What To Do Now???
Also, when you get to 50 (I think) you can change it whenever you go to the trainer. So you're not stuck with it forever if you end up not liking it.
I *think* Ridia is saying that they want some sort of special challenge or mission for their character.
Some thoughts:
1. Organize and run a Positron Task Force. You can find Posi in Steel Canyon, right in the dead center by the trainer. There's two task forces which are meant to be run in order, but take a break and run them on different days, or at least after a short break if you're really gung ho to run them in one day.
2. Run Jim Temblor's arc. He's in Faultline. Faultline is a newer zone, and the missions in there are in general top notch. You don't need to be introduced, just go up to him and click. I don't remember if Jim's arcs are very hard; they may be soloable or you might need to bring a friend.
Talk these arcs up on the help channel (I assume you don't have global channels access?). You might be able to get some more experienced folks who want to run these arcs to go with you. It'll be fun to lead them but get advice from people as you go.
Go do battle in Grandville or Perigrine Island, or RWZ. That'll show you have *grit* at level 16.
August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
Go do battle in Grandville or Perigrine Island, or RWZ. That'll show you have *grit* at level 16.
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As far as what to do now, the most important thing is to simply enjoy yourself. At 16 you're of level to do Positron's TF as was mentioned; you're also level to run Synapse in Skyway City. I'd suggest joining one of those TF's... you probably would have more fun if you found a friendly veteran to help guide you through. There's lots of us out there who'd be happy to help a new player who's willing to learn. Of the two the new two part Posi is more fun... Synapse is one of the original TF's and it's a long slog facing Clockwork, more Clocks and to make it complete even more Clocks.
The Faultline arc is good and well put together (15-20); it will be a challenge for you solo but it's great fun with a good team. There's a few other nice arcs you'll be coming up to shortly; some of my favorites are in the 20-40 range. Strigga Island (20-30) is a lot of fun with some challenging arcs and Croatoa (25-35) is among the most challenging content in that level range.
Find some people you enjoy teaming with and simply run missions... that's the best way to learn and it's lots more fun than just soloing your own missions. COH is widely considered to have the best community in the industry and having poked my head into a few other games I can attest that this community blows away that of any other game that I've played.
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft. http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes
I'm sure this will draw some big laughs, but skip the task force, you'll be running those team-grinder-speed-runs for the rest of your life once you hit 50, go out and smell some roses first.
Take a wander over to the Mission Architect forums, look for threads collecting lists of good player-written missions and search out some that sound fun and fit your level requirements (and possibly your character's personality). Most of the "collected on a list" missions are just as good if not better than dev-written stuff.
Just keep speaking to new contacts they will keep giving you more and more challenges to face. run their arcs all the way through. Don't be afraid to turn your exp off every once in awhile there is no rush to 50.( i do this so i do not out level the areas i am in and miss stories and doubly so in the case of of running AE player missions).
Bottom line your first title is only the beginning, still many new things to face!
Ah ha, something else to do at 16 (or 14, which is the minimum level for Ouroboros). Ask for someone by Ms. Liberty to "drop an Ouro portal." Jump in (click on the top bit) and go to the highest point of the gnomon (the main structure thing across the pond from the entrance) and get the badge for your own personal Ouroboros portal.
Then check out the missions. It's a time travel zone, where you can "flashback" to old missions and arcs, and do them even if you have out-leveled the contact. I think the old intro arc still requires you to be level 25 to start, which is a shame since it's a decent tutorial, but just run in the building and click on the smaller crystals. I think you can use them right away, and you can ask for help over the help channel for any finer points.
In other words, with an Ouroboros portal, there's no real reason to turn off XP. Just flashback to an old arc or contact if you missed them. No worries.
Just flashback to an old arc or contact if you missed them. |
Which makes me think of yet another thing to do badging! Sure it might seem lame.. but really it is A LOT of fun and some badges allow you to obtain accolades( bonus powers/abilities)
At 16 you're of level to do Positron's TF as was mentioned; you're also level to run Synapse in Skyway City. I'd suggest joining one of those TF's...
About lvl 20 try the Striga arcs and make sure you do the Ernesto Hess TF at the end of them - the final mish can be well worth it for someone new to it - the mishes leading up to it could do with a revamp though.
The other TF in that zone is Moonfire which you will get plenty of opportunity to do as it is one on the WTF rota.
Also try and take a look at DA before they turn it in to an Incarnate zone (assuming that isn't what today's publish is) If you want a challenge street sweeping there at lvl 21 (the zone level) definitely counts.
If you have access to the First Ward - thats all new content so will tend to be better written.
Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant
Welcome to the game hope you're having fun.
One of the best "Rites of Passage" which is what I think you're looking for is going for the Atlas Medallion. That's an accolade that gives you a permanent 5% bonus to your Endurance - so worth having, and you get some shiny badges too.
To get it, you'll need some history badges, gained from checking out history plaques in Atlas, Perez, Kings Row and Echo of Galaxy (access via Ouroboros) and several exploration badges in those zones too.
You'll also need the Spelunker badge, which is gained by saving the fortune teller from the Circle of Thorns. If you've missed the contact, again available from Ouroboros.
Then you'll need to nobble 200 Warwolves and 200 Vampyri - your best bet for that is Striga Isle and I'd recommend going with a friend because that's a lvl 20+ zone. Again you get badges for those too.
All of those combine to give you the Received the Atlas Medallion accolade. It doesn't matter what order you approach it.
Have a lot of fun
(oh and a slight disclaimer, I'm working from memory here so some zones/details may be incorrect but you can check exact requirements on Paragon Wiki)

