Far too many spawns with bosses




Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Oh, look, this is precious. Here's the comment I got for my negative rep:

I'm not even going to comment on "learn to play," but "leave my boss spawns alone?" Go to hell! You leave MY boss spawns alone! I quite enjoyed them, before they were changed to something I DON'T enjoy. For the umpteenth time, the POINT of more options for difficulty was to have more options for difficulty. Well, I don't have more options. In fact, I LACK the one option I liked. Right now, I have NO options.

So I hope I'll be forgiven if I don't appreciate having MY favourite difficulty setting ruined so someone else can have more fun with it while I rant and curse at my screen, specifically because there was NO NEED to mess it up and, from the looks of things, it wasn't even intended.

*takes away sams coffee*

Think you had a bit too much

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Sam, I sympathasize with your complaints against Carnie bosses, especially solo. But forgive me for saying that I think you are too tied to what used to be tenacious.

The game does give you options. You can turn off bosses, you can set them for -1, you can find a teammate, you can make your own teammate (shivan, HVAS, other temp summons), you can bring more inspirations, you can give yourself base buffs.

Those are all options available to you and that's not an exhaustive list. I have always found you to be a rational person on these forums so could you rationally explain why the game should be changed when you have so many options to solve the Carnie boss problem?

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
Sam, I sympathasize with your complaints against Carnie bosses, especially solo. But forgive me for saying that I think you are too tied to what used to be tenacious.

The game does give you options. You can turn off bosses, you can set them for -1, you can find a teammate, you can make your own teammate (shivan, HVAS, other temp summons), you can bring more inspirations, you can give yourself base buffs.

Those are all options available to you and that's not an exhaustive list. I have always found you to be a rational person on these forums so could you rationally explain why the game should be changed when you have so many options to solve the Carnie boss problem?
Because the game was changed in what seems to be an unintentional way if his POV is correct, and he wants it back the way it used to be.

My stand is if it's not suppose to be that way fix it. If it is let us know so the less critical of us can file it away.



Originally Posted by Mr. NoPants View Post
Because the game was changed in what seems to be an unintentional way if his POV is correct, and he wants it back the way it used to be.

My stand is if it's not suppose to be that way fix it. If it is let us know so the less critical of us can file it away.
More or less. I see a negative, unintended change, and I want it fixed. If it's not unintended (whether or not it's negative is, obviously, debatable), I'd like to know that. I'll add it to my list of things I dislike about the game and try to find some way to deal with it.

To answer the question of "why the game should be changed when [I] have so many options to solve the Carnie boss problem," let me explain how I see things. I played the game happy as punch. No complaints whatsoever, not in this regard, at least. Then suddenly, this improvement strikes, and I think GREAT! The game is evolving, we have more options, what could be better? Except it's not an improvement. Before and now, ONE difficulty option is all I need. One option that I can play at with all my characters. I had one option. I no longer have it. This, to me, is a change for the worse.

Furthermore, my ability to solve my problem comes with its own problems. I can disable bosses, yes. But, as I said before, I WANT to fight bosses. Missions ending in a boss fight aren't as exciting when that degrades into a lieutenant fight. But we don't have an option to keep end-of-mission bosses or scripted bosses while getting rid of all the other random boss spawns. If we did, I'd use it, but we don't. So my solution is either far too hard, or far too easy. For a change that was supposed to add more options, specifically more options in-between what we had, all that's done is take away from what options I used to have.

I've taken the step and gone to -1x3 with no bosses. It's cool, in that I'm facing huge spawns I can beat up at my leisure, and I can't deny that pwning all of those many Master Illusionists I'm meeting in a couple of sword swings isn't satisfying in a vindictive, malicious way. At the same time, though, now it's all one big minion fight. No end of mission boss, no final climax. It just... Peters out with a two-swing fight at the end. Hell, I one-shotted one lieutenant Dark Ring Mistress a while back before she could even get her Mask of Vitiation out. I guess I could still rely on elite bosses to provide boss fights, but those really aren't anywhere to be found in City of Heroes pre-40, and aren't actually in many places post-40, either, outside of Maria Jenkins and Tina Macintyre.

And again, I'm not saying the game should be changed. It WAS changed, and I wish it weren't, or at least I wish we had something resembling what we used to have. I lost an option I liked. Why is that so difficult to understand?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Oh, look, this is precious. Here's the comment I got for my negative rep:

I'm not even going to comment on "learn to play," but "leave my boss spawns alone?" Go to hell! You leave MY boss spawns alone! I quite enjoyed them, before they were changed to something I DON'T enjoy. For the umpteenth time, the POINT of more options for difficulty was to have more options for difficulty. Well, I don't have more options. In fact, I LACK the one option I liked. Right now, I have NO options.

