235 -
Quote:You guys are so sensitive.I'm sorry I offended you with my attempts to help people write better. I'll try harder not to give anyone any advice in the future.
When I read the comment, (even though Twoflower won't admit it) I thought it was directed at Venture. I haven't seen a single reviewer here who is as biting in his criticism as he is. Some people like that (I know I do; give it to me straight with no chaser. Don't pretty it up. If you hated it, say you hated it without prefacing it with flowery language), other people hate it. I've played every arc he (and PW) has reviewed and while Police Woman is generally the kind, nurturing sort, Venture is 'BZZZT! Try again!'. I haven't always agreed with either of them but I see the differences in their approaches and take it into consideration. I really don't want to have to wade through all the trash that's still clogging up the MA. -
Quote:Wait, isn't the last objective of that mission 'Escape with the relics' or something? Why are you bothering to fight anything? I've done that arc several times, with different ATs and haven't died once. It's just like real life. You hear the cops coming, you bail.I tried with my brute and found the armor displays impossible to defeat in the few seconds of life I had before they killed me.
My question - is there a successful strategy for doing this or is running for the door your only viable option? Do most people just drop this mission or avoid it or just accept that it's a problem? What the heck do teams do? You can't even enter the mission without being attacked unless you have the disguise (for all I know you can't enter the mission at all).
Just curious. I'll have to do it soon with my dominator because my teammate wanted to do Wade's arc and I tagged along. Thanks in advance. -
LR. I don't die enough in teams to even have use for Mutation.
Quote:Yes. Look here. To quote the relevant part:Anyway does any of this have to do with the trial account or do i have to do somthing other then the intro mission?
Quote:Trial Accounts may not create Mission Architect arcs. They can not interface with the Architect Entertainment Stations. However, they can be invited onto a team that is running MA missions. -
Quote:Really? Is EVE an MMO? What's the level cap there? What? You say it's a different game? Why yes, yes it is. Just like this game is different from what you might be used to. It's no more 'silly' to not design a static 'end game' in an MMO than it is to treat every MMO like it's the exact same thing as every other MMO.That seems kind of silly especially for an MMO, where the goal is to get your character to the level cap to become more powerful.
Quote:Every other MMO I've played, most players almost exclusively use their high-level characters to progress in content the developers have created and made available for them.
Anyway, this is just to illustrate that even your experiences in 'every other MMO' you've played can differ from others. Likewise, different MMOs have different styles and focuses. In every MMO I'm familiar with, there are people who have no problem playing one character to the exclusion of all else. Then there are folks who prefer to have the versatility that comes with experience playing several classes in challenging content. (On a side note, I always find it odd that it's always the latter group who are asked to 'log in your X, I need help with Y' by the former group) The same concept holds true here.
Quote:And really, I kind of don't appreciate it when the level cap keeps getting pushed out and pushed out. I have enough moving targets to shoot for at work; I don't need someone to keep changing the rules in my game, too. "Thought you had a plan, you were on top, had it all figured out? Think again! Now you're small and weak and have to do it again!" I don't mind starting over on a new character; I expect that and enjoy it. I don't like it when my accomplishments on an old character suddenly get downgraded and I have to climb back up to the top. -
This is hilarious! Someone is complaining about people asking qualifying questions. I'm curious, do you ever interact with service professions ever? When you take your car to the mechanic, do you automatically know exactly what's wrong with it? When you go shopping, do you always know the exact item you're looking for?
Heck, anyone who has worked in a sales position, in any industry can cite examples of people asking overly general questions and then being upset or annoyed when the answer they get isn't the one they were looking for.
"I need a pair of pants" (like there is only one pair of pants in the entire store)
"My car's making this weird noise"
And one that I hear a lot: "I wanna go somewhere warm" (like there's only one place in the world that's warm. Many times, I have to stop myself from saying "Well, you could always go to hell.")
Personally, I just smile and nod when someone asks an overly general question. Don't say a word. Eventually (if they're smart), they'll realize they haven't given you any real information so then they start prattling about what it is they want specifically. The forum equivalent would be people not replying to said question until the poster smartens up and goes into detail.
