Redd Rumm

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  1. I have always wanted to try EA if it wasnt for that energy cloak !
    i so wish that set would get ported over to scrappers , an invisible brute goes against every thing i belive in
  2. Lets not forget the SS toons with handclap
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by untoldhero View Post
    Good enuf 2 tank those taskforces?
    Ive already said too much !
  4. You didnt hear this from me but.... Claws/Sr brute is awsome!! (dont tell anyone )
  5. Redd Rumm

    First 50?

    back in I think issue 7,my first 50 was a thug/bubbles mm. i think MM's are easier to lvl to 50 because they allow you to solo higher lvl content at lower lvls. you can prolly do +2x5 or something at lvl 18
    My second 50 was a fire /thorn dom an OMG back in those days it was hell to lvl him i died every mob no one wanted me on team cuz doms were squishy an useless (before they buffed domination ) lol it took forever to get him to 50
  6. Redd Rumm

    Super Speed

    I like creating classic comic book style toons , an what im trying now is a elec /kin troller in an effort to recreate the classic speedster guy like the flash or quicksilver . In futer issues tho i would like to see a SS power set .
    my reasoning being, in comics SS is awsome an that would like be the guys only power . so a super speed secondary ( i have no idea how to do it tho lol) is on my wish list mabey it could have like a phase shift a fast healing a sonic boom mabey, i dunno i just think super speed and (teleporting too ) should be more than just travel powers
  7. Redd Rumm

    elc/kin ?

    I have never made a troller b4 so I was wondering what do i slot for? do trollers slot mainly for recharge like dominators ? what do i have to do to make a top shelf , mob destroying troller
  8. I like pre mish ambushes. it kinda adds to the story lines IMO.
  9. Redd Rumm

    Km/sr omg!!!!!!

    when km came out at first iwas torn between the brute an the scrapper version, but now that my km/sr is 50 an fully IO'd OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    The damage he pumps out is unlike any thing i have ever played b4.
    granted this is only my second scrapper ever but dang!
    i solo +3x8 an he wipes the floor with mobs sure i face plant a little more than i do with my claws/sr brute but when CS is hitting for 600's an 700's an some times 800's who cares !! i would luv to see what i can do with a fulcrum shift on me , when i get the other 3 lotg's recharges on him he will be a beast.
  10. its prolly the nullifiers with those sonic grenades . They are stacking the - Def & Res on you . In large longbow mobs always kill the nullifiers first .
  11. Are we gonna get any new incarnite type powers as well ? i want to do that lightning ground pound thing the statesman does !!
  12. I like Banes but... after 19 goes live an u can choose 3 more powers i may give the crab a second day in court . i think that SoA's will benifit the most from inherent fitness 3 more power selections FTW
  13. Try something that i have never seen but will prolly look kewl
    Enrgy /Sonic corruptor
    I have no idea on how it would work out.. but hey u will look fab
  14. I like them , when i first heard we were getting demons i thought we would just be getting the CoT ones , like a helfrost an a few wailers , i mean all the ninjas ,mercs an bots look pretty much the same also
  15. Ok i figured i would give Km another day in court
    an was wondering if it was possible to build a km /sr AV killer to rival claws SR's DPS . i figured KM is as close as a scrapper will ever get to energy mele ,so how bad could it be right ? a high recharge build should work ( i think ) an crank out better damage than claws BTW i am talking about for scrappers.
  16. Redd Rumm

    AV Killer?

    My claws/Sr brute can solo Av's, ive never tried a GM
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dmcfarland907 View Post
    I would fix stalkers by nerfing hide in PVP and allowing them to stack stealth on top of hide. I would make only stalkers have the long animation for total focus and not penalize everyone else.

    On the buff side I would make them more a team player instead of AS-Placate-attack again. Stalkers are pretty useless in a team situation IMO and my sg generally does not allow them to team with us.

