Stuff I'd like to stop ignoring
1. Power Packs - What do you get from these? I know the ATO enhancements come from them - Are those only level 50? Are their preferred levels of obtaining them?
ATOs, Enhancement Boosters, Enhancement Unslotters, Enhancement Catalysts, Black Wolf Vanity Pet, Elemental Order Costume pieces, Dual Inspirations, Team Inspirations (single and dual,) revives, revive ally, Patrol XP boosters, Prestige Boosters, Windfalls, XP boosters, and Reward Merits. The packs can be claimed and opened by anyone on you account and the goodies go into character mail until claimed by that or a different alt. The exceptions are the costume and pets, which are immediately unlocked account-wide.
ATOs are attuned, which means that anyone can equip them from level 10-50 and they adjust in stats as you level, sidekick, and exemplar. Pretty handy, but they have one more trick. Using Enhancement Catalysts on a set (one per piece) turns them into purple-equivalents. Usable by level 50s only, set bonuses persist at all levels, and upgrade from solid rare set-level numbers to purple-level. The only real drawback is that upgrading them makes them account-bound.
2. Speaking of ATOs, how good are they? Are they worth, say, replacing a set of Devastations? Or even Ragnaroks? |
3. AE Tickets - Are there any limitations on what recipes are available to buy with them? I have a bunch (I'm not above AFK'ing in a mission if someone is offering!), and I've never bothered trying to discover more about them. |
4. I've played through SSA 1 parts 1-4 or so. I suppose I should finish that off, but for my own edification, where does SSA 2 begin? |
5. What are the level ranges of First Ward and Night Ward? I did all missions on another character, and I feel like I'm pretty deep into the Night Ward arcs (I'm on the Black Knight contact (the first one, if there is more than one) at level 33 or so). Am I ahead of the game? Will I eventually be closed off from the contacts until a particular level range? |
6. Enhancement Converters - This is the big thing, because I have a lot of these and don't really know what they're for. I assume they... convert... enhancements, but ALL enhancements? Could I convert a purple sleep IO to a purple Heal IO? A random nonsense IO to a Miracle +Regen? That doesn't make sense to me, so I need clarifications before I waste something. |
Convert with two converters: Same level and category (PBAoE, Sleep, EndMod.) Rarity can change, set will change.
Convert with three converters: Same level inside its set. Rarity can change.
And yes, with luck you can get some very good rolls this way, such as Trap of the Hunter Endurance/Immobilize to LotG +Global Recharge.
Use can also use these on ATOs, even Catalysed ones.
7. As of yesterday, I'm leveling a Water/Psy Blaster. I've teamed all the way to my current level, which is 26.5. However, I know that those abundant teaming opportunities won't always be there, and then, it will be time to solo. What are the ranges for the zone-specific mission arcs (the ones that don't have you hopping across all zones, i.e., Croatoa, Striga, First Ward, etc)? I know that every contact in Striga and Croatoa offer a mission with a temporary power somewhere in each arc. As a squishy blaster, I love temporary powers. Are there any other zone-specific contacts that follow this model? |
8. Incarnates! As I'm planning on eventually going to the limit with my current character, some understanding is required. One of my playing stints was when Incarnates were introduced, so I know all about BAF, Lambda, and Keyes, plus the Destiny, Lore, Judgement, Alpha, and Interface slots. I'm clueless about everything added beyond that point, as well as when Incarnate stuff truly begins these days. Can I still not do Mender Ramiel's Alpha-unlocking arc until level 50 (or was that never the case)? |
OK, I think that's all of my questions. Thanks for your time and indulgence! |
They definitely did BViking, thank you!
Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.

Dev's seemed to have forgotten Heal, Defense, Resist purples. +5 a set of doctored wounds tho with boosters to make your own.

As for the other two, well those sets have bad bonuses so....yeah.
And yes, with luck you can get some very good rolls this way, such as Trap of the Hunter Endurance/Immobilize to LotG +Global Recharge.

