Far too many spawns with bosses




Huh... Here's something odd - do EBs scale down lower than their own class? I didn't see an option for that, but I remember hearing EBs scaling down into elite bosses. Here's why I'm asking:

I just faced Hro'Dtohz (I HATE that name!), who is normally an AV, and something was... Off. Now, I've always made sure my AVs scaled down into elite bosses, and I've fought Hro as an elite boss several times. He is TOUGH, and it's a nail-bitingly hard battle (that always ends with me cheating via Unstoppable and such). This time it wasn't. I'm running at -1x3, so Hro is yellow to me (-1 to me, conning two levels above it, so yellow) and listed as an elite boss. I checked. Except, he was squishy. Hro is a power-armour Rikti, so he is highly resistant to Lethal damage, which is all I do, so he should have been a slow, grinding fight. But he wasn't. I took him down in around 5-10 hits. I got a couple of lucky criticals, sure, but that can't have been enough to pwn an elite boss.

Now, I checked, and he was listed as having 5000 hit points or thereabout. OK, so it may have been a bit more than 10 hits, but nothing even remotely like what an actual elite boss should take to defeat. He was a very easy kill, kind of like had scaled down into a regular boss. I thought he might have, which is why I checked, but his rank said elite boss and his health seemed to be about right for one. But he didn't hit like an elite boss and he certainly didn't take hit like one. And, worse of all, that Rikti Assault Suit that ambushes you didn't show up at all. I went looking for it, but I don't think the thing spawned to begin with. All I got was a couple of scaled-down Homeland Commandos that I cut into ribbons with a sideways glance.

So what gives? Did my EB covertly scale down into a boss? Why would he? He wasn't an EB to begin with, he was a scaled-down AV. And why would he scale into a boss, anyway? I didn't see an option for EBs to scale down. I gotta' say, I wanted the game easier, but having the "big fight" at the end of a long arc, supposedly against a super soldier, being a pushover goes a little farther than I'd intended to. I'd like to keep my EBs into EBs if I can.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
See, this I like. We already have boss-affecting options and EB affecting options. Instead of being just ON or OFF, we could (in the future) maybe see a few more variants. For bosses, my "Only degrade non-named" bosses is one third option, and as per your idea, "Degrade ALL AVs" sounds like a good plan.

Let's say..

None when solo
Only named bosses
All bosses

Scale down for all teams
Scale down for small teams
Do not scale down at all

Granted, the systematics behind these changes are probably far more complicated than just flipping a switch, but it's something to consider in the future.
Love the idea.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Well, since I16 launched, I've been getting ever more slightly irritated at these incessant boss spawns, and more and more convinced that it was never like this even in the worst cases I remember. Before, bosses almost never showed up outside of the named ones required by mission objectives, and missions where they did show up were rare. In the last few days, probably half of the spawns I've fought have been bosses.
Since forever I've noticed that the spawn generator seems to occasionally get "stuck" generating the same kind of spawn throughout the mission. Years ago I'd be doing missions and seeing a lieutenant every spawn.

After I14 or I15, I would occasionally get a mission (when running on Tenacious) where I'd see a boss most every spawn. And after I16 I occasionally see the same thing with bosses when running at x2 or more.

There seems to be a bug that causes certain spawn types to repeat far more often than they should. And I think this bug, which happens only occasionally, has been in the game for years.

This seems a lot like the recipe drop bug that pohsyb found and fixed recently. This is showing pretty much the same sort of behavior: certain players get completely normal spawns (they got normal recipe drops), while other players are getting way too many bosses (they got almost no recipe drops). This could well be another uninitialized variable that's causing the same type of spawn to be repeated incessantly.

One of the devs should scope out the code that rolls the type of spawn and make sure that all the variables are properly set, use the right parameters, etc.



Personally, I'd like options to have AVs and EBs scale down to bosses.

But I'm greedy that way.



Originally Posted by Mirai View Post
Personally, I'd like options to have AVs and EBs scale down to bosses.

But I'm greedy that way.
It did that before i16 in AE missions. Diff 1 would reduce non-PotD EBs to Bosses.



Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
It did that before i16 in AE missions. Diff 1 would reduce non-PotD EBs to Bosses.
But as you imply, not the AVs. They would reduce to PToD EBs, but no further. If I could get them all to drop to bosses in the standard missions, I would be in mission heaven. Well, except for the hazard zone hunting missions and the multiple simultaneous glowie click missions, but difficulty settings won't help with those.



Originally Posted by Mirai View Post
But as you imply, not the AVs. They would reduce to PToD EBs, but no further. If I could get them all to drop to bosses in the standard missions, I would be in mission heaven. Well, except for the hazard zone hunting missions and the multiple simultaneous glowie click missions, but difficulty settings won't help with those.
While I can see where you're coming from and I've seen you post about it before, I'm not sure I'd want to go quite that far. I just fought a surprisingly weak Hro yesterday, and it was downright anti-climactic. I'm not against having the occasional tough battle, as long as it's occasional, and EBs pop up just rarely enough for that to be only occasional. Well, Maria Jenkins notwithstanding.

And I still hope someone can clue me in why my Hro'Dthoz was so surprisingly weak and why he didn't summon his Assault Suit on -1x3 no bosses no AVs. He didn't feel like an EB fight, he felt like a boss fight.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Ive had toons set to 0x0 & 1x1 & 0x1.

Gotten large amounts of bosses, ok fine, but when you get a team of 8 rolling, 4-5 Wardens showing up in a packed grouped...tends to be rather rough...very very rough.


I delete more 50s, then you'll ever have.



Originally Posted by Steel_Shaman View Post
I've been noticing some odd things with the new difficulty settings too.
I've been running my Warshade on -1x3 (no bosses, no AVs) for the last few days. Last night when fighting some Council I had a Lt. turn into a Warwolf when defeated. Not unusual right? Except for one small problem: he turned into a Warwolf boss. And I was solo, set to "no bosses when solo".

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Actually, the "Does prefer fighting bosses when alone" option is what keeps bosses, ANY bosses, from scaling down into lieutenants when solo. I could up the team size (and even +3 produced groups of TWO bosses), but they will still scale down to lieutenants if I don't prefer fighting them, so to speak. At least that's how I'm led to believe the option works.
That's how it's supposed to work... However, something's up with the guys who change into bosses in a mission, as stated by Steel_Shaman. While he stated this happened to him on council, I had it happen to me on Malta (the two robots turning into a zeus titan boss, even though I was set to "no bosses while solo").

For the "screenshots or it didn't happen" crowd, here's the video proof.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
While I can see where you're coming from and I've seen you post about it before, I'm not sure I'd want to go quite that far. I just fought a surprisingly weak Hro yesterday, and it was downright anti-climactic. I'm not against having the occasional tough battle, as long as it's occasional, and EBs pop up just rarely enough for that to be only occasional. Well, Maria Jenkins notwithstanding.

And I still hope someone can clue me in why my Hro'Dthoz was so surprisingly weak and why he didn't summon his Assault Suit on -1x3 no bosses no AVs. He didn't feel like an EB fight, he felt like a boss fight.
he was conning yellow to you did you really expect something else? and if so was the build you were on completely gimped?

Seriously a yellow conning EB and you expected a challenge?



Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
he was conning yellow to you did you really expect something else? and if so was the build you were on completely gimped?

Seriously a yellow conning EB and you expected a challenge?
Yeah, I did. I subsequently fought Sefu Tendaji and even god damn WMD and they took SIGNIFICANTLY more beating to go down. Listen, I know people here like to beat their chests about how they eat AVs for breakfast and ask for seconds, but there is such a thing as an elite boss who goes down easier than an elite boss should. Whether an elite boss of that level is easy, hard or just funky isn't important. What's important is how easy he should go down, and Hro went down a LOT easier than he should have.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
While I can see where you're coming from and I've seen you post about it before, I'm not sure I'd want to go quite that far. I just fought a surprisingly weak Hro yesterday, and it was downright anti-climactic. I'm not against having the occasional tough battle, as long as it's occasional, and EBs pop up just rarely enough for that to be only occasional. Well, Maria Jenkins notwithstanding.

