone - I ran into spawns first. I'd have threat and the tanker would take it after arriving about 5 or 6 seconds later. Spawns lasted around... I really don't have a good estimate.
For example, standard taunt effects (auras, gauntlet/g-lite) have a duration of 1.00 x Melee_InherentTaunt. At level 5, that would be 1.36 sec, but by the time you reach level 50, it would last 13.6 sec. That's a growth of 10x.
Taunt, however, has a duration of 20.0 x Melee_Taunt. This table scales from 1.09 to 2.05 - a growth of 1.88x.
Attacking alone would not be able to keep taunt duration up on the target, especially with the broken attack chains everyone has at those levels. Threat decay (which never has been explained to us) seems to be very unforgiving of this.
What I suspect was happening is the Tanker was running Mud Pots (Stone Armor's aggro aura, available at lvl6, but can be retained exemplaring down to lvl1) and that was what was responsible for your threat issues. Your EA brute gets Entropic Aura at lvl10, which should make a considerable difference, especially since it pulses faster and is auto-hit. -
Quote:Are you talking about Death from Below (lowbie "Sewer Trial") or the Abandoned Sewer Trial (lvl38-40 "Sewer Trial")?In the sewers trial, I was consistently getting whooped by the party tanker on threat no matter how I tried. What happened there?
At any rate, could you provide any more detail about the situation? Which sets was the Tanker? Was he getting into spawns first? How long did spawns die? Etc. The threat explanation I gave you was very incomplete and watered down; so there could be factors at work that it doesn't explain.
Quote:This is because CoH doesn't need WoW-level number management and documentation. In WoW, a single player sneezing during a raid encounter WILL wipe the raid 100% of the time, no exceptions, no excuses, no workarounds, do not pass go or collect 200 dollars. Here, if a player sneezes they probably just defeated a Lieutenant. CoH is so much more laid back than any game I've played.
I hop into a spawn, punch stuff, taunt the occasional stray, and then when everything's almost toast I hop out and piss off the next group of enemies.
Don't treat this game like other MMO's-- you'll end up burning yourself out on what is essentially nothing.
Quote:Wow. I was one of those. I am now more enlightened. Damn. *blinks a few times* Thanks, Sarrate. (will now be turning SS OFF to raise Threat level, and see what else he can strip from tanking toons for aggro!)
Yes, turning off Super Speed (and any buff with -threat level) will improve threat generation. A slightly more expanded threat formula (but still extremely dumbed down):
Threat = Damage * TauntDurationRemaining * ThreatLevel
ThreatLevel varies from AT to AT, but Brutes/Tankers start at 4, Scrapper 3, etc.
Quote:Taunt is not a necessity for Tanks or Brutes, but you asked about 'tanking.' To be great at tanking, you will want Taunt (my opinion of course).
I say to Taunt AVs because I've seen AV aggro taken from my Brutes/Tanks before when I only attack (especially the Trials). I'll have a strong DPS chain going and Siege will turn away from me, then I hit Taunt...BAM right back on me with a Warning. If you are 'tanking' then your first priority is aggro managment, not damage. If you are not the main tank or an off tank, then damage is your priority.
Really, there are 4 different tiers of threat generation (also simplified)
1) Playing a character with no taunt effects.
2) Playing a character with taunt effects in the 13.5s range (Gauntlet, Gauntlet-lite, most aggro auras)
3) Playing a character with the Taunt power (~41s).
4) Playing a character with the Taunt power, slotted (~80s).
Someone with no taunt effects won't compete with someone who has them. Someone with just taunt effects won't compete with someone with a well slotted taunt. When two characters are on the same tier, then many times, the difference is damage output. (Debuffs also play a factor, which is why debuff ATs tend to draw a lot of attention to themselves.) -
Quote:That and the fact Greater Fire Sword on Scrappers isn't as strong as on a Brute:The number crunchers in the Scrap forums also say that Brute Fiery Melee is ahead of Scrappers even after the Fury change because the DoTs scale with Fury.