New players to this game aren't stupid. They know what they want, they just have to convey that when asking a question. As MissInformed pointed out though, many people don't know how to ask a question to get the answer they're seeking. So, since Miss Cleo has gone underground, folks can no longer consult with their favorite Psychic Friend. So they ask questions to nail down exactly what it is these people are looking for. -
Quote:I dunno about you but when I was in school, people who were willfully stupid and lazy, got called on it. Didn't your parents teach you 'the truth shall set you free'? Tell the truth, call a spade a spade (and not 'a shovel' because someone might get offended), and be free.Fixed fixed.
I know it's easy to get frustrated at the impossibility of stopping the infestation of these complaining threads throughout the forums, but remember to play nice with the other kids.
I disagree. They deserve to forever be poor and looking for handouts.
Quote:I disagree. A good, swift boot to the head might be very good for them as well!
Quote:This. Except I don't sympathize at all. In fact, as irrational as it sounds even to me, I sometimes despise these people for impeding progress. "We can't do that because it's resource intensive and the game still has to be playable for the person with the 5-series video card and less than a gig of RAM." Ugh.As everyone's already stated; more, more, more.
I'm aware that there's a few people out there currently running the bare minimum of requirements and can barely see the jagged polygons of their already-blocky characters and refuse to update a PC model that's been outdated for years. I'm aware of these people and I sympathize with them to an extent.
Quote:I know, I know, people want to stone me for this; it's not fair that they should have to update their PC after all this time playing and being a loyal customer only to find that their rig isn't up to specs, but such is life. Paragon needs to think about a larger consumer market, and the market is gaining; the market is growing more and more advanced, and if it's interests don't keep up with it, then the interests won't remain interesting for long.
There might not be one. Devs are human. As such, they often have friends (inside or outside the industry) that they talk shop to. Heck, I could tell you stuff about Copernicus (Curt Schilling's forthcoming MMO) that was never posted on their forums but was said over beers and/or dinner. The first hints of Sigil's imminent demise (as well as the real state of Vanguard) weren't posted on its forums but were talked about in earnest nonetheless. Employees are funny that way. Employees whose paychecks bounce are HILARIOUS in that way (right Perpetual?). -
That's true to a point. But in other MMOs (like the one you played and especially its predecessor), if you have crap gear, there aint no amount of 'skill' you can possibly have that'll make up for that. You're talking about characters in a raid force with basically the same level of gear. Try having your MT tank a current content boss with two expansion old gear. No amount of 'skill' is going to make that tank sturdy enough to do the job (unless your idea of skill is 'bring more Templars').
Your point is well taken though. It's just not as universal as you might think.
Quote:So in the end, MMO's have three types of people when it comes to endgame. Those that work hard and (sometimes) earn their gear and rep. Those that ride the coattales of the first and whine about not having the best gear untill they are placated. And the last group, to which I now belong...those that no longer care and just want to log in and have a good time. -
Quote:Plot device. In other fictional worlds, you see the same thing. For example, in Forgotten Realms, Chosen of Mystra are immortal....except when they're not (Syluné, Blackstaff, Qilué). The immortality thing exists to make an actual death more impactful since it is considered the ultimate sacrifice.I'm sure the family of Lt Sefu Tendaji will find that very comforting. :P
what about: Ghost Widow, Scapyard, War witch, Kelly namers, the Croatia ghosts, the pirate ghosts and all the body bags?
Ghost Widow and Scrapyard are classic examples of the 'returned for a purpose' type of death. Kelly is an example of how Croatoa is being pulled into the spirit world (as are the ghosts there). The body bags are used to apply drama and gravity to a situation. Just like Sefu's family.
BABs is speaking in general terms. Or at least, that's how I saw it. Besides, I was under the impression that some groups (most notably the Vahzilok) have devices that can be used to override or jam the medicom devices. JD's villain character (Blood-Wolf?) has one. I vaguely recall him linking to some lore thing that implied that (though I could definitely be misremembering).
Quote:Actually, this may be the most realistic part of the game. The vast majority of criminals target unsuspecting, unprotected innocents or others criminals or borderline criminals.. Most street gang violence, for example targets other street gangs. Very few criminal organizations directly target law enforcers, police, and I would imagine (if they existed in RL), super-heroes.
Easy opponents=good for business
Tough/challenging opponents=bad for business -
Quote:And, as I noted, I've done missions where that wasn't the case at all. Which is the correct state of affairs then? And does the variance in our experiences using the same settings (I've done +0/x6/no bosses prior to going down to -1) indicate a problem?Not necessarily, I've played missions set to x6/No Bosses and didn't see a single boss-rank enemy. Yes they did spawn as LTs, but it didn't override my flag and move them up to boss. Now if someone else had joined me in the mission it would then override that flag.
Quote:Too be honest the new system needs more options so we can get back to the old settings that people liked. "Bosses when Solo" needs to be divided into something like "Only Named Bosses" and "Random Bosses Allowed" so that those who want to fight that special guy at the end as a boss can without the risk of having the mission take three times longer because every other damn spawn is a boss.
Quote:This sounds like a good idea.
Personally I don't see the big deal with fighting bosses. Some power sets are a PITA, but if I'm vulnerable to a certain thing, getting hit by a few minions or LTs is as much a threat as a boss.
Quote:I mostly play red side, but I can't think of an AT which can't handle a boss pretty easily. Pulls with a boss + LTs or whatever might get hairy when solo, but if fights weren't challenging I'd rather just get XP for walking into the mission so I could get it done with faster.
I get really disappointed when I see a group of minions-only. They die in 1-2 hits from pretty much anything, which isn't enough to even get started with. LTs are a little better, but they take like 3-4 shots to down. Bosses are the first level that even takes effort, everything else just dies to AOEs.
Now if there were an EB in every group, then I'd be annoyed, but even named bosses are rarely EBs.
Still I wouldn't mind players having the option to see fewer bosses as long as I still could get them in almost every group.
Quote:This is how the old spawn system was *supposed to* work.
The tl;dr version is that once you were no longer on solo/DiffLev 1, then there were supposed to be bosses spawning. After all, if were told that solo/DiffLev 1 suppresses bosses, then one should rightly assume that once you have a teammate or bump up the difficulty, then bosses should start reappearing. The various ranks of foes were 'weighted' and the total weight of the individual members of a spawn should equal the total weight of the spawn.
However, the old system was broken. Some factions, like the Lost/Rikti gave you bosses with just 2 people or soloing on DiffLev 2 (like it was supposed to). However, other factions took seven members to be on a team before it would spawn bosses (the notorious Family farms, e.g.).
We have a new system. However, it, too, may be bugged like the old system. If a particular 4XP (or SRSLY) setting gives you a map of Council with almost no bosses and a map of Carnival with a boss in every spawn, then something is broken.
Although, keep in mind that before the new 4XP system was put into place, there seemed to have been a stealth 'fix' of the spawning rules and many of the factions that use to be stingy with bosses suddenly started spawning bosses and players were complaining about their easy farms becoming difficult (which was probably the point of the fix). -
Quote:This entire argument is flawed because there hasn't been any evidence that if given a chance to run a traditional offense, Vick couldn't do it. Incidentally, the same argument and the same knock was made against pretty much all prominent mobile quarterbacks of the modern era. McNabb, Cunningham, Young, Elway, all of them were said to be incapable of running 'mainstream' offenses due to their mobility. Considering the fact that two of them are Hall of Famers (with rings), and the other two morphed into pocket passers later in their careers (you know, when their mobility dipped), I don't think it's a fair assertion.As for a player...I don't think vick can run the west coast offense effectively enough for him to warrant a QB spot. Kolb is suppose to be the future, Feeley is a very nice back up, Vick shouldn't really be considered a QB for the purposes of the game. Heres why.
It's like saying LaDainian Tomlinson can't run in the 1-cut because he's never done it before. Vick has never worked in an offense with the weapons the Eagles have. DeSean is coming into his own as a go-to receiver, Maclin is giving safeties fits, and the other receivers fit the system so well, Vick wouldn't HAVE to run as much (unlike the situation when he was in Atlanta). Furthermore, if LeSean McCoy develops quickly, it bolsters the running game so opposing safeties will have to play closer to the line of scrimmage which further frees your receivers. With a quarterback like Vick (and his notorious mobility) paired with a feared running attack, play action (and bootlegs, real or faked) takes on a whole new dimension.
Quote:The Bungals almost make me ashamed to live in Cincinnati. Though, I blame everything on Mike Brown.