The only real drawback is that upgrading them makes them account-bound.
The other being is some have a rather unique recharge bonus that simply becomes a purple bonus when catalyzed.
PVP IOs and ATOs are considered their own "rarity" - and when the 2/0 ATOs come out, sounds like they'll be exclusive from the 1.0 as well.
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
Paragonwiki agrees with that level range, but I actually ran the Night Ward arcs on a level 37 character (level 39 when I finished). I didn't use Ouroboros, I went straight to the contacts in zone.
These 2 contacts in Night Ward are level 30-50. All others are 30-35. I did these 2 story arcs on 1 character so far and he was about level 43 at the time I did them and yes not through Ouroboros Flashback.
8. Incarnates!
As I'm planning on eventually going to the limit with my current character, some understanding is required. One of my playing stints was when Incarnates were introduced, so I know all about BAF, Lambda, and Keyes, plus the Destiny, Lore, Judgement, Alpha, and Interface slots.
I'm clueless about everything added beyond that point, as well as when Incarnate stuff truly begins these days. Can I still not do Mender Ramiel's Alpha-unlocking arc until level 50 (or was that never the case)?
Well, the only thing beyond the first five slots is the Hybrid slot.... which does not impress me. I got it on four characters and don't plan to get it on any others. Contrast that with the other five slots, which I have unlocked on 9 so far and am working on the 10th.
After BAF, Lambda and Keyes, you have:
TPN Campus - Set in and around the TPN building. You fight Maelstrom. Lots of fight, fight, fight so decent source of iXP.
Underground - One of my favorites. It's LONG, but guarantees you to receive a rare or very rare salvage at the end. You fight IDF, DE and the Avatar of Hamidon.
Minds of Mayhem - This one is relatively short. Not bad. You fight various incarnations of Malaise, Mother Mayhem, Penelope Yin.
Dilemma Diabolique - I have only run this once. It seemed okay (although harder than the rest) but I hardly see anyone running it.
The Magisterium - You fight Shadowhunter, Manticore, Nega Pendragon, Black Swan and Tyrant. This trial is currently the ONLY way to get iXP to unlock Hybrid so you'll see people doing 'Magi farms' or 'Magi 250'. They start the trial, do the part where you have to defeat 250 IDF, then quit and reform. I like this one.
You should run each trial at least once. Most of them get run on a regular basis. (MoM not so much and DD hardly ever.)
You also have the incarnate arcs in Dark Astoria. The contact chain starts in Peregrine with Captain Nolan. Definitely run these. The stories are really good. You can earn both physical and psychic iXP (to unlock everything except Hybrid) and each arc gives a reward table at the end where you can get incarnate salvage (except Max's arc, which is super short, but the Dream Doctor has TWO arcs and two reward tables).
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project These 2 contacts in Night Ward are level 30-50. All others are 30-35. I did these 2 story arcs on 1 character so far and he was about level 43 at the time I did them and yes not through Ouroboros Flashback. |
The Night Ward contacts you are referring to: Montague, Ward, Sir Bedwyr, and The Magician are 30-39.
True, Mistress Maria is the Intro contact for Night Ward, even though she's located in First Ward. I forgot her.
I just keep hearing people repeat that Night Ward is 30-35, which it's not.
Thanks for the extra information, everyone.
And Ironblade, I had completely forgotten about the TPN and Underground trials, which I've done once or twice.
I'll be on the lookout for the others.
Oh! I know what happened from the SSA 1 (spoilers! got me), but I don't know how that affected things in-game. Who starts the Sister Psyche TF now? Or the Statesman TF?
Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.

Statesman -- Miss Liberty Task Force now (no changes except for her).
Sister Psyche TF is completely replaced by a new Penelope Yin Task Force, but the old one can be run from Ouroboros.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid These 2 contacts in Night Ward are level 30-50. All others are 30-35. I did these 2 story arcs on 1 character so far and he was about level 43 at the time I did them and yes not through Ouroboros Flashback. |
Looks like a few others have confirmed that these contacts have a greater level range than listed in Paragonwiki. The zone itself is has a level range of 31-35 (my level 37 never encountered mobs equal to his level outside of missions) so maybe that's the source of the confusion?
Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.

