Far too many spawns with bosses




Look, I don't cry foul lightly. When I see a problem, I try to either work around it, ignore it or just find some way to deal. And initially, when I saw all the reports of too many bosses showing up in missions, I thought they were exaggerated. Bosses started showing up in mission spawns at some point, and some few, rare missions could spawn mostly a boss and a minion. But this wasn't frequent, and when it happened, most of one mission would be bosses, but you'd see almost no bosses in the rest.

Well, since I16 launched, I've been getting ever more slightly irritated at these incessant boss spawns, and more and more convinced that it was never like this even in the worst cases I remember. Before, bosses almost never showed up outside of the named ones required by mission objectives, and missions where they did show up were rare. In the last few days, probably half of the spawns I've fought have been bosses.

Right now, I'm fighting the Carnival of Shadows. Have been for some time. I HATE Master Illusionists because they're so annoying, and Ring Mistresses are dangerous for the character I'm on right now, so you better believe I remember each time I see them. But you know what? I've fought more MASTER Illusionists today than I have Illusionists, and I've fought almost as many Ring Mistresses as I've fought Seneschal. This is officially crossing any sort of reasonable boundaries and going into the twilight zone. Spawn rules have gone completely bonkers.

And it's not like I'm pushing the envelope, either. I'm playing against enemies my level, considering myself equal to two "regular" heroes, fighting bosses but not fighting AVs (or +0x0, +boss, -AV), so you can't say I'm throttling the difficulty and manufacturing my own problems. I'm trying to get as close to the old Tenacious/Malicious as I can, and while that DID spawn bosses, they were incredibly rare. Now I'm as likely to see a Master Illusionist punching her fist as I am to see a Fencer or a Strong Man. This is just far, far too much.

I don't mind fighting bosses. Heck, I was even glad when I learned they were actually spawning. But fighting THIS MANY bosses is just absurd. I'm busting my butt just trying to survive ON A SCRAPPER, and here I am planning to play a Blaster next. How is THAT going to happen when I see a Master Illusionist every other spawn and a Dark Ring Mistress every third? Bosses, especially bosses post 40, ARE NOT EASY. They are certainly a lot harder than 5-6 minions, which is what you can get if you don't face a boss, so you'd think fighting them would be more rare, but when it's rare to NOT fight a boss, something is wrong.

I know the new spawn rules don't correspond to any of the old ones and aren't intended to, but please - let's reign in the bosses some. This is just no fun.

Just to emphasise, the universe high-fived me by giving me another boss as soon as I rounded the corner after making this post. So, yeah!

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I enjoy getting more bosses, but yeah, with the carnies it can be overkill. They are pretty brutal and on many of my characters require pulling out a lot of stops, including a click accolade or two when solo. Running into 8 or 9 bosses on one solo map when set at even level, 1 or 2 hero difficulty with bosses on is a bit much.




there were two changes involved here:

Firstly there was the fix to the spawn rules that went in. I tried manually scouring the pacth notes for this change, but can't see where it went in.

Secondly and after the above, the new difficulty settings came in.

Set for two heroes, even con with bosses and no AV, is exactly the same solo as the old tenacious. What you are seeing is an effect of the first chnage rather than the second.

Remember how the Lost and Rikti especially used to give bosses on teancious solo, sometimes a whole mission floor would be solo bosses ?
That is less common (in my experience for those groups) now, but solo bosses are more common due to the first change for certain other groups.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



I basically refuse to fight Carnies in combination with the new difficulty settings. Their bosses are just too time consuming without just the right combination of powersets.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



I do think this isn't a case of whining, and seriously is something that isn't WAI. I had this problem when I was testing out one of my arcs. Bosses were spawning an awful lot. Like, every spawn would be a pair of bosses. Or a boss and two minions or something.

