"Pushing" each other on COH
The continuing pushing is because the server is trying to reconcile where you two are in relation to each other and the feedback from both your computers. It has you both in the same space so it moves one... and then also moves the other, that is, both of you into a new same space. And so, it tries to resolve that conflict and so on.
If it's any consolation, the player you think is pushing you is thinking you're pushing them.
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If I'm pushing you, it's only because I want you to be a better hero.
(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon
I have never understood this in the Cities. Your posts make perfect sense, that is not my problem. My problem is the lack of planning that went into the design. Before anyone starts talking about "programming limits" let me be extremely clear. My first SG was a big deal to me. I recruited non-stop for months. We started small of course, but grew quickly. This was back when 75 was the SG cap, although during my tenure as SG leader it went to 150, woot! When I put in the hospital as fast as I could I got 4 (Four) Resurrection platforms in it. You see what I did there? Four for 150 people. The Devs leave every portal into a zone train, mission door, ouro portal with 1 (One) spot to stand. I am planning for 150 peeps and I put in 4. There are planning for everybody that plays the game and they put One. Check this little plan. Most door missions are maxed at 8, right? So, you slot in 8 spots to stand inside the door, like the Star Trek teleporters, and everyone has a spot. Use the same design everywhere, and you have most of these problems solved. Not all, but most.
If it really mattered, I'd be right there with you Blue_Centurion.
But as it is, it is shrug worthy.
I could counter with an argument of what is the programming load for sorting out which player gets which loading spot, and adjusting slower loading times, first in first out, and holding time stamps, or a list of things that define why it isn't "that simple", but frankly, it is a minor minor QoL issue.
True. But I got a whole box of 2 cent pieces here and thought I would throw one out.
The one that really bother me (pushing that is) is the civilians. The first time my Huge "Super Tanker Man" was pushed slowly out of the way by a secretary walking down the street I was like WTF? Very illusion breaking. But I understand that that kind of stuff is so hard coded into the game it just IS always going to be there. So, even though that bother me a thousand times more than the door jostling I know there is nothing beyond a ground up recoding of the entire game that will fix that. Sigh. THis is related to the very real combat problem of having "pets" block you from dorrs/targets/knock you places. Because "pets" have position priority over players.
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
It feels like they are just pushing me to be funny and I have to jump for them to stop.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant
That's why I like phasing powers. It's always a nice little trick to play on jousting players.
In PvE, Teleport works too. I've had to use TP to get out of rooms with small doors crowded by enemies. Hint: Shield Bash is a TP. Use it to move past impassable enemies.
In general, the pushing thing bothers me too, but it really doesn't happen enough to warrant doing something about it, at least as a priority. It would be really nice to take a look at this and see if anything could be done cheaply.
When folks zone in and get the "zone-in-pushing bug" (where characters are perceived to push each other after zoning into a new area), is it possible to detect a "collision" and move the characters in a *random* direction? Because right now, everyone moves in the *same* direction. Which results in another collision, which causes another movement, which results in another collision, which etc. etc. If folks moved in a random direction, at least the probability that a second collision results is greatly reduced.
I hope that this could be considered a "cheap" fix to the zone-in-pushing problem.
The continuing pushing is because the server is trying to reconcile where you two are in relation to each other and the feedback from both your computers. It has you both in the same space so it moves one... and then also moves the other, that is, both of you into a new same space. And so, it tries to resolve that conflict and so on.
If it's any consolation, the player you think is pushing you is thinking you're pushing them. ![]() |
When I'm playing two accounts at once and both characters enter a mission one right after the other, I will often observe that they keep pushing each other after zoning even though I'm not moving either character. Given enough time, they will sometimes push each other quite a ways from the door without any help from me!
Chalk this post under the "yes I am crazy" category, but I do have a question:
Often when I zone into a place (by train, ouro, whatever), the other character who is in the same space often pushes me (meaning we are relatively in the same space and s/he moves my character by his movement). The initial push doesn't seem weird and doesn't bother me, but is it my imagination that people tend to get a kick out of continuing the push? So stupid on my part, but that is when I start to get annoyed. It feels like they are just pushing me to be funny and I have to jump for them to stop.
Silly question, but I was just wondering if I was blaming them for something that they aren't doing. Any thoughts?
Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers