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I keep seeing the repeated suggestion that we need an influence sink in game. After watching much of the Pummit it occured to me that there might be a way to kill two birds with one stone.
How about selling the Super Packs (both pack I and the soon coming pack II) through a vendor at Pocket D? The vendor could have a booth like a legit biz or could be some shady character standing in a shadowed corner. Whatever, as long as one is there!
I am unsure of pricing so this number will need adjusting, but perhaps something like 100,000,000 or so would buy a five pack Super Packs. (25 cards total).
This would remove some (Or even much!) of the inflation causing excess Inf from the game and it would allow some of our more cash poor players a shot at some of the Super Pack rewards. . . -
I have two VIP accounts and my daughter has her own account. She does not get to play as often so her's is not VIP account though she has purchased a few items. I would love to be able to gift points or reward tokens to her as one of my accounts has a surplus. For that matter I would love to be able to transfer some from one VIP account to the other now and then.
I very much like the idea of being able to gift Reward Tokens and Paragon Points. -
It is very annoying, not being able to take Fly as a Warshade. I would love to see that changed, I would respec my 50 just to take advantage of that.
In truth I hate traveling to WW as there is usually a spammer there and I find them very annoying.
Quote:No, no it really wouldn't. Especially when you have to side-swap if you want Patron powers on Hero, despite their being no good reason that any character couldn't have that stuff. Mu lightning is not unique to Scirocco, anyone with talent can use Netherworld energy, there are tons of tech Heroes that could easily confiscate Arachnos maces and make them work and the Leviathan's powers are not unique to Mako.
But that's exactly what I like about it, you have to do something to EARN access to Patron Power Pools.
That's pretty damned cool! Not everyone can have it, unless they are willing to EARN it.
Of course I feel there should be Heroic equivalents too. -
Wentworth's is not a social place, folks there are marketing and not there to socialize. So I think your argument that it is a gathering place is invalid.
No thank you. /AH is earned after so much time in the game, it's a privilege to not be forced to travel there all the time anymore. -
It would be awesome if they were story Arc Locked like the Patron Power Pools.
Quote:I dont think an in depth lore was provided for demon summoning when they were added to the game, angelic summoning could be provided without an explanation as well & leave the players to define what they are.
To avoid three powers starting with the name Divine, perhaps rename Divine Bolt & Divine Light to Cosmic Bolt & Celestial Light.
Agreed, origin can and should be vague/non specific and Divine is a likely trigger word. -
I will be happy when (If) we can set beacons for all the areas we can get the badges for. Rogues for example, can collect all of the blueside beacon badges for their bases, but they cannot place them yet. Then base alignment will be less of an issue.
But I liked it here, this is the suggestion forum after all. And I hate being told "No Feedback"!
Yes please, not just tights, but skins as well.
I once suggested "Sidekick" as a 50+ Power (Before incarnates happened). I still think it would make an excellent addition to the incarnate list. Basically I saw it as a second character which you leveled up to a point where you could eventually play it solo. Probably no practical game mechanic to make it work though.
You get Paragon Points for spending xx amount of cash in the store. You spend these Paragon Points on the pyramid, tier by tier until you complete T9. Spend enough cash and you can buy your way to T9 pretty quick.
I am perfectly happy having to craft them as the recipes are very cheap at WW. I too would love to see new Jetboots, Jetpacks, Wings, and just more varied costume parts in general.
Keep'em coming! -
Awesome idea, I love the visual appeal. But a real atlatl set should include a few melee attacks with the atlatl as a club! Would make for an awesome barbarian themed toon.
As to the OP, I completely agree Trick Arrow needs some alternate animations and those are great suggestions.
I would like to include Baseball Bat with (Trick) Ball to your list. -
Doesn't that degrade overall image quality? I love ultra mode graphics and the details it provides, I would rather not loose any of that, just tone down all the wild FX. It's really only a handful of players that use over the top bright clashing colors, but put two or three of them on a team or league and it can get rough. I am sure I cannot be the only one with this issue!
Quote:Thank you Forbin, you said it better than I did. I was not trying to deny double auras, just trying to have a way to subdue the brighter ones on my own monitor.I didn't read what he posted as trying to rob other players ability to create the kind of costumes they want, but as the ability to control what he sees on his computer. What difference does it make to you if someone uses a filter to screen what shows up on his monitor? It doesn't affect you costume or gameplay.
My point was that many Titan Weapons are as large or larger than the toons using them. Not the kinda thing you are likely to slide into a pocket or sheath. Not that we have those in the game either, but I think you understand my point.
I would think that if you have purchased a power set then the pool should also be unlocked for you. I doubt that every power set would be suitable. Beast Master for example, I just don't think you could make a balanced four power pool from it or any of the Master Mind pet sets for that matter.
And I could maybe see some limitations, not really sure it would be all that great to give a martial artist toon access to four repeat powers for example.
But by and large, you should be able to make most of the power sets work out as power pools. -
This could easily be expanded to encompass not just weapons, but virtually any other power set. A slice of four attack powers from Martial Arts for example or maybe Kinetic Melee.
Heh, I could envision toons that only had one or two powers from their primary sets and the rest filled out with pools, and really, I see nothing wrong with that!
Power Pools for all! -
I think that I did hear something about Celestial dropping from T9 VIP in the near future, perhaps they will move it to the store?
Quote:I think these would be better suited as Epic Pools than normal pools. While I DO understand the desire to round out your concept earlier on, but even if it was available then I'd wait until the 30s to slot what I need over what I want.Quote:Overall I think that they should be Epic Power Pools with ranged weapons (Dual Pistols, Assault Rifle, ect) be made available only to melee toons (Scrapper, Brute, ect) and melee weapons (Swords, Staff, ect) only to ranged toons. Whips, I'm not sure about. Maybe melee.
Not to pick on you, but I have to disagree with both of these statements. Let them become available as soon as power pools are unlocked. Seriously, I see no valid reason for restricting these pools to "Epic" status or character/fighting class. This is really more about character concept and depth in my opinion. These pools are not going to create instant ubertoons and I just don't see them as unbalancing in anyway.
I personally would want to use a weapons pool to give my melee toon some ranged attacks. But there is no reason to lock it down to just that function. If I have an energy blaster who wants to carry a pistol too, that does nothing to hurt game balance and can only add more flavor to the character.
Weapon power pools are a seriously cool idea that deserve to be in game!