RttC and Taunt IO?




Is slotting one taunt IO into RttC worth it?

I like to keep as much aggro as possible when there is not a Tank on the team.

Basically...is it pointless to slot the taunt IO into RttC?
Does it make any difference?



RttC is the one aggro aura I would actually say it IS worth it to slot for Taunt. RttC has an astonishingly low Taunt magnitude and duration. Slotting for Taunt is a good idea in general, not just if you want to be the main Tank sometimes.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



RttC's taunt could use a little help, but I always seem to find better places to put that slot.



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
RttC is the one aggro aura I would actually say it IS worth it to slot for Taunt. RttC has an astonishingly low Taunt magnitude and duration. Slotting for Taunt is a good idea in general, not just if you want to be the main Tank sometimes.
Personally, I disagree with slotting RttC for taunt; it improves a character's "hands off" threat generation, but it doesn't raise the threat generation ceiling. Having (and using) Taunt will completely swamp/override taunt enhancement in RttC.

The threat formula uses the longest taunt remaining, so a 40-80s Taunt will always win over a 1.25-2.4s RttC. If a player is serious about tanking/threat, then they'll be using Taunt.



Originally Posted by Sarrate View Post
Personally, I disagree with slotting RttC for taunt; it improves a character's "hands off" threat generation, but it doesn't raise the threat generation ceiling. Having (and using) Taunt will completely swamp/override taunt enhancement in RttC.

The threat formula uses the longest taunt remaining, so a 40-80s Taunt will always win over a 1.25-2.4s RttC. If a player is serious about tanking/threat, then they'll be using Taunt.
Right, so if you're are not teaming with someone with Taunt...then slotting a taunt IO in RttC is worth it?



Originally Posted by Sarrate View Post
Personally, I disagree with slotting RttC for taunt; it improves a character's "hands off" threat generation, but it doesn't raise the threat generation ceiling. Having (and using) Taunt will completely swamp/override taunt enhancement in RttC.

The threat formula uses the longest taunt remaining, so a 40-80s Taunt will always win over a 1.25-2.4s RttC. If a player is serious about tanking/threat, then they'll be using Taunt.
Taunt hits up to five at a time. RttC hits up to ten. With the aggro cap at 17, I don't see why you wouldn't want both operating efficiently. On a Tanker, with full Gauntlet going, I can understand this, but with Brutes' Gauntlet-lite only hitting the enemies they hit, I would think that having a passive AoE-threat generating power would be nice.

Will Taunt completely overshadow the threat generated by any aggro aura? Yes, but the aggro aura is going to help you hit the other enemies that you need to have aggro on.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



I don't really think it's worth it. With 3 slots of Taunt Duration (an enchantment value of 103.85%) you're only increasing the duration of RttC by about 1 second. That's hardly an improvement. If you're really serious about tanking on a willpower brute you'll want taunt.



I appreciate the relevant information.



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
Taunt hits up to five at a time. RttC hits up to ten. With the aggro cap at 17, I don't see why you wouldn't want both operating efficiently. On a Tanker, with full Gauntlet going, I can understand this, but with Brutes' Gauntlet-lite only hitting the enemies they hit, I would think that having a passive AoE-threat generating power would be nice.

Will Taunt completely overshadow the threat generated by any aggro aura? Yes, but the aggro aura is going to help you hit the other enemies that you need to have aggro on.
The reason is Taunt lasts so long, it's easy to spread the effect among the whole spawn. Not only that, but Gauntlet-lite applies to AoE attacks, as well. So, jump into a spawn using Taunt, use an AoE. Taunt's recharge isn't too long, esp with rech enhancement / global bonuses, so it can be used pretty quickly.

Originally Posted by Vitality View Post
Right, so if you're are not teaming with someone with Taunt...then slotting a taunt IO in RttC is worth it?
When I was talking about Taunt, I was talking about the WP Brute (in this case, you) using Taunt. If you're going Tauntless, then yes, I'd recommend it. If not, I (personally) don't think it'd be that valuable.