520 -
Cut those Shamans some slack. I'm pretty sure English is not the banished pantheon's first language.
Quote:/This. CoH chronology isn't always consitent, but it's long been my impression that the chronology is generally based on character level and not real time. I think this is most evident in Tip missions, where certain NPCs undergo character development (i.e., Desdemona is a villain in the 20-30 level range, but by the time you're level 40 she's reformed and become a hero)As far as him continuing to hand out missions after killing Statesman, that still takes place before WWD chronologically.
That's why I was surprised to see that although the SSA#2 is clearly a sequal to SSA#1, you can access the first arc in SSA#2 10 levels earlier than the final mission of SSA#1. That seem weird to anyone else? -
I've also had problems with my video driver crashing randomly while playing CoH lately. I've upgraded to the latest version of the driver software and even lowered my graphics settings but it made no difference. Maybe my video card is dying, but I'm not sure (it's only about 1-1/2 years old). I had a problem like this a few years ago (not quite as bad) and couldn't figure it out, and then suddenly it just went away.
If it persists and I still can't figure out the cause I'll run CoH Helper and post on the tech help forums. -
Quote:As mentioned before, the mission teleporter does not automatically teleport you to the mission in the nav bar (although I agree it should). A mission just accepted will immediately appear in the nav bar but it is not selected until you hit the select mission button.A specific failure, doing a LRSF, going back to grandville from nerva, the lead got next the mission, it showed in the nav bar, hit the transporter and went to the door I was standing at.
If you or the lead did select the mission and you still teleported to the wrong door, then I don't know, maybe it is a bug. But based on what I'm reading in this thread (and my own experiences) it certainly does not seem to be a common problem. Like DarkGob said, fixing an issue that affects very few players is not going to be a high priority--and also probably more difficult to locate. -
Missions are supposed to be filled with a mix of +1 & +0 mobs. In the past the ratio of +1 to +0 usually seemed fairly even, but lately it does seem like a lot of the newer missions are weighted toward more +1 mobs. I've run a few missions recently that were almost entirely +1. Could just be random chance, though.
The mission teleporter has always worked correctly for me, but add me to the list of players who have repeatedly used it after neglecting to set the mission first. I always forget about that and assume it's going to automatically send me to the mission showing in my nav bar. Honestly, I really think it should default to the mission in the nav bar rather than the first one on your missin list, but maybe that's just me.
Quote:I remember spending many an hour studying (and hanging out) in that library. Although that was before it was called the Geisel Library (i.e. before they built the new addition with Suess money).If you're in Michigan, why do you have a stylized Geisel Library in your icon?
On topic: I mostly solo or play with friends who already play on the servers I use, so server population is not a big issue for me, and certainly not a reason to move chracters. I have characters spread across half a dozen servers and if I were start migrating them, I'd move them to Justice where my largest and best base is (but until I come into a bunch of free slots and transfer tokens I won't be making any mass migrations any time soon). -
Quote:I would like to point out that once you begin a contact's story arc, it will always remain open until you finish it. Even if you outlevel the contact, he/she will keep giving you missins for that arc (and only that arc) until completed.Now I'm too high leveled to talk to him about missions, and he's gone to inactive. This is NOT the first time this has happened to me in the middle of an arc, and it is rather annoying.
Of course, many contacts offer one-off missions in addition to their story arc. They will not offer you any more of those individual missions if you've outleveled them. And if you outlevel them before you start their story arc, you've out of luck. But you should never be prevented from completing a story arc once you've started it.
If you're not sure if you're working on a contact's story arc v.s. a one-off mission, look for the book symbol next to the contact's name in the contact window. If you see a book, you've begun their arc and can finish it at any level.
Also important to note is that the mission level does not exceed the level of the contact, so while you can continue an outleveled arc, you may find yourself fighting enemies below your level, possibly to the point where the mission is too easy or even stops rewarding xp for kills. Fortunately, you can compensate for this (for a few levels at least) by temporarily upping your difficulty setting. -
Quote:Unsealing the door doesn't cause the demons to spawn, that only happens when you get close to the portals. If you're careful and can keep your distance from the portals (not always easy, I admit), you can explore that area for regular spawns without triggering a demon attack. I'm not sure how you're triggering multiple portals at once unless you're moving within range of a 2nd portal after triggering another one. Don't do that--if you trigger a portal, either destroy that portal and any demons it spawns as quickly as possible, or run away in a direction that does not take you near another portal. The portals are never placed very close to one another (and are always in the same set locations)Thank you for your replies. I'm really hoping those spawn-points aren't used; they're behind a giant stone door thing that you have to unseal.... My problem is that there's two or three portals together in some of these rooms, so I can quickly get swamped by upwards of 5-10 demons, which kill me in a matter of moments with their long range fire attacks. I agree that 1-3 demons is easy enough to handle, though still a challenge as I have inspirations disabled for this Flashback Mission.
