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  1. RemianenI


    Why are you trying to put words in other people's mouths? You don't speak for anyone but yourself!

    My SS/Regen is only 27 but she's a blast. I can't wait til 32 since I know from my SS/Fire that business picks up major from that point on.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
    You want to know what "listening to the voice of VIPs" gets you?

    (in chronological order as they occurred)
    Reduced END costs for everything (issue 2ish)
    Further reduced END costs for everything (issue 5 or 6)
    Invention system where you can get reduced END usage without trying (issue 9)
    Free Stamina (issue 20?)

    Many players, possibly most, want more for less at all times. These are the players that complained when fire/kins lost 80% of their monkies, when INV scrappers went from 20 times tougher than a blaster to only 6 times tougher, whenever any slight thing is made less powerful, as will happen with about 50% of fixes.

    Do you want to stand with that group? Really?
    Fulmens, you do realize that this entire post is almost the very definition of 'increasing accessibility', yes? And anyone who has played more than one MMO over the last 15 years will know that accessibility is the yellow brick road to profits. This is a for-profit enterprise running this thing, isn't it? Now, some people equate accessibility to 'dumbing down' and they might be right. But they're not cashing larger checks as a result of that dumbing down. So as long as 'easy mode' creates more revenue than 'omgz, so hard', it's going to be the path developers take. So yeah, if standing with that group produces more revenue for the developers (which, by its very nature, increases the life cycle of the game itself), I'll live with it. The alternative is, well, you are familiar with Auto Assault I'd wager?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by macskull View Post
    I disagree, though if this were an old-fashioned high-noon showdown, one side's already winning, and it's sure as heck not yours.
    So true. It seems like every time the devs try to stamp out some type of farm, they graze the people using that farm and light up the people writing real story arcs (whether good or bad). It's like using a Street Sweeper in a mall. Sure, you might hit the person you're aiming at but you'll take down far more people you aren't even trying to hit.

    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    They are if you are selling XP boosters, Inf boosters, IOs, etc, for real money.
    That is an awfully cynical point of view. It has the ring of truth to it, but it's still really cynical.

    Originally Posted by GreenFIame View Post
    Yeah but it's on Beta right now, If you ask me it's a good thing, it's the only way too stop AE Farming on bigger Server like Freedum and Virtue. Plus people keep lvling in Ae and not learning how to play this game and we really don't want more AE Noob around.
    Wow, you are awfully naive if you truly believe this. Go back and look at AE's history up to this point. Is your point of view supported at all by it? Here's my prediction: the new farm type has already been worked out and is being used (VERY sporadically, since folks know how much datamining is done in this game). Once that change goes live, that new farm will be used more often until the "unwashed" (the munchkins as Venture puts it. The folks who don't know or care how a farm works, just that it gets lots of xp/tickets fast with little effort) catch wind of it. Then they'll use it to the exclusion of all else, creating a data point for Marty and starting the whole sordid cycle over again. For like the twentieth time in 3 years.

    What's Einstein's definition of insanity again?
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
    Most of the issues now, I think, all relate to pre-Freedom Purchases. Everything I've bought since (haven't checked on old stuff) lacks a buy option for me at the moment.
    That's just it though. Did this game not exist prior to F2P? I have two accounts and with each one I've purchased all of the booster packs released except two (animal and steampunk) on the second acct. My primary account still has a 'buy' button next to the booster pack parts I bought YEARS ago.

    I think it's annoying and takes away from what is generally a good feature. But now, I'm not buying anything from the cash shop except costume slots, storage expansions, and power sets. All three of which have hard coded limits in place that prevent me from buying what I've already bought and no longer need.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by kusanagi View Post
    It's entirely possible to level to 50 doing nothing but the trial - but I suspect it would get transcendentally boring fairly quickly past level 36 or so.
    Fixed. You still get one to two bars per run in the early 30s, which is preferable to standing around trying to find a team for many. DfB is probably the most accessible content in the game since you don't have to have a strong (solo) build to do it effectively and it takes next to no time to complete.

    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    The people that do this don't care about what they skip. They are only concerned about endgame. They can't understand that this game isn't all about the endgame. In their minds they can't enjoy a game unless they are all powerful.

    I say let them have at it. The sooner they realize this isn't the type of game they like the sooner they'll leave. Don't force them to be miserable. Then they'll only hang around complaining and scaring away players that would like the game.
    Hi Forbin. I've been here since June of 2004. Both of my accounts are paid up until deep into 2012. I'm not going anywhere, and I tend to use the trial to get to at least 22 (Talos/Sharkhead range) since I pretty much hate the levels prior to that. But on a few occasions, I've taken characters into the 30s. I've also done the CEBR thing once. I tried it, it was cool but then I went back to doing whatever I had been doing before. Basically what I'm saying is, your brush is too broad.

    It's possible to do the trial to 50 but it'll slow to a crawl starting at around 38 or so. When I say 'slow to a crawl', I mean like half a bar (probably far less) per run, if my projections are anywhere near the mark.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MechaCrash View Post
    They shun it because it requires the user to not suck with it, and most people do.
    Would you go to college so you can work at McDonald's flipping the proverbial burgers?

    What I mean to say is, if the method you describe requires practice, care, precision, and the oft-misused "skill" to accomplish the same thing the path of least resistance (i.e. the "usual method") does, how can you blame people for wanting to go with the latter option? There are many people who believe this game starts at 50 (boy, what a departure from previous years. But I digress...) and with all of the "farming" (trials, etc) that "has to be done" to fully kit out a character, there aren't many who are willing to spend the time necessary to learn how to effectively use the tactics you allude to. Easier to roll up a class that levels fast or supports really well and jump into teams and do things "the right way" (i.e. the easiest way/the way it's always done/etc).
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Virusman View Post
    And whoever says goldfarmers use AE? They use actual dev created farm missions for purples, and play the market. They don't even necessarily care about GENERATING goods to the market, just getting what's available to sell. Any rate, the potential to make cash is far and above outside of AE.
    The people who think RMTers use AE as a primary means of inf generation don't know any RMTers (from ANY game) and/or are so naive as to believe AE is the single most profitable activity in CoH. It's not, by any stretch of the imagination. Go look at the ever escalating market value of purples and PvP IOs. Now, consider how often salvage and recipe prices spike (especially after double xp weekend and/or an issue that rolls out new powersets). Freedom is making these people drool at the prospects of all those fr00bs descending on the game with ZERO clue on what the 'market value' of anything is. Some of those people will be PL'd up (often for prestige purposes) which will lead to even more "NAO!" type buyers.

    The OP has no idea how creative farmers can be (and exploiters are 10x more creative than farmers - and no, they're not the same group of people). It took Giant all of a couple hours to find a solution that beats the so-called nerf and might be even better than the original solution was. That dev change was like trying to solve a clogged drain by turning off the water (hint: the drain's still clogged).

    I do think Venture's analogy was awesome though (true too).
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SuperJe View Post
    anyways, it just seams lots of people arnt interested in the slower more casual arcs. (like that one poster that said, I make sure to click as fast as i can so i dont slow people down) thats sorta what im talking about. I rather not do that. Take your time, grab a coffee inbewteen missions, enjoy the night.
    The slower, more casual style is typically reserved for solo. When teaming, you have to consider the goals and playstyles of all the people in the team. Not everyone is okay with suboptimal XP (often less than solo) in a slow moving group where everyone's reading the dialogue and having coffees between every mission.

    If it helps any, look for me. My villains are also on Infinity and I have characters from 50 down to 6. I'm usually open to teaming but PUG experiences from the past have made me kinda leery.

    Originally Posted by Major Deej View Post
    I do story arcs every day.

    If I feel like teaming, I'll send out broadcasts, recruit via the global channels, etc. If I get a team; great. If no one replies, I don't start writing forum posts about it. I move along and play em until the next mish, then send out broadcasts, global channel invites, etc and rinse and repeat for each following mish til I have a team.