Scrapper Greater Fire Sword
Quote:* 0.84 Lethal damage PvE only
* 1.44 Fire damage PvE only
Quote:* 1 Lethal damage PvE only
* 1.44 Fire damage PvE only -
Quote:It's not bad damage output that was bad, it's just that taunt effects are very strong. A very simple (and not entirely correct) exmplanation is that taunts are debuffs that amplify threat by 1,000 times per second of the duration on the target. So if you hit a target with a 10s taunt, the AI sees 1 point of damage as 10,000 damage (1 dmg * 1,000 * 10s).Very good to know. I guess Point (1) speaks more to how bad our group's damage was or something then. I'd consistently heard that Tankers were unbeatable on threat 'til this thread.
Another wrinkle is that simply appying a taunt effect is like a 1 dmg attack, so if you have an aura pulsing a 10s taunt every 1s, it'd be generating 10,000 'threat' per second.
So really, the only time someone with taunt effects will lose aggro is against someone else who is applying taunt effects. This is where Tankers are at a disadvantage - Brutes apply taunts effects of the same length as Tankers, but they deal more damage.
Sorry, I wasn't trying to talk you out of making a Brute, I was just making sure that you didn't get a false impression of how taunts worked in CoX. Taunt/threat is one aspect that is very poorly documented / understood by, dare I say, most people. -
Quote:Just for clarification:1) The Gauntlet power for Tankers really takes the fun out of it, IMO - I remember in my first week of the game, in Gold-side, I literally had a group where the tanker said "afk falling asleep" and put me on follow and his damage aura kept all mobs off of the rest of the party with no issue until we had to change floors. I like having to change targets and such. Work at it. Gauntlet seems like 'auto threat win.'
Gauntlet is an AoE taunt effect (5 targets max) added to single target attacks.
Brutes get "Gauntlet-lite" in the sense that their single target attacks still taunt, but only the target of that attack.
This means that Tankers have no benefit over Brutes with aggro auras (ie: the afk Tanker), AoE attacks (ie: Foot Stomp), or attacking a single target (ie: an AV). The only benefit a Tanker has is using a single target attack with multiple enemies in range.;
Ironically, Brutes can generate more threat than Tankers can. If a Tanker doesn't use Taunt (the power), then Brutes will out threat them. -
Quote:Brutes that can hit the resistance cap:Can you even get to 90% resist and soft cap defense 45% with a brute while only using So's? Im betting no. So if only using so's the amount of defense/resist I can get will be pretty close on both At's. Anyone have any experience with this?
Fiery Aura - fire
Electric Armor - energy; all but tox/psi with Power Surce
Invulnerability - all but psi with Unstoppable
Stone Armor - within 3% of s/l in Granite
Can you softcap them in SOs? No. Invuln can get quite a bit with saturated Invincibility. Now that I look at it, Stone Armor can get in the same ballpark (~30-35%), too. -
Quote:It has been a long time since I've fiddled with this proc, too, but you're saying the internal cooldown was removed?Also, in the interest of full disclosure: I may be a little biased against the FF proc because when it first came out there was a forced cooldown on the proc effect; it could never be up for more than 5 seconds out of every 10 (on top of not stacking with itself). That's around the time I did most of my hands-on experimenting with it.
Hmm, looking at it in CoD, I do seem to remember "Lifetime in-game" being set to 10 rather than the current 0. Interesting. -
Quote:I disagree. The 15' radius is a much bigger advantage than smashing vs cold damage. That extra 5' increases the area by 2.25 times (314 ft^2 vs 707 ft^2).What makes Foot stomp so nice isn't Foot stomp itself, its Rage, and double and triple stacking it, basically allowing a tanker to walk around at their damage cap all the time. That what makes Foot stomp so nasty.
