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I'm not sure which arc we're talking about here, but there's one (#4 maybe?) where you must fight Manticore whether you are a hero or a villain.
VIPs get 12 slots per server as part of their subscription. I currently have 75+ characters and I have never spent cash or points to unlock a single slot on my VIP account. But if I went premium, I would have to pay through the nose to unlock the slots to play all those characters. For those who only play a handful of characters, this isn't a problem. But for those of us with serious altitis, it can be a major issue--that's the main reason why I keep my VIP status.
I recently had a character that didn't receive her first tip mission until she was 3 or 4 bars into level 21. Like any other drops, you can have long streaks where no tips are dropping, while other times they drop like clockwork.
As others have said, the type of enemies you face affects the probability of tips dropping. Bosses have been mentioned, but I also thought that Lieutenants dropped more tips than minions too. -
Just one word of advice, if you are using the coyote power with a beast mastery MM, be sure to spay and neuter your pets.
Just a quick question, is Max's arc not supposed to give a reward table at the end? Since you can skip 3 of the missions and essentially make it a one-mission arc, I figured it was WAI when the reward table didn't appear (although I did do all 4 missions anyway), but I wanted to confirm it.
Quote:I can confirm the auto-pushing.The continuing pushing is because the server is trying to reconcile where you two are in relation to each other and the feedback from both your computers. It has you both in the same space so it moves one... and then also moves the other, that is, both of you into a new same space. And so, it tries to resolve that conflict and so on.
If it's any consolation, the player you think is pushing you is thinking you're pushing them.
When I'm playing two accounts at once and both characters enter a mission one right after the other, I will often observe that they keep pushing each other after zoning even though I'm not moving either character. Given enough time, they will sometimes push each other quite a ways from the door without any help from me! -
Quote:I also made the correct choice the first time around, but afterward when I told the contact what I did, I was told "there had to be another way." So next time through I picked a different option for the improvising part. In fact, I tried all the options.Since any good ritual uses blood in it, I opted to use my own blood first chance I got. I had no idea there was a temp power associated with failure until I read about it on the wiki.
No, there is no other way. That was a lie. -
I would just like to point out that this is a really good policy--the default permisions only allow the highest tiers to pay rent, but it's good to set it so that anyone can pay. There's nothing more frustrating then when a group member can't use the base because the rent is overdue and no one who has permission to pay it is online.
The only reason I can think of not to give every permission to pay is because of the risk that some members might pay the rent early and waste prestige that way. However, I doubt very many members even think about rent until something gets shut off. Plus, rent doesn't eat up much prestige anymore anyway. -
The fog in Dark Astoria made it difficult to see whether or not any buildings actually exceeded the zone ceiling. I only discovered it because I tried to fly over a building once and found I couldn't reach the top no matter how long I kept flying up--so there is/was at least one there. With the fog gone in Dark Astoria, it should be much easier to see if any buildings still exceed the ceiling.
Quote:Dark Astoria had buildings that exceeded the zone ceiling, but I haven't been on Beta so I don't know if that is still true after the zone revamp (my guess is no)At one time there was a zone that had a few buildings in it that were taller than the zone ceiling. It was fun to get close to the top and jump so that you would hit the ceiling and bounce down. It's been long enough ago that I encountered that for me to have forgotten the details of which zone it was. Perhaps someone will come along with that information.
Quote:There are a few Elite Bosses in those arcs that can be difficult to solo, especially for a new player (maybe not Jim's arc, but the later ones). I remember doing the Faultline arcs on my very first hero and I had trouble with Captain Castillo and Arbiter Sands (although it was a good crash course on how to deal with EBs solo). However, there was no option to set the difficulty to -1 back then, which can really help inexperienced players take on a tough EB.2. Run Jim Temblor's arc. He's in Faultline. Faultline is a newer zone, and the missions in there are in general top notch. You don't need to be introduced, just go up to him and click. I don't remember if Jim's arcs are very hard; they may be soloable or you might need to bring a friend.
Quote:Haha! You know, I almost three in a reference to Frederic Wertham when I made that post. He actually did accuse Batman of trying to lure boys to homosexuality (but I believe Superman was merely accused of endorsing facism).
I can only imagine what he would have made of this thread. -
Quote:Yep, got one right hereI don't think you can find any examples of a woman wearing a lingerie-style of clothing that doesn't involve at least a deliberate display of her assets, when it doesn't involve outright intent to pander to male sexual desire. If you can name any, I'll be interested to hear of them.
Honestly, it's tough to find any female superheroes who don't pander to male desires (the nature of the genre, I suppose) but here is one of the few that is defintely not overtly sexy, and yet she clearly sports the "panties outside the tights" look. (Also worth noting that this character's adolescent daughter wears the same costume design, as does the whole family).
Searching in google images, I also see both Batgirl and Hawkgirl have worn "panties on the outside" costumes, not unlike their male counterparts. Obviously this look was never as popular with female characters as male, but hardly unknown either.
