Any Asgard styled bases? Newbie looking to make a shining castle.
Draw what you want first on a map in the style of Asgard. Also get pictures from the comics of Asgardian rooms for inspiration.
Then use large rooms in the base as simply shells.
I would recommend then stacking the stones as walls from floor to the ceilings you create giving an illusion of being inside a castle (halls, rooms, etc.). Make the walls outside blue by coloring or using banners layered on top of each other. Using window slits it would give the apperance of seeing outside if done properly.
If you need me to do a room as an example, let me know and Ill get on your server. I am sure plenty others here would help.
I am sure the interior could be done easily.............Ive ideas about that rainbow bridge as well. Im on Virue btw.
Base video (roman theme)
I think Asgard would be fun to do!
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I saw a castle base some time ago that was done very well...
They used one room to establish the "exterior" of their castle. In this case they used the light golden desks for walls. You could go into the castle, and wander the rooms and balconies.
There was one special hallway that then led you to the true interior (the rest of the base).
The interior was done in a variety of matierials to look like marbles, glass, curtains and hardwoods. It was bright and luxuriant.
I can't for the life of me remember whose base it was, but I took some screenies... I'll see if I can dig them up.
Don�t say things. What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson |
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV

Hmmm... That style is very intriguing... Not an old style castle, but a glimmering otherworldly palace, of sorts.
That is a challenge... but a very cool one. I'm not sure what I would try and use for the walls and such, but I bet it is do-able.
And I want to see the results!
If I think of anything, I will definitely let you know!
When was the last time you visited the Rogue Universe? I don't think anything I did in there will be of help, but you never know.
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
Ah... looks like I only took a few from the interior. Still, might give you some ideas:
Sorry for the gargantuan pics
Don�t say things. What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson |
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV

Oh, also... I recommend playing around with the lighting options. The high, medium and low lighting options can be messed around with (both color and intensity) to create some great differences with what you can accomplish and can also make some items look rather different than they do under normal lighting.
I just feel like, for what I think you're imagining, that might play a large role!
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
Base building has always intimidated me. I crafted my first functional but not-very-pretty base back when they were first released. The clunky building designs and lack of perfect item pieces were a barrier I couldn't cross. Then I joined various other SGs over the years and was consistently impressed with the creativity, beauty and form of what a proper base builder can do.
Now I'm back in my own solo SG with a lot of prestige and a general idea, but not much know how. I've browsed through the great threads for sufficient inspiration, and taken some tours with some great people. But the bottom line is, where to start?
I'd like to form a base that's fit for my namesake character, the Paladin. A shining castle in the sky or in a mystic land like Asgard in the Thor film. So far all I've done is switch the base's walls to castle walls and hit a, pardon the pun, wall. There's not many straight forward pieces for castles and palaces without being specifically arcane.
Has anyone taken on a similar project? Or more generally, how do you get started when the idea seems overwhelming?
I appreciate the help. Bases are the last part of the game I have left to invest in, and there seems a lot to making it happen.
The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue