491 -
Was Burst of Speed's animation shown in the Coffee Talk? I'll look it up if so when I get home from work. If it was shown and you have the rough time, I'd appreciate it!
I suppose the only remaining question is: Now that we have a Punching Blast Set, when will we be seeing Sword Blast announced?
I need to know, for reasons.
In all seriousness, this is fantastic. Continuing to impress, guys. Thanks for your hard work, creativity, and continuing investment into the game. It's got a lot more life than games half its age.
Burst of Speed sounds like a Nightcrawler-esque bamf attack. Pretty awesome, and I can't wait to see it in action! -
Zone Revamp: Steel Canyon. Make its buildings even more brilliant, add in optional phasing tech to clear out the trash mobs so that there's an actual "cleared" section of the city thanks to your hard work. Leave in the fire events.
Story Arc: King's Row. Make it a level 20-30 something task force that deals with street level crimes and street level thugs. Put in faux detective work by talking to various NPCs about shake downs, etc. Stress the slum and in the end, highlight a point that though you've carved out a piece of hope in that section of the city the battle is seemingly never-ending. Focus on getting the player to feel for those who are still in this section of the city, and channel their inner Sisyphos with the perpetual state of things. Street level vigilante type stuff.
Task Force: Steel Canyon. Bring home the Freakshow as dangerous anarchists, not the l33t silly guys we've come to expect. If Steel Canyon lives up to its analogue as Metropolis then it would make a wonderfully juicy target for people who are so destructively insane. Use it to tell the story of both the Freakshow and the Canyon's role in Paragon. -
I'll come and help. Do you have a specific time in mind, including time zone? I'll be providing team/league teleports every 2 minutes if needed, otherwise I'll swap to another destiny to give some cover.
Snagged a code on the first try (third code in Batch 5), probably 1 minute from the time it was posted. If you're able to monitor Twitter and making it a priority it doesn't seem difficult to get at all.
Changing into the costume aura and posting screenshots to twitter once I get home. Thanks again Devs for taking the extra time to run this. -
Looks like the account's working again. Good luck to everyone here, and a big thanks to the development team for extending the giveaway hours to a crazy 14 hour time period. As hard as we're working to get a code, they're going to be working even harder to give those codes out.
Quote:I'd go with, "The devs work hard to provide what the playerbase wants, even if it is sometimes not on the schedule."Fair enough.
Then I'll say "What is true as of this time is not always true later".
And sure, no new AT. It was clearly not a standard AT. And work may be done or may be shelved for the moment.
We've got a pretty amazing team working for us. -
Base building has always intimidated me. I crafted my first functional but not-very-pretty base back when they were first released. The clunky building designs and lack of perfect item pieces were a barrier I couldn't cross. Then I joined various other SGs over the years and was consistently impressed with the creativity, beauty and form of what a proper base builder can do.
Now I'm back in my own solo SG with a lot of prestige and a general idea, but not much know how. I've browsed through the great threads for sufficient inspiration, and taken some tours with some great people. But the bottom line is, where to start?
I'd like to form a base that's fit for my namesake character, the Paladin. A shining castle in the sky or in a mystic land like Asgard in the Thor film. So far all I've done is switch the base's walls to castle walls and hit a, pardon the pun, wall. There's not many straight forward pieces for castles and palaces without being specifically arcane.
Has anyone taken on a similar project? Or more generally, how do you get started when the idea seems overwhelming?
I appreciate the help. Bases are the last part of the game I have left to invest in, and there seems a lot to making it happen. -
Most of those holes can be filled with incarnate abilities.
Judgement: Void provides -50% damage for 30 seconds.
Lore: Longbow provides -Regen. Cimmerorans provide Single Target damage. Storms provide invincible Hurricanes.
Destinies: Barrier provides +Defense, +Res. Rebirth provides +Regen. Clarion provides Mez. Ageless provides Endurance/Debuff Res.
I don't have experience outside of my Regeneration scrapper on Incarnate trials. However, he has vengeance (someone will always be KOed on the league so it's always active), several emergency powers, self healing, and self revives. Since there is usually irresistible attacks his heals come into play, and he can mitigate surprise things like Lethal Force Authorized or other announced, resistible powers by using his Moment of Glory power.
Outside of one challenge in Incarnate Trials (The Really Hard Way) the AT/debuffs won't make enough difference to roll something specifically for a trial that can't be replaced with proper Incarnate ability use. -
Placing mobs where you want them to be is an important part of successful, quick Incarnate Trials. Because of that an auto-hit taunt is very valuable.
It's also useful for hover taunting difficult mobs like the War Walkers and the Avatar of the Hamidon in the Underground trial; by hover taunting, you'll keep the league from being hit by Lethal Force.
It's a pro tool for Incarnate Trial leaders. -
Just reading about this now. I'm glad you're okay, Chaz. If I were there I would probably have thought it was a prank and part of the theater trying to add to the show.
Terrible and tragic. -
Quote:You can watch this morning's Coffee Talk in all its glory here:
http://www.twitch.tv/paragonstudios/b/325355186 -
I consider myself fairly easygoing, but there's one pet peeve that graves on my nerves when I see it:
Using characters as strawmen to insult political or religious views. I can appreciate roleplaying a character that has specific beliefs - That's part of the character and not used with some message in mind. But when a character is created to satirize someone else's beliefs it crosses the line into activism, and that's just uncomfortable to be around. If you want to make a difference in something that you see as wrong in the world, go rally your local political office and channel that energy into real change - Please don't subject those of us in the game to political warfare. -
With the new mobs in Dark Astoria we've seen the developers ramp up the difficulty and powers in mobs without raising their levels. The debuffs provided by the Banished Pantheon and Talons of Vengeance make them a threat in numbers to most builds, even being +3 to them.