Really, I think it's a double standard. Males wear this style and it's a body builder outfit, women wear it and it's lignerie. Yes, I realize attitudes were different in the 1930's, but gender-based double standards were the norm then--I'd like to think that's not the case now. -
Quote:The question is, do you feel the "underwear over tights" look is sexy or suggestive when worn by gold and silver age heroes? (Considering that those books were mostly aimed at young boys, the idea that Superman or Batman were intentionally designed to be sexually suggestive to readers has some pretty serious implications).I imagine that Penny must be really stuck on Golden Age/Silver Age comic book heroes given that none of her most likely role models are of the "underwear on the outside" variety.
And if not, then why do you feel Penny's costume is overly suggestive for sporting the same look?
I have serveral characters who are designed to have a silver age hero look and therefore have the "underwear over tights" thing going for them. It's classic, it's campy, it's even a little silly, but I never thought of it as sexy, on males or females.
I do agree with those who don't want Penny to be too sexy--I don't want to see it either. I don't have a problem wrapping my head around the concept of an older, more mature Penny--just because I've seen her in Faultline as a teen doesn't mean I can't picture her as an adult. I just don't think every female adult superhero has to be obliged to show a lot of skin--it works for some, not for others. And Penny strikes me as someone who would dress modestly at any age. Personally though, I don't think the new costume is too unmodest--the exposed belly is not really necessary, but not a big deal either. I think it's fine (although Zombie's alterations, especially #2, are visually a big improvement--the white of the upper leg looks out of place in the original. Personally I would like to see a combo of #2 & #3, with a black upper leg and a red belly region together).
But what have to wonder about after reading all the uproar over Penny's "sexiness" is: what do people think about Fusionette? Although no ages are given for either of these characters, it's always been my impression that Fusionette is about the same age as Penny or possibly a couple of years older at the most. She certainly acts as girlish as Penny, if not more so. Yet she has always had a costume which shows a fair amount of skin--certainly more revealing than Penny's new costume. Do people have a problem with that too? If so, I've never heard anyone mention it. -
Quote:I don't know why there is a discepancy, but it shouldn't keep side switchers from getting the unlock.Besides, getting rid of the lock would get rid of the rather stupid discrepancy between hero and villain side. Heroside, run at 15, get the fluff "Origin of Power" arc at 35. Villainside, get the fluff arc at 10-15, then run the unlock at 35. So, for someone that switches between characters and sides...
If you start out as a hero, you can run the arc before you even start getting alignment missions. If you forget and switch over to villain before you run it, you can pick it up at 35 like all the other villains.
If you start out as a villain, and you switch before you hit 35, you should be able to run it as soon as you switch over to hero. The arc is available heroside from 10-50, so you can't outlevel it (I've never switched a villain to hero, so I'm assuming you get Monatgue as a contact as soon as you go blueside. If not, it's probably not WAI)
I believe you can miss out on the origins of power mission by side switching. I don't hear too many complaing about that, but there is a badge involved. -
Since you are both the same level, a good way to do this is:
Each of you go to the same contact and pick the same mission (if possible, sometimes there will be difference choices).
Whoever is the leader can then select one of the missions--if it's the same mission, it doesn't matter if he picks his own mission or his partners' (but a good tip is to check both and see which mission door is closer)
When you complete the mission, the player whose mission was selected will automatically get the misson XP bonus and the other player will get a window asking if he wants to auto complete the mission (again, asuming he picked up the same mission from the contact). If he opts yes he will also get the mission completion XP bonus and the mission will be cleared from his mission tab.
If you do this you should both get the same XP from each mission (barring other variables, such as one player dying more often and racking up more debt). If there is still a difference, I don't know what's causing it other than a bug. -
Are we talking XP per kill or per mission? I believe only the mission holder (which is not necessarily the leader) gets the mission completion bonus XP, could that be what's happening?
Also, in your first post you said the leader got less XP, but in your last post you said the leader got more. Which is right? -
Quote:Making existing EBs more difficult than they already are would make a lot of content difficult to solo, at least for me, so I'm not in favor of that.But there is the risk of villain inflation - if EB's appear in normal missions, than EB's are no longer special in their own missions and maybe those need to be raised to AV, and then AV's need to be made tougher, etc.
I do agree that the named bosses that are mission objectives should be tough enough to serve as a fitting climax for the mission. It's a bit odd when you run a mission where you defeat several random +1 bosses and then the target you actually need to defeat to complete the mission is only a +0 boss and goes down easier than some of the guys you had to go through to get to him. In some missions, the "boss" objective is only a Lt. even when you have the mission set to included bosses. I guess it makes sense that some of your targets are wimps who just have tough bodyguards to protect them, but it does seem more satisfying when the boss fight really feels like a boss fight. -
Quote:Because that's never backfired before.I'd suggest Desdemona, as she was Statesman sidekick - it'd help fix the female-male balance a bit, and make the group a bit more edgy with a reformed villain in their ranks.
Isn't trying to reform a villain partly the reason why there's an openning in the Freedom Phallanx in the first place? -
I think that's especially noticeable in the Frist Ward content (at least in the main story arcs). There was some attempt early on to allow for villains running the missions with less than altruistics motives in mind, but that got dropped pretty fast.
I wish there was. I have a character that a melee knife temp power would really suit, but alas it doesn't exist.
The dual blades power set has some small swords (could be construed as large knives) options in the weapons customization, I've used that for a dual knife wielding character (actually an enemy in an AE arc I made). Probably doesn't help you, but that's all I got.