I'm fairly familar with this mission, but I haven't run it in some time. I don't ever remember that map even having a portal room. Anyone know if they've changed this? Or has it always just been a random? -
Quote:Wow, that I did not know. The 2nd time I ran Max's arc (on the same character) I considered not doing all the side missions but decided to do them anyway because I was worried the final boss fight might be too difficult to solo without the helpers. Next time on that character I may skip them.If a player has run any of the side missions (in the original run through or later in Ouro) and later only runs the final mission in Ouro, they still have the helpers as if they had run the side missions again.
Quote:If they were to give the reward table only for running all of the arcs, there isn't an easy mechanism to track that it was done that way on each run in Ouro. -
I think you are remembering wrong. I've done Max's arc twice, once regular and once through Ouroboros. Both times I did all four arcs. Neither time did I get a reward table.
Then it sounds like they have changed how this works at some point. I actually kind of like the idea that the next highest ranking member is promoted whether they're online or not, because it lessens the chance that some random member of the lowest rank will jump all the way to the super leader possition purely by luck (which I have seen happen). But at the same time, if it keeps passing to members that are inactive and meanwhile no one can pay the rent, that can get annoying.
Definitely check Paragonwiki to see all the contacts for each zone. Sounds like you've cleared Kings Row, but the wiki is the best way to know for sure.
In Skyway, the first set of contacts is for level 10-14 and the 2nd is 15-19, so you can't outlevel any contacts there until you hit level 15. -
Quote:I hear you on this. I always enable paying rent for all ranks in my supergroups. I don't ever want other members to not have access the to base and its stuff because they're waiting around for me or another higher ranking member to log on and pay the rent (I've been on the flipside of that equation before and it's pretty annoying). I'm aware that members may pay the rent earlier than necessary and waste prestige that way, but the cost is so low these days that I don't find it a big concern. I noticed that the default permission setting for paying rent limits it to the first 2 ranks, and I suspect that most leaders simply don't think to change it.Having seen a few supergroups now, none of them had assigned permissions for new members to pay rent or edit bases, even if they were VIP. (Not allowing rent paying sounds silly to me. I'd recommend enabling that for all ranks.)
Quote:This is NOT how things happen.
Patriots of Paragon Case Study for 6/24/2012
Leader goes over inactive threshold.
We have 1 commander (1 rank below leader) who is 36 hours short of also going inactive.
We have one Leiutenant (2nd lowest rank of 6) who is in good standing.
We have one member (lowest rank of 6) who is active.
I was online at the moment the leader went to inactive status. Leadership was immediately transfered to the commander. So my hypothesis is that unless everyone is already over the limit (in which case it will transfer leadership to that person), leadership will always be transfered to the highest ranked non-inactive person. -
Quote:I missed out on this game for four years because of the same misconception. I just thought PvP was what MMOs were all about. In fact, it still amazes me to read a thread like this and see how many players are even more adverse to PvP than I am.As a matter of fact, I missed out on playing this game for the first three years it was out due to a mistaken impression that the whole game was PvP, and I had no interest in that.
For the record, despite my wariness of PvP, I have tried it a few times. It was OK, somewhat fun at times, no really bad experiences, but not something I wanted to seriously get into. I'm just not a very competitive person, especially with strangers.
Actually, once you "open up" alignment merits by running your first morality mission, you can earn an alignment merit in just 10 minutes by running the first arc of the SSA#1. At least they limited that to once per week so players aren't piling up the merits like crazy, but still I'm amazed by how much easier they made earning those merits with the SSA vs the old method (10 tip missions + 1 morality mission). -
Then can you give an example of some of the names you have seen genericized? And, do you know what explanation was given for the action?
I do not believe City of Heroes has a policy against using the words Good, Angel, or Heaven, and I do not believe that they would genericize a name simply for including any of those words. However, that does not mean a name including one of those words couldn't be genericized for another reason. Angel, for example, is the name of a copyrighted comic book character, so you would have to be very careful how that word was used in a name.
Quote:Just because you have not does not mean it does not happen. -
Quote:Disagreement does not equal offense.I did this as a test to prove a point: people can be easily offended by words.
Quote:You'll be fine. This is one of the weird double-standards I cannot figure out. Any references to evil, Satan, demons, hell is "ok" but references to good, 'God, angels, heaven is not. I don't want to turn this into a religious discussion or anything of the sort, this is just my observation. -
Quote:Actually I think it may be the opposite. Most VIPs get the vast majority of their inf from the market--by comparision, the inf they sacrifice while playing in SG mode is only a small fraction of that. But a free/premium player that can't use the market has to rely on inf earned by running missions or selling stuff to vendors (often for pittance of what the market pays). Yet free/premium players still need to buy (and regularly upgrade) enhancements, which can be costly over time. SG mode could significantly cut into a free/premium player's already limited ability to afford those enhancements.Ok, thanks. So basically if you are a free player, there is no downside, since INF is pretty worthless unless you are on the auctin house.
Also, under level 25, there is no penalty for playing in SG mode. After level 25, a percentage of influence earned is sacrificed, which increases as you level up. I believe it starts at 10% at level 25 and caps at 50% at level 29. So if you're under 25, play in SG mode and don't worry about it. At level 25, you may want to look at how you are doing inf-wise before deciding if you want to continue. -
The real question is, where can I find a bikini made of human skulls?!?
Quote:Strange as it may sound, the Devs add a lot of content these days that allow villains and heroes to work together, but little or nothing that that has them competing against one another.It just seems that the fact that there are both villain and hero paths is largely wasted due to the lack of competition between the two camps.
Base raiding appears to be dead for good, but there are still PVP zones in the game that allow heroes and villains to fight each other and compete over goals. As others have mentioned, the problem is that PVP is not very popular and those zones are mostly empty, but if you want to give it a try, I hear Freedom still has a reasonably active PVP population, so I would start there. Even on Justice, I've run into players ready and willing to PVP.
Quote:As a new player, I guess what I'm trying to figure out is, "once I've played through the story arcs once, then what?"
There is a lot of content, but it still seems that with everything being pvp and the actual people based challenges not being there (whether that is PvP, competitive type quests, or GM run events) it seems like you still reach an "end" where there isn't much new to do. -
His name is Atherton Cromwell, and my hero was able to speak to him and was offered a mission (although I didn't accept it).
Quote:I agree that automatically passing leadership due to inactivity is good design. Here's my personal experience with it:Actually, it is a good design. Otherwise the entire SG could be useless and all the members hosed because one person leaves the game without passing leadership. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one.
Sorry you got messed up by it, but it's a good design and working as intended.
My first year playing this game, one of my villains was invited to a super group. That character quickly became my most played villain, and I got a lot of use out of the group's base, which was well equiped. Then one day the leader decided to redesign the base from scratch. He sold off all the items and had just started replacing everything when he went MIA. We never saw him again.
No one who was left in the group had much in the way of permissions, so no one could buy stuff for the base. So for a while we just had a mostly empty base. But the upkeep was past due and no one even had permission to pay it, so soon we locked out of that mostly empty base. At this point, most the few who were left quit.
But then the old leader hit the expiration date for inactivity and I logged in to find that I had inheirited the group. I emailed the old leader to let him know I intended to get the base back up and running on my own unless he planned to return soon. After not hearing back from him for a week, I went to work. I paid the upkeep and then I replaced all the transporters and storage units and everything else that had been scrapped and got the base back up to speed. I've been maintaining that base ever since.
One thing I didn't do was kick out the old leader (or anyone else for that matter). That would be BS. It's been 3 years since he's logged on, but he's still a member when and if he wants to come back. But I am leader now and if he ever returns and thinks I've just been holding the group for him all these years waiting for him to come back, he's crazy.
Anyway, I think my example illustrates exactly why this policy was implemented in the first place. -
Yeah, I missed it too. I logged in after I got home from work on Friday and it was already over. Then I checked into it some more and found out it actually ran from 4:00 pm Thursday to 4:00 pm Friday. I'm a little disapointed, but next time I'll remember to look for it Thursday after work instead.
As for those who think that this will fail as a marketing strategy because the freebies aren't good enough, I think you may be underestimating the power of FREE. I've seen people practically fighting each other to get to the tiny free samples of food products offered at Costco (and some people I know say they primarily shop there because of the free samples). I've also seen people at ComiCon wait in line for 15-20 minutes just for a sticker or small poster. So I'm sure this will get many people checking the market weekly. How many actual new sales that will translate into remains to be seen.