And as Sam said, this is on x2 spawning. Having Bosses spawn at all is nice; From Time to Time. ALL the time, and it just gets to be a drag.
I love the new diff settings. But I do notice sometimes it gets itself in a knot.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
Set for two heroes, even con with bosses and no AV, is exactly the same solo as the old tenacious. What you are seeing is an effect of the first chnage rather than the second.
I'm not sure if that's quite accurate, Cat. Last time I made a thread like this, Mod 8 said:

The new difficulty settings do not correspond exactly to the old difficulty settings. The old difficulty settings worked in a very different manner, and exact replication of the old settings is not possible. This is sad, but unfortunately part of what needed to be done to give players more options in difficulty.
I remember how things were before the I16 difficulty changes. I remember the change that made bosses spawn in missions at all, and outside the occasional all-Protector mission (protector bosses, mind you, not the Paragon Protectors faction), I only rarely saw bosses at all. I'd see the named boss and maybe one or two more in an entire mission, and sometimes I wouldn't see any at all. Right now, every other to every third spawn is a boss, and most of those are +1 bosses (when the mission is set to +0). This is like that once-per-week all-Protector mission... EVERY TIME.

I also remember Lost and Rikti and how they spawned their bosses. Again, they spawned them, but boss spawns were rare. One or two, maybe three or four if the mission was large enough. But nothing like what I'm seeing now. It's Master Illusionist after Master Illusionist after Master Illusionist. Literally like that, at some points. I get to a T intersection and look around. To my left, a +1 Master Illusionist. To my right, a +0 Master Illusionist. Or I go down a hallway. First, there's a Dark Ring Mistress. Up next is a Dark Ring Mistress. Then there's a regular spawn, and then around the corner a +1 Master Illusionist.

These bosses are NASTY. Remeber back in the day when Jack wanted bosses to require a team? Not quite THAT nasty, but that's when the Carnival of Shadows and the Malta group were designed. Their bosses are MEAN, which is balanced by them being very rare unless have a team, in which case you have help. I shudder to think of fighting Malta now, if I'll be fighting Gunslinger boss after Gunslinger boss after Zeus Titan.

Amusingly, it's like Jack's dream finally came true - bosses are a ***** to solo now, if you'll pardon my English. And I somehow don't think that was the intent.

That's just funny. I stopped to reply when I met a Master Illusionist. I went back into the game, beat her and what do I face next spawn? Dark Ring Mistress! Ugh...

And then a regular spawn next spawn, and then another Dark Ring Mistress. I can keep narrating like this all day, and it'll all sound the same. Boss, boss, boss!

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Really strange. I sympathize, Sam, because Carnies bosses are just horrid. Your post particularly resonated with me because I happened to encounter the flip side of this problem a few days ago: I had Council missions cranked up to a virtual team size of 8 and had bosses enabled yet no spawns had a boss in them at all. Ever.

They need to take that "spawn bosses like crazy" flag off of Carnies and put it on Council!

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



Originally Posted by Sardan View Post
Really strange. I sympathize, Sam, because Carnies bosses are just horrid. Your post particularly resonated with me because I happened to encounter the flip side of this problem a few days ago: I had Council missions cranked up to a virtual team size of 8 and had bosses enabled yet no spawns had a boss in them at all. Ever.

They need to take that "spawn bosses like crazy" flag off of Carnies and put it on Council!
Huh... I checked out that thread, and that is a curious thing. Thinking back on it, aside from named mission bosses, I don't recall seeing Council bosses almost at all. Even back in the day, even before the Council takeover, I hardly ever saw an Oberst. Odd. Personally, I don't find this to be as bad as ALL BOSSES, ALL THE TIME, as at least you can move at a reasonable pace, but it seems to me there are still a few gremlins in the machine.

