237 -
Level 47 should be when Rise of the Phoenix unlocks in Flame Mastery. Do you have the two prereqs for it? It's a pretty hand power to have.
Quote:Nope. You only get one contact per Mayhem, until they are all are collected.I have a question regarding villain brokers and the contacts they introduce.
I play the game as a "storyline collector". I like to run through each story arc and complete them in their proper order at their proper level - I try not to use Ouroboros where possible.
However I've noticed that early levels this is very difficult to do.
As an example on redside you get to level 5 and go to Port Oakes. Then do 3 newspaper missions, then rob a bank and then get a contact. THEN you have to repeat this process twice to get two more contacts. THEN you have to get all the story arcs and complete them. I've noticed that unless I turn off xp or do the missions in a VERY specific order I usually miss at least one storyline or (and this is worse) a badge.
However I do notice that sometimes I get a message saying "your reputation in Rogue Isles has grown go and see ...... to be introduced to a new contact". I normally only get this message when I have all the contacts so there is little point in acting on it but I was wondering when this message comes up and if I have a missed contact will I get introduced to him WITHOUT doing newspaper and mayhem missions?
If so is it possible to force this message so I only need to do one mayhem mission every five levels?
In otherwords when I enter Port Oakes is there anyway to get all three contacts by just doing one Mayhem Mission?
If you're that hardcore about "gotta play them all," then there are a couple of options
1.) Turn off XP when you hit a certain point, ensuring that you can do multiple mayhems and their associated paper missions
2.) Wait. The devs put in Ouroboros to allow access to overleveled content. You gain access to Ouroboros at 25, assuming you have earned the Entrusted with the Secret badge. With the advent of super-sidekicking, you still earn XP for these missions, so of course you may still need to disable that to ensure that you don't outlevel even more content -
Quote:Ajax part of the Omega Team. The details of his return were revealed when the capsule was opened, and in Dean MacArthur's arc.So how'd he get back?
Wasn't he lost with the rest of Omega team? Do we discover this during the TF?
Apex was a focus in the Blue King comics. At the end, he basically joined a PuG and disappeared into the crowd. Manticore made a post in the canon fodder thread basically saying as much. -
Quote:Like Sport and Overguard?Is this some kind of joke? Im talking about costumes AGAIN.
Animated tails, meh... They still look pretty damn ugly and old, animated or not. Look at the fox/wolf taild they added to the mutant pack. I see a difference.
Pistols are weapons, I love having more models but they only work for specific powersets.
Is hard to understand I meant costumes?
Like vanguard, roman, enforcer... All that stuff we had before and not getting now in a long while. -
Interesting usage, look forward to see where this goes.
Good resource, all on one page for stuff up through i13
http://home.roadrunner.com/~dasloth/...20Updates.html -
Quote:Not sure if the the question was serious, what with the winky, but I'll chime in.Thanks once again for updating your maps. Like I implied you might very well have updated them YEARS ago for all I know because it's been that long since I used them and noticed a few missing markers at that point.
Why are you -always- so defensive about these things? After all I gave your site the initial plug in this thread to begin with and I didn't mention any problems with them first.
I would wager it is habit/instinct.
If you're doing this type of job right, people generally don't notice or just use it without thought. When they do notice, it tends to be on stuff that is broken, or not working as they deem "correct" or "right".
When people come out with these ... 'bug reports', the ones we all remember tend to be the ones that are the most vitriolic in nature. After time, you tend to be a bit on the defensive, and only see what could possibly be the bad comments. Stress can add on top of this too.
Just speculation from personal experience -
They weren't ready, they said so initially.
In the NSIS installer creation script, you need to add this
RequestExecutionLevel admin
This has been a legacy issue since Titan took over. Windows doesn't trust things writing to the Program Files folders. You need to have the program run with Admin permissions if you're still going to have the default setting be $PROGRAMFILES -
Quote:It is a Gladiator badge. You don't get a progress bar for those.FYI, Coralax can be found blueside in The Hollows in the Red River neighborhood. But I didn't know there was badge associated with them. I assume it is a defeat badge.
PS. Just went into the zone and defeated about 25 and no defeat badge meter started so maybe this is a villian only defeat badge. -
Quote:They added a second progress bar in i18 to track the fires for the SC events. If you view the Defeats tab, that bar will be right below the Hellions bar. It will disappear after the badge was granted. You also don't get the next tier tier of progress bars until the current ones disappear, but they will still track.If that's really a new feature, I'm missing it. Typically, people will wipe out mobs and mobs of the Hellions with AoEs, which will fill your progress bar fast and make it look complete. Then it's just a matter of putting out enough fires to finish it off. Unfortunately, there is no way to tell how many fires you have put out if that's the case.