So I hope I'll be forgiven if I don't appreciate having MY favourite difficulty setting ruined so someone else can have more fun with it while I rant and curse at my screen, specifically because there was NO NEED to mess it up and, from the looks of things, it wasn't even intended.
Well, I don't agree with you getting negative rep for expressing an opinion, and doing do politely. But what can you do about it? It is one of the dangers of the rep system and having a large post count. Have some positive rep on me to make up for it.

And I realize I made a mistake before - I play on the closest equivalent to Unvielding, not Tenacious, so I am usually +1/team size 2. But still I love the bosses.

Now, there was a patch prior to I16 that got bosses back into larger spawn sizes - I was definitely seeing them prior to I16. I can't find it in the patch notes, but I only gave a quick look. However, I agree that I'm probably seeing more bosses now, post I16.

I'm thrilled with it. But since the feature appeared prior to I16, I do not think it falls into the "not working as intended" category.

Still, it seems your issue with it could be solved by choosing "no bosses when solo" - unless you are asking for precisely the one boss at the end of the mission. Personally, I would not want to be locked into that narrow of a choice.

I don't oppose you getting an additional option, but I do not want the current sprinkling of bosses eliminated, either.



I've mostly stayed out of this issue as I considered it more a bug report than anything but some of the jackass comments are simply too much.

Listen very carefully: "The purpose of a variable setting is to enable a set of permutations with graduated and predictable results." If the variables are not properly scaled or result in unpredictable behavior then the entire purpose of the variable setting is a dismal failure. Now one can assume that since they recoded the entire system of difficulty settings they might want it to work exactly as intended. There are enough oddball issues being reported that investigation is both warranted and prudent.

And in case the board weasels would like to chirp mindlessly about learn to play try this: 5th column tf in Ouro, 2 man team, setting +1 x1 bosses yes Av yes, neither team member can use sets of any type nor may they be over level 38 prior to exemp down. Bonus points for 2 non-healers/defenders.

Count the number of bosses in the ambush spawns called by AV's. I lost track around 6 bosses or so in each spawn.



Potted version:
The new diff settings are good.
However: The Boss spawning rules on lower xY and +Y diffs seem to be wonky.
Is this WAI?


And I agree.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Velocity View Post
Still, it seems your issue with it could be solved by choosing "no bosses when solo" - unless you are asking for precisely the one boss at the end of the mission. Personally, I would not want to be locked into that narrow of a choice.
Honestly, if we could get SCRIPTED bosses to remain boss-level, but all other bosses to scale, I'd choose that option and never look back. I'm not a fan of random boss spawns. One or two liven things up. A dozen or two just bog things down. But a boss at the end of the mission really OUGHT to be a boss.

I look at it this way. A Tank Swiper I can see scaling down to lieutenant. He's still more dangerous, but he isn't a bog boss. But Killdozer really SHOULD be a boss.

And I honestly didn't see this many bosses before I16. I saw bosses in spawns, that I did. I didn't see as many, not by a long shot. I could be wrong, but this is my impression.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



This thread needs more tears.

If you can't handle a boss, you are doing it wrong. Every single AT and power set has the ability to defeat a spawn with a boss.

If you find it just un-fun, well good news everybody, they give you the option to turn bosses off.

But I want to fight a boss at some point like the end guy!

/shrug welcome to the world of not everything revolves around you.

Adapt, learn to play, move on.



Originally Posted by CoX_Junkie View Post
But I want to fight a boss at some point like the end guy!

/shrug welcome to the world of not everything revolves around you.
It may not revolve around Sam alone, but if enough people feel the same way, or if the extra boss spawns are actually due to a bug, then things could very well change.

If I had Sam's difficulty settings, I would not want those extra bosses, for exactly the reasons that Sam gives. On the other hand, by increasing the effective team size, I have to expect team-oriented content, and larger teams run into extra bosses regularly. So I wouldn't use Sam's settings.

I'll probably change my DB/Regen's settings back to a team size of one, but not because of the (downgraded) bosses. Running into the occasional pair of Tsoo sorcerors can be kind of annoying...



Originally Posted by CoX_Junkie View Post
This thread needs more tears.

If you can't handle a boss, you are doing it wrong. Every single AT and power set has the ability to defeat a spawn with a boss.

