My Human Warshade hits 50!
There has been a serious explosion of Kheldians. It's been noted many times on this board, and I've seen it to be true.
First off, Gratz on 50.
Don't make a human-form WS or PB just to make a human only Kheldian. That's the glory of this AT, and the reason I love it so much. Make the Kheldian that focuses on what you want it to. It's the jack of all, and once you realize your place on the team, you will be seriously surprised at how fun they are.
Blah blah, yeah, macros. Many people are turned off of forms because of them. Just stick with it, and you will be happy.
I have a Dwarf-Shade coming close to 50, and I've loved her every step of the way. I found in my 30s that I only used Nova about 2% of the time, and respecced out of it. I have never been happier with a utility class in any game.
Anyways, what I was going to say, was never be dissuaded by the naysayers. Make a Kheldian. Play them until you have the forms. Rock out some teams, figure out where you want to be, and go there. Your Kheldian will respond in a direct manner: Your happiness.
Anyways, what I was going to say, was never be dissuaded by the naysayers. Make a Kheldian. Play them until you have the forms. Rock out some teams, figure out where you want to be, and go there. Your Kheldian will respond in a direct manner: Your happiness.
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Thanks for the "Gratz" and "Pre-Gratz" to you as well. I've always had an affinity for the 'Shades, and I do have a tri-form that I've got up to about 36 or so (alt-ititus, you know) but they are INDEED masters of all. I feel really, really useful on teams when I can blast, or tank and on my tri-forms (I've had a few, but he's the highest) I hardly EVER use the human form. Back when I started my human-form, had to be 2.5 years ago, it seemed like the general consenus was that they, well sucked. That was kind of my reason for making mine, just to try it out, and I liked him so much he became my 4th 50.
The reason I have so many characters is that I LOVE the different combinations of powers, and Khelds give me 4 combo's each (tri, human/dwarf, human/nova, human). The greatest difference between them is Tri- and Human-form so that's what I tried.
But yeah, khelds are AWESOME, and I can't wait to level up my Tri-form as well.
Darn Job, if I didn't have to work tomorrow, I'd jump on him right now and try to get on a tf or 2. Fortunately I have a long weekend coming up, so this is the perfect opportunity to try to get him into his 40's or further...
I originally created this character in response to all of the threads
but it didn't take

that I saw about how difficult it was to play an all-human Warshade
(or peacebringer). Don't do it, start off with the forms - respec out
of them, folks that had tried it but given up and either deleted the
character or recpecced into the forms.
My thoughts were that a hero plays the hand he or she is dealt.
Superman doesn't cry because he doesn't read minds, the Flash doesn't
cry because he can't fly, so on and so forth. I started this
character so long ago, I have 21 tailor sessions
me this long to hit 50 because it was difficult, more so because I'm
an alt-aholic. I have 3 other 50's, a elec/elec blaster, a assault
rifle/dev blaster, and a em/wp tanker. I have 2 accounts, 4 years and 3 years, Freedom,
Infinity, and Virtue are full, and I think I have at least 3-5 characters on each of the other servers.
Leveling up my all human WS was a blast. I've always heard that
peacebringers were sort of "scrappery" and warshades were
"controllery", but I played mine as sort of a combination
tanker/blaster. Solo, I was all blaster, using TP foe to whittle the
crowds down, and deal with Q's and Voids. On teams I'd be right up
there with the tank because that's where the buffs and bodies were. I
concentrated on my defense first, then my attacks, and when IO's came
out, I immediately respecced and started loading up on the ones that
improved my resistances and/or defenses, shields and the like. Didn't really
plan it out using Mids or anything, just looked at what powers I was using,
what IO's did what, and slotted accordingly.
I felt really strong, powerful even, with this character, up through
my 40's. No problems at all, no more so than any other character I've
played. I played him in spurts, 2-3 weeks at a time, until my
alt-ititus kicked in and I'd play other characters for a while, then
come back to him. I teamed with a lot of folks during the times that
I would play him, a lot of them over and over again, no one ever
seemed to have a problem teaming with him, or finding me and inviting
me to team with them, so I guess I was carrying my own weight.
In my 40's I respecced him, to re-slot, upgrade IO's etc. And for a
while he didn't seem as powerful, or something was off for a bit.
Took me a while to get my equilibrium back with him. My fondest
memory of him was a time I was on a PuG, in PI lvl 40-ish, started off
with 8 and it slowly dwindled down to about 5 of us, no scrapper or
tanker, just me and a mix of trollers/defenders. I ended up "tanking"
for the team (read: taking the alpha) and that lasted about 4-5
missions. MAN that felt good! It was tough getting the last 2 levels
with everyone (seemingly) playing MA arcs, but I made the last push on
2 Task Forces - An ITF and a Statesman TF. I actually leveled up as
we were taking out the vines. First time doing that TF and I levled
my all human Warshade to 50!
I'm trying a all human peacebringer now, got him to 33 or so. He's
just as fun, and is most definitely more "scrappery". I hardly blast,
mostly up there with the tankers and scrappers dukkin it out. Having
a ball with him too, looking forward to him hitting 50 as well. Hard
to find teams now, with the MA and all, and most teams aren't
necessarily LOOKING for warshades or peacebringers anyway. We're sort
of like the red-headed step-children of CoH, if there's room, we can
get a spot...MOST of the time.
Just wanted to put my .02 in, opinion from the other side...someone
who enjoys playing all human Khelds. Just in case anyone wanted to
try, but was scared off by the majority's opinions.
It's been a while since I've read the Kheld section, glad to see a lot more folks are trying out human-form Khelds. A year or 2 ago there wern't that many threads about it, and today I saw at least 3-4.