For clarification, the badges are:
Volunteer Firefighter (Fire Bane) - Defeat 10 Fires OR Hellion Arsonists
Firefighter (Firestomper) - Defeat 25 Fires AND 25 Hellion Arsonists
Fire Chief (Asbestos) - Defeat 100 Fires AND 100 Hellion Arsonists
As far as Volunteer Firefighter, I think we need to go back and actually read the requirements on this one. Someone recently changed it to 10 fires and arsonists on the wiki, but that doesn't seem right at all. -
Quote:People want privacy?
Have to do it from the contact. You should be able to pick him up after doing a mayhem mission, and selecting a contact from Wiggy the Brit
Quote:http://www.mmodesigner.com/?p=138Well they normally push a patch the 2nd day after a weekend, because you don't want people recovering from a weekend to do anything major and it allows them to double check everything. Also by pushing a patch then gives them a chance to fix anything that goes horribly wrong before the weekend.
Maintenance the day before the start of the weekend is somewhat obvious since the weekend is peak playing time.
Quote:I only posted about it to the Titan Forums and to my personal twitter account.SaintNicster left, too? I know St0n3y left, but didn't know about SaintNicster.
Quote:Doesn't have to be posi...Hence the request to remove the level cap. When you are too high for a zone, it would simply give you the "You will EX to this level if you accept a mission", instead of "Things in this area are beneath your notice."
Maybe we should make a quick comic strip series called "What Would Positron Do?".
We can show a picture of a citizen getting her purse stolen, and Positron goes by her saying "Sorry! I'm over-qualified to help you. Please ask somebody who is lower level to help you." haha
http://www.pvponline.com/2004/06/13/june-13-2004/ -
Quote:As far as I saw, it was stealth-fixed on the second or third patch after the issue drop.I heard from a reliable source that the Burn fix was coming very soon. (The issue being that currently Burn damages the caster.)
Has the fix made it to live yet - or is it at least on the Test server?
Thanks. I can't go back to playing my amazing Fire/Fire until its been fixed.
The damage tick does nowhere near full damage to the player, so it is safe to test it on your own. Just go stand next to some hellions in AP and fire it off. If you don't see the orange floating text above your head, or the combat spam, you're good. -
Quote:Well, in their defense, if you open up the Personal Info window, that badge count includes gladiators, and I'm pretty sure it did in the initial implementation. My brain's skipping a beat, though, and I don't remember if the gladiators count for the "X badges" badges, but I'm guessing not.I strongly suspect the only reason they look and act like badges on our characters is because the Devs found it quick-n-easy to "borrow" the badge awarding code used by badges to make earning Gladiators simple to code. IIRC the Devs originally didn't even want people to count them as far as our "total badge count" goes. Despite that the major badge tracking sites basically never followed that guideline and always counted them as real badges regardless of what the Devs' intentions might have been..
There's a "Going Rouge" explore badge... are you thinking about that? It's at the Tailor in Imperial City
I had thought this was fixed on live. In the first or second patch we had. Didn't see a patch note, but didn't seem to be hit with the damage.
If you are wanting to do this yourself, your best bet is mayhem missions. You (as a Tourist) can still run papers and Mayhems. You can't start normal arc missions until you fully switch.
Mayhem Missions are the easiest source for the badge, so I'm not sure why you would want to avoid them. You can even be working on the other badges while doing this one.
There are some 45-50 tip missions with PPD in them, can't remember specifics off the top of my head, though.
You can hit this link for a good idea where you might find them, but just make sure to double-check the article to see if you actually fight them, or if they're just window-dressing -
Quote:One is "Master of the 5th Column Strike Force" (baracuda), and the other is "Master of the 5th Column Task Force" (Khan). I believe that each actually keeps the same name, regardless of your current alignmentRandom question:
If I have the Master of the 5th Column badge from doing the Kahn TF hero-side....do I need to do a Master of Barracuda SF run? According to paragonwiki, the two badges are named the same but...just want to make sure. -
Quote:You already have these hooks in the options, that were put there originally for the City VaultWith plenty of "Don't show info," tyvm.... Don't want my social details exposed, for instance. I don't even give out a global very often.
Quote:... this is also one that makes me go "Huh? why?" My characters aren't leveling when I'm not playing, and why would I need an RSS feed that @someotherguy has reached level 17?
A standardized feed would be something that would allow people to customize the appearance of that data for something like their own website, or to import into a Facebook app or possibly advertising them to their Twitter feed.
It'd be nice to have APIs (either web or client-based) that are all official and reliable from ParagonStudios, instead of having to use completely third-party tools (HeroStats) that can be broken after any given patch. However, I have this feeling that we aren't going to get them anytime soon. -
You can get feeds of all of these.
CoH News http://www.cityofheroes.com.webdev.n.../news/atom.xml
Dev Digest (all languages, all users) - http://boards.cityofheroes.com/track...3337&language=
Community Tracker (all languages, all users) - http://boards.cityofheroes.com/track...3347&language=
All of these were found from the standard RSS icons on the appropriate pages.