If you find it just un-fun, well good news everybody, they give you the option to turn bosses off.

But I want to fight a boss at some point like the end guy!

/shrug welcome to the world of not everything revolves around you.

Adapt, learn to play, move on.
Do not tell someone to learn to play, when you did not learn to read their post correctly.

Sam and co. are not complaining that they CANNOT fight bosses, they are stating that there are TOO MANY bosses spawning for what they have their settings at. You should be able to set your game so you can have more or less bosses, and have expectations that it will work consistently. With his example, it does not seem to be working correctly: before I16, I would not expect to get mostly bosses if I was running with one other person, no matter what our settings were. We WOULD encounter bosses, but not in just about every spawn. So to have the current system be set at "consider me as two heroes" and have bosses in almost every spawn IS working differently than it used to.

I don't think Sam's experience is unique, either. I was running the guest author AE missions the other day, and I was set at +2, considered as 2 heroes, and wanted to fight bosses while solo. Not every spawn was a boss with a minion, but I would have to say 80-90% of the spawns were bosses.

That can be nice for some people, but it can make the mission more tedious, and take something away from having a named boss at the end of the mission. As I said before, we should be able to set it so there are more or less bosses in a mission (and really, I wouldn't be surprised if the devs would be concerned about this, considering the reaction to boss farms in AE).

I have complained about the opposite issue in I16, interestingly enough. Since the latest issue, I have run 5-8 man teams through a Nemesis story arc, and had very rare boss spawns. Considering I was trying to get my Fake Nemesis badge, I noticed this problem, and found it quite irritating. Changing my settings didn't seem to affect this, either (+0 to +2, adding how many heroes I was worth, etc.). It didn't used to be very hard to get a lot of Fake Nemesis to spawn... I ran a tank through the exact same story arc a few months ago, and got the Fake Nemesis badge from doing the story arc (or nearly, I may have hunted a bit as well... no matter what, it was much easier than it has been for my current hero).

I don't know what this means, but it does seem like bosses are spawning differently than they did before. It bears looking at.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by CoX_Junkie View Post
This thread needs more tears.

If you can't handle a boss, you are doing it wrong. Every single AT and power set has the ability to defeat a spawn with a boss.

If you find it just un-fun, well good news everybody, they give you the option to turn bosses off.

But I want to fight a boss at some point like the end guy!

/shrug welcome to the world of not everything revolves around you.

Adapt, learn to play, move on.
Actually with this "bug" there is no option to turn bosses off. I've tested it out with the prefer fighting bosses while solo option on and off, the result was the same.

This was with the settings +3x6 and there were bosses in many spawns. Now, I'm not complaining or anything, but a team size of 6 isn't suppose to spawn any bosses.




Oh, hey, I found a way to farm negative rep. Here's the new one in line, and one of my personal favourites:

Complaining about rep when you have it turned off? Get over yourself.
This thread is producing some interesting results. See, I read my comments. Isn't the point of making a comment for me to read it? If you don't want me complaining about comments, wise guy, don't leave me any comments. You can down-rep me without any comment at all. If it's in my inbox, I get to do whatever I want with it

See, originally I thought the rep system was a bad idea. I still don't believe in the actual RATING of it, but I always enjoy seeing the comments.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
You can down-rep me without any comment at all.
Technically, you can't. You can only +rep without a comment. All -rep must have a comment. Although "lgskans" counts as a comment.

As for the OP: I agree there are too many bosses spawning for low-end difficulty options.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by CoX_Junkie View Post
If you can't handle a boss, you are doing it wrong. Every single AT and power set has the ability to defeat a spawn with a boss.
I CAN handle bosses. Some are harder than others, and Master Illusionists probably skirt the line of what I can handle, but I CAN handle them. Heck, they're even fun to fight, occasionally. Fighting them all the time, however, is not nearly as fun. It's tedious, it's immersion-breaking (what kind of an organisation has more bosses than subordinates?) and it takes a lot away from the confrontation with THE boss at the end.

Incidentally, the final problem isn't solved by turning bosses off. It degrades bosses in regular spawns, which is good, but it also degrades the final boss, which kind of defeats the purpose. EBs don't scale, granted, but EBs are the exception, not the rule.

But I want to fight a boss at some point like the end guy!
/shrug welcome to the world of not everything revolves around you.
Adapt, learn to play, move on.
As far as I know, that's the polite way to file a complaint and make a request for a fix/addition. The world doesn't need to revolve around me for me to have a point, and a point is all I made - it seems to me that boss spawns are far too excessive, so I would like to either see them reduced, to be given an option to reduce them for myself only, or to have a third option for solo bosses, which degrades only unnamed bosses. It's up to other people to see if they agree with me and up to the developers to determine whether this is an actual bug or a legitimate change, and if that's how it should be.