Most notably, it seems to me that none of the options for spawn point are weighted at all. You're just as likely to run across a boss as you are to run across a bunch of minions, and as far as I'm concerned, that shouldn't be the case. Bosses are nasty. Even the simpler bosses like Council Archons or Warriors Elites are nasty. Nastier than big groups of minions, at any rate. That's not to say they shouldn't spawn, but they shouldn't spawn as frequently as groups of minions. Far as I'm concerned, the two-lieutenant, plus one-minion spawns ought to be a bit more rare, as well.

Really, bosses ought to be... Well, bosses. The big, powerful enemies who head up the bad guys. They shouldn't be more populous than their lieutenants (and I STILL saw more Master Illusionists in this mission than I saw Illusionists!) and they certainly shouldn't be all over the place. I may not share Jack's vision that a boss should need a team, but I share his sentiment that boss should be a big, meaningful fight. Right now, it's status quo.

Interestingly, I had an argument sort of about that with Zombra a while ago, with me saying "I don't want every fight to be a boss fight." Back then I didn't mean bosses, as in the class of enemy, but rather I wanted to say that his choice to play on Invincible with each fight being a tough matter of life and death wasn't something I liked. I was much happier ploughing through hordes of faceless goons, only to reach a boss fight in the end. Ironic, really, that what I said I didn't want is exactly what I'm seeing now. Every fight is a boss fight, literally and figuratively.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I have noticed this with Carnies lately, but I guess I don't mind. I play Brutes all the time and most of them can handle it just fine. I do feel your pain though and you shouldn't have to change to the no boss option, but you do have that option for any mission since changing difficulty doesn't cost inf anymore.



It'd be nice to get a new option to either have old-style boss spawns or the new one. Some of my characters enjoy the new system... some could be running x8 if it weren't for the bosses, but have trouble taking out some bosses alone.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



In my experience, Carnies (and Vahz, and Clockwork, and Lost, and Rikti) are heavier on bosses naturally, and Council are lighter. I was seeing this behavior back in I15, mostly for custom groups put in the MA. Enemy groups seem to have their own boss-vs-other balance even before difficulty settings are taken into account.

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)



I've been noticing some odd things with the new difficulty settings too.
I've been running my Warshade on -1x3 (no bosses, no AVs) for the last few days. Last night when fighting some Council I had a Lt. turn into a Warwolf when defeated. Not unusual right? Except for one small problem: he turned into a Warwolf boss. And I was solo, set to "no bosses when solo".

Also the spawn sizes themselves seem whacky. I keep getting these enormous spawns and thinking to myself "is 16 mobs really a 3 person spawn?" I mean, how do we go from 2-3 mobs for a solo player equals 15 or 16 for three people?



Hmm. I recently set the difficulty for my DB/Regen Scrapper for a team of two, but I haven't done much of anything with her since then. I'll have to see how often the (downgraded) bosses show up for me.

I agree that getting too many boss fights can really drag things down. You can turn them all into lieutenants (like I do), but you probably enjoy fighting a boss in a mission now and then, just not every couple spawns.



Originally Posted by Steel_Shaman View Post
Also the spawn sizes themselves seem whacky. I keep getting these enormous spawns and thinking to myself "is 16 mobs really a 3 person spawn?" I mean, how do we go from 2-3 mobs for a solo player equals 15 or 16 for three people?
Ah, this is the other thing. Before, you'd get larger spawns at the mission (plus difficulty) level, or smaller spawns at +1. This is no longer the case, and I'm seeing larger spawns at +1, which makes for some NASTY encounters.

For instance, before they only spawns, really, you could meet at +1 were either three +1 minions, a +1 minion and lieutenant, or just a +1 lieutenant. So often now I've met spawns of TWO +1 lieutenants and a minion, something which should have been EVEN CON, as well as a large spawn of SIX +1 minions, which has no business spawning at +0x2. When levels and spawn sizes were detached from each other, it seems like small spawns are appearing lower-level and large ones are appearing higher-level, when they ought to follow the old rules - many enemies OR strong enemies, never many AND strong, neither many NOR strong. Difficulty varies a lot more wildly now, even before bosses are taken into account.

