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  1. Remaugen

    Why only six?

    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    Honestly, I'd like to go the other way - more less-than-6-piece sets with decent bonuses, and a few "free agent" IOs (either generic, say, End/Acc for instance, or oddballs like Heal/EndMod, or a proc, possibly some with 100% chance for a small effect.)
    Absolutely Bill, I would love to see three and four piece sets with genuinely decent set bonuses. It has much more appeal to me than choosing four to six to slot from eight and ten piece sets.

    BUT, I would also like to see more slots opened for 50+ continued XP rewards. If, for example, at level 50 (Incarnate or not) you unlocked the ability to add extra slots, then at what would be the required XP goal for the next level, you received one additional slot to put where ever you wanted. This could eventually allow perhaps 8-10 enhancement slots per power. Players would continue to get some form of growth and improvement after 50, but not anything really game unbalancing and it would allow people who devote a lot of time to their 50s to ultimately make them pretty uber.

    This would make both of the thread suggestions work!
  2. Gotta say "NO!" to this one.

    Bad Dark Energon, that's just being mean! No biscuit for you.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    There's a tool of some sort to create Icons for this game? Where can I find such a thing?
    +1 Gimme!
  4. On further reflection I am growing much more enthusiastic about this set. It's has much more depth than I saw on my initial reading. Seriously cool potential, the suggestions for visuals are great, 'specially when linked with Kirsten's origin specific animations/FX suggestion.

    This one gets my officially unimportant seal of approval! I like it!
  5. That's a Defender Primary and a Secondary for Controllers/Corruptors/Masterminds?

    Just trying to wrap my head around it. On the surface it does seem cool though Leo does have a point that it might be visually boring. Still though, certainly worth consideration!
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nos482 View Post
    . . . <Snip!> also on an almost unrelated note, new forms for Kheldians would be nice
    I completely agree >>Quantums, Voids & Galaxyies, Oh my!<<
  7. Remaugen

    incarnate shards

    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
    Did a BAF, STF, and t3 Alpha...

    I just think the RNG hates you atm
    The quirky RNG certainly hates me most of the time. Day and a half of hardcore play and only three shards, but strangely three purple recipes which never happens to me.

    Some of my toons trip over shards but my newest 50 (Staff Stalker) just can't draw them at all, but she does attract the purples. . . Quirky!
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Can I have a new vanity travel power that lets me do this?
    Only if you have to shoot bananas out your nose whenever you activate it.
  9. It's a great idea, but we cannot allow it to happen before we get evil clowns. (All clowns are evil.)
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Must be Friday.
    And it is still just as valid and as good an idea as it was last Friday and the preceding three hundred and seventy five Fridays since it first came up.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cerulean_Shadow View Post
    . . .<Snip!> I just want them automatically retoggled AFTER you click them off, like what happens now when you log into the game. <Snip!> . . .

    Exactly, completely, in total, this is WHAT.I.WANT.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
    As someone else noted, they aren't supposed to be completely ignored either, which is what happens most of the time (unless someone wants the badge, in which case they get to try to cajole an IMO unreasonable number of people to donate their time for nothing). Surely there is some middle ground to be found?

    And I have no objection to someone farming Giant Monsters, if they can do it then they deserve the rewards.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    Thirty-seven mentioned an "Incursion" event in their PVP suggestion thread.
    That must be where I got the impression that is was PVP, re-reading your original post still leaves me thinking you were suggesting a confusing PVP event.

    Were you suggesting that your toon is being used as an NPC/Bot? If so, please forgive my confusion, but that has even less appeal to me.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    I never expected that you of all people would think this is dating.

    I choked on my coffee, that's just too funny!
  15. So I am trying to visualize this, are you describing a Titan Gun?
  16. This is the kind of thing I might try once for a lark, but not really interested in PvP.
    Sounds like a good idea to me really, but it's just not my cup of tea.
  17. A "Valentines Pack" should include a cherubic Cupid vanity pet.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grim Saint View Post

    So make base raids PVE.

    That's so painfully simple that it is beautiful. I have longed for some sort of SG event and this would fill that need nicely.

    Sometime ago there was a thread here suggesting personal carrier Arch Nemesis or Nemeses which during idle moments, would ambush/attack you on the street. This same idea could easily be applied to SGs with appropriately level scaled opponents from your group Nemesis attacking SG members in the base.

    Brilliant suggestion!
  19. Remaugen

    Fixing PvP?

    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Who said I was joking? Have you met some of the obnoxious {pancakes} that shoot their foul little mouths off in PvP zones? Those little creeps should be sterilized in the most painful way possible to keep them from reproducing.

    Precisely what destroyed any further desire to PvP for me.
  20. Master Mind love is waaaayyyy overdue. I doubt we will ever get full customization, but we really deserve at least a selection alternative models for our pets. Not just females body types, but themed types as well. Longbow, Arachnos troops and PPD to swap for Mercs. Clockworks for Robots and so forth. Let them be chosen through the tailor on the power customization screen.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
    . . .<Snip!> It's still better than clowns .

    There isn't ANYTHING that could ever be better than evil clowns for a Master Mind! (All clowns are inherently evil!) Though toys could come close if done like the OP suggests. . .
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cheetatron View Post
    Imo what they should do is
    -just add an advanced brawl to the fighting pool
    -replace the animations of boxing and kick with brawl if player is a weapon user
    -Allow us to just skip these powers so we can get to the ones that are useful to most builds

    I have often wondered about the rational for forcing you to take Boxing or Kick to get Tough & Weave. For me it's a wasted power that's seldom used. If they were better attacks then I might be more inclined to accept them, either one or both. . .
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    I'm not sure I want to see a 'standardized reward' for every GM. I'd rather see each GM get it's own table for rewards, maybe even its own merit amount. like maybe one you can pick the merits or pick a temp power or the like or even a costume part.

    Adamastor was definitely a step in the right direction, people seem to enjoy taking him on regularly. 10 merits and 5 threads (for 50s) once a day is not bad at all.
    I agree, each Giant Monster should offer something unique in addition to merits. Temp powers and costume parts are an excellent suggestion. Perhaps we could add unique non-combat pets, and specific special weapons (Appropriate to class of course), to the costume parts.
  24. We have all seen the wild inflation at WW & BM, (Held in check only by the Infl cap) and that is largely due to an excess amount of Infl circulating in the game. Selling Super Packs for Infl will not solve that problem for all of our billionaires, but game wide, selling Super Packs for Infl could/would reduce the total volume of game cash in circulation. This would in turn bring market prices down to more manageable numbers. The "Gambleholics" would dump much of their infl on the packs, I really do think this would be a valid and effective infl sink game wide.

    I do understand that Super Packs are big time fast cash for Paragon Studios, they are the #1 selling item in the market, that is because they are the most desirable item sold. Even with burning Infl for Super Packs, I still think they would remain the best seller. . .
  25. Not sure exactly how I feel about this, the Astral & Emp markets have their own flavor and items, my gut feeling is to say "No" to having them sell VIP items even though players must be VIP to get Astral and Empyrean Merits.