108 -
Yeah, once you have six pets running around just grab the taunt from the presence pool. Thanks to everyone here, I use that power like mad, and it changes things immensely. Yeah, I take damage. And? I only take a tiny bit. By the time the mobs are down, I've regenerated that health back.
Seriously, get up to 24, grab presence, go to town. -
Got it working
What's up with Ice Mistral's pants? I did some color editing and got this: http://i44.tinypic.com/2cx6s74.png
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You try not changing your pants for three years, and see if they don't come out a little stained. -
You guys are the reason I love this community. =)
There has been a serious explosion of Kheldians. It's been noted many times on this board, and I've seen it to be true.
First off, Gratz on 50.
Don't make a human-form WS or PB just to make a human only Kheldian. That's the glory of this AT, and the reason I love it so much. Make the Kheldian that focuses on what you want it to. It's the jack of all, and once you realize your place on the team, you will be seriously surprised at how fun they are.
Blah blah, yeah, macros. Many people are turned off of forms because of them. Just stick with it, and you will be happy.
I have a Dwarf-Shade coming close to 50, and I've loved her every step of the way. I found in my 30s that I only used Nova about 2% of the time, and respecced out of it. I have never been happier with a utility class in any game.
Anyways, what I was going to say, was never be dissuaded by the naysayers. Make a Kheldian. Play them until you have the forms. Rock out some teams, figure out where you want to be, and go there. Your Kheldian will respond in a direct manner: Your happiness. -
And here they are:
Hro gets a makeover
I wish stone tankers could do this.
The colorwolf -
And it saves to a file as a custom character. Some creatures have more options than others.
For instance a quarry has few, but modifying the primary and secondary colors on them changes most of the body. Screenshots are on the way. -
I'm just going to come out and say it.
The assumptions that I'm a poor player and should change my playstyle are absurd.
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Seriously, don't ask that they change blizzard. It'll end up being something far far worse.
The blizzard is a, for "roleplay" reasons, a concentration power. That's how you manage to get a blizzard going indoors. It's not like you started that thing a thousand feet up and now you're just letting it all hit one spot. You are literally forming each part of it through concentration.
Granted, you're Super enough that you don't have to sit there with a 15 second log concentration emote and you can activate other powers.
If they change it so being defeated doesn't stop it, then it will probably become one giant ball of ice that hits once, does horrible damage, and if you do roll a proper scourge it will just heal your opponent.
Seriously, Blizzard is fine.
And if you want to do the arena thing against a blaster, go ahead. My ice/ice/ice will stop your kin any day. So please, for the love of god, threaten me to an arena duel. I'll just Throw down six holds and blizzard you to death. -
Thank you so much Devs for letting us edit the colors on the standard models now. It has made my dreams of having an all pink'n'green Rikti Contingent come to life.
A billion thank you's, even if you can't edit a lot of the secondary colors. -
It's said that he's managed to hold a crowd on his shoulders. I would assume that he had the ability to change his size.
*note* This might not have changed his weight incredibly, so he might not have been so heavy as to take down neighborhoods when he walks a-la shockwave.
I don't really want this entirely for the size, but for the fact that he's the one hero I've always wanted to fight beside. -
My peacebringer would go rogue, but I feel it's more (story-wise) easier to be a warshade that went evil.
Yeah, no fitness. In fact, my Dwarfshade only has one pool power. Hasten. I might grab stealth to drop a LoTG 7.5 in there, but I doubt it.
I haven't played VEATs yet, but seriously? If they are any better than Khelds, then it should be really easy to go from first to fiftieth. I've never had a problem soloing my WS, and in groups I own. I guess I'll go roll up a VEAT and see how good it is.
You really wanna socket Black Dwarf mire like an attack. Read my guide for more thoughts on the matter.
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Yeah, seriously. It's the main reason you can consider a dwarfshade the scrapper of the group. Slot Dwarf Mire up for accuracy and damage, and you'll be super happy with it. -
Voids and Quants become trivial depending on your build, and they do so very quickly.