With them... Let's just say that for the first time in five years I'm considering going with no bosses when solo. And not because I can't beat them (even though they're tough), but because it's DULL fighting boss after boss after boss. Missions take ages to clear, every fight is tooth and nail, inspirations run faster than they drop (imagine that - single-boss spawns drop fewer inspirations that 6-minions spawns) an everything just grinds to a halt. Before I could feel like an unstoppable juggernaut of power even with a casual build, because I could ram through hordes of enemies without stopping to take names. Now, I fight "big bads" every five feet, and I feel like a chump.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Really, bosses ought to be... Well, bosses. The big, powerful enemies who head up the bad guys. They shouldn't be more populous than their lieutenants (and I STILL saw more Master Illusionists in this mission than I saw Illusionists!) and they certainly shouldn't be all over the place. I may not share Jack's vision that a boss should need a team, but I share his sentiment that boss should be a big, meaningful fight. Right now, it's status quo.
Yeah. This bugged me too.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Steel_Shaman View Post
I've been running my Warshade on -1x3 (no bosses, no AVs) for the last few days. Last night when fighting some Council I had a Lt. turn into a Warwolf when defeated. Not unusual right? Except for one small problem: he turned into a Warwolf boss. And I was solo, set to "no bosses when solo".
That sounds like an outright oversight in the combination of critters that summon a replacement and the "no boss" setting. I'm betting there's a good chance he would have done that even on the old settings, but I'm not sure.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Look, I don't cry foul lightly. When I see a problem, I try to either work around it, ignore it or just find some way to deal. And initially, when I saw all the reports of too many bosses showing up in missions, I thought they were exaggerated. Bosses started showing up in mission spawns at some point, and some few, rare missions could spawn mostly a boss and a minion. But this wasn't frequent, and when it happened, most of one mission would be bosses, but you'd see almost no bosses in the rest.

Well, since I16 launched, I've been getting ever more slightly irritated at these incessant boss spawns, and more and more convinced that it was never like this even in the worst cases I remember. Before, bosses almost never showed up outside of the named ones required by mission objectives, and missions where they did show up were rare. In the last few days, probably half of the spawns I've fought have been bosses.

Right now, I'm fighting the Carnival of Shadows. Have been for some time. I HATE Master Illusionists because they're so annoying, and Ring Mistresses are dangerous for the character I'm on right now, so you better believe I remember each time I see them. But you know what? I've fought more MASTER Illusionists today than I have Illusionists, and I've fought almost as many Ring Mistresses as I've fought Seneschal. This is officially crossing any sort of reasonable boundaries and going into the twilight zone. Spawn rules have gone completely bonkers.

And it's not like I'm pushing the envelope, either. I'm playing against enemies my level, considering myself equal to two "regular" heroes, fighting bosses but not fighting AVs (or +0x0, +boss, -AV), so you can't say I'm throttling the difficulty and manufacturing my own problems. I'm trying to get as close to the old Tenacious/Malicious as I can, and while that DID spawn bosses, they were incredibly rare. Now I'm as likely to see a Master Illusionist punching her fist as I am to see a Fencer or a Strong Man. This is just far, far too much.

I don't mind fighting bosses. Heck, I was even glad when I learned they were actually spawning. But fighting THIS MANY bosses is just absurd. I'm busting my butt just trying to survive ON A SCRAPPER, and here I am planning to play a Blaster next. How is THAT going to happen when I see a Master Illusionist every other spawn and a Dark Ring Mistress every third? Bosses, especially bosses post 40, ARE NOT EASY. They are certainly a lot harder than 5-6 minions, which is what you can get if you don't face a boss, so you'd think fighting them would be more rare, but when it's rare to NOT fight a boss, something is wrong.

I know the new spawn rules don't correspond to any of the old ones and aren't intended to, but please - let's reign in the bosses some. This is just no fun.