    My intention is that IF I want to team, I'll form a team if I see none starting up; IF I don't want to team, I go on hide (I may have a busy home schedule, requiring me to get up and afk a lot in one session/evening, ergo, I'll shift to hide mode so I don't waste anyone's time but my own).
    I love people like you.

    Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post
    I think they started to drop in popularity once radio/newspapers came out becuase they were faster to get and run and there were no moments of "GAH, another fed ex mish!" involved with doing a pre-set arc (plus that whole "done these a jillion times already" thing). Most of the PUGing I do these days I never see them run, can't recall the last time I did see one.
    Blueside it's especially heinous. Sure, the merging of the tram lines has made it a little easier but it still sucks to get a mission from a contact in Founders and have the mission be in Kings Row. Or worse, those legacy contacts that make you do eleventy billion missions (half of which seem to be fedexes) before they give you their phone number (I'm lookin' at you, Agent Six! Amanda Loomis too, in the buttcrack of IP). It's just not worth the hassle when you have scanner and tip missions which benefit the entire group (advancing them toward safeguard/mayhems in that zone and alignment).
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post

    I don't recall seeing any on Virtue even. I may have missed them, I'm completely open to that, but the only place I see them at all is on Freedom.
    Originally Posted by Jetpack View Post
    My Crazy 88 character has seen them in Atlas on Virtue.
    Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
    I've seen them reported them and moved on.
    Yep. I've seen 'em on Virtue, Infinity (Cap ffs!), and Victory. On a Saturday night in Talos on Victory, it's not all that rare to have one of them posted in WW running their script though Atlas is far more common a location, it seems. It's just one of those things you just have to deal with (much like taxes) and I don't think the devs can really do anything substantive to put a stop to it. Or, they could, but it would come at a great cost that can't be justified.
  10. RemianenI

    Annoying Players

    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Next thing you know those losers are coming onto the forums and whining how their server is dead because they can't find any teams.
    Yup, leaving out the part where their momotard behavior made them persona non grata.

    The OP makes me glad I don't play any of my kins in PUGs.
  11. /Regen and /Willpower. I have one of each primary (scrapper & brute). The /regen scrappers predate the willpower ones (obviously) but they're both heavily favored.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Securitron XI View Post
    Go back to 1999 and read up on an Everquest guild named Conquest killing "The Sleeper" if you really don't understand the concept. (although sadly you will probably get the polluted "we are innocent!" version)
    That'd be kinda hard since Sleeper was in Velious and that expansion didn't come out until like late 2000 (and no one was in ST until March or April of '01....because it was launched broken). Furthermore, they weren't killing Kerafyrm. They were exploiting on the warders (Ventani is the one they got busted on, if I remember right). And that case has absolutely nothing to do with this discussion btw. In fact, there are people here who wish Paragon Studios would do to people here what SOE did to the people who exploited the warders, or exploited Ssra Temple (zone crash! Raid mob reset!) or exploited Grieg (pre-leashing) or PoJ trials or exploited pathing in PoTime and so on and so forth. Blue diamond dupe bug? BANS! Cheese "exploit" (due to some dev setting the resale price of a craftable item wrong)? BANS! We don't tend to see too much of that here.

    Removing XP from AE would be a clear message from the devs that they've given up on ever keeping pace with the exploiters and that they've given up, for all intents and purposes, on the Architect feature. That would be unseemly considering how many copycats are being produced right now (I'm looking at you, STO's Foundry).
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    I pronounce mine "Which-one-do-I-want-to-play-now" most times.

    Go Altitis.


    But for the stunning chica in my avatar, Ravenna: Rah-VEHN-nah. Most of my heroes' names are easy since they end in -shrike so (in the sig, Diamond, Flame, and Swift)....

    One character that no one even tries to pronounce (no idea why) is Aridania. Derr, AH-REE-DAHN-YA.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FourSpeed View Post
    My Conclusion:

    The basic premise is that I get far better performance, far sooner, for a
    far better price, for the longest part of the toon's playing career, than I
    could by waiting till higher level.

    As a predominantly solo player, that is a hands down, no-brainer win in my book...

    4 is wise.

