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Quote:You already can. I bought 5 months' worth on my second account of the Invention Access.
Dan Sodano: Will non-subscribers ever be able to pay for multiple months of systems like invention or auction house at once, instead of having to wait until it expires every month and repay for it?
City of Heroes: I'll be sure to ask about that. It's a good suggestion. -
Did you change alignments right before it happened? I dunno if that could be a cause, but maybe.
As to your second question, we aren't allowed to specifically discuss other games on the CoH Boards.
But for the first question: VIP is worth it. To me, at least. Now, I may go Premium some time in the near future, but all I'll really be losing is Incarnate access because I'm at Tier 9 on the rewards tree. Oh, and salvage & recipe slots I think. Another good thing about going VIP is that every month you receive a free server transfer token. Justice not your thing? You can move a toon from Justice over to Virtue or Freedom which are more highly-populated servers.
I enjoy the Incarnate endgame - well, the first few trials anyway - but a lot of people don't care for it. -
I don't know if the Mac launcher is any different from the Windows one. It may be. But it's an option in the NC Launcher for me on Windows.
In the launcher you go to File->Settings->Advanced, and check the box to allow multiple instances of a game to be launched. I hope that helps, but I'm unfamiliar with the Mac client :/ -
Do what I do. Set up one character's chat windows just the way you want them. Globals, everything. Go to options, scroll to the bottom of the first page, and save your window settings and your chat settings. Granted, the window settings means ALL of your windows. Map, chat, so on and so forth. I do it because I have a second chat window. You may not need to.
New character, load chat settings & window settings if you saved them too. -
I found it pretty funny, overall. Especially the cutscene. I was kind of expecting something... not so funny. It's supposed to be super-serious and everything and all the NPCs look BORED and they're just standing there, looking around...
It's in the i22 Beta for 400 points, currently.
Amazon.com: Going Rogue Complete Collection: $7.50 + Shipping Consider the previous post beaten with a stick, making me a liar.
Hope this means people will be giving more money to Paragon Studios with this change. I don't look at it as 'game-breaking', since with incarnate powers and such these really aren't any better.
Don't forget about the weekly Ustreams where there's often a guest Dev in to talk directly to the players.
I call'm toons, chars, whatsits, and whodats. I don't do it to annoy people, but if you come down on me for calling your toon a toon I'll just /ignore you, one star, and be on my merry way. /shrug.
Quote:Aggelakis says they'll answer to email and AAQ from the support site. I'm not positive either, but hopefully they would do so.To be honest, I have no idea. But in this thread, the guy says they wouldn't even respond to a question about making a purchase.
Quote:Contact Support. Seriously. It sounds pretty weird.I've been trying to log onto my account and play the game for the last 8 hours. The installing process and downloading has run me around in circles most of this time. Now I can't log onto my account due to password issues. I typed in my pass word to be told i wasn't the right one. No problem, I sent a reset and got a new one. It happened again. Then again and again. I even cut and pasted the passwords so I know they were right. Now it won't let me in my account until "wait a few minutes and try again". Well a half hour latter was not enough minutes for it and I want to know how much longer I must wait? I even tried deleting the whole game off my computer and re-installing it to no avail. Also when I made my first character it would not let me past due to part 2 not being done downloading yet. I thought this strange since it was still at 0%. Which means it was not even downloading. From what I can tell. I even tried making a new account after I deleted everything and started over. Any advice?
No clue what I was thinking with this post. Deleted.
There was something about a new FPS, and new secret projects. I missed part of it whilst wiki-ing high heeled shoes thanks to VoodooGirl. I think.
I don't random queue for it anymore, it's just not worth it to me if there aren't AVs in it. Instead, I typically form a team of 6 and let people know via broadcast that now'd be a good time to queue.
Fireball is frickin' sweet from Hide, that's pretty much where my knowledge on the matter drops off.
Quote:That's a bit of an overreaction on your part, man. Your post was a little confusing and it's not unheard of for someone to ask for clarification on it. But then, maybe you're being sarcastic and it's late and I can't see it. That's entirely possible.OR: I got CoH:CE AFTER i21, no issue, time and items on my account.
Sorry grammar king...
You know what they say right?
Let those who are free of all sins (or in this case, mistakes) cast the 1st stone. (or in this case to try and correct people)
If you can't find ANY spelling or grammar mistakes in your own posts, let me know, i'll be sure to run all my posts by you oh great and almighty one.
If there is even one mistake, that means that you can't point out my mistakes. Thank you, and have a nice day. -
For my melee characters bosses are on. For all my characters after I get IOs, bosses are on. For squishies, when I solo, I don't normally do bosses until late in their heroic careers with the exception of trollers & doms.