It's a good move. It costs them nothing and adding another dimension to your special teams is usually a good thing. Casual fans don't tend to understand how integral special teams can be to a team's success (the battle of field position). You don't have to be Devin Hester to be a successful return man (though nobody would complain if you were).
Quote:With all due respect, I (and many of the people I started out with) didn't need those lessons. We learned them running from Qeynos to Freeport in EQ1, way back in "the olden days". Translating the same logic to this (or any other) game was beyond simple.Because you entered the Hollows with no more than your tier 1 travel pool power, unless you hovered there (sandwich time!) or got your lazy rear TPed there, you had to learn to effectively navigate a high mob-population zone intelligently, without drawing aggro. Messing up usually resulted in a quick death, as mobs were huge, and usually higher level when you had to travel cross-zone. Learning to actively use your camera and what aggro-ranges were are lessons many a CoX "vet" could still use today.
Speaking of which, I was turned on to CoH by a guildie who was going to be kicked from guild for skipping raids (to play CoH, I later learned). So from the moment I started playing, he was showing and teaching me all about the game (that wasn't necessarily a good thing. Hi Brickstown tram!). Anyway, I'm playing my blaster (fire/dev because, as he told me, smoke grenade is 'f-in ridiculous. You gotta get it!') and, having played a druid and wizard extensively in EQ1, I kited everything when solo. No no, you don't understand, I mean EVERYTHING. Enter mission, find first spawn, throw down caltrops, and run in circles around the group throwing fire blast and fireball (no flares because "that power sucks", as I was told) at them until they di...err, were defeated. Then, wait for caltrops to recharge, move to the next group and repeat. Then I complained about how leveling speed here was worse than in EQ (yeah, I'm sure elemental planes access there and playing this game like a special needs player had nothing to do with it).
My first day playing, I thought the only place people teamed was at the Brickstown tram (and that most of the team had to stay at the station for some reason).
For a week, I thought Kings Row was a high level zone whose intent was to kill low level toons by tricking them into thinking it was low level (with the spawns near the tram). Why did I think that? Because the first four times I entered the zone, I got flattened in seconds by a level 30+ ambush of some kind.
I thought you could only enter your character's bio at creation. So while making one character (dark/dark defender), I spent so much time on her costume and bio that I thought I had switched to the rad/rad defender I had intended to make next. As a result, my dark/dark defender has the name I had planned to give the rad/rad.
First stalker (so I should've been a vet, right???), I set her up like I do all my characters and put brawl on auto. Then wondered why my assassin's strikes weren't doing as much damage as people said it should (hey moron, try not attacking and dropping hide before you AS!). -
Quote:I like this guy (or girl, as the case may be).I've mostly stayed out of this issue as I considered it more a bug report than anything but some of the jackass comments are simply too much.
Listen very carefully: "The purpose of a variable setting is to enable a set of permutations with graduated and predictable results." If the variables are not properly scaled or result in unpredictable behavior then the entire purpose of the variable setting is a dismal failure. Now one can assume that since they recoded the entire system of difficulty settings they might want it to work exactly as intended. There are enough oddball issues being reported that investigation is both warranted and prudent.
And in case the board weasels would like to chirp mindlessly about learn to play try this: 5th column tf in Ouro, 2 man team, setting +1 x1 bosses yes Av yes, neither team member can use sets of any type nor may they be over level 38 prior to exemp down. Bonus points for 2 non-healers/defenders.
Count the number of bosses in the ambush spawns called by AV's. I lost track around 6 bosses or so in each spawn.
CoX Junkie, someone posts an issue where the difficulty system possibly isn't working as the devs may have wanted, and they're crying? Kinda like the drop rate problem that "wasn't a problem" according to many (that is, until it was), was people crying. Got it! -
Quote:Patently false:Are you solo? If you are solo and have the no bosses setting engaged, then even setting yourself to 8 people will not spawn bosses (there will be boss critters, but they will be downgraded to Lts.).
No i really hate fighting bosses.
I set my map to -1s and still sometimes get bosses with equal to 6 people...
I set my map to 0's and get bosses when set to 6 people...
I really dont like fighting bosses at all. I dont like fighting purple foes eitherThank goodness I dont have to fight purple foes... Now... If i can set it to NO BOSSES EVER... I would be so happy
When you raise your team size, it overrides your boss setting (or seems to).
