A Project Character, and Clearing Zones




Inspired by some comments made in another of my threads ( http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=291732 ), I decided to create a "Project Character" for myself. Okay, the character already existed, but was a recently-rolled character who had not yet moved beyond Atlas Park's starting quests and had not run any DFB/DiB/AE: Asa Castrelli, natural-origin, dual blades/willpower brute.

The idea here is that she's a "gritty street-crime fighter". Possibly with some sort of personal vendetta against the "Family" (haven't worked out her backstory yet - perhaps she's the daughter of a Family member who "swam with the fishes"). She's going to build her strength and gain experience by working her way through Kings Row, Skyway City, Independence Port, and Brickstown (the "gritty" zones). She's also accepting no financial support from my higher-level characters. She'll end up following the Vigilante path.

So that brings me to my question. My goal is for Asa to fully clear each zone of its missions/contacts, as best she can, before moving on to the next higher-level zone. So, after finishing the initial Atlas Park arcs (Habashy, Sondra, Thiery, and the first segment of the Shining Stars arc) she moved on to Kings Row. The first thing she did there was run radio missions and then a Safeguard, which got her introduced to her first contact in the zone. When her XP bar got to level 9.5, I turned off her XP gains so as not to outlevel the contacts before "finishing" the zone. As she completed missions for each contact, she of course got introduced to more contacts, but I only allowed her to do missions for those new contacts who were located in either Kings Row or Atlas Park, and all of the missions she got from them took place in AP, KR, or Perez Park.

Eventually, she appeared to run out of AP/KR contacts - her existing contacts in those zones had shuffled off to the "inactive" tab without introducing her to anybody new. So she did more Kings Row radio missions and a Safeguard, but afterward, Detective Frietag offered no new introductions. As new introductions to KR/AP contacts have not been forthcoming is it safe to assume that Asa has officially "cleared" Kings Row? That is, there are no new introductions because she's completed every mission in the 5-10 level range that KR/AP contacts have to offer.

Since she seems to have "finished" Kings Row, I shuffled her on over to The Hollows (she'd already done the "meet Sgt. Wincott" mission earlier), and while there I re-enabled her XP gains just long enough to bump her to level 10 so she could train a second defensive power. As soon as she trained up to 10, all of her Kings Row contacts became "active" again, but all of them had the same "mission" - go talk to the Steel Canyon Security Chief. Since I intend for Asa to skip Steel in favor of Skyway, she's ignoring that mission for now.

Immediate plans going forward:

Do as much of The Hollows as is possible for a level 10 character, and then talk to Twinshot to run through the second part of the Shining Stars arc, re-enabling XP only as necessary. Finish the Hollows, again gaining XP and leveling only as necessary. I want her to hit Skyway City as close to level 10 as possible to avoid missing anything.

Anyway, my tendency toward excessive exposition means that my actual question can get lost in the wall of text, so I've bolded the basic question and colored it orange above

*Yeah, the Shining Stars arc is ultimately more "shiny" than "gritty"; my rationale is that Asa's goal of taking down the Family is going to cost money, but she lost access to her own family's wealth. She sees working with these people as a chance to build a financial base for herself. Put another way, I'm allowing myself this bit of metagaming, knowing that there's a potentially valuable rare recipe reward at the conclusion of the arc.



Yeah, I have done this redside multiple times, and attempted a few times Blueside. My current character doing this blueside is a 34th level brute. I stripped him of enhancers for other projects, and cannot decide if I want to continue on that path. A few of the storylines are good, the new storyline for starting heroes, and the Faultline stuff are very good. Some of them feel a little creaky and old. Redside is slightly better, although some of it's stuff is a little wtf too lol.

Good luck in your endeavor. Starting a thread in the community life, or Archetype section on the project can be useful and fun.

As far as clearing "all" contacts, that is definitely harder to tell Blueside. Yes, you are correct, as long as no one introduces you to anyone else, including after running another bank mission and checking with the cop again AND there are no unlockable contacts. Also, Wiki has a list of story arcs by level I believe.



Definitely check Paragonwiki to see all the contacts for each zone. Sounds like you've cleared Kings Row, but the wiki is the best way to know for sure.

In Skyway, the first set of contacts is for level 10-14 and the 2nd is 15-19, so you can't outlevel any contacts there until you hit level 15.



Originally Posted by Red_Raccoon View Post
In Skyway, the first set of contacts is for level 10-14 and the 2nd is 15-19, so you can't outlevel any contacts there until you hit level 15.
That's what I was hoping. So if it works right, I'll finish up Hollows (though I'm getting the impression there's no "finishing" Meg Masons stuff - looks like she'll just keep giving you stuff to do until you outlevel her or move on*), go talk to Twinshot and do the middle section of her arc, and then head to Skyway North, doing everything I can there and making sure to turn off XP before hitting level 15.

*Though this can be a good thing. I'm also trying to get all the Exploration badges and plaques "naturally"; that is, getting the badges and reading the plaques as I come across them while actually running from mission to mission (Asa's only travel powers right now are Ninja Run and the Jetpack from her first Safeguard), as opposed to flying around the zones specifically hunting for those things. So if Meg can keep me running all over the zone until I find everything, I'll be happy.



There are only a few contacts in the game that you cannot exhaust. One is in The hollows. Check the wiki, the contact does mention when they have endless missions.