New Mastermind Primary - Toy Master




The idea of the Toy Master is someone who uses seemingly harmless children's toys to wreak havoc against their foes. His weapon of choice is a multi purpose air-powered toy gun. It is capable of firing a variety of 'ammo', including BBs, rubber balls, simple water balloons and firecrackers. Unlike most masterminds, along with the standard pet upgrade(s), the Toy Master has access to additional ammo types via a 'swap ammo' type power.

The reason behind the clone 'Swap Ammo' power is because I feel the Mastermind primary attacks are extremely under utilized. Giving them more unique effects, especially ones that could benefit a particular fight seems practical in fixing the one flaw that I personally find Mastermind attacks have.

Toy Master

  • Level 1: Rapid Fire
  • Level 1: Toy Soldiers
  • Level 2: High-Powered Shot
  • Level 6: Upgrade Toys
  • Level 8: Swap Toy Ammo
  • Level 12: Wind-up War Toys
  • Level 18: Scatter Army Men
  • Level 26: Giant Teddy Bear
  • Level 32: Toy Master's Revenge

Level 1: Rapid Fire [Ranged (Cone), Light DMG(Lethal/Special), Foe -Res/Special]
- You fire off a barrage of quick BB rounds in a minor cone in front of you causing light lethal damage and reducing the Damage Resistance of up to three enemies for a short time. Damage: Light Recharge: Fast NOTE: Changing your ammo type with the "Swap Toy Ammo" power will change your damage from lethal to smashing, cold or fire. Additionally, changing your ammunition type will also change the secondary effect of this attack from resistance debuff to a minor chance of knockdown and disorient if "Rubber Balls Ammo" is loaded, a greater chance of knockdown and minor recharge speed debuff if "Water Balloons Ammo" is loaded, or in addition to the lethal damage, a minor damage over time effect if "Firecracker Ammo" is loaded.

Level 1: Toy Soldiers [Summon Toy Soldiers]
- You toss down one to three (depending on your level) innocent looking presents. The gifts collapse to reveal your tiny Toy Soldier(s), armed with rifles and ready to march chaos upon your foes. These Toy Soldiers can be upgraded. You may only have 3 Toy Soldiers under your control at any given time. If you attempt to call more Toy Soldiers, you can only replace the ones you have lost in battle. If you already have three, the power will fail. Recharge: Very Long
  • Basic
  • Bayonet [Melee, Medium DMG(Lethal), DoT(Lethal)
  • Rifle Shot [Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal)
  • Upgrade Toy
  • Heavy Rifle Shot [Ranged, Heavy DMG(Lethal)
  • Toss Firecracker [Ranged Area of Effect, Medium DMG(Smashing), +DoT(Fire), Foe -Tohit]
  • Toy Master's Revenge
  • Fighting Formations [Auto: Mastermind Toy Soldiers only, +Dmg, +Tohit, +Def]
  • Explode [Post death special (Area of Effect, Minor DMG(Lethal/Fire)]

Level 2: High-Powered Shot [Ranged, High DMG(Lethal/Special), Foe -Res/Special]
- You fire a high pressure shot at a single foe dealing High lethal damage and reducing his Damage Resistance. Moderately slower than Rapid Fire but packs three times the kick! Damage: High Recharge: Slow NOTE: Changing your ammo type with the "Swap Toy Ammo" power will change your damage from lethal to smashing, cold or fire. Additionally, changing your ammunition type will also change the secondary effect of this attack from resistance debuff to a high chance of knockdown and disorient if "Rubber Balls Ammo" is loaded, a moderate chance of holding the target and a moderate recharge speed debuff if "Water Balloons Ammo" is loaded, or in addition to the lethal damage, a moderate damage over time effect and -perception on target if "Firecracker Ammo" is loaded.

Level 6: Upgrade Toys [Ranged, Equip Toy Master Henchmen]
- Upgrade your Toys with more advanced munitions and weaponry. This power permanently bestows new weapons and abilities to all your Toys. The powers gained are unique and dependent upon the type of toy upgraded. This power only works on your Toys and you can only Upgrade your Toys once with this power. Recharge: Fast