Thelonious Monk
I *think* Ridia is saying that they want some sort of special challenge or mission for their character.
Some thoughts: 1. Organize and run a Positron Task Force. You can find Posi in Steel Canyon, right in the dead center by the trainer. There's two task forces which are meant to be run in order, but take a break and run them on different days, or at least after a short break if you're really gung ho to run them in one day. 2. Run Jim Temblor's arc. He's in Faultline. Faultline is a newer zone, and the missions in there are in general top notch. You don't need to be introduced, just go up to him and click. I don't remember if Jim's arcs are very hard; they may be soloable or you might need to bring a friend. Talk these arcs up on the help channel (I assume you don't have global channels access?). You might be able to get some more experienced folks who want to run these arcs to go with you. It'll be fun to lead them but get advice from people as you go. |

Prof Radburn controller,Celtic Ice Maiden,blaster,Miss Knockout scrapper,Mistress Davina controller,Stone Hart,tank Split Personality PB.Queen Lostris controller,Fridgid Mary blaster,Shocking Fire blaster Future Elfling defender, Little Weed controller,Capo Angelo MM, Commander Buzzsaw MM, Justice Tank tank all 50,s
I took all of your advice and did several missions, TF's and what not. My character is now Level 23 and I could be more pleased with ti!!!
Since you're 23 now... I'd suggest going to Striga.
Start with Stephanie Peebles and do her arc first (She only goes to 25-)... You don't need an introduction to Steph. You can just walk up and talk to her... At the end of it, you'll get a very nice temp power called the Wedding Band and an introduction to either Long Jack or Tobias Hansen (depending on your level-) who are the next contacts in the Striga series.
Doing those arcs is a good way to get the wolves and vamps you need for the Slayer and Silver Bullet badges, which are part of the Atlas Medallion accolade mentioned up-thread. They're also a heck of a lot of fun... Especially Toby's "wreck the vampire lab" mission, which features what FCM and I have always called the 'vampire vending machines'.
@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...
Since you're 23 now... I'd suggest going to Striga.
Start with Stephanie Peebles and do her arc first (She only goes to 25-)... You don't need an introduction to Steph. You can just walk up and talk to her... At the end of it, you'll get a very nice temp power called the Wedding Band and an introduction to either Long Jack or Tobias Hansen (depending on your level-) who are the next contacts in the Striga series. Doing those arcs is a good way to get the wolves and vamps you need for the Slayer and Silver Bullet badges, which are part of the Atlas Medallion accolade mentioned up-thread. They're also a heck of a lot of fun... Especially Toby's "wreck the vampire lab" mission, which features what FCM and I have always called the 'vampire vending machines'. ![]() |
We don' need no stinkin' signatures!
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft. http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes
M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice!

Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)
2. Run Jim Temblor's arc. He's in Faultline. Faultline is a newer zone, and the missions in there are in general top notch. You don't need to be introduced, just go up to him and click. I don't remember if Jim's arcs are very hard; they may be soloable or you might need to bring a friend.
Now I know this may seem rather petty, or not such a big deal to some of you gods of the game but I just made level 16 with my main character. I have not been playing long and the game told me I could pick a title and it seemed like a bit of a stepping stone for my character. I am trying to figure out what to do now. A challenge for my toon, a significant something to say "Hey I am only my way". Any ideas?????