That's all any of us "white names" have here on the forums - opinions and desires, and the only way to communicate them is to post them.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Technically, you can't. You can only +rep without a comment. All -rep must have a comment. Although "lgskans" counts as a comment.
Huh... I didn't know that. I thought I had negative rep entries without comments, but if there were any, they've scrolled off the list. Either way, it's anonymous communication, and I don't feel I'm bound to keep the confidentiality of the anonymous person commenting.

That, and why complain about negative rep comments when I have rep turned off? Easy. I don't have my reputation turned off, I have it hidden, and I still read the comments. I'm complaining about the comment, not the rep. I'd have complained about it if it came with positive rep just the same.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
Are you solo? If you are solo and have the no bosses setting engaged, then even setting yourself to 8 people will not spawn bosses (there will be boss critters, but they will be downgraded to Lts.).
Patently false:

Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
No i really hate fighting bosses.
I set my map to -1s and still sometimes get bosses with equal to 6 people...
I set my map to 0's and get bosses when set to 6 people...

I really dont like fighting bosses at all. I dont like fighting purple foes either Thank goodness I dont have to fight purple foes... Now... If i can set it to NO BOSSES EVER... I would be so happy
(emphasis mine)

When you raise your team size, it overrides your boss setting (or seems to).

I've had Sam's problem with certain groups (Carnies, all of the Croatoa factions, etc). I've done -1/x6/no bosses in Croatoa and gotten a boss-level Sorceress of the Winds in every other spawn (except for the spawns of TWO of them). What's worse than one hurricane? TWO of them. It doesn't bother me as much as it could but that's mainly because I tend to only run strong builds. I can see how it would be sh...um, poop on a shingle for a concept build or a build that isn't one of the stronger pri/sec combos.

And whenever a discussion like this comes up, someone always mentions how it works with teams. I don't think that's the issue here. Sam brought up (in the original post, for reference) how things are working for him solo. You know, sans team? I don't give a flying flip how it's working for teams, teams always trivialize content. No team worth joining, in my view, is going to turn their difficulty DOWN to the levels Sam notes he's running at solo. The feature may not be working as intended since, I was under the impression that the 'boss when solo' part was supposed to operate independently of the team size part. Like Perfect Pain notes, I thought it was supposed to jack up the amount of spawns and allow folks to decide whether they wanted to see bosses at all. Oh and raising the team size automatically adds levels, just like it did in the old system (i.e. Unyielding = +2 with double spawns) so +0/+2/no bosses adds a level to the mobs you're fighting. That's what clued me in to the system not working in absolute fashion. Each option bleeds into or affects the others.

Also, 'too easy' is relative and highly subjective. I've maxed out (primary class and subclass) four (almost five when I quit) characters in Lineage II. Every western MMO is 'too easy' to me. You can't get there from here.

@Remianen / @Remianen Too

Sig by RPVisions



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I CAN handle bosses. Some are harder than others, and Master Illusionists probably skirt the line of what I can handle, but I CAN handle them. Heck, they're even fun to fight, occasionally. Fighting them all the time, however, is not nearly as fun. It's tedious, it's immersion-breaking (what kind of an organisation has more bosses than subordinates?) and it takes a lot away from the confrontation with THE boss at the end.
i've had a few missions where nearly every spawn was 2-3 bosses. Nothing else, no minions, no lieutenants, just bosses. This has generally happened on teams of 4-6, but i'm pretty sure that's not the intended spawning behavior. It seems likely that spawning rules aren't working exactly as intended sometimes. Though it's a bit of work, tracking map, faction and spawning behavior would help to determine if something's bugged.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Akhenahten View Post
I've mostly stayed out of this issue as I considered it more a bug report than anything but some of the jackass comments are simply too much.

Listen very carefully: "The purpose of a variable setting is to enable a set of permutations with graduated and predictable results." If the variables are not properly scaled or result in unpredictable behavior then the entire purpose of the variable setting is a dismal failure. Now one can assume that since they recoded the entire system of difficulty settings they might want it to work exactly as intended. There are enough oddball issues being reported that investigation is both warranted and prudent.