    I start slotting sets at 27 (L30 IO sets). The reason for that is kinda odd. Back in the day, I stockpiled sets that weren't in vogue at the time (especially Thunderstrike and Detonation). I'd stash the recipes on rarely played alts and keep on keepin' on. Fast forward a couple years (AE was what, issue 14?) when I logged one of those characters in and realized their recipes were full. OMG, building spree. So with around 18 full sets of Thunderstrike (all level 30) left now, I've still got some time before I have to worry about buying any more. Plus, for me, why I do sets at such an early level is the same reason why I eat halibut, steak, or the like or spend money playing online games when there are people who can't get the ends to within an inch of each other (much less make those ends meet): because I can. I don't believe in depriving myself or deferring enjoyment when it's not necessary to do so.

    I like how my characters perform when they're IO'd. I like not having to worry about enhancements from 27 to 47 (ish). I like being able to sell pretty much every drop I get on that character, thus preparing them for when they'll need a bankroll (47ish). Whether it makes sense to others is immaterial. I have one of every modern console....and I don't even LIKE console games (PC 4 LYFE, y0). To many people, that doesn't make sense. Besides, it's not like making inf is hard. No use hoarding it.
  15. RemianenI

    Boxing vs Kick

    Originally Posted by JuliusSeizure View Post
    The Stun on Boxing is only mag 2, so unless you stack mag, which is very rare, you will only really be stunning minions.
    Seems easier to do with Energy Melee and Super Strength but yeah, generally speaking, this is right on point.

    I'm taking Kick on all my characters who get the fighting pool, for these reasons:

    Originally Posted by JuliusSeizure View Post
    However, I prefer the Kick's "THIS IS SPARTA" animation.
    Originally Posted by TheBruteSquad View Post
    Get kick. At least it's an excuse to scream "This... is ... SPARTA" randomly and kick grey con mobs off buildings.
    Yes indeed!

    I have fighting on SS and EM characters (as well as dual pistols and archery blasters) so the kick is better since I already have enough punches (SS/EM) or it fits the set better (DP/Arch). I didn't slot them (not even as mules) so they're only good for effect, for me.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Skyster View Post
    The way I see it, the game was supposed to be about teaming, but lately it seems like it's harder to find / make a team. Maybe because so many players think anything other than AE is a waste of time?

    The way I understand it, you get more XP when teaming, right? And from my experience, just running papers / radios is better than AE. Cuzz you never know what someone is gonna put in an AE mish. I tried one the other day, was nothing but EB's everywhere. Waste of time, when I coulda been piling up defeats vs regular mobs.

    I think the devs need to make the mission transporter have a much faster recharge than 30 minutes. I hate it when someone joins my team, then sees the mish is in FL, then drops instantly. Just because it would take them a few minutes to get there.

    I think if teaming was easier to get started, folks wouldn't worry about trying to solo a defender or troller. I mean, adding just one def or troller is basically free XP for all. There's got to be a way to make teaming easier, like an "auto team" mode or something, so nobody has to bear the "burden" of leadership.
    Wow, lot of assumptions in this post. First off, I have never had difficulty putting together a team. Then again, to me 'a team' doesn't mean '8 people' like it does with many other folks. I'm a team all by myself (2boxing). I recruit in a global channel I frequent and can add anywhere from 1 to 7 more people (dropping one of my boxes if necessary), pretty much at any time of the day (right JD? ).

    Secondly, you're assuming that adding the features you favor would be some kind of panacea for the problems you perceive with grouping. Look, teaming has issues that many people (myself included, with the exception of folks in the aforementioned global channel) don't want to deal with. For example, I don't want your (general 'your', not you specifically) real life impeding on my free time. Crying baby? Your real life. Having to constantly go afk makes you a drain that isn't really contributing as much as a person who'd be there full time. Yes, I understand quite well the issues that come with things like that. It's one reason why I won't join or make a team if I'm going to be distracted constantly (or at all).