Level 8: Swap Toy Ammo [Modify Damage/Secondary Effects]
- By purchasing this power, you will be granted the Rubber Balls Ammunition, Water Balloons Ammunition and Firecracker Ammunition toggles. Activating these toggles will change your damage type on your Toy Gun attacks from lethal (BB Rounds) to smashing (Rubber Ball Rounds), cold (Water Balloon Rounds) or fire (Firecracker Rounds). These toggles are mutually exclusive and only one can be active at a time. If no Upgrade Toy Ammo toggles are active, the Toy Gun will revert to BB Rounds. Different ammo types also have different secondary effects. Examine your Toy Master's Toy Gun attack powers for more information.
  • Ammunition Types
  • BB Ammunition [100% lethal damage, damage resistance debuff]
  • - Standard or BB Rounds. Consists of 100% lethal damage and a damage resistance debuff secondary effect. Standard BB Rounds are used if no Swap Toy Ammo toggle is in effect.
  • Rubber Ball Ammunition [100% smashing damage, minor knockback, minor disorient]
  • - Rubber Ball Rounds. Changes the damage type from lethal to smashing for both Rapid Fire and High Pressure Shot, additionally, changes Rapid Fire from a damage resistance debuff secondary effect into a minor chance for knockback and minor chance for disorient. While changing High Pressure Shots damage resistance debuff secondary effect into a high chance for knockback and high chance for disorient.
  • Water Balloon Ammunition [25% Smashing/75% Cold, moderate knockback, recharge speed debuff, hold]
  • - Water Balloon Rounds. Changes the damage type from lethal to 25% smashing and 75% cold for both Rapid Fire and High Pressure Shot, additionally, changes Rapid Fire from a damage resistance debuff secondary effect into a high chance for knockback and a minor recharge speed debuff. While changing High Pressure Shots damage resistance debuff secondary effect into hold and moderate recharge speed debuff.
  • Firecracker Ammunition [50% Lethal/50% Fire, DoT(Fire), -perception]
  • - Firecracker Rounds. Changes 50% of the total damage to fire damage for both Rapid Fire and High Pressure Shot, additionally, changes Rapid Fire from a damage resistance debuff secondary effect into additional DoT fire damage. While changing High Pressure Shots damage resistance debuff secondary effect into moderate DoT fire damage and -perception.

Level 12: Wind-Up War Toys [Summon Wind-up War Toys]
- You toss down one to two (depending on your level) innocent looking presents. The lids fly off and the sides collapse to reveal a miniature Wind-Up Tank and miniature Wind-Up Helicopter to wreak havoc upon your foes. Your new Wind-Up War Toy's weapons are highly accurate and long ranged. Like all your Toys, These Wind-Up War Toys can be equipped with even deadlier munitions. You may only have 2 War Toys under your control at any given time. If you already have two, the power will fail. Recharge: Very Long
  • Miniature Wind-up Tank
  • Basic
  • Cannon Blast [Ranged, Moderate DMG(Smashing/Fire), Foe Knockback]
  • Concussion Blast [Short Ranged Area of Effect, Minor DMG(Smashing/Fire), +DoT(Fire), Foe Disorient]
  • Armor Plating [Auto: Mastermind Miniature Wind-up Tank only, +Res(All DMG, Knockback), Self -SPD]
  • Upgrade Toys
  • Heavy Cannon Burst [Ranged Cone, Medium DMG(Smashing/Fire), Foe Knockback]
  • Heavy Concussion Burst [Ranged Area of Effect, Moderate DMG(Smashing/Fire), +DoT(Fire), Foe Disorient]
  • Toy Master's Revenge
  • Cluster Bomb Strike [Area of Effect, Minor DoT(Energy), +DoT(Fire), -DEF]
  • Explode [Post death special (Area of Effect, Minor DMG(Lethal/Fire)]

  • Miniature Wind-up Helicopter
  • Basic
  • Gatling Gun [Ranged, Medium DoT(Lethal), Foe -DEF]
  • Side Winder Missile [Ranged Area of Effect, Minor DMG(Smashing/Fire), Foe -Res
  • Combat Maneuvers [Auto: Mastermind Miniature Wind-up Helicopter only, +Fly, +DEF(Ranged, AoE) +Res(Immobilize), Immune to -Fly]
  • Upgrade Toys
  • Dual Gatling Guns [Ranged Cone, Medium DoT(Lethal), Foe -DEF]
  • Swarm Missiles [Ranged Area of Effect, Medium DMG(Lethal/Fire, +DoT(Fire), Foe -DEF]
  • Toy Master's Revenge
  • Computer Guidance [Auto: Mastermind Miniature Wind-up Helicopter only, +Tohit, +DMG]
  • Explode [Post death special (Area of Effect, Minor DMG(Lethal/Fire)]

Level 18: Scatter Army Men [Location Area of Effect, Minor DoT(Lethal), -SPD, -Jump, -DEF(All), Special(Minor DoT(Toxic), Foe -Recharge, -Res when ignited)]
- You toss several dozen plastic army men at a targeted location and spread the tiny green soldiers over a large area. Any enemy that pass over the plastic army men will be forced to move at a slower rate. They will also take some trivial Lethal damage over time and have their defense reduced. Additionally, the cheap plastic which was used to manufacture these Army Men is extremely flammable and VERY toxic. If ignited any enemies caught in the toxic fumes will suffer additional negative effects. Damage: Minor(DoT)/Special, Recharge: Very Slow