And I still hope someone can clue me in why my Hro'Dthoz was so surprisingly weak and why he didn't summon his Assault Suit on -1x3 no bosses no AVs. He didn't feel like an EB fight, he felt like a boss fight.
I wonder if it may be related to the same bug that pops up in Darrin Wade's arc where Sigil and Kadabra Kill are always classified as Hero even if you have AVs = no and Bosses = no. There is something odd about fighting an even level "Hero" who cons red yet goes down as easily as a LT.



Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
I wonder if it may be related to the same bug that pops up in Darrin Wade's arc where Sigil and Kadabra Kill are always classified as Hero even if you have AVs = no and Bosses = no. There is something odd about fighting an even level "Hero" who cons red yet goes down as easily as a LT.
With I10 and the Rikti War Zone remake, the game began "lying" a little bit. Before, we had very specific classes of enemies, each a representation of the underlying mechanic driving the enemy. Now... Not so much. I just rescued a traitor Nemesis soldier who was of a class "Traitor," and then there's WMD, who is always classed as "hero," but varies between classes depending on if she's with you or against you.

Kadabra Kill and Sigil are always shown as "Hero," but they are not Hero/AV class. They're regular bosses, and they con as such. They aren't even elite bosses. They're just regular bosses with fancy names for their class.

I'm not sure if that's what happened to my Hro, but I don't see why a genuine purple-triangle AV would scale down into a boss, yet be classed as an elite boss...

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Yeah, I did. I subsequently fought Sefu Tendaji and even god damn WMD and they took SIGNIFICANTLY more beating to go down. Listen, I know people here like to beat their chests about how they eat AVs for breakfast and ask for seconds, but there is such a thing as an elite boss who goes down easier than an elite boss should. Whether an elite boss of that level is easy, hard or just funky isn't important. What's important is how easy he should go down, and Hro went down a LOT easier than he should have.
back in the old difficulty setting if I recall correct if there was an AV that scaled to an EB that EB would still con red and if the diff was any higher then heroic purple. Now you say a yellow conning EB is not enough of a challenge when its at least at least 2 levels lower then it should, I hate to be blunt but well duh

edit one thing to add EBs are not nearly as tough as you make them out to be every character I have ever made it high enough to fight an EB was able to do it solo that includes 3 blasters, and these werewith NO IOs. So you may have to use some inspirations to come out on top but still able to

this was a YELLOW conning EB I'll ask this again what did you expact?



Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
back in the old difficulty setting if I recall correct if there was an AV that scaled to an EB that EB would still con red and if the diff was any higher then heroic purple. Now you say a yellow conning EB is not enough of a challenge when its at least at least 2 levels lower then it should, I hate to be blunt but well duh
First of all, that's not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying that that elite boss did not feel like an elite boss at all. It felt like a boss. I'd beaten a LOT of bosses up to that point, and Hro went down exactly like a boss. He should NOT be scaling down into a boss. He should have been tougher, because both Sefu and WMD were the SAME level as him, yet were significantly harder. What am I not explaining right here?

Also, EBs always conned the same as bosses. An even con EB would be orange and a +1 EB would be red, just as a boss would be. I've fought enough EBs to know, and I've never seen a patch that made them con higher than a boss. Also, I checked Hro's level. He was not two levels below me, he was only ONE level below me. I've fought -1 EBs before, and NONE of them were this weak. Not even Dr. Vahzilok.

Let me repeat: The problem wasn't that Hro was too easy, the problem was that he was not an EB in anything but class, unlike all the other EBs I fought before or since.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I am seeing the same issue on my 41 Fire tank.

My difficulty settings are:

-- Capable of fighting enemies at your current security level.
-- Combat equivalent of 3 standard heroes.
-- Does prefer fighting bosses when alone.
-- Does not prefer to fight Arch-Villains.