    Thirdly, while you get more xp by teaming, you do not get more drops. Thus, you level fast but are often poor (at least for those not initiated enough to mitigate that). So people get to 50 and then complain about IO prices because they haven't made any scratch along the way. This is one reason (perhaps not the biggest though) AE missions remain somewhat popular. EVERYONE on the team gets tickets. Everyone is rewarded in kind for contributing. That's not the case with teams in "normal" content.

    All that said, the autogroup thing would be a good idea if it was opt-in (not opt-out, like in STO). My niece loves PUGs to death for the sheer carnage and chaos that often occurs in them (she says, "It's like watching two Japanese bullet trains collide. All you can think to say is, OMG"). I can't say I share that view. But an autogroup mechanic would be awesome for those passive types who don't like making groups (which takes time, especially if you're one of those 'group = 8 people' types) or don't like global channels.

    Originally Posted by DrMike2000 View Post
    1) The artificial mechanism which gives you more XP on a team. By artificial I mean the devs had to spend effort coding this to make it work, with the intent of rewarding team play
    The devs' efforts fell down and went boom the day I9 went live.

    Originally Posted by DrMike2000 View Post
    There should be sets that are poor solo-ers that shine on teams. We should have the choice to choose to make team-oriented characters or solo-oriented ones.
    I completely agree. Even as a primarily solo player, I have team oriented characters that I use for that purpose (even if that purpose is only served as being the caddy for characters on my other account).

    Originally Posted by Traegus View Post
    when the game started, teaming was where it was at
    Not exactly. Anyone who remembers 'City of Blasters' would know that. Groups often slowed you down without providing anything necessary to improve your XP per time....unless the group was all AR/dev, that is. What would you need a group for with Smoke Grenade? You're already pretty much unhittable and that defender isn't going to do any damage worth mentioning and their buffs are largely unnecessary. Use them to pad, hit cloaking device, and superspeed through the map to set spawns then drop the dead weight ("Thanks!").

    My primary issue with teaming in CoX (for reasons other than socializing) is trading inf/income for XP that may or may not exceed what I could do on my own (depending on the team). So I'm literally paying for that XP, which is a fair trade for me (because I regularly interact with the market) but may not fit for most players (who don't, quite frankly). I do recall struggling to afford SOs at 22 whereas now, I can afford that by level 10 (if not sooner). Or maybe that's just the difference between the 'leave it overnight' types and the 'GOTTA HAVE IT NAO!' faction. But I do have several friends who zoomed through the levels jumping from team to team and wound up with lint in their pockets (figuratively speaking) at 40+.
  17. Hehe my start was odd.

    I was the raid leader of a guild in....another game and word got back to me that a couple of my core members (main tank and top wizard) were raid skipping, playing another game. Since they were brothers and given the source (the main tank's wife, our top cleric), it was a situation I had to deal with. So before I did anything, I called them and asked them about it. They told me about CoH (which I had stopped following after they ditched the origin system) and I picked up a copy. During off nights, we would play and they had already gotten close to the cap so I was the lowbie sidekick. Coming from EQ, the very idea of fighting mobs 9 levels higher (outside of raids) was inconceivable but they showed me that and more. I rolled a fire blaster at their insistence and man, between fireballs and burn patches, it was just ridiculous how stuff died. I got to see all of the things newbies nowadays have no idea about. I sat at the Brickstown tram for an hour watching my xp bar fill up. I saw how crazy Burn and Smoke Grenade were. Hover-snipe while mobs just ran back and forth until they died? Yup. Of course, after the purple patch and burn nerf, my guildies quit playing and so did I for a while (Omens of War came out...and WoW shortly after that) but when I came back (Issue 4 release), I deleted that blaster and started playing around with some of the characters I had made (but not played) back then. Opened the second account in May of '05 and been here (on annual billing, no less) ever since. The only time I regretted it was the first time I signed up for a year. Not three weeks later, Issue 5 hit Test. Boy was I questioning that decision for months afterward.
  18. I don't see things like many present-day MMO players do. I don't value $15 (or, in this case, $143.40 x2) as much as many people might. I haven't logged in to CoX since late August (shortly before Labor Day weekend) but I'd still maintain my account simply because I like the game itself. I play several MMOs, depending on my mood, and feel no need to restrict myself to any one (or two or four). I don't pay month to month on any game that I truly enjoy playing (or, obviously, any game I've purchased a lifetime sub to) and CoX is the only one I relegate to annual billing (on two accounts).