Just to emphasise, the universe high-fived me by giving me another boss as soon as I rounded the corner after making this post. So, yeah!
What are you difficulty settings at right now Samuel?




It is rather annoying, I like fighting a boss at the end of a mission but lately I've had to run with Bosses Off because I was getting sick of running into one every ten feet or so. Especially when playing a squishy who is not fully slotted out yet or a Dominator against mezz-resistant foes and Domination is still recharging.



Originally Posted by Arbiter Kim View Post
What are you difficulty settings at right now Samuel?

Yikes, I think I neglected mentioning that in the original post!

My difficulty settings are:

-- Capable of fighting enemies at your current security level.
-- Combat equivalent of 2 standard heroes.
-- Does prefer fighting bosses when alone.
-- Does not prefer to fight Arch-Villains.

That's off the Hero Corps Field Analyst, a direct copy/paste.

Also, because I failed to say hi in your welcome thread, I want to take this opportunity to say: Thank you, Arbiter Kim, for taking the time to look into this. I appreciate this greatly, and this kind of thing is one of the BIG reasons why I love this game

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Steel_Shaman View Post
Last night when fighting some Council I had a Lt. turn into a Warwolf when defeated. Not unusual right? Except for one small problem: he turned into a Warwolf boss. And I was solo, set to "no bosses when solo".
This is not unusual. It's normal practice for the OnMinimalHP powers to uprank the respawn, and it doesn't consider difficulty settings. There's not a lot can be done about it except to be very careful when killing those respawners and making sure they're mezzed when they reach the trigger point

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
This is not unusual. It's normal practice for the OnMinimalHP powers to uprank the respawn, and it doesn't consider difficulty settings. There's not a lot can be done about it except to be very careful when killing those respawners and making sure they're mezzed when they reach the trigger point
Well, at the moment, no, but I'd consider that a bug in need of fixing. As I've seen it rigged, the different-class critters we see aren't the same critter with a different class, they're actually completely separate critters in general. It should, therefore, be possible to make lieutenant-degraded-bosses shift into other lieutenant-degreased bosses just by altering what gets spawned.

Obviously, Standard Code Rant applies, so I can never know anything, only suspect. And, yes, I stole that line, sort of.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Look, I don't cry foul lightly. When I see a problem, I try to either work around it, ignore it or just find some way to deal. And initially, when I saw all the reports of too many bosses showing up in missions, I thought they were exaggerated. Bosses started showing up in mission spawns at some point, and some few, rare missions could spawn mostly a boss and a minion. But this wasn't frequent, and when it happened, most of one mission would be bosses, but you'd see almost no bosses in the rest.

Well, since I16 launched, I've been getting ever more slightly irritated at these incessant boss spawns, and more and more convinced that it was never like this even in the worst cases I remember. Before, bosses almost never showed up outside of the named ones required by mission objectives, and missions where they did show up were rare. In the last few days, probably half of the spawns I've fought have been bosses.

Right now, I'm fighting the Carnival of Shadows. Have been for some time. I HATE Master Illusionists because they're so annoying, and Ring Mistresses are dangerous for the character I'm on right now, so you better believe I remember each time I see them. But you know what? I've fought more MASTER Illusionists today than I have Illusionists, and I've fought almost as many Ring Mistresses as I've fought Seneschal. This is officially crossing any sort of reasonable boundaries and going into the twilight zone. Spawn rules have gone completely bonkers.

And it's not like I'm pushing the envelope, either. I'm playing against enemies my level, considering myself equal to two "regular" heroes, fighting bosses but not fighting AVs (or +0x0, +boss, -AV), so you can't say I'm throttling the difficulty and manufacturing my own problems. I'm trying to get as close to the old Tenacious/Malicious as I can, and while that DID spawn bosses, they were incredibly rare. Now I'm as likely to see a Master Illusionist punching her fist as I am to see a Fencer or a Strong Man. This is just far, far too much.