I've had Sam's problem with certain groups (Carnies, all of the Croatoa factions, etc). I've done -1/x6/no bosses in Croatoa and gotten a boss-level Sorceress of the Winds in every other spawn (except for the spawns of TWO of them). What's worse than one hurricane? TWO of them. It doesn't bother me as much as it could but that's mainly because I tend to only run strong builds. I can see how it would be sh...um, poop on a shingle for a concept build or a build that isn't one of the stronger pri/sec combos.
And whenever a discussion like this comes up, someone always mentions how it works with teams. I don't think that's the issue here. Sam brought up (in the original post, for reference) how things are working for him solo. You know, sans team? I don't give a flying flip how it's working for teams, teams always trivialize content. No team worth joining, in my view, is going to turn their difficulty DOWN to the levels Sam notes he's running at solo. The feature may not be working as intended since, I was under the impression that the 'boss when solo' part was supposed to operate independently of the team size part. Like Perfect Pain notes, I thought it was supposed to jack up the amount of spawns and allow folks to decide whether they wanted to see bosses at all. Oh and raising the team size automatically adds levels, just like it did in the old system (i.e. Unyielding = +2 with double spawns) so +0/+2/no bosses adds a level to the mobs you're fighting. That's what clued me in to the system not working in absolute fashion. Each option bleeds into or affects the others.
Also, 'too easy' is relative and highly subjective. I've maxed out (primary class and subclass) four (almost five when I quit) characters in Lineage II. Every western MMO is 'too easy' to me. You can't get there from here. -
Quote:Right but the use of lethal force strips him of his heroic status, regardless of his previous aversion to the method, right? And the 'silliness' of Final Crisis is debatable. In my view, it underlined Batman's ability to see beyond rhetoric and idealism and do what needed to be done, regardless of how that was accomplished. Darkseid needed killin' and the only means of doing so was with a gun so Batman made 'a once in a lifetime exception' and got the job done, at great person risk & cost. It's what makes the character compelling, in my view.Which is the exception, not the rule, for what it's worth. Batman used guns when he started, but he hadn't used lethal force in -years- prior to the silliness of Final Crisis. Storylines have been done that show just how strongly Bruce Wayne feels about not killing.
Quote:First, I should address the "heroic" comment. Yeah, cops and soldiers are (or can be-- I wouldn't say it's automatic) heroic, even if they kill. I can also see Wolverine as being heroic, despite how he would disembowel people. But I am referring more to the "heroic ideal" that says life is precious and that defeating an enemy in a non-lethal way is better than killing him. Do *I* always think that way? No. Some criminals in the real world deserve every bad thing thrown their way and more. I have no issue with that. But for a character who maintains that Heroic Ideal, killing isn't really a option.
Then again, I've despised Captain America and Superman since I was little.
Quote:Also, it was suggested that super strength is lethal, because you can pick up and throw a truck, or whatever. Sure, true. Spiderman has commented that he has to pull his punches on normal people so as not to kill them. My super strength guy isn't going to punch a low-level Skull with the force he'd use to topple a building. So that's a stupid argument.
As I said, I have no issues with additional skins, as long as they make sense. BAB's comment on damage types is great, I think. A lethal damage attack shouldn't have a smashing damage skin IMO. -
Quote:This (though I only made 2.1 billion). I use AE now to buy rare salvage and for random rolls to sell. Contrary to many people's beliefs, there are still over a dozen efficient (though not as much so as pre-I16) farms in MA that are excellent for ticket accrual. While leveling a newbie toon isn't quite as fast now as it was previously, it's still a helluva lot faster than normal teams can accomplish. Double XP weekend was well timed as it allowed me to push up through the boring (i.e. pre-20) levels the conventional way. But I still have quite a few more who need work and AE is better for that, for me.Well I'm going to admit, I enjoyed AE (Bosses, Hami Bubbles, Those Paragon Protectors) while it lasted and boy was it fun! I've been playing for 2 years and about 6 months...