(for reference, Foot stomp does 63.17 smashing damage, in a 15ft radius recharging in 20 seconds with a 80% chance for .67KB, Frozen Aura does 63.17 cold damage, in a 10ft radius, recharging in 20 seconds, with a 100% chance for mag 2 sleep)
The radius is a little higher on foot stomp, but the smashing vs cold damage allows frozen aura to keep up damage wise.
The fact Foot Stomp is in the same set as Rage just exasperates the issue.
Frozen Aura follows the formula:
Dmg: 1.42 (63.35)
Rech: 20
End: 18.51
Radius: 10'
Foot Stomp does not (all the same stats, with a radius of 15'). If it were changed to adhere to the formula (radius being constant), it would need to either have its damage reduced to 1.1 scale (48.73) or have its rech/end increased to 26.59s / 24 end.
Note: I'm only stating facts, not any of my opinions regarding Foot Stomp. -
Quote:This really depends upon your standard for holding aggro. I'm a bit of an aggro *****, so, in my opinion, Taunt is mandatory. I say this because all things being equal, a Tanker cannot out threat a Brute without Taunt. Period. *I find many people overstate /WP's lack of threat. Yes, it is weaker, but if you are active with your secondary and cycle through targets, taunt is far from necessary. Don't get me wrong, Taunt is a great tool and worth taking, but too many people use it as a crutch.
Back before Castle and Ghost Widow went through the threat code, figured it out, and explained it on the forums**, I was playing an Invuln Scrapper and would frequently team with an Invuln/SS and Stone/Stone Tankers. I would inevitably rip aggro from them.
So if a Scrapper can do that (who have a threat modifier that is 75% of a Tanker), then a Brute would be generating even more threat.
* Mathematically, all things being equal, I don't see how a Tanker could hold agro over a Brute. By that, I mean identical attack chains, using Taunt at the same times, etc. Having said that, Taunting Brutes are rare.
** By the way, if you two are still around reading the forums, I cannot thank you enough for that information. -
Quote:It's +3.75% and +0.75% for the first mob, then +0.75% for each additional mob. So:For Invincibility, is it +3.75% defense for the first mob in range, then + .75% for each additional up to 10?
For Invincibility, if you put def enhancers in it, does this affect the above percentages, say +3.75%( x .33% SO Enhancer ) = 4.99% for the first mob in range?
1: 3.75 + (1 * 0.75) = 4.5
2: 3.75 + (2 * 0.75) = 5.25
3: 3.75 + (3 * 0.75) = 6
9: 3.75 + (9 * 0.75) = 10.5
10: 3.75 + (10 * 0.75) = 11.25 -
Quote:Just some food for thought: RttC may be pretty worthless by itself for threat generation, but I think that combined with other powers, it generates substantially more threat than it does on its own. In a sense, RttC is like unslotted Hover while slotted RttC in conjunction with other powers is slotted Hover: substantially better than you would believe it could be.This definitely. RTTC is, well, worthless as a taunt aura so your other tools have to do the heavy lifting. Coming from an Ice tank with the best aggro tools in the game to a WP tank with by FAR the worst aggro tools in the game will require a massive adjustment in your playstyle.
As for why I feel this way, I tried to explain it in this post. -
Man, it's been ages since I've heard someone use that term.
Btw, when calculating DPA, if you simply divide the damage by the activation time (like you did in your post), you'll get numbers that are higher than reality. You need to factor in ArcanaTime. If you want a full description of what it is, you should read the thread first introducing it here. -
There are two main things that are a must for holding aggro on a WP Tank:
1) Taunt - If you don't have this power, your threat generation is severely crippled. I would suggest not just taking Taunt, but having it well slotted. (5-6 slots, both Mocking Beratement and Perfect Zinger a great choices.)
2) Playstyle - This is the biggest change, especially after coming from an Ice Tank. Instead of being very laid back about threat, you need to be very proactive in your efforts to generate it. This means using Taunt frequently and switching up which targets you're using it on. Spamming Taunt on the same target(s) over and over is counter productive when you're trying to hold aggro on a large spawn. It also helps if you can learn when it's safe to move to the next spawn while your group mops up the current one, this will give you time to spread Taunt on enemies.