I don't mind fighting bosses. Heck, I was even glad when I learned they were actually spawning. But fighting THIS MANY bosses is just absurd. I'm busting my butt just trying to survive ON A SCRAPPER, and here I am planning to play a Blaster next. How is THAT going to happen when I see a Master Illusionist every other spawn and a Dark Ring Mistress every third? Bosses, especially bosses post 40, ARE NOT EASY. They are certainly a lot harder than 5-6 minions, which is what you can get if you don't face a boss, so you'd think fighting them would be more rare, but when it's rare to NOT fight a boss, something is wrong.

I know the new spawn rules don't correspond to any of the old ones and aren't intended to, but please - let's reign in the bosses some. This is just no fun.

Just to emphasise, the universe high-fived me by giving me another boss as soon as I rounded the corner after making this post. So, yeah!
Dont be a wuss, bosses are ok to fight, even carnies. This game is already easier than it should be. Just bring inspirations and you will be fine. Remember more bosses equal more chance for rare recipe drop.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



Originally Posted by Sardan View Post
Really strange. I sympathize, Sam, because Carnies bosses are just horrid. Your post particularly resonated with me because I happened to encounter the flip side of this problem a few days ago: I had Council missions cranked up to a virtual team size of 8 and had bosses enabled yet no spawns had a boss in them at all. Ever.

They need to take that "spawn bosses like crazy" flag off of Carnies and put it on Council!
I have my setting to 8 players no Bosses no AVs and get two bosses per group when I'm teamed and then some groups have no bosses.

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
Dont be a wuss, bosses are ok to fight, even carnies. This game is already easier than it should be. Just bring inspirations and you will be fine. Remember more bosses equal more chance for rare recipe drop.
Bosses in every spawn are not "ok to fight," however. For one, they're a chore, boring, tedious fight that takes far too frikkin' long for it to occur every spawn and drag missions into hour-length (literally hour-length, I took pretty long clearing an outdoor instance jam-packed with Master Illusionists). For another, it's a step DOWN from what we had before. Before, people were complaining that they liked the Heroic difficulty, but still wanted to fight bosses because they could. The new difficulty settings were, among other things, supposed to let people play Heroic yet still have bosses. Not only does THAT not seem to be the case, but now MY difficulty setting is also messed up, making "sort-Tenacious" a lot harder than it used to be, and a lot harder than it has to be.

The game is not "easy enough." It never was, it never will be. I can choose to engage in the long, boring, tedious process of making overpowered characters via inventions and specific builds, and maybe then I'd find it too easy, but I enjoy the game because I can build how I LIKE and still manage just fine. It was never too easy for me, it was always just right - I'm stronger than they are, and I feel like it, too. I no longer feel that.

In fact, I'm one step away from telling off the entire system and going down to -1x3 no bosses no AVs. I'm sick and tired of fighting for my life, and I am SICK AND TIRED of getting killed by Master Illusionists. I must have gone down half a dozen times just since making this thread, and that's too much in my book. Especially since I don't have a self-rez.

Scratch one more stupid death to a Dark Ring Mistress who managed to shock-damage me for 3/4 of my health. I've about had enough. This fights aren't impossible, but they're hard and they're tedious, and if they can't be rare, I'm going to make them disappear altogether. At least EBs don't random-spawn.

Of course, I can wait for a solution, and Arbiter Kim's involvement makes me feel really good about it. But I'm just saying that I am NOT happy with the situation as is, and I'm really looking forward to a fix or a change.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
Dont be a wuss, bosses are ok to fight, even carnies. This game is already easier than it should be. Just bring inspirations and you will be fine. Remember more bosses equal more chance for rare recipe drop.
The boss rare recipe drop is a joke IMO. The past week I have been dual boxing and running the Council Empire map set for 8 players. I have had more purple drops (4) than I have had rare recipe drops (0) from bosses.

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575