    With 72 months on one account and a month from 60 on the other, I keep playing (and paying, with all packs released thus far and Going Rogue on both accounts) because I like the game. I got over the continuing to play because of "the community" thing with EQ (aka "EverCrack" at one time, for that very reason). If the game sucks, the community won't keep me playing (right Horizons...errr, Istaria?). I can talk to my ingame friends out of game (phone, text, TS/Vent/Mumble, visits and cons, etc) so paying for a glorified chatroom when I'm already paying for the same things, seems daft to me. I "waste" money "all the time" (most of my colleagues: "You pay every play A GAME? REALLY?") but this isn't one of those examples. So while I may go off to play another game for a minute, I'm always coming back to the characters Poison has (and will) immortalized, here.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
    DON'T say it. I know of four people who spend money from their unemployment checks, on their MMO subs and I can almost guarantee there are thousands more (in, oh let's just say, another game).

    But no, not in that boat. I bought GR for one account but will buy the box set (Complete Collection or summat?) for the other maybe next month.

    For the OP, maybe sign up for the various contests they run for a free copy?
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Robson View Post
    I have 3 or 4 new alts that I'm waiting to make so they can grow up in Going Rogue-land... anyone else doing this?
    Um, yeah. I would imagine most everyone has at least a few on queue. I'm planning to max out on slots on my main servers (Virtue, Infinity, Victory) just so I don't have to decide which server to put which characters (outside of side restrictions - i.e. my villains are on Infinity, exclusively, with heroes on Victory and Virtue. That setup's not going to change).
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    I realize that a significant amount of the player-base hardly cares about game design mechanics, and that possible a larger amount of the player-base doesn't care about thematic design elements either. My argument for not proliferating Super-Strength to scrappers is largely centered on the thematic design rather than the mechanical design.

    I realize that a significant amount of the player population does not think their should be a different gameplay experience for each separate archtype. I realize that a significant amount of the player population does not think that their chosen archtype should fill any mechanically designed role in the game as a default setting. I realize that a significant amount of the player population will leverage any in-game mechanics that they can to make their chosen archtype into something it was not designed to be.

    Ergo, I realize that the positioning of my argument against proliferating the Super Strength set is only going to be a viable argument for those who care about thematic and mechanic design elements. It is not going to be an effective or useful argument against a player who cares about neither design elements and simply wants the set to be ported.
    You do realize that if the above is true then your argument is moot, yes? If a "significant amount of the player population" wants something (reasonable), they get it, as they should. Few people actually care what you (or I or him or her) think in this regard. Personally, I've been clamoring for energy melee for scrappers since Issue 4 because, as you allude to, there are things I could do with that set's secondary effect (even after it's been gutted like it has) combined with a prodigious regeneration rate (and now, IOs). But I think the devs see that as well so I'm not holding my breath. But the whole "it doesn't fit thematically for me" argument is the sign of a very self-absorbed persona. Bottom line, if it'll make a 'significant amount of the player population' happy and can be done in a way that doesn't turn the game on its ear, do it.

    Oh and BrandX, sorry, Martial Arts doesn't come close to being a suitable stand-in for super strength. Tenzhi's right, MA doesn't have nearly the same 'feel' as super strength, by design. Tell me where I can find the foot stomp-esque animation for eagles claw. Haven't seen that one yet.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nitra View Post
    Talk about good timing... I was told at work that I have to use some vacation days or they will expire by the end of the month... and it just so happens GR is launching th 17th..

    I see me talking a few days off during that time...

    is anyone here planning on taking time off from work or whatever in order to play GR when it comes out?
    Newp, but I can telecommute and honestly, CoX doesn't require full attention most of the time. I only take time off for double xp weekends (since wasting time during those is a SIN) or expansion releases in other games.
  23. Actually, about the only thing that baffles and annoys me is just how incredibly stupid many of the groups are.