This may sound a bit daunting, but I found it to be a very positive experience. Learning how to hold aggro on a WP Tanker will make you that much better at holding aggro on all your Tankers.
I can give you more information if you'd like, but I decided against hitting you with a wall of text right off the bat. :P -
If the damage in a power seems wrong (especially an APP power), hit Ctl+D to bring up a window with more details (same level of detail as City of Data). In MIDs 0.951, Blaze Mastery / Fire Ball does the following:
Quote:[edit: Orange numbers are what I believe to be base damage (no crits, etc). Yellow numbers are what are getting factored into the average damage on mouse over.]12.51 Smashing Damage to Target(to Critters)
43.79 Fire Damage to Target (to Critters)
56.31 Fire Damage to Target (5% chance)
56.31 Fire Damage to Target (10% chance, to Critters)
11.57 Smashing Damage to Target (to Players)
46.27 Fire Damage to Target (to Players)
57.83 Fire Damage to Target (5% chance, to Players)
3 x6.26 Fire Damage to Target over 2.1 seconds (80% chance, after 0.5 seconds)
37.18 Fire Damage to Target (to Players, if Assassination)
62.56 Fire Damage to Target (to Critters, if Assassination)
37.18 Fire Damage to Target (to Players)
37.18 Fire Damage to Target (20% chance, to Players)
0 Fire Damage to Target (to Critters)
62.56 Fire Damage to Target (to Critters)
Yet MID's damage when just hovering over the power is:
Quote:Smashing (12.51) + Fire(114.8 + 5x3) = 142.3
Smashing (12.51) is pretty simple - it's just the normal PVE damage.
Fire(114.8 + 5x3) is a bit more complicated.
5x3 = 3 x6.26 * 0.8
Fire dot averaged out by 80%
114.8 = 43.79 + (56.31*0.05) + (56.31*0.10) + 62.56
This is normal fire damage, 5% and 10% averaged crits, and the (erroneous?) 62.56 fire damage at the bottom of the detailed window.
As much as I like the program, MIDs does have a history of getting APP damage incorrect for ATs that can 'crit' (Scrappers, Stalkers, and Controllers). -
Alignment Merits are a very strong motivator... but they cannot be realistically attained on unlimited characters. Depending on your dedication, it makes sense to have a few characters to generate Alignment Merits. The alignment of the rest of your characters can be freely based off teaming flexibility (Rogue/Vigilante), stronger powers (Frenzy/Call of Justice), or just theme.
Quote:Pretty much all dynamically scaling toggle buffs have this effect (Invin, RttC, AAO, etc). These toggles have two attributes:I don't know if this has been covered yet, but I noticed an oddity with the +recharge from entropic during an ambush farm.
Every now and then the effect would double and work on more enemies than it should. It's supposed to cap at 10 targets, but I've been able to get it to effect enough enemies to give me >70% recharge bonus for several seconds at a time. Maybe even as much as ten seconds at a time.
What may be be happening is the buff is persisting from a defeated enemy for whatever reason, but still getting re-applied from a fresh new target, as on an ambush farm you're constantly mobbed by 100+ enemies. Or perhaps there's some weirdness in the "pulsing" of the buff causing it to count enemies outside of it's cap.
BuffA (does not stack, the "first target buff")
BuffB (stacks)
When it effects one enemy, you get both buffs. When you have two or more targets, it looks like this:
BuffA x10
BuffB x10
But since BuffA doesn't stack, that drops to:
BuffA x1
BuffB x10
Now here is the trick, the buffs last slightly longer than the activation (tick) period of the toggle. During this time, you'd get following:
BuffA x20 --> x1
BuffB x20
Thus why you sometimes get spikes in the benefit from the toggle. Why was it designed this way? If they made the buff last just as long as the tick period, it would be possible for the buff to momentarily fall off. It was deemed that the benefit of a brief double stack was better than a brief moment of no buff at all. -