It was one of the highlights of my time playing, but it's gone now and I don't really care, the game is still fun for me, I farm, I PvE, I PvP, I Market... I do just about everything the game has to offer, and AE being "nerfed" doesn't take away the fun of the other things. (in fact it made marketing easier, with supply of something dropping fast)
I made about 3.9 Billion influence from my time at AE and it was fun, I also helped many of random people level. And yes I did make a few 50s...
Truth is AE isn't "dead" but I don't think it's going to get back to the glory days... It's just crippled, compared to before, but it still can do what it was meant for. (In fact I still see it as the better method of farming since you can buy rare salvage with the tickets)
Anyways my two cents, sure they "nerfed" it but I still find it useful.
Quote:*shrug* I can still level faster with less risk in an MA mission than I can via using standard content, and tickets are better reward than most standard drops. I'll keep using the MA when I want fast XP, and other farms when I want purples.
Quote:Well, when you think about it, the fact that the AE building is empty isn't very odd at all.
To illustrate why I say this:
Go to a random mission door in Talos. How many people are gathered there? No one, you say? Why should AE be any different?
A second example. Go to a random trial or TF/SF contact. How many people are clustered there, spamming broadcast? Very few to none, you say? I think I am seeing a pattern.
AE is "dead" (and I use the term in strictly tongue in cheek fashion) because its reward structure isn't as overwhelmingly dominant over normal content anymore. It still has utility and it's still useful to those who look beneath the surface, but most people aren't interested in doing that. It's no longer what "everyone" is doing and the initiators (i.e. the people starting and running those teams) are no longer there so the sheeple aren't there anymore either.
Quote:The whole game is the journey from level 1 to level 50. Doing this in 200 hours of gameplay versus 20 hours of gameplay is the difference between a player staying (and paying monthly fees) 5 months and 5 years.
So, when the devs nerf any kind of exploit that allows for fast advancement, they are protecting their income, and the future of the game.
Yeah, I'm an extreme case (if only due to having two accounts) but using the logic that 'giving the players a fast rate of advancement will fuel your subscriber churn' sells short your longtime players who don't see that as be-all, end-all. There are people right now who have two dozen (or more) 50s and they're still playing.
While I don't agree with the 'I pay $15, I should be able to do what I want and have everything I want' crowd, I also don't think you should pander to the opposite end of the spectrum (which I would pretty much be a part of, given the fact that 'Asian grind MMOs' don't affect me in the least). The answer lies somewhere in the middle, where AE is a viable alternative to standard content. We're not quite there yet (many of the recent changes have mainly impacted story writers far moreso than farm creators) but hopefully we will be soon enough. -
Good advice here. I tend to run both instances under the same settings because my computer giggles at CoH at its highest settings (even with two clients up) but performance degrades over time from switching back and forth between clients (and Firefox and loading up EVE to train skills, etc).
Setting a background instance to use less resources by default would help when duoing if the second character isn't needed for anything. -
Quote:This has been my experience as well.To answer the core question, no, since I set my new e-mails settings I haven't seen any innovative new non-mail spamming techniques. I do often see "You have 15 new e-mails" (with none actually coming through) when I log in so I guess the spammers are still relying on that.
Quote:Edit: As far as "always finding a way," I've heard thirdhand about some standing in WW and the like spamming local. Haven't seen it myself.
Quote:Cap, you did report them, I hope?
Email is completely disabled for me. The only time I've seen spam since that feature was added was when I logged into a character I hadn't done so with since the change. Opened up options, loaded saved values, email button went away.
To all those that were against the devs giving us the ability to disable in game email:
Quote:Surprisingly for me, on an avatar that I hadn't converted the options on, I only had 2 spam emails after about 24 days offline time.
A much better improvement from the 50-60 that I was averging pre-I16 changes for characters offline on average of 5 to 6 days.
It's like that in every MMO with email spammers. I haven't yet gotten any tell spam but I don't think it's too far away. Once they program something that allows them to automate the process, it'll become the de facto standard for these people. -
Quote:Uh, you do realize Batman has killed people before yes? With a gun no less (most recently, shooting and killing Darkseid in Final Crisis #6).Do you think Batman would suddenly start using a machine gun just because he figures the bad guy will get to the hospital before dying?