Level 26: Giant Teddy Bear [Summon Giant Teddy Bear]
- You radio in a giant yet innocent looking present which floats down from above on a parachute. Moments after it lands the lid blows off and the sides collapse to reveal an adorable Giant Teddy Bear. Once fully upgraded the horror and confusion in your enemies eyes will be enough to make any Toy collector envious. You may only have 1 Giant Teddy Bear under your control at any given time. If you attempt to summon another Giant Teddy Bear, the power will fail. Recharge: Very Long
  • Basic
  • Swat [Melee, Minor DMG(Smashing), Foe Knockback]
  • Mouth Mounted Gatling Gun [Ranged, Medium DoT(Lethal), Foe -DEF]
  • Reinforced Toy Padding [Auto: Self +Res(All but Fire) -Res(Fire)]
  • Upgrade Toys
  • Laser Beam Sweep [Ranged Area of Effect, Medium DMG(Energy), Foe -DEF]
  • Smash [Melee, Moderate DMG(Smashing), Foe Disorient]
  • Bounce [Point Blank Area of Effect, Superior DMG(Smashing), Foe Knockback, Disorient, Self Knockdown]
  • Toy Master's Revenge
  • Teddy Bear's Malice [Auto: Point Blank Area of Effect, +DMG, Foe Fear, Confuse]
  • Explode [Post death special (Area of Effect, Minor DMG(Lethal/Fire)]

Level 32: Toy Master's Revenge [Auto: Upgrade Toy Master Henchmen]
- Upgrade your Toys with the latest in advanced defenses and weaponry. The powers gained are unique and dependent upon the type of toy upgraded. Additionally, you have taken to rigging your Toys with explosives as the ultimate payback for when people break your Toys. When one of your Toys is destroyed they explode dealing damage to all enemies within the blast radius. This power is always on and costs no endurance. The explosives can only be triggered once every 90 seconds. This power requires "Upgrade Toys" to be active.

Story arcs:
The Golden Scepter: #9852 [Winner of American Legion's July 2011 AE Author Contest]

Let your voice be heard! Sign the petition to keep CoH alive.



So here's why I feel this set would be fairly easy to implement.

Game Mechanics

Most of the mechanics used in my presentation already exist in-game.

For example, Fighting Formations - The idea here was that Toy Soldiers are most times shown as marching and fighting in unison, to bring that idea to life in CoH:Freedom the Devs could look at the power which I modeled Fighting Formations after, Phalanx Fighting. As the Toy Soldiers remain within close proximity to each other their combat buff increases.

(Made up numbers incoming)

Single Toy Soldier
5% DMG, 2.5% Tohit, 2% DEF

Three Toy Soldiers
15% DMG, 7.5% Tohit, 6% DEF

Next let's look at Toy Master's Revenge - This power is intended to be the 2nd pet upgrade, only what I have presented here is an auto power which activates only after Upgrade Toys has been used. This could be achieved by using the Accelerated mechanic they introduced with Time Manipulation. Once Upgrade Toys was used the additional pet upgrades from Toy Master's Revenge would be unlocked automatically for each pet. The only thing I am unsure of regarding this power is rather or not the Explode auto power could be added to Mastermind pets.

Scatter Army Men - This power is intended as a sort of hybrid version of Caltrops and Oil Slick. Some may consider if an extremely powerful debuff for a Mastermind primary, but that's nothing an 8 minute base recharge couldn't cure.

Swap Toy Ammo - This one is pretty obvious already, but I've included it for completion sake.

Animations & Models

A good number of animations already exist or similar animations could easily be modified to get the desire effect.

Toy Gun & Swap Toy Ammo

  • - They could easily use the default model for Assault Rifle as the model for the Toy Gun
  • - The various ammo type animations currently already exist in-game.
  • - Rubber Balls = Regular Juggle emote
  • - Water Balloons = Combining the rubber balls from the juggle emote with the 'pop' animation from the bubbles path aura.
  • - Firecracker Ammo = Just today they introduced the Fireworks emotes for the New Years pack.

  • - We already have presents in-game. Which covers part of the summoning animations. The other half is already available with Robotics.
  • - Freedom introduced a new military style Helicopter, that combined with the Praetorian military Tank and we have our pet models for Wind-up War Toys.

Story arcs:
The Golden Scepter: #9852 [Winner of American Legion's July 2011 AE Author Contest]

Let your voice be heard! Sign the petition to keep CoH alive.



Clever! Well thought out, looks like a lot of fun to me, good suggestion!