Cysts however, can go straight to hell forever. They're not just a problem for you, but a problem for your entire team. There's nothing like having brawl pinned because of the slows. -
If you decide to go dual PB, it works great. My girlfriend and I are both tri-formers, and we swap back and forth a lot. I'll be dwarf/human, and she'll be in nova/human, and then we'll switch it up. The orange numbers coming off of our enemies are sexy.
Okay, so I have a question about defense.
If I have a S/L defense of 20%, and I also have a Melee Defense of 45% which defense number gets rolled if some random shmo tries to hit me with a sledgehammer? -
Can I have a claws blaster too?!!?
That would be hilarious. -
I'm a inv tank. I don't see what the problem is. The only power I have even slotted is Resist Elements, and it blows your stone tanker (Hickory) bs away. That power alone caps Defense, Resists, and taunts your scrapper to leave the team.
Or make a dark/ tank
Love my dark/ss tank, only thing that hurts is when haste and rage crash at the same time. Poor endurance bar lol
/Dark by any means does not suck
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But if I do that, then I really can't call myself an arrogant Inv tank, can I? -
I wouldn't mind just having the option to close my email box. I rarely use IG Email, and have never received an email from a person without fore-warning.
So let me close the box, and BAM! No more RMT emails. Maybe then I can use my global ignore like I've always wanted to. -
I'll be honest. I have a SD/Mace tanker that I absolutely adore. His defense numbers are crap, he can't take much of a hit, but that doesn't really matter.
His motto is very simple, and 100% true. The best mitigation is defeating your foes before they can hit you. -
I love my Inv/Axe tanker for a few reasons:
Unless it's swinging Kung-Fu made out of Psi damage, I can have max aggro mobs swinging on me and go afk.
Orange numbers are sexy.
Out-damaging the scrappers.
Taunting a mob and killing it with the Psi damage IO.
Thousands of hitpoints. -
^^ I know. I've had to tank the Clockwork King during synapse TF's because the tank was an invuln and died close to instantly vs the psi damage AV. Watching arrogant invuln tanks fighting psi enemies is always amusing to me. They usually claim nothing can hurt them, and then they end up taking a dirt nap or ten.
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Hi! I'm an arrogant Invuln tank.
No, I'm not posting to flame your comment. I'm posting to thank you for pointing out the obvious to all the other Invuln tanks. There's a reason I take out enemies with Psi powers first. Not second, not fifth, but first. It's because they scare me.
And yes, I have tanked the clockwork king effectively. How? It's easy. You get the /Dark Scrapper to take the aggro, turn off your toggles, stop taunting, and attack really really slowly. -
The point of farming is that you're fighting enemies you can control trivially easy and kill quickly. I've never done the f/k farming thing, but I'm pretty sure if you're trying to cap your defense you're doing it wrong.
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wrong. My fire kin is capped defense and beats any "traditional" Fire/kin at farming specially when you get to more difficult maps. (like 8 man and freaks)
Also she will solo ANY AV in the game. My advice is keep working at the build and dont go cheap. I think mine cost me about 400-500 mil, but all worth it. I wont post ine though because it is a secret build. But any doubters can hit me up on justice and i will take any challenges on 8 man anything or soloing AV's.
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Oh get up off your secret builds. We've done it before. Seriously. Though you have been able to perform, there's always room to perform better, and you might be missing out on some things.
I could see, in a game where we all had to wait around and camp spawns for a specific item, why you would want to keep your build secret. But really, don't go the route of insulting us without at least explaining why your build is so powerful. There's a billion ways to play these toons.
That's like saying your secret is hitting the mobs with fire damage. -
If you could get rid of one power, Warshade or Peacebringer, what power would that be?
What would you replace it with?
I would get rid of nebulous form, and replace it with a WS side Dull Pain.
I'm just curious is all.