Rian brings up a good point which begs the question, why is this an issue for you now? Did you not read comics previously? Did you not see this very same thing occurring there? If someone who can deadlift and juggle cars punches a mugger in the mouth, is that not going to cause permanent damage? How many people (powered and otherwise) have Hulk, She-Hulk, Fairchild, et al, punched in the mouth over the years? That's not even getting into Wolverine and his claws or worse, Jean Grey/Psylocke/Emma Frost/Professor X and their ability to turn minds into mush. Is it better to turn someone into a vegetable rather than outright kill them?
I also take issue with extremely narrow definitions of 'hero'. It's as if using a deadly weapon (or powers) in the apprehension of criminals somehow makes a person lose their 'hero cred'. Police officers shoot suspects every day. Are they not heroes? Armed forces members shoot and kill "the enemy" every day. Guess they're not heroes either.A hero (by my estimation) is a person who does what is necessary to keep their people safe. If you shot a person breaking into your home, you'd still be a hero in my book even though, in theory, you probably could've stopped them with a broomstick or a baseball bat. None of the civilians saved care what means was used to extricate them from the situation they were in. To them, you're a hero because you were motivated to do something for someone else with little to no care for your own well-being.
I have no issues with additional options for powersets (like the bokken and escrima sticks suggested). Full blown powersets though, might be pushing it a bit. Has to be "sexy" I think and I don't think non-lethal sets fit that description (at least not as much as dual blades, dual pistols, demon summoning and the like). -
Doesn't fit. I have one who solos well and happens to duo very nicely with a useless SR scrapper and Ice tanker with simply dispersion bubble (I only took powers that would also benefit me).
TA/energy seems the closest choice. -
Quote:Because WoW is still kicking every other game's teeth in, financially? Whenever a discussion like this comes up, I notice people are quick to mention Blizzard's baby. You're doing your game a grave disservice by even mentioning it. Don't compare this game to that one. That game could lose three times this game's total subscribership and not even flinch.The main argument in the artical seems to be a sequel should be made because the game is 5 and half years old. Thats it.
Wonder why WoW isn't on the list.
CoX is a game. WoW is a phenomenon. It's not fair to this game to try to make any kind of comparison. Just pretend WoW doesn't exist.
Evilanna, was this your first visit to the MMORPG.com forums? Because you seem awfully sensitive when that thread was one of the tamest I've seen there. People expressing what they didn't/don't like about the game and then stating what they'd like to see changed in the next version does not equal 'bashing'.
A compelling case can be made for niche games to reinvent themselves more than once per decade of life. And this game would probably qualify as a niche game (since it's not in the firmly established, massively popular fantasy or sci-fi settings). Other games are taking what CoX used to be king of and beating Paragon over the head with better and more expansive versions of it. And as UnSub mentioned, new games are governed by new hardware capabilities while older games can't move forward because of folks with 5 year old rigs. Can't really make a leap forward with a noose around your neck.
I think the game has aged nicely but I wouldn't be averse to a sequel shipping in 2011/2012. That would give them enough time to get in front of the existing innovations and go a step further. -
Quote:As a 5-year Virtuean, you should know better than to make a statement like the above. Here, lemme fix it for you:As a 5-year Virtuean, I do not understand the description of 'hellhole of teenagers'. From everything I have heard, that sounds more like Freedom. Virtue has a very large and stable population. Many great gamers run there because it is the 'official Roleplay server'. I will say, however, that sometimes a few in the RP crowd gets a little touchy with non-RPrs, and there is the potential for stumbling on some erotic roleplay. but oh well. THe people overall are great and there is plenty of teaming.
Quote:As a 5-year Virtuean, I do not understand the description of 'hellhole of teenagers'. From everything I have heard, that sounds more like Freedom. Virtue has a very large and stable population. Many great gamers run there because it is the 'unofficial Roleplay server'. -
This sounds like fun.
I think I'll go with a EAT or summat.
I'll holla -
My sig done by Poison of a few of the characters he's done for me (and there's 157 more from 5 games left to do!) as well as the Shrike Corp logo.
From left:
Diamondshrike (ice/EM tanker - Virtue), Flameshrike (fire/dev blaster - Victory), Swiftshrike (MA/regen Scrapper - Victory) and Ravenna (EM/WP Brute - Infinity). Novashrike (fire/EM blaster - Virtue) isn't there and neither are Niasette or Brynn (since they're from EQ1).
Lerv me some Poison, mang.