Re: enhancement converter change of plan?
Meh, I think it's probably for the best. You're still free to use converters the same way you planned to originally, you just need to earn them by playing the game now. *gasp*
As I said in your other-cross-posted thread, it's beta. If you did it before it went Live, then you were speculating for realz, and it's your own fault.
You were trying to game the system. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
You want to know what "listening to the voice of VIPs" gets you?
(in chronological order as they occurred)
Reduced END costs for everything (issue 2ish)
Further reduced END costs for everything (issue 5 or 6)
Invention system where you can get reduced END usage without trying (issue 9)
Free Stamina (issue 20?)
Many players, possibly most, want more for less at all times. These are the players that complained when fire/kins lost 80% of their monkies, when INV scrappers went from 20 times tougher than a blaster to only 6 times tougher, whenever any slight thing is made less powerful, as will happen with about 50% of fixes.
Do you want to stand with that group? Really?
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
Just to be clear: they didn't get rid of the converters. They're just making them available by different means in order to address some of the complaints people had about RMT and pay-to-win. The converters will still be in the game. If anything, it sounds like they will be more available now than previously indicated.
Also... it's beta. That was the warning, and that was the only warning needed. In fact, they're still in beta. There may be more changes coming.
Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie
(in chronological order as they occurred)
Reduced END costs for everything (issue 2ish) Further reduced END costs for everything (issue 5 or 6) Invention system where you can get reduced END usage without trying (issue 9) Free Stamina (issue 20?) Many players, possibly most, want more for less at all times. These are the players that complained when fire/kins lost 80% of their monkies, when INV scrappers went from 20 times tougher than a blaster to only 6 times tougher, whenever any slight thing is made less powerful, as will happen with about 50% of fixes. Do you want to stand with that group? Really? |
Back to my twofold question. Why was a decision like this made by the extreme minority (it didn't even include the voice of VIPs), and why was a decision like this made without formally notifying the community that something would be retracted from the market that was explicitly stated would be part of the market?
2) It's beta. Every aspect of the systems on beta is subject to dramatic change, at any time, with no warning. That's how it works.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
You want to know what "listening to the voice of VIPs" gets you?
(in chronological order as they occurred) Reduced END costs for everything (issue 2ish) Further reduced END costs for everything (issue 5 or 6) Invention system where you can get reduced END usage without trying (issue 9) Free Stamina (issue 20?) Many players, possibly most, want more for less at all times. These are the players that complained when fire/kins lost 80% of their monkies, when INV scrappers went from 20 times tougher than a blaster to only 6 times tougher, whenever any slight thing is made less powerful, as will happen with about 50% of fixes. Do you want to stand with that group? Really? |
@Remianen / @Remianen Too

Sig by RPVisions
It is both "increasing accessibility" and "dumbing down the game".
See also the blueside respec trial. See also the ability to keep 5 levels worth of powers when exemped. See also the successive reduction in debt: "half indoors", "day jobs", "debt reduction powers", etc.
I don't know why Auto Assault failed. And after carefully rereading your post, I _still_ don't know why Auto Assault failed. Evidence?
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
Auto Assault was not a hard game. IMO it failed because it was dull. The quests were boring, and the 'holy trinity' class design was uninspired and inappropriate for a game based on vehicular combat. Driving in that game was about as much fun as the driving sequences in Mass Effect, and that's a mortal sin in a game which is all about driving. If the takeaway by AA's dev team was that the game failed because it was too hard, then they learned the wrong lessons.
Wait, what was this thread about again?
I had just read a thread (I can not find it now) that indicated on Beta, enhancement converters will no longer be available for purchase on the market.
My issue with this is two fold. Announcing the converters shifted vast quantities of wealth around. It seriously impacted how people thought of, and bought, various recipes of high value. My question is this. At no point did the devs ever indicate it would be possible that they would strip these from the market. Doing so seems to be a kneejerk response to pvp farmers no longer being able to charge 2+bill for their enhancements, something that was already excessive to start with.
I think it is completely unacceptable that something listed as market worthy is being stripped from the market without warning or indication as to why. The value of marketable enh converters puts the market on a more level playing field, where you no longer have enh being sold in excess of the inf cap for a given player, and enables players to purchase such items without abusing the nature of the market to store multiple billions of inf.
Back to my twofold question. Why was a decision like this made by the extreme minority (it didn't even include the voice of VIPs), and why was a decision like this made without formally notifying the community that something would be retracted from the market that was explicitly stated would be part of the market?
Hew in drag baby