    I have been a stalker and pvped against stalkers an the hide /stealth thing isnt really a factor and doesnt need to get nerfed, real pvpers have delt with stalkers for years an know how to deal with them , hide has never really saved me from a whoopin.

    On the second stalker myth i have seen stalkers turn the tide many times in Av battles . on teams every AT has a role . you mave have teamed with mr " Ill go scout ahead " stalker ,but on my BS/SR stalker i can scrap with the best of em soft capped to all positions out of hide he is not useless on teams at all
  18. Sonic/Energy blaster!?! omg !!! one of those things beat me like a circus monkey in pvp !!! i dont know which one I hate more sonic or psy .
    I have never seen one in action in pve , but in pvp zone I want to cry .
  19. another brute nerf ? my elc /sheild brute has survived 3 nerfs and counting !! bring it on !!!!
    JK please leave my poor brutes alone !!
    pretty please

    with sugar on top
    IMO brutes never needed to be nerfed any ways, the scrapper's always do more damge .
    I used to fight em in RV all the time an trust me damage was never even close, on a few occasions i have been hit with alpha strikes in the 1000's an hit with second attacks in the 600's
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Psycho_Sarah View Post
    Energy is fine, please, don't change it.
    I doubt they would change the set . I just wanted a damge buff. I got a concept for a sonic/enrgy corruptor I want to make and my reasons ,(very selfish i can admit that ).. Iwant to do uber damage and I have noticed that sometimes posts on the forums get sets some love from the devs .
    Now there is like 0 chance the kb will be removed from a whole set but things like damage,recharge an end costs get changed all the time . so i figured why not ask for a damage buff.
  21. Redd Rumm

    Sound FX

    Since we can change the looks of powers . do you think we will ever be able to change the sounds ?
  22. Is there a reason why tanks dont have energy aura ?
    Is it because brutes dont have ice ?
  23. I would give them access to all the mele sets like ice,fire,ss .
    why ? meh why not . it would give the stalker nation some thing do do while I (castle ) ignored all the real issues ..
  24. Wow!! my feelings are hurt lol . why do i have to be all kinds of idiots just cuz i want a damage buff( im looking at you memphis bill ! ) i am not complaining i am just saying. I complain about the nerfs to my brute ! if you want to be Mr. KB i dont kill nothing on your teams go right ahead
    but dont rip someone a new one . just for posting something u dont agree with! I dont play energy blast but I would like to .
    I am not mad or upset or anything I know full well how to play an how to handle kb on a team . ( I have a mind /energy dom )
    I'm just starting a frendly topic no malice intended. You dont gotta rage quote me . " GRRRRRRRR!!you dont like energy blast %$&# you stop playing the game an go die redd rumm !!!!!! I Hate you !!!!" lol
    I take into acount all the replies to my post an im hopeing it will change my op so i can go ahead with the concept toon i want to make like i said i rarely see any new toons with energy blast all the ones i know are vets " i know at the start of this game you had more ranged choices than energy
    but in this game alting is what we do, so you 50 a fire blaster ,you 50 your ice you 50 a sonic ect... so im sorry if i made some one mad an thank you all who had a positive arguement for me ,very good arguements it does make me want to take a second look at the set ( damage buff wont hurt tho )
  25. I don't mind if they keep the kb in energy blast . I am just saying a damage buff would make the set more attractive . the older players that have energy blasters mainly cuz they had no choice 5 years ago lol. but i rarely see new energy blasters ,corruptors i wont even mention defenders because just like bigfoot many people claim to have seen him i have not . just like the elusive /enrgy defender ( call in the moster quest guys or mabey the myth busters ). Keep the KB but... if i knock you 30 feet away i expect to do some damage. If I hurl a ball of energy in to a mob, guys need to die.. If energy did more damage than fire the knock back would not be an issue IMO well at least for me .. No aoe & No damage .... it is a mayo sandwitch with no ham.. sure if i was starving i could live off it but given a choice why would I ? I want to be Darksied not the Riddler .Thanos not stilt man . Goku not Mr Satan