    For example, put yourself in this situation. You and three of your compadres come across a mark. One guy hits the mark square in the chest with a shotgun blast. No effect, mark keeps coming. Another guy blasts the mark square in the shoulder with a sledgehammer. Nothin'. Third guy empties an SMG clip into the mark. Nada. So you, being the super genius you are, decide you're going to get the job done....with your bowie knife? Come on! I want slicer type mobs given AoC-esque graphic death animations just because they're probably the dumbest mobs ever.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by seebs View Post
    So, imagine that you just made 27 and didn't have any rich alts or rich friends. What would you be putting in for enhancements? How would you get it?
    Made 24 on an ill/rad controller and bought generic IOs for every slot on her (even the prestige sprints) and still had 104m left over. It's not all that hard. You just have to pay attention and spend half your time soloing. Actually half. Teaming is great for xp but horrid for loot. This concept is almost universal in MMOs.

    Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
    I haven't slotted a single SO into her build ever.
    I haven't slotted a single SO (or DO, for that matter) into any character of mine since I10. There's just no need to do so.

    Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
    Don't buy pre-crafted IOs. You're going to be paying a convienience fee (time=money!). Ever buy milk and bread from a gas station? Yeah, the prices are jacked up.
    I disagree. I buy crafted generics for less than half the crafting cost every single day (and that's no exaggeration). While the above might be true for set IOs, it's not for generics. But patience is a virtue that not many seen to have anymore.

    Originally Posted by seebs View Post
    I mostly ran on teams to level up, so I didn't get many drops at all. I'd guess I had about 900k inf from actually selling stuff (often listing things at much more than the apparent going rate and waiting a while for them to sell), and the rest I got by farming WW for vendorable recipes to make a bit of a profit.

    I'm told that I'd have more money if I'd been soloing that whole time.
    You'd have possibly an order of magnitude more "money".

    Originally Posted by Goldberg View Post
    I wouldn't be concerned about having everything slotted at level 27. Most of my characters have empty slots because I consider it a waste of money to buy SOs that are going to expire in a few levels. Slots some enhancements in your bread and butter powers and move on

    Soloing may give you more chances at drops but depending on your AT it can become a painful grind and you will start leveling at a slower rate. Just be patient - by the time you are level 50 you will have enough influence to have a full set of SOs will money left over.
    I'll admit, I'm spoiled. There's no way I'd even bother playing a character with empty slots beyond level 12 (though I did do an experiment with no enhancements until 22). My typical path is L10 generics at L7, L15s at 12, L20s at 17, L25s at 22 then sets at 27+. With proper planning, I know from experience it's possible to have even the "big ticket" sets (like Obliteration, Kinetic Combat, and Basilisk's Gaze) fully slotted by 39. MA tickets for some uniques (Kismet, Karma/Steadfast Protection, etc) and typically merits for others (Regen tissue, Numina, Miracle, LOTG), in addition to selling the "crap" I get in between typically has me well over 100m by level 40. By 50, it just gets downright silly. With some luck, it gets to the point where going for Field Crafter is basically a given since the inf coming in is like a flood compared to the trickle of inf going out (even paying ridiculous prices for salvage).

    The hardest part of all of this is starting out. But every journey begins with the first step. My situation is somewhat different since I probably have way more playtime than most. I've done Fury Flechette's method successfully (to the tune of 679m by level 42) and I've done Nethergoat's with intermittent play at work (wipe a spawn, hide and minimize window, return whenever and repeat). I've even done Fulmens' "get rid of inf by converting it to prestige" thing. It also helps that I like doing this sort of thing (I can go from dead broke in the newbie zone to the gold cap in WoW before I hit 70. 60 if I fixate on it). I also prefer to solo (or 2box) since it offers me the best reward per time. I've seen the wages of 'fast leveling without taking care of your gear/overall development' in other games and never wanted to wind up in that situation.

    It just requires a bit of care and planning, really. The single person SG thing is a good idea too (and one I've followed since I6 ) but that's just for convenience and autonomy.