Both are. Sister Psyche's Comrade and Penelope Yin's Friend both count toward one tick in the TFC (meaning you can have one or the other, or both, and it counts for the same requirement).
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
night ward is actually 30-40 except for the 2 unique contacts trilogy and fireball who go from 30-50
i think night ward was originally slated to be 30-35 but they figured there was too much content to squeeze into 5 levels so the lvl range is 30-40

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
night ward is actually 30-40 except for the 2 unique contacts trilogy and fireball who go from 30-50
i think night ward was originally slated to be 30-35 but they figured there was too much content to squeeze into 5 levels so the lvl range is 30-40 |
Well then the wiki must be wrong because it lists all contacts, except Trilogy and Fireball who are listed as 30-50 and that seems to be the case, as level 30-35.
Because when I23 was announced, Night Ward was initially announced as a 30-35 zone. And it is, really. In the sense that mobs are 30-35. But some time during beta they decided to list it as 30-39 and opened up the Story arc contacts and the repeatables to be 30-39.
So, Mistress Maria is 30 - 39
Montague, Ward, Bedwr, and Magician are 31 - 39
Atherton Cromwell and Sir Lionel are 30 - 39
Fireball, Trilogy, and Archmage Hellewise are 30 - 50
The Zone Mobs are 30 - 35
As an aside, I hope everyone in this thread knows that any of you could have fixed those contacts, I didn't have to do it. The wiki can be edited by anyone, not just current editors.
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
As an aside, I hope everyone in this thread knows that any of you could have fixed those contacts, I didn't have to do it. The wiki can be edited by anyone, not just current editors. |

(And let me guess, you're going to say we should start our own teams if we can't fine one too!

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
Hi! I've been back in-game sporadically over the past three years, for a month or two each time, but never really gotten overly engaged each time I've made a stop in.
Until now. I can see my Water Blaster possibly becoming a new "main," someone I won't constantly be abandoning to jump to an alt as appropriate teaming levels demand.
So there are a few things that have been added over the past however-long that I just haven't paid any attention to, and I'd like to ask about all of them in one place rather than scour the forums, if you'd be so kind as to indulge me.
1. Power Packs - What do you get from these? I know the ATO enhancements come from them - Are those only level 50? Are their preferred levels of obtaining them?
2. Speaking of ATOs, how good are they? Are they worth, say, replacing a set of Devastations? Or even Ragnaroks?
3. AE Tickets - Are there any limitations on what recipes are available to buy with them? I have a bunch (I'm not above AFK'ing in a mission if someone is offering!), and I've never bothered trying to discover more about them.
4. I've played through SSA 1 parts 1-4 or so. I suppose I should finish that off, but for my own edification, where does SSA 2 begin?
5. What are the level ranges of First Ward and Night Ward? I did all First Ward missions on another character, and I feel like I'm pretty deep into the Night Ward arcs (I'm on the Black Knight contact (the first one, if there is more than one) at level 33 or so). Am I ahead of the game? Will I eventually be closed off from the contacts until a particular level range?
6. Enhancement Converters - This is the big thing, because I have a lot of these and don't really know what they're for. I assume they... convert... enhancements, but ALL enhancements? Could I convert a purple sleep IO to a purple Heal IO? A random nonsense IO to a Miracle +Regen? That doesn't make sense to me, so I need clarifications before I waste something.
7. As of yesterday, I'm leveling a Water/Psy Blaster. I've teamed all the way to my current level, which is 26.5. However, I know that those abundant teaming opportunities won't always be there, and then it will be time to solo. What are the ranges for the zone-specific mission arcs (the ones that don't have you hopping across all zones, i.e., Croatoa, Striga, First Ward, etc)? I know that every contact in Striga and Croatoa offer a mission with a temporary power somewhere in each arc. As a squishy blaster, I love temporary powers. Are there any other zone-specific contacts that follow this model?
8. Incarnates!
As I'm planning on eventually going to the limit with my current character, some understanding is required. One of my playing stints was when Incarnates were introduced, so I know all about BAF, Lambda, and Keyes, plus the Destiny, Lore, Judgement, Alpha, and Interface slots.
I'm clueless about everything added beyond that point, as well as when Incarnate stuff truly begins these days. Can I still not do Mender Ramiel's Alpha-unlocking arc until level 50 (or was that never the case)?
OK, I think that's all of my questions. Thanks for your time and indulgence!
Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.