And in case the board weasels would like to chirp mindlessly about learn to play try this: 5th column tf in Ouro, 2 man team, setting +1 x1 bosses yes Av yes, neither team member can use sets of any type nor may they be over level 38 prior to exemp down. Bonus points for 2 non-healers/defenders.

Count the number of bosses in the ambush spawns called by AV's. I lost track around 6 bosses or so in each spawn.
I like this guy (or girl, as the case may be).

CoX Junkie, someone posts an issue where the difficulty system possibly isn't working as the devs may have wanted, and they're crying? Kinda like the drop rate problem that "wasn't a problem" according to many (that is, until it was), was people crying. Got it!

@Remianen / @Remianen Too

Sig by RPVisions



Originally Posted by RemianenI View Post
When you raise your team size, it overrides your boss setting (or seems to).
Not necessarily, I've played missions set to x6/No Bosses and didn't see a single boss-rank enemy. Yes they did spawn as LTs, but it didn't override my flag and move them up to boss. Now if someone else had joined me in the mission it would then override that flag.

Too be honest the new system needs more options so we can get back to the old settings that people liked. "Bosses when Solo" needs to be divided into something like "Only Named Bosses" and "Random Bosses Allowed" so that those who want to fight that special guy at the end as a boss can without the risk of having the mission take three times longer because every other damn spawn is a boss.

I would also like to see an option to disable AVs entirely, even when on a team, when outside a TF or Trial. One of the reasons I hate doing Mayhems with teams is the risk of an Hero showing up and eating a huge chunk of the limited time, if not causing it to fail because we ran out of time before the ***** finally died. Quite a number of these critters are fun to fight as EBs but become utterly obnoxious when boosted to AV and you can't always have a player with Rad Emission along to keep it from becoming a chore.



Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
Too be honest the new system needs more options so we can get back to the old settings that people liked. "Bosses when Solo" needs to be divided into something like "Only Named Bosses" and "Random Bosses Allowed" so that those who want to fight that special guy at the end as a boss can without the risk of having the mission take three times longer because every other damn spawn is a boss.
This sounds like a good idea.

Personally I don't see the big deal with fighting bosses. Some power sets are a PITA, but if I'm vulnerable to a certain thing, getting hit by a few minions or LTs is as much a threat as a boss.

I mostly play red side, but I can't think of an AT which can't handle a boss pretty easily. Pulls with a boss + LTs or whatever might get hairy when solo, but if fights weren't challenging I'd rather just get XP for walking into the mission so I could get it done with faster.

I get really disappointed when I see a group of minions-only. They die in 1-2 hits from pretty much anything, which isn't enough to even get started with. LTs are a little better, but they take like 3-4 shots to down. Bosses are the first level that even takes effort, everything else just dies to AOEs.

Now if there were an EB in every group, then I'd be annoyed, but even named bosses are rarely EBs.

Still I wouldn't mind players having the option to see fewer bosses as long as I still could get them in almost every group.



This is how the old spawn system was *supposed to* work.

The tl;dr version is that once you were no longer on solo/DiffLev 1, then there were supposed to be bosses spawning. After all, if were told that solo/DiffLev 1 suppresses bosses, then one should rightly assume that once you have a teammate or bump up the difficulty, then bosses should start reappearing. The various ranks of foes were 'weighted' and the total weight of the individual members of a spawn should equal the total weight of the spawn.

However, the old system was broken. Some factions, like the Lost/Rikti gave you bosses with just 2 people or soloing on DiffLev 2 (like it was supposed to). However, other factions took seven members to be on a team before it would spawn bosses (the notorious Family farms, e.g.).

We have a new system. However, it, too, may be bugged like the old system. If a particular 4XP (or SRSLY) setting gives you a map of Council with almost no bosses and a map of Carnival with a boss in every spawn, then something is broken.

Although, keep in mind that before the new 4XP system was put into place, there seemed to have been a stealth 'fix' of the spawning rules and many of the factions that use to be stingy with bosses suddenly started spawning bosses and players were complaining about their easy farms becoming difficult (which was probably the point of the fix).

Perhaps someone could spawn several radio mission with these two factions and count the spawns and the boss to other-rank ratio and give the info to BugczArbiter Kim.

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Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
I would also like to see an option to disable AVs entirely, even when on a team, when outside a TF or Trial. One of the reasons I hate doing Mayhems with teams is the risk of an Hero showing up and eating a huge chunk of the limited time, if not causing it to fail because we ran out of time before the ***** finally died. Quite a number of these critters are fun to fight as EBs but become utterly obnoxious when boosted to AV and you can't always have a player with Rad Emission along to keep it from becoming a chore.
See, this I like. We already have boss-affecting options and EB affecting options. Instead of being just ON or OFF, we could (in the future) maybe see a few more variants. For bosses, my "Only degrade non-named" bosses is one third option, and as per your idea, "Degrade ALL AVs" sounds like a good plan.