It wouldn't surprise me if we see more of the powerful strategies used by players moved towards use in mobs and coupled with a few level shifts here and there. With a name like the Battalion, I can see the forces being numerous. If they play them like the Talons then there won't be much need to increase the level shifts for most players. -
Quote:I'm glad you had a great experience. No, there's a lot of normal RP that goes on in the D and everywhere else in Virtue. But the cybering has caused a stigma to be attached to Pocket D. That stigma means hosted RP events occur in well lit corners of the D, away from any funny smelling spots.So is this all the roleplaying that goes on in Pocket D? I've met some cool roleplayers before that made the experience really enjoyable. I had a new alt and was doing the Death From Below Trial and this guy played a war soldier that was leading people into the sewers to defeat Hydra. It was pretty cool and he had some macro'd scripts and such for the various sections.
He was running them back to back and even roleplayed the reasoning for going back. It was pretty cool and entertaining.
Seriously though, roleplaying is everywhere on Virtue. Most people just RP their heroes doing heroic things or complaining about Statesman. Or grabbing a drink and taking part in general "tavern" style RP in the D. -
I entered this thread prepared to defend the roleplayers on Virtue. Then I saw..
And that's all I had to read. If you're new to Virtue, Pocket D in the evenings is where a few people go to solicit some strange roleplaying in the side corners. You're going to get the occasional person seeking attention by doing what you described -at which point you can either call on them to take it to private tells or just move on.
It doesn't happen so much that it's common, but what you've run into is why plenty of Virtue-ites joke about the D. Most roleplaying isn't like that, but some people have, *ahem* needs that they enjoy fulfilling in a superhero setting, I guess. It's why you'll see a lot of roleplaying events scheduled outside of the D. -
Yeah, those are a drag for sure. The way I've seen the Dev run events go is to have them run trivia contests or guessing games, then they PMed the code to the person that won. It was a lot of fun.
Quote:I can see how interpretation is really key here, and it's certainly not absolute that they will give things away outside of Twitter; I could be wrong in my defense of the new Thursday freebies, as he didn't say that they will for sure make it available through other means. But in the past when they were giving away Facebook related costume codes they would give them away during scheduled events, as well as player events that asked the development team for special prizes.It could be I simply misinterpreted the follow-on comments. The phrasing of "we have many items to give away" (and other numerous red name quotes) had me under the possibly erroneous interpretation that this particular handout will be for a limited time, and then they will move on to the other items. As they stated twitter is the focus right now ("although we might be on servers giving things away"), I am under the impression that those of us without access to twitter or the game during the day will be left out.
I could be wrong. (shrug)
It's that sort of interaction that have made me a CoHDev fan; they've earned the benefit of the doubt from me as my default reaction. -
Quote:This was in the OP by Hit Streak. You don't need Twitter except if you want to get it using the Twitter method. There will be alternatives. If you're upset that there isn't an alternative right now, I'm sorry. But I hope that knowing that they've listed possible alternatives for the future is a help.You are aware twitter access and cox forum access are not the same thing, correct?
Quote:Q: Will this be the only way to receive these items?
A: In short - no. We are constantly looking for ways to reward our community memebers. This includes in-game, Community Forums, Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. -
Just a little.
Quote:Q: Will this be the only way to receive these items?
A: In short - no. We are constantly looking for ways to reward our community memebers. This includes in-game, Community Forums, Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. -
Quote:It's hard to think of it that way. Even if I were feeling as disappointed and annoyed as everyone on these forums, I'd want the game to succeed. Soliciting a "criticize the game" campaign is a bad idea for anyone who enjoys this game. Use the forums, use twitter, use facebook, but keep it directly with those you're addressing. Damaging the game's reputation, even over a dumb marketing decision isn't constructive.Don't think of it as an ant-marketing campaign. Think of it as giving the community team exactly what they want: an active community on Twitter. And if they still have that monitor on the office vending machine that broadcasts all the tweeted feedback, even better.
As me dear ol' mother used to say, praise in public and criticize in private. Everyone's doing a good job representing their positions here, and the interaction with Hit Streak and Zwillinger is good. We may or may not like what they have to say, but it's not like these posts aren't being heard already.
They've said there will be other ways to get one-use codes. I'm looking forward to see what the community can come up with. Previously they gave codes like this away for taking part of beta tests and events - If they continue to do so, it can go a long way to bump up community attendance. -
That seems like it would do more harm than good - I'd rather not have a viral anti-marketting campaign for City of Heroes. That just sounds destructive.
Quote:Just read through the thread and saw your posts. If you're the "one" who leaves over this, the costume contest and benefits for twitter isn't worth it.Yeah, I have zero problem with you using Facebook, Twitter and whatever outlets you deem worthwhile.
ZERO problem at all. I use them as well.
Exclusive costume items are just completely counter to all that I have enjoyed about this game.
You say you're going to continue this?
I say fare well.
If it's not exclusive to Twitter and available as prizes for contests in-game but still exclusively one-shot codes, would that ease things? I can see a benefit in having a rare object in game to inspire people to action and talk. The success that the game has seen after Freedom has me trusting the people involved in sales.
Also, the Twitter account announced that codes will resume after the NCSoft maintenance. If you're inclined for Twitter codes, you might want to camp out.