I like it, a Toys/Traps would be fun and maybe for fitting to one of my Chars thats a AR/Traps atm. Dev's can we please have this?

Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).



NO! I would have to re-roll my Bots/FF Dollmaster, and he's already in the mid 40's!!

If they released a powerset like this I would cry tears of remorse for all the time I've spent so far on this character T_T

Now if they were to make "toy" skins for bots...That I could get behind.

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



Originally Posted by Mystic_Fortune View Post
Next let's look at Toy Master's Revenge - This power is intended to be the 2nd pet upgrade, only what I have presented here is an auto power which activates only after Upgrade Toys has been used. This could be achieved by using the Accelerated mechanic they introduced with Time Manipulation. Once Upgrade Toys was used the additional pet upgrades from Toy Master's Revenge would be unlocked automatically for each pet. The only thing I am unsure of regarding this power is rather or not the Explode auto power could be added to Mastermind pets.
Should be doable. There are plenty of mobs that have a Post-Defeat power; Nemesis Lts(Vengeance), Jaegers/Warhulks(Explode) Carnies(End Drain), etc. Honestly I think I'd do away with the "Once per 90s" restriction though, even if that meant a reduction in the scale of the explosion. I dislike having timers on things which there's no in-game method of tracking.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
Honestly I think I'd do away with the "Once per 90s" restriction though, even if that meant a reduction in the scale of the explosion. I dislike having timers on things which there's no in-game method of tracking.
The 90 second timer was the only way I could think to balance it. I don't think the game can distinguish between a pet dying and a pet being dismissed*. Without a 'cooldown' the Mastermind could easily abuse this effect.

*Then again, I could be wrong.

Story arcs:
The Golden Scepter: #9852 [Winner of American Legion's July 2011 AE Author Contest]

Let your voice be heard! Sign the petition to keep CoH alive.



erm I know I am late but better late than never


New FoTM Toys/Traps



Meh I don't like having to go to Champions Online to steal ideas for new Power Sets.



I like the flavor, and you've clearly put a lot of effort into the presentation of the set, but I guess what I'm looking for is how, mechanically, this set differs significantly from Mercs?




I'm already using Mercs/Traps for this concept on one of my characters. I think it works well enough...



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Meh I don't like having to go to Champions Online to steal ideas for new Power Sets.
At the time of suggesting this powerset I hadn't looked at anything Champions related since just after it's launch, I try to avoid that garbage like the plague.

Originally Posted by Pauper View Post
I like the flavor, and you've clearly put a lot of effort into the presentation of the set, but I guess what I'm looking for is how, mechanically, this set differs significantly from Mercs?

Toy Master would have significantly more debuff than Mercenaries has to offer. On top of that, it's clear by the release of Beast Mastery that clever use of gimmicky mechanics it not out of the question for a Mastermind set.

With that in mind, my one chance to present this set was foiled when during the Create A Powerset Workshop at the Player Summit they specifically stated "No Mastermind sets."

Story arcs:
The Golden Scepter: #9852 [Winner of American Legion's July 2011 AE Author Contest]

Let your voice be heard! Sign the petition to keep CoH alive.



Originally Posted by Mystic_Fortune View Post
At the time of suggesting this powerset I hadn't looked at anything Champions related since just after it's launch, I try to avoid that garbage like the plague.
Sorry bout that, from the power descriptions it sounded like you were aware of it. Not only are attack toys part of their gadgeteering power set, but their Winter Event big zone event is a giant killer Teddy Bear.



This set might actually force me to make a MM, since it would be *perfect* for my Christmas Elf.

"If I fail, they write me off as another statistic. If I succeed, they pay me a million bucks to fly out to Hollywood and fart." --- George A. Romero
"If I had any dignity, that would have been humiliating" --- Adam Savage
Virtue Server: Kheprera, Malefic Elf, Lady Omen, Night Rune, La Muerte Roja, Scarab Lafayette, Serena Ravensong, Kyrse, and Arachnavoodoo among others.



Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
. . .<Snip!> It's still better than clowns .

There isn't ANYTHING that could ever be better than evil clowns for a Master Mind! (All clowns are inherently evil!) Though toys could come close if done like the OP suggests. . .



Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
Someone likes Dr. Steel.

I see it as a common RP concept, though. It's still better than clowns .
Ya know if the devs asked he'd probably love the idea of an MMO doing a parody of him.

Dr. Steel
His Nurses (female NPC's)
His Scouts (female NPC's)
His Toy Soldiers (male NPC's)
Finally a variety of Toys

Heck give players a chance to earn badges (Toy Nurse/Toy Soldier) giving them (based on character being Male or female) an unofficial membership to the the Doc's toy army.

I wouldn't be surprised if it helped draw some of Doc's real life fans to become players.