Let's say..

None when solo
Only named bosses
All bosses

Scale down for all teams
Scale down for small teams
Do not scale down at all

Granted, the systematics behind these changes are probably far more complicated than just flipping a switch, but it's something to consider in the future.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
Not necessarily, I've played missions set to x6/No Bosses and didn't see a single boss-rank enemy. Yes they did spawn as LTs, but it didn't override my flag and move them up to boss. Now if someone else had joined me in the mission it would then override that flag.
And, as I noted, I've done missions where that wasn't the case at all. Which is the correct state of affairs then? And does the variance in our experiences using the same settings (I've done +0/x6/no bosses prior to going down to -1) indicate a problem?

Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
Too be honest the new system needs more options so we can get back to the old settings that people liked. "Bosses when Solo" needs to be divided into something like "Only Named Bosses" and "Random Bosses Allowed" so that those who want to fight that special guy at the end as a boss can without the risk of having the mission take three times longer because every other damn spawn is a boss.
I would agree. More options would be good. However, I think before new options are added, the existing system should work according to the way the devs planned.

Originally Posted by inktomi View Post
This sounds like a good idea.

Personally I don't see the big deal with fighting bosses. Some power sets are a PITA, but if I'm vulnerable to a certain thing, getting hit by a few minions or LTs is as much a threat as a boss.
Would you see the big deal if bosses were the dominant spawn in your mission(s)? If minions and LTs were rare and the vast majority of the spawns in your mission(s) were bosses? That's what's happening with some missions or mission arcs.

Originally Posted by inktomi View Post
I mostly play red side, but I can't think of an AT which can't handle a boss pretty easily. Pulls with a boss + LTs or whatever might get hairy when solo, but if fights weren't challenging I'd rather just get XP for walking into the mission so I could get it done with faster.

I get really disappointed when I see a group of minions-only. They die in 1-2 hits from pretty much anything, which isn't enough to even get started with. LTs are a little better, but they take like 3-4 shots to down. Bosses are the first level that even takes effort, everything else just dies to AOEs.

Now if there were an EB in every group, then I'd be annoyed, but even named bosses are rarely EBs.

Still I wouldn't mind players having the option to see fewer bosses as long as I still could get them in almost every group.
I also play mainly redside but I have a problem with features that don't do what they're said to do. I don't have issues with bosses (at least not beyond level 12. Prior to that, a mission full of them would get dropped. It's totally inefficient) but I do have a problem with a setting not doing what it's said to do. Prior to additional options being added, I'd like to see the boss option turned into a binary equation (an on/off switch, so to speak) until they fix the underlying spawn problems.

Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
This is how the old spawn system was *supposed to* work.

The tl;dr version is that once you were no longer on solo/DiffLev 1, then there were supposed to be bosses spawning. After all, if were told that solo/DiffLev 1 suppresses bosses, then one should rightly assume that once you have a teammate or bump up the difficulty, then bosses should start reappearing. The various ranks of foes were 'weighted' and the total weight of the individual members of a spawn should equal the total weight of the spawn.

However, the old system was broken. Some factions, like the Lost/Rikti gave you bosses with just 2 people or soloing on DiffLev 2 (like it was supposed to). However, other factions took seven members to be on a team before it would spawn bosses (the notorious Family farms, e.g.).

We have a new system. However, it, too, may be bugged like the old system. If a particular 4XP (or SRSLY) setting gives you a map of Council with almost no bosses and a map of Carnival with a boss in every spawn, then something is broken.

Although, keep in mind that before the new 4XP system was put into place, there seemed to have been a stealth 'fix' of the spawning rules and many of the factions that use to be stingy with bosses suddenly started spawning bosses and players were complaining about their easy farms becoming difficult (which was probably the point of the fix).
Problem is, that stealth fix might've created an issue with the new system.

@Remianen / @Remianen Too

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Originally Posted by RemianenI View Post
CoX Junkie, someone posts an issue where the difficulty system possibly isn't working as the devs may have wanted, and they're crying? Kinda like the drop rate problem that "wasn't a problem" according to many (that is, until it was), was people crying. Got it!

There is a segment of every game population that mindlessly and reflexively defends the current status quo, whether or not it makes any sense or is indeed even intended to work that way.

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