I am currently doing a Crey arc, and I get a Paragon Protector in most of the spawns. This gets really old, waiting around after beating them down and dealing with everyone else for the PP's MOG or Elude to wear off so I can finish them off. Makes for VERY long missions! I tried turning off bosses, but the PP's still spawned, just as Lt's.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
I do think this isn't a case of whining, and seriously is something that isn't WAI. I had this problem when I was testing out one of my arcs. Bosses were spawning an awful lot. Like, every spawn would be a pair of bosses. Or a boss and two minions or something.

And as Sam said, this is on x2 spawning. Having Bosses spawn at all is nice; From Time to Time. ALL the time, and it just gets to be a drag.
I love the new diff settings. But I do notice sometimes it gets itself in a knot.
It's especially fun when playing a scrapper pre-status protection and getting a whole mission of nothing but Lost bosses.



Noticed the same problem with Halloween mobs. Doors spawn LOTS of bosses solo, where you didn't get them at all before. Status mobs are flat out death to low level players ToTing solo.

On the plus side getting Spirit etc badges is much easier as all minion spawns are crazy rare. Halloween mobs aren't supposed to be effected by difficulty settings at all so that should prove that the base settings have changed significantly.

You can't please everyone, so lets concentrate on me.



I've been avoiding Carnies lately for this reason. Even with No Bosses when Solo set I've been getting a Dark Ringmistress AND a Master Illusionist in virtually every spawn. Downgraded to Lts, granted, but that still makes for a much tougher encounter than normal and the mission more tedious. Carnies never USED to spawn that many Bosses, why are they spawning that many DOWNGRADED Bosses?



Originally Posted by Aquila_NA View Post
I've been avoiding Carnies lately for this reason. Even with No Bosses when Solo set I've been getting a Dark Ringmistress AND a Master Illusionist in virtually every spawn. Downgraded to Lts, granted, but that still makes for a much tougher encounter than normal and the mission more tedious. Carnies never USED to spawn that many Bosses, why are they spawning that many DOWNGRADED Bosses?
Well, as a consequence of this thread, I turned off my bosses (back when I talked about it) and went to -1x3. I'm not sorry I did so. Sure, the bosses themselves are easier, but the actual fights aren't, and I face much fewer interruptions and sudden jumps in difficulty. This is probably the best thing I've done for myself since I started this game, and certainly the best thing I've done for myself this year.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I'm glad you found a setting that works for you. I knew that you would, if you experimented a bit.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



I wonder if this is an artifact of the random number generator.

As in, when a mission goes to assign spawn-points, it now knows it can spawn "a boss with a minion" in addition to "a swarm of underlings", "lots of minions and a lieutenant", and "a bunch of lieutenants and some minions".

We all know how streaky CoH's RNG can be at times; or how, when you're fighting a pack of Rikti monkeys, the NEXT spawn (or two, or three, or five) also tends to be Monkeys as well.

It seems entirely possible that, when they added bosses to the 'mission spawn generator', they did so with absolutely no limitations as to how many or how often bosses could spawn. It would seem to me that adding some sort of artificial limiter to the boss spawn code could resolve this; either by 'capping' the number of bosses that can spawn in any mission (based on map size, 3-4 for small, 6-7 for medium, 8-12 for large); or by forcing the RNG to 'skip' a boss spawn (and spawn minions instead) if it's assigned a spawn as a 'boss' spawn within its last three picks or so.



More Bosses means more badges!

Doom/Batman in 2012

The Resistance has boobs too, and better hair!



Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
I'm glad you found a setting that works for you. I knew that you would, if you experimented a bit.
Well, it works, but... Let me put it this way. It's sort of like the solution in the doctor joke. "Dr, it hurts when I lift my arm." "Then don't lift your arm. Next!" I mean, yeah, I found a way around it, but the game is still spawning way too many bosses. I got another mission like this recently that had a Paragon Protector in every spawn on the map, minus maybe two or three. And this was a huge map. Even downgraded, with their MoG they just dragged everything out.

I wouldn't turn bosses back on even if they stopped showing up so often, mind you. I like my big crowds of blues and whites. But still, it remains a problem.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I just want Tenacious back, none of the new settings come even close to that now. Either the spawns are too big or too small, too many bosses or none at all.